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Posts posted by Life

  1. Hello everyone. Im just going to cut straight to the point with this idea.


    Something that requires a certain quest to be completed in order to progress. For example, obtaining a number of different materials from different quests/rps to complete it. Another example would be a quest that requires you to sub quest to different places in order to continue with it. An example for this example would be a quest that requires you to stop halfway due to missing a key of some sort and going out on another adventure to ultimately pass and continue. These types of quests and crafting would yield much larger/better loot/rewards. 

  2. This is a great idea, public accounts are very iffy though due to trolls. Instead how about having a monster creator forum where you can post your monster ideas and in turn a single player can go off the monster sheet for the remainder of the role-play. Monster sheets wont be needed for generic monsters with no abilities but sub-bosses and bosses can be good. 

  3. Anything mechanical will end up turning role-plays into single line posts trying to get approval for every action. Any external pages are basically redundant since you can't really prove anything anyway. The dice system is probably the safest bet but how about having the dice rolls posted before you write your reply? For example.. The text box will require a single click of a button before you can start typing anything. Once you click that button the dice rolls will be generated and posted in a side bar next to your posts for the public to view which then can be used to decide your next actions.

  4. Scalability yes and obviously compatibility to go with it, good ideas. Accessibility and transparency is not needed as those who are used to the forums and how it works will be the ones who have to get used to any new changes. Im fairly new to this site and i got accustomed to it fairly easily. Stats are a good system, i would assume that would also fit in with scalability and compatibility. Im not too sure what you mean by "extended tests"they just seem like an un-needed complication. I've stated my opinion about companions on your other post. Don't worry about dice size, the current dice system works well enough and the size doesn't matter too much. Standardisation of items, item level and quality and inherent effects are all great ideas which i've been wanting myself as well as a better crafting and loot system. Sword skills are also something i've been thinking about and i support 100%


    Overall i agree with most of your ideas but some are just a bit outlandish and redundant.

  5. Am i the only one that thinks this takes away the originality from roleplaying? I get that everyone wants the bragging rights of saying "Oh i look like kira from death note" but come on, he's just another dude. Essentially you can look like him without the name, and you're not even claiming the name. Sure i guess it's alright but i really don't think it holds any purpose.. Don't you want to become epic yourself? Being known for you, and not an anime character..

  6. Essentially doubles up on a single character and negates the purpose of roleplaying with other people. Nice concept but redundant :L


    The only time i'd see this working is when a temporary NPC comes to join you for a quest which would most likely be controlled by a GM (unless solo partying) 

  7. L took a bite of his large hunk of meat smiling as he finished it off "Best. Meal. Ever! For a game that is.. heh. Well then i suppose it is rude to stay at such an event and not greet the host!" 


    He walked over to Rue with an outreached hand "Hello, my name is Life, but you can call me L for short. I like what you've done here, it's not everyday you see such a selfless display of kindness. Im not too sure about the choice of music though" He said playfully as a sheepish grin spread across his face and his black wavy hair blowing in the wind.

  8. L looked at his scroll thinking about where he could find this forest of death unfortunately Sai wouldn't give him any clues as to what type of challenges he would face as he progressed gathering the materials for his sword. He was on the third floor but no forest in sight. "hmmm i wonder where i can find this forest... Hey!" He ran over to an NPC who looked at him with a blank grim expression "Are you ok old man?" The old grey haired man turned to him shakily, it looked like the start of a quest. "B-B-Boy! I need your help! Theres a threat to our town! A snake is coming into our town at night and killing our cattle and we fear our children might be next! Will you slay this monstrosity for us?" 



      Â« Snake Slayer»

    Description: A giant snake is terrorising the village . Go into the dark tomb in the forest of death and hunt it down. Bring back it's fang as proof of your success.

    Fulfillment requirements: Snake fang dropped by Greater Black Snake

    Aid Allowed:  No

    Rewards: The towns gratitude
    Repeatable:  Yes




    He accepted the quest despite his unease about its difficulty. "Don't worry about it sir, i'll have your pesky problem sorted in no time" He smiled at the man as he waved goodbye 

  9. L stood near the player notice board nonchalantly waiting for fellow players to take interest with his mission. 





    I am looking for three comrades to embark on a quest with me. I have nothing but the thrill of adventure to offer in return.

    The designated destination for this quest shall be on floor two at the Goblin Kings Domain.

    Join at your own will, we leave once I have a party of four (including myself). This quest is not repeatable and will be fulfilled once the Goblin King has fallen



    The Enemies We Will Encounter Goes As Followed:


  10. Ah my bad, i didn't see it because it was a sub forum. I thought the fishing idea was a good one but if you can't do anything about the dice system i'll just leave it to you guys, i trust in your capabilities cx You guys are doing a great job so far.


    but yea these were just rough ideas i didn't really expect them to be implemented, just wanted to share my thoughts

  11. Yeah i was a bit confused too at first but i went through a lot of forum surfing and asked Lessa and i finally got my head around it. When you Create a topic/reply you can choose the "more reply options" And on the right there should be your dice rolls. As far as i know only 3 dice rolls matter which is the d10 d12 and d20. The d10 depends on wether your action succeeds. The d12 decides your crafting success. The d20 determines your success in obtaining loot and the success of enemy attacks (Im not too sure about d20 on enemy attacks but i assume it's only when soloing)


  12. He examined each material carefully and scratched the back of his head, he had no clue what any of these were or where to get them. "Uhh, i suppose you don't know where i could find such materials do you?" He asked embarrassed by his ignorance. She lowered and shook her head "You're hopeless aren't you. Well i suppose i could help with that too, Osmium is a rare metal after all" She took the scroll back and edited it, marking the locations of each material. "This is for weapon called a flyssa ok? It's a curved sword, not exactly like a falchion but good enough" He nodded slowly, he didn't mind either way, a weapon was a weapon.



     Sword Materials


    Blade: Osmium

    Dropped by Ornament Dragon on floor five. or mined

    Hilt: Mahogany and Gold

    Mahogany can be found in the forest of the dead in floor three.

    Gold: Found by the goblin King on floor two(goblin kings domain).

    Grip: Greater Snake Leather

    Dropped by Greater Snake found in secret cavern on floor three.

    Pummel: Fluorite crystal and Silver

     Fluorite crystal: Found in a tomb in the forest of the dead on floor three

    Silver: Found by goblins on floor two (goblin kings domain).



    L sighed in frustration "This is going to take me forever, but i know it will be worth it. It's almost like a wish list.. I guess i've got no choice now that i've started. I'll start with getting the silver and gold first, they seem like the easiest to deal with" 

  13. Sooooo i've been thinking guys (normally a bad thing but hey lets not dwell on my past) I've been searching around the forums and i've come up with a bunch of ideas i think could improve our R/P experience. Keep in mind they're just ideas and that i have no power to implement them into the game


    Fishing: Just some ideas for the fishing skill (I do plan on taking fishing once it comes out). I thought that maybe having two dice for fishing would be better than just one, one for the fish rarity and one for the fishing success. Failing to fish will cause it to fight back and depending on it's rarity will determine its strength. For example a very low rarity fish and very low fishing success will result in losing the fish and some bait. Medium rarity fish and low fishing success will result in a line break. High rarity fish and low fishing success will result in a rod break, surprise damage and an epic fight. Low rarity fish and medium fishing success will result in catching it. Medium rarity fish and medium success will result in a catch and line durability to lower. High rarity fish and medium success will result in line break and a battle (no damage or rod break this time). High success chance catches all fish except high rarity where they will have their line broken however they will suffer some damage from the hook and then they have to battle.


    Signature Moves/Limit Break: This is something i've been thinking of for awhile. Though players couldn't make their own signature skills i thought why not have signature moves? 

    What is a signature move? Well, a signature move is a one post action which players can use under certain circumstances. It can be offensive or defensive and it's up to the player what it does. Of course they would have to be approved by GMs so they're not too op. The way they work is when a certain circumstance is met the player can use the signature move which will take up their post action, an example would be a large string of attacks which stack damage each strike the idea being to deal more damage with one attack or something like a limit break buff/shield/block etc. The idea for it is to allow players to exceed the systems rules, giving everything they have in desperation to win. I do know critical strikes exist however a +2dmg bonus sometimes doesn't cut it and i don't think there's anything for a critical block. Another example is a boss that has a special ability that allows him to bypass defenses, if this strike where to kill a player, they or another party member can use a limit break block to stop the attack and negate all damage regardless of its special ability and maybe even return some of the damage.


    Items: just a quick idea with this one. I was looking at the item system and how players can get items but i was thinking well hey.. what if a character obtains a sentimental piece of armor and has had it for a long time and it's apart of his attire he doesn't want to break? Well.. if players could take that item to a blacksmith or something they could get it's rarity upgraded and its type changed. For example a player receives a gift from a player just before they die. The player advances using the item but eventually its stats start to drop off, he can go to a blacksmith and get it upgraded for better stats or if the type of armor didn't fit them such as a leather body, they can then get it upgraded to light metal armor while the blacksmiths add some extra plates here and there.


    Forum: One of my more sane ideas is to create a new forum. A player notice board where players can notify others if they need help or if they're planning a certain event at a certain time. This can also be used for raids and guilds as well as player made quests/requests. 


    Col: I was just thinking that the rp needed a better system for the money. There's no "Col Pouch" or anything of the sort in the player journal apart from the inventory. Players should also start with a certain amount of Col, this way players can get familiar with using it and are more aware of it. 


    But yea these were just some idea, thanks for reading. Feedback will help the developers of the sight i guess so let them know what you think about them 



  14. She closed her eyes and sighed "Fine but you better be grateful" She eye'd him carefully and smiled smugly "You do look like you need a decent weapon anyway, you're looking a little scrappy" "Gee, thanks" He said in a sarcastic monotone voice "Im looking for a single handed curved-sword with some decent weight and durability. Preferably a falchion or a scimitar type" He wondered if she understood what he meant. "Mhm, i know just what you want. What kind of things are you looking to kill with it?" He sighed in relief, i guess she's as professional as described but then again what would he know. He flinched at the question "Just about anything... i guess something with good slash will do" She smirked and handed him a scroll with a list of materiel's he needed to get himself. 




     Sword Materials

    Blade: Osmium

    Hilt: Mahogany and Steel

    Grip: Greater Snake Leather

    Pummel: Fluorite and Steel

  15. Sai looked at him and pouted "You know i can tell what your thinking right!? You're probably just like everyone else. No one is grateful why would i help you?" He scratched the back of his head. "Well would you look at that.. they're pretty intelligent for computer simulations" "I KNOW WHAT YOU"RE SAYING STOP THINKING OF ME LIKE THAT!" She hit him over the head with an old blunt sword she was just about to sharpen. "owch, ok ok im sorry. Can you help me with the sword or not? He looked at her flustered, sick of waiting to get a decent weapon.  

  16. The woman that preoccupied Sais attention walked away with her brand new sword. "Nice sword" He said while she walked out. "It's absolute trash, did she even try to get decent materials" Is what he thought to himself. He calmly walked over to the NPC and smiled awkwardly knowing he was merely speaking to a computer simulation. "Umm hello there Im here to order my own sword, i understand i need my own materials but i thought i would just let you know and get some advice on where i can get some of the best possible materials"

  17. Facts about L (Life)


    1. Despite his kind exterior he can be harsh when he has to tell the truth 

    2. His Father was overseas when he entered the game. Being an only child with no mother his pets are probably starving until someone checks up on him.

    3. He has a long lost half-brother he has no idea exists, coming from his mothers side who left his father while he was still young. His brother is surprisingly close to his age maybe only a year off and his mother died soon after giving birth to him.

    4. He acts as like an idealist around other people and always tries to help them but when he's alone he's often depressed, not believing his own words.

    5. Despite his muscle headed brave heart all in charging type appearance he is actually a great strategist, if he's charging at you he's doing it because he knows he'll win. 

    6. He likes Red Meat more than he likes you.

  18. L walked into Sai's blacksmith, it was a lot more packed than he imagined. There seemed to be many people wanting their own custom made sword, who could blame them? He noticed Sai was caught up with another player and sat on a chair waiting patiently for his turn. "I can't wait~" Excitement made him want to burst out of his  seat and yell all the things he wanted for his blade but doing it in his head seemed to calm him down. "How long is it going to take... i want my turn~" He pouted as his patience started to wear thin.

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