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Posts posted by Kiru

  1. ...I....I see....Cici sat back down and thought of a way to get out of this horrible game without dying but couldn't think of anything and looked up at the men. C-can I make a...um...party with you two?... I don't know my way around here at all and thought...well...I could make a friend or two...even if I die...I'd have a friend that would carry my happiness in their heart...at least that's...what my sister...used to say....

  2. [OOC: This post was not made by the Kiru on the site now. Accounts were merged and thus any posts before October 2014 were not created by the current holder of the username "Kiru".]

    A small, white-haired girl, stepped out of an equipment shop on the second floor and smiled hapily. She now had light armor and a new sword, which was traded from her previous sword. She walked around for a while and kept seeing the same shop than relized...she was lost!

    She sat on a bench and sighed. I knew it wasn't wise to go out alone~ Cici said to herself. Why did I even want to do this death game in the first place?

  3. Cici knelt there by the hand-made gravestones and finished making the last one for the boss. I'm sorry I didn't help much but your death won't be in vain friend....I-I promise....Cici cried. Making her last captor, and last friend, a long-lasting promise. She got up, wiping he eyes with her sleeve and walked toward the second floor...alone....

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