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Posts posted by Primrose

  1. This time Echo didn't hold back, he let his blade pass through me this time, it hurt less than before though. He pulled it out too quick for it to transfer much damage to me. I smiled at him and let my rapier lead me to my opponent, Echo. I soared through the air and came crashing down to the grass. I rolled and popped up from my somersault. I dug my sword into him leg and retreated back.

    Snow [9/15 HP]

    Echo [5/15 HP]

  2. I appreciated the act that Daisuke had just preformed, telling everyone off. The players watching us looked scared of him but didn't move away from us. Yes, I missed you! Where the heck have you been?! I said, annoyed that I couldn't find him before. I lost track of him after Kayaba separated us and changed our appearances back to normal. I leaned my back onto his shoulder and shot a glance at the audience that was forming around us, they were rude.

  3. I raised my red face from his chest and looked at him with a smile. Yes, I won. I said. The next thing I thought was: Why is everyone staring? I finally caught on when I realized I was laying on top of Daisuke. My face turned bright red and I jumped off him and landed back a few feet away. I smoothed down my skirt and sat on the ground still red-faced.

  4. I turned around, not knowing Daisuke my best friend was behind me. I turned around to see Daisuke pointing at me, people were now starting to stare as he yelled at me. When I finally realized it was Daisuke, the one I was looking for, in front of me my arms dropped to my sides. I ran fast to him and hugged him, knocking us both over. I didn't care that anyone was staring, I found him. Daisuke...I-I found you! I said and began to cry on him harder.

  5. When a slender figure passed me while I was walking but came back I didn't even look up. I stopped crying out of embarrassment and shook my head, facing the opposite direction from him so he couldn't see my smudgy face. I wiped my tears and regained a steady voice with no stutters. I'm looking for someone. I said and walked off away from him, not even turning to look at him.

  6. I smiled a little when he missed the attack and hugged me instead, what the heck was he doing? I picked up my rapier and stood up on the grass. When I looked up a few players were watching our battle from a distance, it was weird. I let my blade turn purple then I sprinted at Echo. I stumbled at the very last moment and missed the attack by a hair. Your lucky. I said and chuckled a little.

    Snow [9/15 HP]

    Echo [6/15 HP]

  7. I sighed when I thought of my best friend once again, I wasn't even sure if we was in this death game. It made me uncertain and have almost no confidence to know he might have died already. No, he couldn't have died..H-he couldn't have. I said out loud while a burst of tears rolled down my cheeks. My high school friend and I had logged onto SAO at the same time but never found each other after...Kayaba. It pained me to think of the horrible things that could have happened to him by now.

  8. I looked up in horror as Echo flew over me, on purpose? I looked at him, confused, and bit my lip. I was torn between letting the duel end here or keep going. I finally decided it would be better to get it over with as quickly as possible, to reduce pain. I turned back towards Echo laying on the ground, whispering to himself. I walked over to him and held my rapier over his chest. I hesitated on doing it but I pulled my sword up and stabbed it in his with full force. I let it linger in there for a second then I sat there with him and pulled my blade out of him. I'm sorry. I said in my head.

    Snow [9/15 HP]

    Echo [6/15 HP]

  9. When Echo warned me about the next attack I got a little suspicious of him. I didn't know whether it was a trick or not so I stood my ground anyways. When Echo moved away from me at the last moment before hitting me I knew he wasn't mindless, like most players. Right when he stood up I looked at the ground and plunged my sword forward, digging into Echo's chest. I looked up at him, in his eyes, then at his white hair for a moment. I remembered this was a duel then pulled my sword out.

    Snow [9/15 HP]

    Echo [9/15 HP]

  10. GAHH! I yelped as his sword ruthlessly went through my back.I know I said it didn't hurt but this was a different kind of pain. I thought as I saw the blade come out from my back. I brought myself to my feet but didn't have the strength to hit him quick enough. This would be the first battle I lost if I lose. I thought. Echo seemed okay with depleting my health, so was I of his. This was a battle, not to the death but, it was still as scary as dying.

    Snow [9/15 HP]

    Echo [11/15 HP]

  11. After my missed attack Echo took the opportunity and impaled his sword through my gut. When the sword went through my waist went along with the sword, bringing me with the still moving sword. Before leaving Echo whispered something in my ear: I held back. I opened my mouth in shock of the hit and words. I dropped my sword and pushed his sword out of me. I held my stomach with my hand and picked up with sword from the ground. I stumbled forward a little bit and slashed his leg before falling over my feet.

    Snow [10/15 HP]

    Echo [11/15 HP]

  12. I was walking down the path, on my way to the next town when I heard a cry for help in the distance. I say a swarm of bugs surround a young, red haired girl. Her familiar also seemed to be frightened by them as well. Seeing that no one else was around I ran towards her, hand on my sword. When I got closer to the girl I pulled my straight sword out of it's sheath on my hip out all the way. I swung at the pesky bug, but they were too fast. If you were watching from a distance all you would see is a purple glow flashing everywhere, from my blade.

    Snow 15/15

    Bug 2/2

    Bug 2/2

    Bug 2/2

    Bug 2/2

  13. I had been deep in thought when I heard a branch crunch behind me. I opened my eyes wide and took a deep breath. I grabbed my sword, came out from the tree, and pointed my blade on his throat. I gasped when I saw it was another player. He jumped back and put my sword away, embarrassed. Hey sorry about that. I said as I scratched the back of my neck under my long ponytail.

  14. After Echo jumped to safety he called me that strange name again. What does that even mean?! I said while gearing up for my next attack. I made sure my legs were square to my shoulders before taking off at him. I sprinted fast at him with my sword pointed upwards. When I got close enough I moved my hands quickly on the sword and thrusted it forward. I hit Echo's left arm this time.

    Snow [12/15 HP]


    Echo [12/15 HP]

  15. When we go into the fields I could see the forest nearing closer by each step. I wasn't sure what plan we would be using but I decided to stick to my own, it was best for me. When we reached the opening of the trees I began to run faster into the forest, looking for Little Nepents. To my right I could hear the monsters coming this way. Just as they were closing in on my I did a backwards motion and flipped around, I sprinted out of the woods, luring the monsters out. There were five of them surrounding the group. I lunged at one, directly hitting it in the center. I killed it and leaped out of the center of the circle, away from the group.

    Snow 15/15

    Little Nepent 0/3 DEAD

    Little Nepent 3/3

    Little Nepent 3/3

    Little Nepent 3/3

    Little Nepent 3/3

  16. I noticed a flash of human appear before me, it was Kiluia thank goodness. I gripped my sword even tighter than before with a new found reassurance that I wasn't going to die tonight. The man with the curved sword edged his way in front of the little girl and was about to strike at her. My mind flashed images of the little girl with her wide eyes while being killed, but I stopped. I ran in front of the blade, letting the damage inflict upon me instead. He stabbed my chest then gave me a smile and grabbed my shirt collar, pulling me off the ground. G-go! I breathed out to the girl.

    Kiluia 21/21

    Primrose 12/17

    Enemies ???

  17. I bit locked my fingers into my lap even tighter when Artorias mentioned the London killing, the death of my family. Sir, I'm ready to go. I sent them a party request. Knowing they would accept I stood up and sat on the edge of the table, ignoring Rolland's hand. I knew it was a bit rude to reject his hand but I had serious things on my mind right now, also I was preparing for a hard day of training. Sorry Rolland. I muttered to Rolland, this was a little stressing to be constantly fighting but I know that I can only get stronger from here. I was hoping he could relate to me and understand that I didn't mean to offend him right now. Training was part of becoming a leader in this world, to me at least.

    [i could narrate the monsters but..I don't know. You two can figure it out! -backs away slowly-]

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