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Posts posted by Fallen

  1. Rolled 14 on Loot Die


    ID: 4801


    Jun walked deeper in the cave, it was pretty dark so Jun strained his eyes to see but in the distance he spotted something shining, he walked into the room but came up with nothing, the shining had been a bottle cap, which in itself held no value. He sighed, "No loot Aki, sorry!" Jun yelled back into the the cave, he sat down and sighed one final time before looking up at the ceiling.



    Loot not Acquired

  2. Rolled 10 on Battle Die

    ID: 4799


    Jun gripped his sword tightly and smiled, "Oh yea, it's brains would be all over the wall by now if we had girlfriends, but no, we don't" He laughed and charged at the snake bringing the sword up into the ear and onto the base of it's head, not striking it but rather using gravity's force to stomp down on it's head and squishing it. The snake went silent as it started to disintegrate, he laughed and held up a triumphant fist, "We did it!"



    You gain!

    1 Performer Material


    "Oh well, can't win it all, I'll give this to my performer friend." He placed the items in his inventory and turned to Aki, "Let's search the cave a litre bit more, there might be some treasure in here"

  3. Rolled 3 on Battle Die (Again lol?)

    Rolled 7 on Mob Die

    ID: 4797


    Jun laughed, "Those boars are pretty easy, you just need to level up some more. Don't worry either, some random snake isn't going to kill me, I've got too much left of life to experience." He smiled and went in for another attack. Jun charged at the snake and swung at it's tail but the snake once again was prepared and smashed him away with its tail. "Stupid snake, you made me look bad!"


    Jun Health: 11/17

  4. Rolled 4 on Battle Die (Are you serious?)

    Rolled 8 on Mob Die

    ID: 4780


    Jun was starting to regain control over his body, he just twitched his fingers at first and then started to individually move his limbs. After moving around on the floor for a bit he stood up and shook for a little bit to remove the last remaining numbness. Jun picked up his sword and ran at the snake again, but this time the snake was ready and it smacked Jun away with it's tail. "Arg, just my luck that as soon as I recover it does as well."


    Jun Health: 12/17

  5. Jun sighed, all that effort for nothing, 150 col, but at least he got the material. He sat down and looked at his surroundings, the cave was actually quite beautiful when he wasn't fighting some mad plant. Jun placed the items in his inventory and turned to the group, "Thanks guys, it was a lot of fun, even if the plant was a pain to fight. Sorry about missing it so much." He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. Standing up he turned, "We could look for a treasure chest, I don't see the harm in doing so."

  6. Rolled 9 on Battle Die
    Rolled 9 on Mob Die

    ID: 4701


    Jun looked over at Rin, "I'm fine thanks, just took me by surprise." An evil grin came over his face as he pulled out his sword, he stared down the lizard and charged at it, slicing at its back, leaving a large scar on the lizards back, he wanted to get revenge for it surprising him so he sliced again, this time it left an 'X' mark on the lizards back. Jun jumped back to where Rin was standing, "It just got me by surprise, this shouldn't be too hard then we can go fight some harder mobs." The lizard didn't like that and it charged at Jun, scratching across his chest and biting him on the arm, Jun yelled and threw it off him once again. 


    Sand Lizard: 2/10

    Jun: 13/17

  7. (Jun is still paralysed)

    Rolled 2 on Mob Die 

    ID: 4694


    Jun was still paralysed, he figured the snake would take it's opportunity to attack him, and it did. The snake brought its tail up into the air, poised to attack when a rock fell down and smacked the snake on the head, stunning it, making its tail drop next to him. Jun struggled to let out a laugh, "Take..That..Snake.." He turned to Aki, "Now's..Your...Chance" Even if Aki missed it would still give him a chance to recover and then Jun would finish him off.

  8. Rolled 4 on Battle Die

    Rolled 8 on Mob Die


    Jun saw yet again that the mob was low on health, it had taken quite a beating, he ran at the plant again and swung his sword, Jun was unsuccessful as the plant swung one of its thorny vines at him and batted him away, again it left thorn sized marks in his chest. He groaned and stood up, â€‹"Sorry guys, I just can't manage to hit it, it keeps getting me with the vines." Jun decided to rethink his strategy, he would try to go at it differently next time, next time he'd try and go around the side of it rather than attacking head on, which hadn't worked for him so far.


    Jun Health: 9/17

  9. Jun was just sitting and watching as everyone else declared what sect of the guild they would be in, it seemed pretty even all around at least 4 or 5 in each sect. He was just sipping on his 5th iced tea when he noticed another player arriving, not wanting to interrupt the rest of them he just waved at him before returning to his drink. It didn't surprise him at all that there was an abundance of people wanting to be in the military sect, it was more exciting and interesting that crafting in his opinion, maybe some others disagreed with him but that was just his opinion. "Is there anything else that anyone wanted to discuss? I'm pretty sure everyone has declared their sect, well except for the new arrival." He turned to Grougaloragran, he was the only one that hadn't declared a sect yet so it was his turn.

  10. Rolled 4 on Battle Die (>.< Are you kidding me)

    Rolled 10 on Mob Die 


    Jun got picked up his sword and charged at the beast, yelling as he did. The snake had different plans however and bit into Jun's arm, causing several snake teeth sized holes to form in his arm. He yelled in pain and fell back onto the floor, he tried to get up but couldn't move, "Wh..What....The...Hell?" He was paralysed, he tried to turn to Aki, "Thi..This...Bloody..Thing...Had...Poison...On...It's...Fangs" He could barely talk, it took most of his energy just to do that.


    Paralysed for 1 turn


    CRITICAL -3 Health


    Jun Health: 13/17

  11. Rolled 3 on Battle Die

    Rolled 5 on Mob Die

    ID: 4567


    Jun was still a little dazed from the blow to the head, he stumbled around a little bit and took a slash at the large serpent, missing it fully and falling flat on his face, that seemed to bring him back to his senses. The serpent brought its tail up into the air and slammed it down onto the ground, Jun, who had just regained his senses rolled out of the way, the ground shook right next to him as he jumped up and rejoined Aki towards the entrance to the cave.

  12. Rolled 8 on Battle Die

    Rolled 6 on Mob Die


    Jun wasn't afraid of snakes, they just creeped him out a little. He gripped his sword tightly and ran towards the snake, yelling as he slashed down, cutting it open and leaving a large gash in across it's body. "Take that you bloody snake" The snakes eyes shrunk as it squealed in pain due to the two attacks, it uncoiled and launched its tail towards the two, Jun shoved Aki out of the way but he was hit by the tail and sent flying back against the wall. He stood up and rubbed his head, "That bloody well hurt"


    Jun Health: 16/17


    Cave Serpent

    Health: 7/12
    On a 10 roll it paralyses its target for a turn

  13. Jun nodded, "Sure, I'm going to help you though don't forget, don't want you to die before you've hooked up with some SAO chicks now do we?" He laughed and started walking, Jun soon came upon quite a large cave, stepping inside there was a dampness to it, as if the walls were lined with something, it was also quite humid inside the cave. He pulled out his sword and traversed onwards into total darkness, "Be careful there might be something in here." Jun was right, there was a large serpent in this very cave and it slithered out and faced Jun and Aki. "God... That is one ugly looking snake." 




    Cave Serpent


    Health: 12/12

    On a 10 roll it paralyses its target for a turn

  14. ((OOC: Where did you get the face pic? I've seen them on the forum and was wondering, could you PM me about it?))


    Jun bowed, "Thank you for the items, if you see Mari tell her I stopped by and said hi" Jun walked out of the store, he was extremely low on cash now, down to his last 100, he would have to make it count.


    -400 Col

    +1 Bad Quality Monster Grenade

    +1 Rare Quality Monster Grenade

  15. Jun had a look at the prices and the items, it wasn't all too expensive but he still had to be mindful of how he spent his money because he was almost out, because he had spent 1k on that lunch box which he hadn't even used yet. He then opened up his inventory, "Uh oh, almost out of cash, I've only got 500 so I'll just grab a rare and a bad quality one that's all I should need anyways" he nodded and opened up a trade window, "So it's 400 for the lot?"

  16. Jun thought for a moment, â€‹"I'll counter that offer, how would you like to be my wingman." He laughed a little, "I'm only joking, course I'll be your wingman, we just need to find some chicks though." Jun gave him a friendly punch on the arm before standing up and stretching, "Sure you can join the guild dude, just need to PM Mari and wait for her to accept you, it shouldn't take to long for her to respond she's usually pretty quick with that kinda stuff." He walked out a little into the field, "Those boar kicked your ass so I'm not going to let you fight anything more alone. You will die. We should go find some more stuff to kill though, might be worth it."

  17. Jun was taken aback slightly by the person who greeted him, she wasn't Mari, but someone else who he hadn't seen or heard of before. "Hi there, I'd like to purchase some monster grenades, what did you have in stock? I don't have that much money so something on the lower end would probably suit me more." He smiled and entered the store properly, Mari wasn't here, it finally clicked in his brain, she was a PKer and couldn't enter towns.

  18. Jun shook his head, "I'm not that strong, you pretty much just get used to it, I mean, the hospital wasn't that bad, there were a bunch of kids there that were always my age so I wasn't alone, I didn't meet any kids that were like me though, a lot of them were pretty much in and out and I never saw them again." He sighed at Aki's next question, he was always on about the ladies, "Well..." Jun thought for a moment, "I don't really know how to put it, I guess my guild leader? And a few other friends that I have. I wouldn't exactly call myself a harem main character, I mean, I know like what, 3 girls in this entire game of 10,000. Good luck finding one though, if you do introduce me to her friends." 

  19. Jun walked into the store, it was his guild leaders store. He didn't know any other performers, and he had heard that they could craft monster grenades. Jun knocked on the door as he walked in, "Anyone home? Mari? You around?" He forgot that she couldn't enter safe zones, but he entered anyway hoping got pick up some monster grenades that would aid him in battle.

  20. Jun jumped a little when he was put in a headlock, when he noticed it was just Aki he laughed. He then asked Jun about his life, Jun looked down at the ground and smiled a little. "Well, I spent most of my life in and out of a hospital bed. I had some sort of disease that affected my immune system, so I couldn't really go outside much, there were a lot of kids at the hospital so I had a ton of friends, but at least a year ago now I left the hospital for good." He lay down and stared up at the sky, "I got into video games, it was sort of a crutch, I'd never dealt with the outside world before and it was a little overwhelming, I found a great escape in VRMMOs, it gave me the freedom that I never had. Knowing the situation we are in now, I'm guessing I'm back at the hospital, oh well, at least it will be a familiar environment for when I wake up." He sighed and took another sip of his iced tea.

  21. Why bother?


    If people want to post in shorter posts then they can. Maybe people are posting shorter because your post doesn't contain enough information that they can draw upon. I've always liked forums like these because there was a shorter posting requirement meaning there wasn't as much stress on me to pump out 10+ lines like some other sites. If people post short then don't RP with them it's really that simple. Honestly I think that 4-6 lines is about average from what I've seen around here, given there are some people who do really long posts.

  22. Rolled 2 on Loot Die (Damnit)


    Jun was surprised when Aki beat the boar, he didn't want to admit it but he half expected him to miss the boar, he'd done it enough times before. A little window popped up in front of Jun



    You gain!

    1 Blacksmithing mat


    Jun sighed, "Haven't gotten anything so far." He sat down and pulled out another iced tea, "Maybe we should hold off on fighting the boars, you seem to be getting your ass kicked by them." He laughed and took a swig of his drink. Jun stared off into the distance, "So what's your story man? I mean outside the game?" He felt as though to get closer to someone in this game was to know more about them outside the game.

  23. Jun nodded, "That sounds like fun, I'll be sure to be there sometime to go have a listen." The girl set off and started playing her instrument, she was playing a song that Jun knew, they played it in the hospital all the time, it was meant to 'cheer the kids up' or 'teach them that every cloud has a silver lining' or some crap like that, it was for the younger kids anyway. He smiled and listened while sipping his tea, she finished and he clapped softly, "That was lovely, you are very talented." He smiled and finished his tea before placing the cup down.

  24. Jun nodded, "I just have an addiction to iced tea" he laughed and was handed a cup of tea, â€‹"Thank you very much" He started to slowly sip on his tea and take in his surroundings, she explained what she did here, "That sounds kinda lonely, but I really like it here, it's cozy." Jun smiled and continued to sip on his tea, "So you play music? I'd love to hear you play." Jun had played drums in the outside game but he wasn't much for playing contemporary music, it's not that he didn't like it it's just that drums weren't really a contemporary instrument.

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