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Posts posted by Steel

  1. "Well, you're just a ray of sunshine aren't you?" Steel said sarcastically. "Geez, you don't have to be so abrasive, it's like you hate the whole world or something." Crap, I'm speaking in this way again, not good for a first impression although I feel that it there wouldn't be much of a difference even if I wasn't talking like that. He thought to himself afterwards.

  2. "Where am I now?" Steel said to himself as he had not unfortunately memorized the layout of the fields of the first floor. As he walked around, he saw a girl nearby him. Curious as to what she was doing by herself, Steel walked over to her. "So what are you doing here all by yourself?" He asked the girl. Hopefully she doesn't take anything the wrong way. He thought to himself as that was usual.

  3. "Right behind you." Steel said as he drew his sword as well. Unfortunately, the wolf noticed him before he could really attack and it charged at him. Steel then used his acrobatics skill to get around it, creating a similar situation as the last wolf they fought where the two of them were on either side of the wolf. "Dejavu huh?"

  4. "Nice!" Steel exclaimed with excitement as he was glad his words were able to cheer a person up. He then saw that his friend was in trouble and used the skill Rage Spike, a skill that let him cover 10 meters in a short period of time to hit the wolf just before it was able to land a hit on Neloe. The hit caused the wolf to shatter into data bits. "Wow, that was a close one." Steel said to the girl with a grin.

  5. "Don't worry about it." Steel said as he raised his sword at the wolf again. he slashed at it again but missed, narrowly dodging the wolf's attempt to bite him. He then jumped over to Neloe and picked her sword up and handed it to her with a reassuring smile. "There's a saying, life will knock us down, but it's our decision whether or not to get back up."

  6. "Got it, got it," Steel said with a bit of a sigh as he was being pushed towards the wolf. After Neloe stopped pushing him, he began to run at the wolf, sword raised. He was about to slash at it before the wolf all of a sudden initiated it's first attack. Steel then used his Acrobatics skill to jump over the wolf and land behind it. The wolf then turned around to face Steel. "Hey Neloe, I've done the most damage to him so he's focused on me. Land a hit on him while he's distracted!"

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