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Posts posted by Kosan

  1. "Glad to see you're alive as well Zelrius.." Kosan said as he saw his sword.. "Well , that must've been hell of a fight.. I am kinda disappointed I wasn't there as well.. I would've loved to have it myself .." Kosan said as he laughed.. "Want to go to hunt something for the good old times or just spend some time around here.. Maybe even tell me about that fight.. I would like to know the details of it.. How does that sound eh ?" Kosan asked him as he withdrew his own sword.. "As you can see , still using this one.. Its a great sword .. But one day I might have one like yours.." He added as he turned his gaze about the sword Zelrius held.. It was a unique sword..

    (Sowwy for sword post)

  2. Kosan heard some info about some monsters that were a higher level and probably powerful.. He was walking on the road really slow as he heard some voices from behind.. Turning he saw a group of people.. Around 4 or so.. He noticed Zelrius , Nikki and others.. Kosan stopped and waited for them to catch.. "Hey !" Kosan spoke to the group.. "Where are you all heading.. ?" As he got his hood down and went to salute the one he knew.. "Hey Zelrius , Nikki.. So.. Where are you guys heading ?.. I heard about some creatures really powerful at north of here.. Around 3/4 kilometers (2 miles) or so.. Are you heading for them ?.. If so , count me in.." Kosan said as he smiled and rubbed the back of his neck at the same time..

  3. Kosan sat on his chair watching her falling asleep .. As soon as she felt asleep he got up from his chair and started walking in the room.. If he did that while she was awake she probably wouldn't be able to sleep.. As he walked in the room he saw that Red had her head covered with the blankets.. He smiled and said in his head.. "God , she is such a dummy.. " Kosan said as he made his way towards the bed and lowered the covers a little so she could breathe.. "She looks so.. Peaceful when she sleeps.." Kosan said as he started walking back towards his chair.. Red was still asleep or that's what he thought.. As he sat on the chair he turned his gaze towards the window saying to himself "eh.. I think I've felt for her.. But I am scared to admit.." As his face turned red a little from the the embarrassment of thinking about that..

  4. Kosan saw her saying from almost behind the curtains to not even think about looking behind them while Red was changing.. "No no , I won't look" Kosan said as he smiled.. As soon as she got out she seemed so embarrassed about him watching her sleep.. "Yes Red .. I .. I will watch you sleep.. I don't mind doing so.. " Kosan said as he went behind the curtains himself.. "Just as you said , don't even think about coming here" he said as he smiled before pulling the curtains to cover him.. He changed fast into his sleeping outfit even if he wasn't going to sleep , meaning a red top T-shirt with a pair of black pants.. He then opened the curtains , and walked towards the chair where he will spend his night.. "Ok.. Go ahead.. I am going to be here .." Kosan said as Red laid down on the bed.. "Good night Red.." He said to her as he turned his gaze towards the window that their room had..

  5. "The Sleep Inn eh?" Kosan said as he saw her pointing towards that place.. "Okay , let's go.." He added as they walked slowly .. As Kosan opened the door he let Red enter first then he entered the Inn as well. It had a basic structure.. You could've seen a bar that served as a reception , some tables which meant they had some sort of restaurant.. "Hello " Kosan said to the NPC behind the bar .."We would like to rent a room.. The nicest one if possible.." The NPC gave them the keys to room 3.. They walked on some stairs that got them on a floor full of rooms.. Kosan opened the door with the key and a nice room appeared.. It had a nice big bed in the middle , some chairs , a table and some curtains that you could go behind to change if you didn't liked to do so in front of someone.. Kosan let Red step in first and he walked after locking the door behind him then put the keys on the table as he sat on one of the chairs there .."Uh.. If you want to change you can go behind those curtains.. I going to wait here , then go change as well.." Kosan said as he smiled to her and got up a little then laid on the bed as he waited for Red to come from behind the curtains..

  6. "O..Oh.." Kosan said as he smiled to her and answered being a little bit red at face.. "S..Sure.. If thats what you want I don't mind it .. I..I can watch you when you sleep.. " Kosan said as he smiled to her and added "L..Let's keep going.. Its gonna be night soon.." as they walked towards the town besides Red looking at her from time to time to check how she was..

    "So.. Which Inn do you want to head to..?" Kosan asked her as he smiled to her , she was still embarrassed by her question and you could read it on her face , but Kosan chooses not say anything about it..

  7. Kosan heard her saying she wasn't ready to be that close to someone , and she also said she couldn't handle the touching.. "O..Oh , okay , I don't mind renting two rooms.. Or I could sleep on the floor.. we will see there.." .. As they were close to the town , Red started walking slowly then halted.. He turned towards her asking "Are you feeling alright ?" As he heard her saying that she has a favor to ask him.. "Uh.. Sure , ask me .. I will help you whatever it is.." Kosan said unknowing what was about but from her look she seemed really embarrassed by it..

  8. "Okay !" Kosan said as they started walking towards the closest town.."..Do you have a favorite inn or should we go to the one that I use here , on this floor called the Sleepy Pillows.. Its a great inn but i don't know if it has rooms with 2 beds or no.. They are quite big beds but yeah..." Kosan said to Red as he let a small smile out.. "Also.. Do you want your room or should we share the same one..?" Kosan asked her as he walked beside her thinking about all they did today , even if it was a small cave it was nice to spend his time with her for the period..

  9. Kosan saw her striking the Achile Heel or this creature .. Kosan took advantage of this and went running at it.. With few slices he cut his right arm and his head as well , the body of the creature falling appart .. Kosan went to check again if Red was Ok.. "Let's go.. We should head to town unless you want to spend another night here.." Kosan said as he gave her a small smile and after that he let his right arm for a handshake saying "I know you don't like to be touched.. I would've hugged you , but probably that would get me problems.. What so ever , good job Red !" Kosan said as he smiled at her and added "One day you will become better than me " as he smiled at her and passed a hand through his hair.. "..So , what now..?" Kosan asked her in a low tone..

    [8058 BD 10]

  10. Kosan was bored of lower floors.. He was on floor 9 , in the Phoenix City , for the first time in his experience.. He was walking in his casual clothing meaning his dark cape with the hood up , and the dark armor under it that was covered almost entirely by the cape he wore.. As he walked he saw not so many players.. "Heh.. I guess most of them are on lower floors.. Not everyone walks up here.." As he saw a familiar face looking at the statue of the great fire bird.. It was Zelrius , his old friend and a leader of the guild he was in "Nice statue isn't it Zelrius ?.." Kosan asked him as he took his hood down.. No one else was really around , so he didn't cared about it.. "Long time no see.. How are you ?" Kosan asked him as he watched at the statue as well..

  11. 7295 (Perfect)

    Item Name: Silver Fang Katana

    Item Type: Katana

    Description: a grey shining blade raises from a black hilt..

    enhancements: +2 damage , +1 paralysis.

    7297 (Perfect)

    Item Name: Kyte Shield

    Item Type: Shield

    Description: a two-colored , wood-looking shield that its said to offer good protection to someone. It has a dark green cross , the rest being a grey

    enhancements: +2 Thorns , +1 DMG Mitigation

  12. Kosan saw Keith entering the inn.. Out of respect he got up and went to say at least hi. As he walked towards him he took his hood off , another head with white hair appearing.. "Yo Keith..Glad you could make it !.. How are you ?.." He said to him as he stayed there and talked for a little.. As soon as he head back to his table the door opened.. It was Nikki..

    Nikki went to salute Keith , then she went to Kosan to say Hi and having a small chitchat.. "Hey Nikki.." Kosan said as he smiled to her and added "I am happy I got here as well.. How are you ?.. We never really had such a proper meeting" Kosan said as he rubbed the back of his neck and turned his head around to see if someone else showed up.."Seems we are just a few right now.. But I am sure the rest will show up as well eventually" Kosan said to her as he realised his hood was down.. Out of instinct he rushed to put it up , even if it was clearly for everybody that was there that Kosan had white hair.. "So.. Nice day.. Did you saw the boss stats ?" Kosan asked her on a peaceful , low tone as he took a sip out of his drink..

  13. It was a nice day.. The sun was out , it was hot outside and everything.. Kosan received a message about the meeting for the February Boss Battle.. He checked his inventory one more time before starting to walk towards that inn.. As he arrived there , his heart started pounding harder and faster... Kosan walked towards the door where he reminded about this hood.. He decided to keep his hood up for the moment being.. As the door for the Inn opened , a dark figure was behind it.. It was Kosan , in his normal outfit , meaning his Dark Cape that covered everything , his dark mask that covered his mouth , and his armor which you could find under the armor.. As he walked there he could see 4 players.. "Greetings.." He said as he went there and asked one of them.."This is for the boss fight from February , right ?.." As he got his answer , he sat down at the table as he watched to see what info they had about the boss.. " 2 Eva and only 6 damage.. Its not so hard.." Kosan said with a small grin on his face as he got up and got 5 drinks .. He passed one to everyone that arrived yet and then sat on the table again to check who else will come..

    ___________Gear and Potions___________

    Dark mask and cape (Vanity) both equipped.

    Frostbite(+2 DMG , +1 Freezing)

    Glove of the woods (+2 ACC , +1 DMG Mitigation)

    Berserker Armor (+2 evasion, +1 DMG Mitigation)

    -Healing Crystal x4 *Perfect ones , +15 HP* and 1 antidote potion

  14. Kosan saw Red falling on the snow after she tried to imitate his move.. "Red.. Are you okay ?!" Kosan asked as he readied his sword to attack.. Even if he didn't heard her answer , he started to charge at the boss fight . He jumped and with a spin he cut off Avalanche's left Arm , the arm that he never used into an attack before.. Then he jumped back off to a safe distance and said to himself "this should set me the focus.." As he turned his head towards Red to check if she was all right...

    [7944 , BD 10 , 10 DMG]

    [___] 15/15

    [Kosan] 33/33

    [Avalanche] 12/50

  15. Kosan sat alone on floor 1 .. He heard some things about a statue at the church on this floor which , after being defe , has the power of turning someone status to green. He wasn't a pk-er for long but he didn't enjoyed it.. He wasn't able to join towns and such.. He was gonna defeat it or die trying to do so.. He went there and sat on his knees before the statue.. He started praying , hoping something will happend..

    As he sat there the status started to move slowly , opening its wi gs before Kosan's watch.. He sat there and unshealted his sword as the statue got the weapon out as well.. It was gonna be a fight to remember..

  16. Kosan dodged the giants hit with a jump . he landed on his hand and kept running until he got on his head. With a move he stabbed Avalanche in the head then he got the sword of the beast head starting to strike him inflicting even more damage. He then jumped from there and went to Red as he smiled to her and said "Nice hit , keep going !" As he got ready to dodge the next attack then hunt avalanche down once and for all..

    Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    Kosan -33/33

    ___ - 15/15

    Avalanche 22/50

  17. [7824 - 8 BD]

    Kosan saw Red charging with her rapier , hitting Avalanche , the big bad chunk of Ice.. Kosan followed her in an attack in which he hit Avalanche , inflicting some damage to it. Kosan fought Avalanche a while back with his old guild leader Mari.. Then he jumped beck to a safe spot where he said .. " Next time we meet let's meet in a peaceful place.. " as he giggled.. He wasn't such a fan of low temperatures..But they went for Avalanche together.. He enjoyed to spend his time here.

    [___] 15/15

    [Kosan] 33/33

    [Avalanche] 37/50

  18. Kosan eyes were wide open when Red came and asked if he heard that sound.. It was the roar of Avalanche.. It was unlikely for the boss to get in the forest , but so it was for people to sleep there.. "I heard it loud and clear.." Kosan said as he got up and went outside to see a giant made of Ice.."Avalanche.." Kosan said to himself as he yelled "Red ! Come out ! Its the boss !" As he got his sword out ready for combat.. He was still sleepy , so he thought this will affect his fighting.. "Let's get this over.. " Kosan said to Red which came outside .."Then we can stay a little longer in here.. Or go to a small Inn or something to eat something then rest..." Kosan said as he awaited for a response from her..

  19. "Red..?" Kosan said as he watched her.. "Red are you feeling all right ?.." Kosan asked as he got near her and took her hood off to see she was sleeping.. "Red... I knew you were tired.." Kosan said as he sat besides her and covered them both in the coat of his.. "I am gonna let her sleep.. I can manage staying awake.. It..its not a big deal.." Kosan said as he yawned and kept an eye outside the cave to see how the storm was going.."Well , seems we won't be staying a lot more in this cave.." Kosan said as he closed his eyes slowly.. "No.. I ..I must stay awake.. " Kosan said as he watched her having a good nap.. He tried his best not to fall asleep.. If she found him sleeping besides her it will probably freak her out... He decided to get up , cover her under his coat as he went back where he sat earlier , on the cold floor , where he tried to stay awake but end up falling asleep..

  20. Kosan heard Red saying he should sleep.. He tossed her his coat.."keep it.. You need it more than I do.. " Kosan said as he laid down on the cold floor where he will sleep a little.. As soon as he laid down he started thinking.. "Hope she doesn't think I am an idiot... " as he closed his eyes and mumbled "good night" even if she wasn't going to sleep right now.. He started dreaming about him being awake in the cave.. He could see someone in his nightmare that attacked Red.. He couldn't sleep for long as Red was stoke down by the mysterious player.. Kosan nightmare got worse and worse as the player went to him and started stabbing Kosan.. It wasn't long as he woke up looking around for Red which sat on the carpet.. "Just a nightmare.." Kosan said to himself as he watched Red.."Crap , she must think I am a Weirdo right now.." Kosan said to himself as he laid down and mumbled.. "Your turn.. Sleep.."

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