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Posts posted by Kosan

  1. Kosan was..going through a lot.. Valentine's Day came and he was really happy but embarrassed.. "Should I consider this a date..? .. I mean.. I don't know how she feels about me.. But.." Kosan said to himself as he walked towards the place he told Red they will meet.. As soon as he got there , Red arrived as well.. "Hello !" Kosan said as he blushed a little.. "Thanks that you came here.." Kosan said as he smiled at her and got out a small box .. "I know its not much... But.." Kosan said as he gave it to her.. "Its something.. I made.." He added as he smiled and took his hood down.. "Well.. Should we begin ?" He asked her as he smiled at her still being a little red in the cheeks..

    In the small box , Red found a gold necklace..

    Quality : Perfect

    - Item Name: Gold Necklace

    - Item Type: Accesory

    - Description: a gold necklace , it improves looks and skills as well.

    - Enhancements: +1 CD

  2. "R..Really ?" Kosan felt happy.. For a long time he has been down about what happened with his old guild leader and everything , but now he felt..great.. "W..Well.. Thank you a lot.." Kosan said as he blushed.. Is this going to be like... a date ?.. Kosan asked himself as he blushed really bad.. "W..well .. We will meet there .. It will happen on this floor in few days.. I..I will send you the coordonates.." Kosan said as he called the waitress for the note.. "Well.. It was really fun .. To..you know..spend my days with you.." Kosan said as he paid for what they eat .. "..But right now I have to hurry somewhere.. Its going to be a boss fight soon.. And I'm attending to it.. It happens before the Valentine's Day , so there shouldn't be a problem.." Kosan said as he smiled and got up.. "Well.. Thanks for everything Red.. " Kosan said as he walked besides Red towards the door.. "..Be there .." Kosan said as he blushed one more time before opening the door letting her step out first then he after her.. After that they departed each one where they had to go..

    - lost 1.000 col (600 col for room , 400 col for food)

  3. "Well.." Kosan said as he blushed a little bit more and drank the last sip from the cup.. "I ..I know this is all of a sudden.." He stopped to breathe and continued "B..But would y..you like to ... to come with me at the Valentine's day festival..?" He stopped and mumbled "I..I mean..W..would you like to.. Be my Valentine?" He asked her as he blushed really hard and took a bite from his toast.. "I know its much.. B..but .." He stopped , leaving her to give him an answer this..

  4. Kosan was on floor 4 .. He was so bored of other floors and in some sort of way he hated that this floor got busier with everyday that passed.. Kosan was feeling a little down because he didn't knew what to do.. Lately he had lost some friends including his guild leader and so on... Kosan was in his normal outfit , meaning his black , ripped cape over his dark armor... He had his hood up and was walking around , trying to find a peaceful spot.. As he walked slowly he could hear the sound of a sword leaving its hilt.. "Perfect.." Kosan said to himself as one bluenette walked slowly with the sword out towards him.. "Hey.." Kosan said as he put on his hood , to hide his white hair.. He felt stupid around people he didn't knew if he had his hood down.. "I don't want any trouble... So put that sword away will you ?.." Kosan asked the bluenette as he continued .. "My name is Kosan.. What's yours ?" He asked her as he mumbled "if you want to tell your name to a player killer.." As he turned his gaze towards the ground for a second then back to her , not sure if she heard him about the player killer thing... Everyone could see his gem so it wasn't such a big secret....

  5. As fast as the NPC went the same way she came back with what they ordered.. Kosan took a sip of his hot tea before he started eating some of the toasts he ordered.. As he was eating an idea hit him.. A way for Red to "repay" him.. "Hey so... Uh.. I said I'll think about a...umm..way for you to repay me... An idea crossed my mind.." Kosan said as he took another sip of his hot tea and another bit from his toast.. "Want to hear it ?.." Kosan asked her as he smiled and blushed as well ..

  6. "I hate to be recognized.." Kosan said as he put on his hood.."Ok , let's go.." Kosan said as he opened the door letting Red go out first.. After that , he leaved the room locking it.. He paid for one night only.. Kosan walked down the stairs behind Red.. As soon as they got on the floor , the smell of food kicked it.."Smells so good.." Kosan said as he walked to the table where they both sit.. As soon as they sat down , a NPC came and asked "What would you like to order?".. Kosan said simply "A cup of tea and 2 toasts" .. He then motioned towards Red like as he told her to order something as well.. After she ordered and the NPC leaved to bring their orders Kosan whispered "Don't worry about it , I will pay.." As he smiled at her.

  7. Kosan saw her waking up slowly.. She seemed rested , happy but still a little bit embarrassed.. As she got up she said good morning to him.. As he answered "Good Mornin-.." He got hit by a blanket in the face... "Hey .. Not playing nice.." Kosan said as he laughed a little.. Soon after he would see Red step out from behind the curtains where she changed.. "Hey...Don't worry about that.. I'll think of something" Kosan said as he got up and stretched his arms .. "Let me get changed and if you are hungry we can go take breakfast from the small restaurant this inn has.." Kosan said as he walked behind the curtain where he changed fast into his casual outfit.. He was really tired , but he didn't wanted to show it..After he changed he walked from behind the curtains and waited for Red to give an answer.

  8. 8338 (Using blacksmithers boots)

    Item Name: Kyte Shield

    Item Type: Shield

    Description: a two-colored , wood-looking shield that its said to offer good protection to someone. It has a dark green cross , the rest being a grey

    enhancements: +2 Thorns , +1 DMG Mitigation

    Quality : Perfect

  9. Item: Thorny Nightmare

    Item type : Rapier

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancement: +1 acc + 2 Dmg

    Shop: Molten Blades (I can't do the link thingy , from phone)

    Description : A rapier, that is a little heavier than the basic one, with a black colored blade.[rapier hilt parts] A quillon that has a silver rose on the side and langets that appear to be vines in the same black color as the blade and with silver tips. The handle is made of a dark colored leather, the knuckle bow and the pommel the same color. The pommel ends like a katana, not with a bulb. A blade made to inspire fear in it's users opponents.

    8343 (using Blacksmither boots)

  10. Kosan walked with the group for some time as they arrived at their location.. Or what he though it was their location.. "What now..?" Kosan asked as this was all the information brokers said to him.. "There should be a secret way or something ?.. Or the creatures will appear here ?" Kosan asked while facing the group .. He withdrew his sword waiting for something to happen... He didn't knew what they were supposed to do now..

    As they sat there , if you watched closely you could see a small enterance that leads within the mountain and probably to the creatures.. Kosan didn't observed it but maybe the others mightve saw it..

  11. Kosan entered the field to see a baby angel like creature , it reassembled Cupid , the love god .. Kosan hated that god for various reasons.."Cupid.. Damn it..Why Cupid.. Well.. I should've expected it..." Kosan said as he withdraw his sword and charged at the creature.. He hit it but the sword bounced off , not inflicting any damage.. "God !" Kosan yelled as he got pack to the group he was in.. "I will hit him next time.." Kosan said to himself as he was the first to miss ans deal no damage in this boss fight.. He felt a little down but that was not going to stop him..

    8260 - BD 5+2-2 = 5

    Group 1:

    Zelrius 81/81

    Miaki 71/71

    Nikki 44/44 Has Boss Agro.

    Kosan 37/37

    Shanok 34/34

    Cupid 156/175 (2 BD/t 2 Turns)

    ((OOC - Can Cupid be frozen or that counts as paralysis ?))

    [Mod Edit: He cannot be frozen either. He is immune to abilities that hinder his movement.]

  12. "Heh .." Kosan said as he smiled at the girl which was a low level one for sure.. He knew that for 400 col he couldn't craft her much.. Only an uncommom or so.. But he decided to play nice and craft her a perfect next time he could.. "First , I would like to know your name.. Mine is Kosan.. Secondly , what creatures are you talking about ?" Kosan asked her on a low tone .. This could be great info , not really for his shop , but for his needs of XP and such.."If you could lead me to them I will craft you an item of your choice for the 400 col.. Deal ?" Kosan said smiling to the young girl in front of him..

    (Sorry it took so long to reply.. )

  13. Kosan sat in the dark room.. He was sleepy , really sleepy... "Red , it was a hell of a day today eh ?" Kosan said on a low tone so he wouldn't disturb her sleep.. "I..I loved spending my time with you.. It was fun... " Kosan continued as he turned his gaze towards Red to see her sleep peacefully .. It was around 5 AM in the night and Kosan was struggeling to stay awake.. He went to the window where he opened it for a little , the coldness from outside kicking in.. "Its so beautiful.. The stars , the city at this hour.. Everything.." Kosan said as he turned his gaze for a second to Red and mumbled something that made him blush , even if she was asleep.. He then closed the window and went back to his chair where he will wait for Red to wake up.

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