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Posts posted by Life

  1. The pile of dead goblins started to get large as only three remained alive, it now had turned into a massacre. He ran over to the goblin he punted away previously and followed up with a strike from his blade, sliding it into the belly of the monster pinning it firmly to the ground. "Thanks Cedar!" The goblin yelled in pain flailing its arms around trying to break free.


    ~Life: 20/20 - Well Fed: +5 max hp. Fibre: +1 Damage mitigation
    ~Rue: 15/15
    ~Argumail: 23/23 Cedar 20/20
    ~Alkor: 17/17
    ~Goblin Horde x 3: 26/70 Hp
  2. L looked back at Alkor in amazement again this time also noticing his golden eyes "So cool~!" He coughed shortly after to try and keep himself professional. He spotted two goblins fighting where Rue and Alkor was, one where Argumail was but where was the last one... He looked behind him, predicting his own rotten luck as the goblin that he had previously disarmed pounced onto his face punching him in the head rapidly with it's green nubbly arms. "GET OFF ME" He ripped the little trike off his face and punted it across the room.


    ~Life: 19/20 - Well Fed: +5 max hp. Fibre: +1 Damage mitigation
    ~Rue: 15/15
    ~Argumail: 23/23 Cedar 20/20
    ~Alkor: 17/17
    ~Goblin Horde x 4: 34/70 Hp 
    • Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 9 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 14 on the d20 (loot) dice.
  3. "Retreating to an area clustered with trees would only hinder our fighting strength and if they're coming at us in swarms we'd only be letting ourselves become surrounded. I suggest we head for the mountains instead and make them fight in a choke point. That way they can only come at us in one direction and even set up a trap killing most of them as they attempt to make their way up the mountain by knocking one of the boulders down the hill" He looked to Kazuya to see if he would retaliate again. 

  4. ((A persons fighting style does not determine their capabilities. His thoughts were strictly strategical. Don't take any personal offence to my I.C [in character]))


    He sighed, almost cringing at his statement. "Thanks for the clarification and doing your job properly this time. Also, I never questioned their capabilities. Don't get ahead of yourself and assume you know me or the way i think. I'll be honest with you, i don't really like you. Your patronising nature puts me off despite your concern for politeness and formalities. I don't care for them nor do i care for petty squabbles for status and power. Keep that in mind the next time you threaten me. Now i'd appreciate it if you continued to progress with the leading of this mission so we can actually get somewhere, Kazuya." He completely ignored his offer for a handshake still standing firm with his arms crossed looking him in the eyes with a calm and collected expression. Anyone who patronised him got no respect in return. 

  5. L looked up into the sky unsure of how to answer her question. After a good 3 minutes of thinking he breathed out heavily "To be completely honest.. i've been carefree. I didn't want to concern myself with this death trap. I never asked to be placed in a world of death and suffering but here i am against my own will.." He looked back at Rue worried to see if she had started to think lesser of him "I guess you could say i was a coward..." He looked down to his hand and he clenched it into a fist "Everyday someone is going through their own struggle.. their own personal battles. Even if this is a game, i want to protect everyone. That's why i've been making such an effort now.. seeing all of you guys just makes me want to protect you all even more, eventually moving to the front lines. So i can end the sickness once and for all and create a better world. A world of peace and love." He lifted his fist into the sky and releasing his fingers, reaching out to the sky and grasping something invisible as a symbolic reference. His black wavy hair blew in the wind as he closed his eyes though his stern determined look seemed to be unchanged.

  6. The bodies of dead goblins started to pile up still not vaporising into pixels "What was going on..." He thought to himself. He shrugged it off and cut down at another goblin carelessly, still blocking their half hearted strikes with the flick of his arm. One of the goblins however managed to sneak up behind him stabbing into his gut deeply causing him to start to bleed out. "You little runt!"
    ~Life: 20/20 - Bleeding (1) - Well Fed: +5 max hp. Fibre: +1 Damage mitigation
    ~Rue: 15/15
    ~Argumail: 23/23 Cedar 20/20
    ~Alkor: 17/17
    ~Goblin Horde x 5: 43/70 Hp 
    • Rolled a 5 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 3 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 18 on the d20 (loot) dice.
  7. The only sound that now came from the forest was the feint groans of pain and the clash of metal on wood. The two battling entities of the forest drew in the energy and attention of all the life surrounding them. Another chunk of wood flew past and another grunt of pain was heard as they continued to battle.


    ~Life: 12/17

    ~M-T-E: 8/25


    • Rolled a 5 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 3 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 10 on the d20 (loot) dice.
  8. It seemed as though he was willing to go hit for hit with the tree, not letting up or giving it the slightest bit of space. His movements looked as though it were shrouded in mist. Another chunk of bark flew from the trees body and it lashed back in anger coming at him from the side. L glanced at its arm and put up his arms to guard the strike. 


    ~Life: 13/17

    ~M-T-E: 10/25


    • Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 3 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 6 on the d20 (loot) dice.
  9. L started to get annoyed as this was taking way too long for his liking, he hadn't even gotten to the main boss yet. "Let's make this quick stumpy" He running now carelessly toward his enemy. "Lets wrap our little fiasco off" His body started to look sluggish in his movement though he swung his sword gracefully around the trees body chopping chunks off as sweat trailed down from his forehead to his neck. The tree too slow to react to his rapid movement.


    ~Life: 14/17

    ~ M-T-G: 12/20


    • Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 10 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 4 on the d20 (loot) dice.
  10. L looked up at the creature, the green light pulsating from its body. "It's so beautiful...ugh, censored this hurts" The Ent glared at him as the vines finished moving from the ground into its body still pulsating. He struggled to get up onto his two feet, the Ent already making its advance. The trees around him rustled as the wind blew through the woods, the ground still mushy and wet. He grabbed some of the mushy dirt and threw it straight at the Ents face charging at it soon after. The Ent took a random swing for him as it tried to absorb the earthy material into it's body and gain its sight back effectively missing his shot. Lifes body was still pounding in pain as he attempted to strike at the trees abdomen weakly, ultimately failing at doing any damage. It seemed the shoe was now on the other foot.


    ~Attack Failed!

    ~Enemy Attack Fail!

    ~Enemy Healing.


    ~Life: 14/17 - Well fed: +5 Max Health. Fibre: +1 damage Mit. 

    ~M-T-E: 13/25 - Healing (1)


    • Rolled a 4 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 9 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 4 on the d20 (loot) dice.
  11. The Ent was now seething with anger, the last two insults seemed to push him too far over the edge. "You're going to regret those words! You unmuzzled, fen-sucked pigeon-egg!" He looked at the npc bewildered, that's the third enemy he's faced with human like emotions. "Would you look at that... perplexing indeed! Have at you then!" The two charged straight for each-other. L pulled his sword back charging for a strike, he let it fly as the Ent swung it's large branch-twisted arm 360-degrees meeting his blade effectively crushing him to the ground. "I never learn.. note 3: Stop pissing the monsters off, for real this time" The Ent towered over his body and began channeling energy into the earth almost as if it were embracing it as vines latched onto it's body pulsating green light.


    ~Skill Failed!

    ~Attack Failed!

    ~Enemy Attack Succes! Critical Strike! 2 damage ( 3 base + 1critical - 2 damage mit)

    ~Enemy Skill Success! Battle Healing (2)


    ~Life: 14/17 - Well fed: +5 Max Health. Fibre: +1 damage Mit. 

    ~M-T-E: 12/25 - Healing (2)

    • Rolled a 4 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 9 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 19 on the d20 (loot) dice.
  12. He smiled as the Ent seemed to be completely devastated by the attack. "Hey tree thing! You're looking a little green!" He laughed hard at his own joke, once again having way too much fun in a death game. The tree seemed unimpressed and almost looked at him rather cross charging at him for another attack. L analysed it's patterns, this attack seemed very sloppy. With barely any effort he dodged the attack strafing to the left and slashed once again at his trunk like legs. "You're going to have to do better than that. It looks like you've already lost the will to fight" His words seemed to hurt more than his blade. "I bet your own (Mother) nature doesn't love you! You reeky, in-grown bum-bailey!" 


    ~Attack Success! 

    ~Enemy Attack Failed!


    ~Life: 16/17 - Well fed: +5 Max Health. Fibre: +1 damage Mit. 

    ~M-T-E: 12/25


    • Rolled a 5 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 7 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 4 on the d20 (loot) dice.
  13. He reached the tomb and to his delight the Ent was still following "Oh goody, we can have some fun then!" He spoke out loud with a grin, the Ent grunted in response charging straight for him trying to catch up with him. L stood straight at the entrance and waited for the obsolete log to make its move. The tree reached the entrance of the tomb but to his confusion his target was no longer in sight. From out of the shadows L jumped out from the entrance of the tomb sliding under it's legs, the Ent turned in confusion to see what slid under his legs reaching out with it's arm to catch the pest. The trees movements were too slow and L stepped up onto the trees hand ripping his sword out from the trees bark jumping up onto it's shoulders. The tree tried to grab at him but L simply grabbed onto it's other hand and once the tree tried to flick him away he jump back onto it's head slicing from the top of its head down its neck and along it's back. The tree seemed to give off a loud humming noise as sap poured from the trees wounds. "That's... kinda gross.."


    ~Skill Success! Evaded attack!

    ~Attack Succes! Perfect Critical! (4 damage)


    ~Life: 16/17 - Well fed: +5 Max Health. Fibre: +1 damage Mit. 

    ~M-T-E: 14/25


    • Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 10 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 2 on the d20 (loot) dice.
  14. It would be a pleasure to Roleplay with you. We are already well acquainted i assume and im also fairly active. But as lessa said Col is given out per page. It's a lot more efficient trying to burn through pages than to farm hordes of monsters and even better when you farm massive hordes with multiple people. Another way is to fight monsters with excessive amounts of health as Col is multiplied by their health. It's ultimately up to you, I also enjoy SoloPartying sometimes to build back story.

  15. His sword got caught in the monstrosities arm and it swung back agitatedly forcing him to dash backwards. The giant Tree trampled the shrubbery around it stomping it's way towards him furiously. It seemed like it didn't like being played with. Armless L stood trying to find a way to get his weapon back, he was definitely in a difficult position. "I need to get my sword back, but it's stuck in that things arm.. oh man here he comes.. I'm so screwed" He scanned the area again and spotted the tomb off in the distance, with a plan useful for such an event, perfect in this situation. He started to sprint over towards the tomb, hoping the Ents aggro was still focusing him, he didn't want to lose his only sword.


    • Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 9 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 11 on the d20 (loot) dice.
  16. He rolled his eye's at Kazuyas attempt to cover his pride but shut his mouth about it for the sake of the mission. "So Kazuya and I will be grouped together hmm. Could you possibly be more specific with the details? I get it if you want to go over the battle plan once we're there but wouldn't it be wise to inform those who are new here such as myself about the enemy we are facing? It's not very wise to fight an enemy we know nothing about" He looked Kazuya straight in the eyes as he spoke trying to be more upfront and realistic rather than dominating. He was also not sure about the fighting style of his comrades as that is also a major factor when it comes to battle. This was nothing serious for L but more of a test to see the worth of his guild members.

  17. L smiled as Alkor joined the midst of the battle. One of the goblins had already fallen but its body didn't blow up like he thought it would. He turned around and head into a cluster of 3 kicking two of them into his party and slashing the other one down its torso. The flame thorns from Alkors shield burnt one of goblins as it frantically attempted put them out. "You have some crazy strong items Alkor. Where'd you get those?" He looked at him from head to toe in amazement, how could someone the same level as him already be so strong. One of the two goblins he kicked back jumped back for him with its blade outstretched desperately trying to find it's mark. L simply lifted his arm and knocked the blade away from the goblins hand midair with the steel plate on his Alpha Wolf cloak. He smiled in satisfaction as the goblin flew past him falling face first into the dirt ground.


    ~Skill Success! Full Block!

    ~Attack Success! 2 dmg!


    ~Life: 20/20 - Well Fed: +5 max hp. Fibre: +1 Damage mitigation
    ~Rue: 15/15
    ~Argumail: 23/23
    ~Alkor: 17/17

    ~Goblin Horde x 6: 58/70 Hp (Each strike they do does 2 dmg and can cause 1 bleed depending on loot dice roll [17-20]. For each 10hp gone a Goblin is killed. A goblin will always hit you until the hoard reaches 40hp)


    • Rolled a 5 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 12 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 15 on the d20 (loot) dice.
  18. He looked at Argumail jumping down towards the workshop bewildered, he didn't expect such a headstrong attitude especially since they seemed oddly outnumbered and especially considering the challenges they still had to face. "Heh, i like your style. Lets Clean this scum up first then. At the end of the day they're just more loot for us!" He ate a loaf of bread and drank some water before he jumped down following him the goblins all seemed to notice their intrusion and lined up for battle. L charged in with Argumail head strong viciously swinging at them catching them by surprise and off guard. One of the other Goblins snapped of it's daze and ran up behind him trying to get in a sneak attack but his reactions were much too fast and blocked it with ease.


    ~Attack Success! Perfect Critical! 4 damage!

    ~Skill Success! Block Made! 0 Damage received! (2 dmg - 2 dmg mit.)


    ~Life: 20/20 - Well Fed: +5 max hp. Fibre: +1 Damage mitigation
    ~Rue: 15/15
    ~Argumail: 23/23
    ~Alkor: 17/17


    ~Goblin Hoard x 7: 66/70 Hp (Each strike they do does 2 dmg and can cause 1 bleed depending on loot dice roll [17-20]. For each 10hp gone a Goblin is killed. A goblin will always hit you until the hoard reaches 40hp)



    • Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 8 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 9 on the d20 (loot) dice.
  19. He smirked at his words and crossed his arms. He seemed to have good enthusiasm, something he didn't want to put down too harshly, though he normally would in most other cases. "It's good to know you like to sleep on the job" He said playfully whilst grinning sheepishly. "Like i said, I am L. It's short for my username which is Life. I think we're all ready for what's to come. I don't doubt your ability as a tactician but do try to stay away from arrogance around me. I may be new to the Guild but we've all had our own battles, after all theres a reason to why we're in the positions we're in. Wouldn't you agree?" He had a fairly deep but calming voice and spoke facing Kazuya directly seemingly neglecting the other two as if they were unimportant at that moment of time. His face seemed to relax slightly and smiled warmly "On another note, as i imagine your the leader of this operation ill digress. Do you mind debriefing us the plan?"

  20. He picked up on what she was saying and nodded  "Of course, let me know if you need anything. I'll be going out of town soon on another quest but you can message me whenever you like" He brought up the friends list panel and sent her a request. "Of course that's if you feel like it, I'm not one to force things on people. Anyway, I'll see you guys later. It was nice meeting you Rose" With that he continued to move to his previous destination, waving his hand behind him as we walked away in a steady carefree manner.



    Friend Request

    Name: Life

    Description: We all need friends.

    Do you accept: Yes/No

  21. The assist from the death of the rat levelled him up. He looked over at the swordsman feeling his intensity, this was going to go a long a lot more smoothly than he imagined. He moved ahead of the rest to lead the way through the cavern until they eventually reached the workshop. They all stood at the edge of their path which seemed to have turned into a cliff of some sort. The cave looked hollow and the workshop below them seemed a good few miles down. A large underground Goblin facility where they manufactured weapons. There were two options sneak around through a secret cavern and try to find the King or go straight through the horde of at least 7 goblins. "It's up to you guys, which way are we going?"

  22. The Ent stomped over to the boulder to crush Life against the it. It thrusted it body straight towards him, L grabbed one of the vines and swung away from it. The Ents arm smashed into the boulder staggering it giving him the opportunity to hack away at it's arm. 


    Well Fed: +5 max hp

    Fibre: + 1 Damage Mitigation


    ~Attack Success! 2 damage! 

    ~Enemy Attack Failed!


    ~Life: 16/17

    ~M-T-E: 18/25


    • Rolled a 5 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 6 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 1 on the d20 (loot) dice.
  23. L ducked under its legs turning over to its right leg and hacked away at the thing with his large curved blade. It was like carving a turkey except it smelt like animal excrement and mold. The Ent looked down at him and stomped it's foot down sending a small shockwave though the ground making him stagger slightly. The Ent turned and whacked his upper-torso sending him flying into boulder covered in vines. Luckily he raised his arms in time, his coat absorbing most of the impact. "That kinda hurt.."


    Well Fed: +5 max hp

    Fibre: + 1 Damage Mitigation


    ~Attack Success! 2 damage! 

    ~Enemy Attack Success! 1 damage! (3 dmg -2 from damage mit)


    ~Life: 16/17

    ~M-T-E: 20/25


    • Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 5 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 12 on the d20 (loot) dice.
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