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Posts posted by Steel

  1. "Where am I now?" Steel asked himself as he was wandering through the forest. Earlier, he had accepted a quest where he had to find something in the forest by killing a certain Little Nepent. However, he couldn't find even a normal nepent, let alone the special one. Of course, I can't find a single one of them when I actually need to. He thought to himself remembering how he ran into a ton of them last week when he was looking for wolves to fight. It was then he spotted the a little nepent a bit away. Yes, I've found one. Even if it's not the special one, that's something! He thought with excitement as he decided to sneak up on it. As he walked a little closer towards it, he could see that it wasn't just one, but 3 of them and they were all attacking a girl he didn't know. At this, a memory from the real world flashed into his mind. The memory consisted of when his little sister was attacked by some stray dogs and how he had the urge to protect her during that time. Even though this girl was most likely not his sister since the said sister wasn't old enough to play the game, he felt that same protective urge and ran towards the scene.

  2. Hey y'all, I'm planning on starting a guild once I got enough people. The name of the guild will be Fairy Tail!! No, I'm just messing with you all. The actual name for the guild will be Blank. The reason behind this name is because there's no real requirement or characteristic needed for the guild and is basically open to anyone who wants to join. Although Steel may be wary about you yellow players. Steel wants to make a guild where everybody will look out for each other. If you're interested, PM me or reply to this.

  3. "So you're the infamous Icy Heart Setsuko the blacksmith." Steel said to himself. Looks like I wasn't completely wrong when I called her an Ice Princess He thought to himself afterwards. "Well, see you around Setsuko. If you ever need any help obtaining something for your blacksmithing or anything, just shoot me a message and I'll be there!" He said with a grin before heading off on his own.

    The End

    Note: Both players gained 245 col from this thread.

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