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Posts posted by Primrose

  1. When he made his final strike I couldn't help but to feel a small pain in my stomach and back. He jammed his sword into me and made my health drop below zero. I stood up straight and pulled my rapier to the side. I brushed my hair out of my face and readjusted my belt, which had moved during the fight. Yeah, it looks that way doesn't it? I said and looked into the far away. Embarrassed about the lost, I put both of my hands on the back of my neck. So where are we going to eat, I'm paying of course. I said and laughed a little.

  2. Echo moved quick, for being injured right now. He did the move I did only with a different color light. Echo came down with his sword and impaled it through my stomach. When he pulled out I grabbed my rapier and struck again, knowing this might be my last chance to turn the battle around. I missed once again and sighed. I jumped backwards and hoped to defend my self from his next attack.

    Snow 1/15

    Echo 11/15

  3. Don't hit the fruit on top! I yelled to Demitry, warning him. If you hit the fruit on top of it you'll release the gas. When that comes out were doomed so don't hit it- I yelled but was cut off by my sudden loss of gravity and air. I was too involved in warning Demitry I wasn't paying attention to the monster. The Little Nepent curled it's vines around my neck, making me lose my breath. I couldn't even call for Demitry to help me. I swatted my sword at the vines but I was unsuccessful at doing so. I was losing HP just by the constant hits of it.


    Demitry- HP 15/15

    Primrose- HP 18/20


    Little Nepent- HP 3/4

  4. It was true that I was trying my best to fight him but I didn't inflict any damage on him these past few tries. I didn't think he would attack me so soon, but he did. His sword slid across my chest without hesitation. I didn't give him much time to get back though. I tried my move that I failed a earlier right now. I tossed my rapier high in the air, while it spun it turned purple. Instead of catching it on the ground I jumped into the air and caught it. With my rapier in hand I spiraled towards Echo and stabbed him directly in the chest.

    Snow 2/15

    Echo 11/15

  5. I brought my rapier straight down but Echo moved from under me. I stabbed my sword into the ground, hearing it smash into the stones hurt my ears. I felt his sword drive into my shoulder, but pull out quickly. I look up to see Echo holding his sword. I stand up slowly and point my sword at Echo. I was kind of at a stand still right now.

    Snow 3/15

    Echo 12/15

  6. He moved out of the way too quickly for me to do damage to him. Echo swiftly moved behind me and stabbed my back where he did before. I lurched forward to my knees and stared at the ground in front of me. After about a minute I weakly rose and gripped my handle tighter. I ran forward, feeling no weight or surrounds. I slipped my leg under him and tripped him from behind, ready to take the opportunity to strike him.

    Snow 4/15

    Echo 12/15

  7. He managed another hit on me before I realized where he was exactly. Get a grip! I screamed at myself and raised my head towards Echo. How is he so confident all the time? I thought as I charged at Echo. He was laughing to himself about something, probably me. I drove my blade at his leg but only managed to cut his pants.

    Snow 5/15

    Echo 12/15

  8. You asked me out where? You know I'd go with you- I stopped mid sentence because now I felt like an idiot. He wasn't asking to go anywhere, he wanted to date me. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath, this was difficult to answer. He's my best friend, would be any different? Would it get weird and die? I thought and lifted my head from the table. I knew what I was going to say to him now. Daisuke, I will do anything for you. So yes, I will. I smiled and continued. I want to go wherever you go. I said with a slight tear in my eye.

  9. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked that way. When I glanced that way I saw Echo move behind me, then stab my back. With a flash of pain I fell forward but he caught me before I hit the ground. I swiped my blade backwards to hit him. My rapier touched nothing, It looked as though he moved but I couldn't tell. The only thing I knew was that I missed again.

    Snow 6/15

    Echo 12/15

  10. Crap. I said and looked up when he held onto my sword. I closed my eyes, unable to dodge this attack. Echo cut into my shoulder and pulled out. He took a step back and taunted me about how I was going to lose this battle. I was too focused to respond to him with sarcasm again. The crowd was really getting into the fight now, cheering for Echo. I didn't mind it though because I had to remain focused on him. I tossed my rapier into the air as it glowed purple. I caught it and stabbed him in the chest, or so I thought. I looked up to see that my rapier hit nothing.

    Snow 7/15

    Echo 12/15

  11. I saw Echo disappear in front of me. Oh no..I said in my head when I realized he was near me. I felt something on my stomach; I looked down and saw Echo digging his sword into me. Boo! He said then jumped backwards. I touched my stomach then looked with wide eyes at my health bar. What the..? I said with confusion then narrowed my eyes at Echo. He had brought extra things into the fight. I should have set rules about the sword in the beginning also. It was too late to change any of that now. I'm hungry too, I how you have enough to pay. I shouted and rushed forward. I slashed my rapier against him chest and smirked a little.

    Snow 8/15

    Echo 12/15

  12. A party invite popped up in front of me. I was shocked to see this, I didn't think I would ever be invited to join a party with other players. My hand hovered over the declined button as I looked up at Seihito. I moved my finger down and pressed the accept button. A charm? That sounds interesting. My name is Yuk- I mean Snow. My name is Snow. I said and stood up a little straighter.

  13. I didn't even feel his attack come across my stomach, it was too quick for the pain to kick in. While he admired his own attack I smiled and stabbed him. That may be true, some is unsafe. But who is to tell weather the snow isn't pure or not from the outside? I said, pulled out my rapier, and jumped back. The crowd startled me by cheering and hollering. Some were yelling for Echo to hit me, some were telling us to stop because they thought it was a fight to the death. I took a deep breath and waited for Echo's next attack.

    Snow 12/15

    Echo 13/15

  14. Snow isn't dirty unless you make it dirty, it's pure. I waited until the clock hit zero, you weren't paying attention. I stated. After I finished speaking to Echo I crouched down, dug my foot into the pavement, and burst forward with my glowing blade and cut his cheek. I made damage to him but not much. Darn..I thought and prepared for his next attack.

    Snow 12/15

    Echo 14/15

  15. I know you don't, we didn't agree on it yesterday. Would you like to do make the stakes higher though? I said, clicking the accept button in front of me. It wouldn't be anything extreme, just something different. How about loser buys lunch? I said with excitement in my eyes. I pulled out my rapier and twirled it in the air. The seconds counted down slowly, people began to gather. When the clock hit zero I sprinted at Echo, trying to surprise him with the first attack. I made an attempt to hit him in the stomach but missed the attack and jumped back. I kept my eyes on Echo but couldn't help realize we forgot to get out of the town before starting.

    Snow 15/15

    Echo 15/15

  16. When Echo responded I felt relieved that I wasn't just standing there, yelling and making a fool of myself. Oh, yeah that's right! I said, suddenly remembering what I said to him yesterday. I also thought about other things last night. Did I mention yesterday that I wanted to bet? Kind of like a wager? I said, tapping my chin, looking off to the distance.

  17. I did a major facepalm and sighed. Do you not remember? Were supposed to have a rematch! I practically screamed. It was annoying how frustrated at myself I got at times but this time I couldn't help it. I turned around away from Echo and looked at the sky to ease my frustration. I didn't tell him, did I? I could have sworn I did but sometimes I'm out of it. There's a possibility that I did, why can't I remember!? I babbled to myself in my head. I turned around with a red face and a worried look. Did I even invite you to a rematch? I said.

  18. After he got up I responded to his questions, which were meaningless to me, I wanted to battle. Of course you didn't see me, I'm a ghost remember? It's been pretty good so far, I guess you didn't get that much sleep? I said, not wasting any time to explain the other things I had been doing earlier. I flicked my hair over my shoulder and closed my eyes again.

  19. K-K-Kyahhh! I yelled and brought my head up from the table. I smacked the back of my neck where I could feel something running down it. I looked at Daisuke who was calmer than me. Freak out? I didn't..oh. I had another didn't I? I said, knowing the answers. I had gotten too worked up about something, but I couldn't remember it. I gave him a serious glare now. I told you if that happened to never pour water on me! I practically screamed. Everyone else in the cafe were staring at me with wide eyes and scared faces. I looked down and fiddled with my hands in my lap as my face turned redder.

  20. He seemed relieved to know that I had any idea of what he was actually ask me. I knew my own answer to the question, yes. Still even knowing, I sat there frozen and unable to speak. I opened my mouth, then closed it. The words wouldn't come out right even if I tried. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm down and relax. D-Daisuke, y...Was all I could manage before I passed out on the table. I was having another nervous breakdown, so it was a common thing to happen.

  21. I put the ale back on the tray when the waitress came by again. I propped my head on the table and smiled at him again. You still didn't answer my initial question, Did I want to be your what? And who is this special person of- My eyes widened, I got the hint. Was he talking about me?! I wondered. My face turned bright red and I sat there speechless, I never looked this way before. My eyes were wide, face red, and I froze there, lost in my own thoughts.

  22. I turned my sword over in my hands with a blank expression on my face. I was thinking about the turnout of yesterday's battle with Echo. I wasn't too fond of the ending. I had let my guard down and my health drop. The green color in my eyes looked and odd color when I rotated my sword. I repeatedly turned my blade over to see if this would change, it didn't. I heavily sighed and leaned back on the bench.

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