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Posts posted by Fallen

  1. Jun headed down to F1, he had received a PM from a player regarding showing them the ropes. That player was a player names Saoant, and Jun was eager to meet a new person especially one that he could train and help. He went to the designated spot which was near the edge of the starting town. Jun stopped of at a cafe quickly before and grabbed some donuts and other assorted goodies including several drinks so that if they got hungry or thirsty they would have a snack.


    Jun arrived at least an hour early so he cracked open one of the drinks and started to slowly sip, it was of course, and iced tea which he had grown so fond of. It had a sweet taste to it, and like all iced tea he bought it was peach and mango flavour. Jun had never really had it in the real world so when he first tried it he didn't know what to expect, but he was pleasantly surprised. Time slowly passed as he stared off into the distance waiting for this other person to get here.

  2. Jun smiled, "Well it's nice to meet you Rin." He took a spoon and started to eat his parfait. She seemed pretty joyful and nice, which was a good thing, "My name is Fallen, well, my username is. He looked down at the table, "I usually prefer to be called Jun though, you know, it's just something to show that I am still attached to the real world." He continued to eat his parfait. He smiled when she was excited about her parfait, "Your welcome, it's nice to finally meet someone who likes this kind of stuff as much as I do." He took another scoop of the parfait and a swig of his iced tea. "So what brings you to the 5th floor?"

  3. Jun was walking around a strange field aimlessly, just trying to fill in time when he heard a quiet humming, he didn't know what it was and was a little curious so he tried his best to stay quiet and low, walking towards the sound. What Jun saw was a girl sitting in the feral position by herself, he didn't know who it was or what was wrong so he decided to just watch for a little while. Before to long his overwhelming sense of curiosity got the best of him. "Hey, are you alright?"

  4. Jun was looking for something interesting so he headed to a place he had heard of that sold potions and the like. He knocked on the door as he walking inside, "Hello? Anyone here?" He felt quite cozy when he stepped inside, the interior reminded him of a house, and quite a warm and welcoming, "I'm looking for some potions can you help me?" He was hurt in battle quite a lot so maybe some healing crystals would help him. Jun didn't know what was in stock, so he would have to make do, he also didn't have much money, only around 500 col, he would need to be careful with his spending as not to go broke.

  5. (NOO...Craft Die you are a cheeky git)

    Rolled 11 on Craft Die

    ID: 4262


    Jun opened his forge and prepared for some more crafting, he was still trying to create Yield's items with little to no success. Jun pulled out another mat and placed it into the kiln, leaving it to cook for a few minutes. The only thing on his find was creating the head for Yield's items. Pouring the goo into the ingot mould he sighed and leaned against his anvil, crafting wasn't as fun as it used to be. He pulled out his blacksmith hammer and prepared to get to work, smacking away at the ingot he managed to craft a pretty good head, it was only just not good enough though. Jun placed it down on the table and sighed.


    +5 Exp

    -1 Material


    Item: Warglaive of Aincrad
    Quality: Rare
    Shop: The Black Forge
    Description: An almost perfectly crafted Glaive, it has a 30cm head at the end of a 1.5m pole. +2 Damage

  6. The group continued, "Don't you think this might be a bit excessive for a Floor One mob?" he pouted a little, Crozeph pointed out that the quest may be hard. "I wouldn't exactly call it hard." He pulled up his HUD and open the quest info. The mob that the group needed to kill was a rareish mob in the middle of the forest that they were currently in. It seemed easy enough and he'd get some nice rewards for it, he didn't really need the blade but the skill point would be nice as he needed to invest them in some skills.

  7. Jun was enjoying the parfait that he was served, it was a blue one, he thought it might've been blueberry. Before too long a girl approached him, "Yes?" she grabbed his drink and gulped it down. He waved the waiter over, "Can I grab two more iced teas and another parfait?" The waiter nodded and hurried off. "So, do you mind telling me your name before you drink my drink?" He smiled and looked at the girl, "If you are really that thirsty you should pack some water, I'm guessing you were out in the desert, so you need to be extra careful." The waited came back shortly after with two more iced teas and another parfait and placed them down on the table. Jun took a sip from his new drink, "For you" he gestured towards the other drink and the ice-cream.

  8. Jun nodded while not looking at Mari, "It's not you who should be thanking me" he chuckled and went back to his iced tea. Several new guild members had arrived, "Welcome Sousuke" Jun had only met him once in the snows of F4 when Mari killed Tom, he shook his head, he wasn't going to think about that. Shortly after, another guild member arrived, this one he didn't recognise at all, "Hi there, I don't believe we've met. I'm Jun but most people just call me Fallen." He smiled and took another sip of his iced tea.


    A toast to the guild's growth, Jun held up his glass and smiled, "And a toast to our guild leader, who brought us all together." He took a larger sip, emptying the glass, he placed it down and filled it again, he was now addicted to it's sweet flavour. Mari finally gave her announcement, it was about the sects of the guild. Jun vaguely remembered something about that being mentioned at the first meeting of the guild.


    After giving it some thought, Jun opened his mouth. "Well, I would like to be part of the military sector, I may not be on the level of you two, your levels being an enormous amount higher than mine, but I don't think I could really stand back and watch everyone else partake in the action. If you want though, I can be a part of the passive sect, I'd understand if you wanted me there." He sipped his new glass of iced tea and stared at the ground, he'd always wanted to be part of the front lines, crafting was fun and all but fighting was the thing that really excited him, unless it was spiders. Spiders are not cool.

  9. Jun had been hanging around the 5th floor looking for something to do. He spent a lot of his time nowadays walking around the towns looking for interesting people or interesting things. On the floor he was currently on he hadn't turned up anything so he decided to walk around for a little while longer.


    Sitting down at a café and sighing, he looked for a waiter and tried to wave several over unsuccessfully before finally waving over a very scrawny one, Jun smiled, "Hi there, can I grab an iced tea?" the boy nodded and walked off. Jun sighed, Floor 5 was really hot and all that walking around had made him exhausted and thirsty so a good old iced tea would do the trick to ward of his dehydration.


    He sat and drank, he was sick of looking for something so this time he'd wait for something to come to him. Maybe adventure would come seeking him and he would put his hand up as he always did and take part in something fun. Sipping his iced tea for a while he called back the skinny waiter and ordered a parfait, which he hadn't had since he entered the game. He had spotted it on the menu and immediately wanted one.

  10. Rolled 8 on Craft Die 

    ID: 4061


    As frustrating as it was for Jun to craft due to his abilities he still wanted to give it some more attempts. He opened up his forge, placing his newly obtained mats down on the bench. Jun sighed and picked one up, placing it into the kiln. He still had Yield-chan's items to make so he would get to the glaive straight away. After waiting a few minutes of waiting for it to cook he placed it into the ingot mould to cool. Taking it out he placed it onto the anvil and started to get to work. He hammered away at it for a few hours but it didn't produce any fantastic results, the head of the glaive was somewhat decent but it wasn't good enough.


    +2 Exp

    -1 Material

  11. It's the way you went about it Draterion. Rather than giving some critical response you just outright said no and then gave some loose reasons as to why, stating it was a terrible idea was probably not a good way to go about it.


    As for my two cents on the matter, I agree with Don Tiagote, I think it would be an extremely great idea to have sort of a database from which people could take ideas from. Honestly I think you've overcomplicated it a little too much with individual attacks and familiar conditions? I think was what you used to describe it.


    Good idea though ^_^ Just needs some adjustments

  12. Yuji had woken up, "Morning Yuji" Rue had just skulled and entire glass of wine, "Um, Rue maybe you shouldn't..." But it was too late, she was already drunk, pretty much dropping and breaking her glass, it seemed as though she was a lightweight like Jun when it came to drinking. He leaned over and swiped off the glass shards into a napkin so that she wouldn't cut herself, then wiping off the few drops of wine that had spilt from the glass, "You should be more careful"

    Jun saw that everyone else was partaking in alcohol, so he didn't want to be left out. He hadn't drunk much while he was out, he was technically underage as mostly just drank some of his parent's drinks. Jun was about to reach for a glass when Mari started talking so he focused on that and slowly made the movements to start pouring but before he had the chance to Mari had raised he voice at Rue about drinking so Jun put the glass and bottle down, hoping not to incur the wrath of his guild leader.

    "No drinking for me then" He sighed and poured another glass of iced tea, it was strangely addictive, he had almost drunk 3 glasses now. "Ok, so now that we have gotten all of that sorted, what is it you wanted to talk to is about?" He started to slowly sip his iced tea as he looked at Mari somewhat expectantly.

  13. Jun followed the small group out of the town and towards a little forest, Jun let out a little laugh "It was a joke Yuji, I guess we just run into each other a lot" They reached the forest and venturing further in he heard a loud crash and bang and then Arthonnen had his sword to another players throat, that player was Crozeph, Jun had only met him once in the snow when Tom had died and he had never come across him after that but he still remembered his face. He gave him a hand up and dusted him off, "Are you ok? That was a pretty big fall" he laughed and stepped back with the rest of them. 


    Jun heard some rustling in the bush behind them, an odd player was running towards Arth so Jun stuck his foot out hoping to trip him over but he stopped before he got the chance to. "Whats your problem mate?" He had a scowl on his face, â€‹"You aren't the smartest if you think attacking him is the best idea, there are 3 of us and only one of you." Jun crossed his arms and scanned the player up and down, nothing too odd about him.

  14. Jun nodded and smiled at Mari's response "That seems fair" she smiled and walked off with Kosan behind a rock, Jun speculated as to what might be going on, a confession? No, they seemed to serious for that, maybe Kosan was plotting something, who knows. As Mari suggested he ate more food, even though he had had his fair share anyways, he grabbed another croissant and started to nibble on it, trying to seem inconspicuous. He was getting curious so he shuffled himself so he could see what was going on, he witnessed Kosan try to hug Mari and her pushing him away, he quickly went back to his usual position, blushing at what he had just witnessed, maybe he was right.


    Shortly after he started another person arrived, their looks confused Jun because he couldn't tell whether they were a boy or a girl, they talked like a girl and looked like one but there was a certain 'offness' about it. He shrugged it off and smiled, "Hi there, you must be new. I'm Jun, but most people just call me Fallen" introducing himself as Fallen was a hassle now he just left it at that and continued to nibble at his croissant.


    Shortly after that another guild member arrived, this one he didn't recognise either, "Hello" she hadn't come to the material gathering so he just assumed she was new, he gestured towards the food, â€‹"You guys dig in theres a lot of food here" smiling and going back to nibbling at his croissant, he was soon done, even though he was only taking small bites out of it. Mari and Kosan still weren't back so he tried to shuffle himself again to see what was going on, they were just talking so he sighed and went back to his normal position.

  15. "Nah, you are my friend and my guild leader I feel as though I should be open with you." Jun didn't really understand her closed personality, it didn't bother him that much, just confused him. Yuji wanted to go to sleep so Jun nodded, "You do that Yuji, have a nice nap." He turned his attention back to Mari, "What kind of things are we discussing? I think having it outside is nicer than having it in town, it's nice and quiet here and the view is beautiful, in town it's just crowded and loud, too many people and NPCs." He looked down the hill at the view he had just mentioned, he was right, it was beautiful. 


    Jun yet again picked up his iced tea and started to sip, all of the stuff Mari had bought either was delicious or looked it. He grabbed a croissant that had some jam in it and took a bite, it was really good, his mouth watered a little when he went for the next bite. It was not long before he finished it and his iced tea, that was all the food he was going to eat at risk of seeming like a pig.

  16. Jun smiled slightly, before he could wipe away his own tears Mari seemed to swoop down and do it for him. She placed her hand on his head which slightly startled him and brought him back from his daydreaming "Oh, sorry about that. As I said this brings back memories, with my family and such, I'll tell you someday." He smiled again and wiped away the rest of his tears with the handkerchief Mari had given him. Mari had offered one of the very delicious looking foods laid out on the mat, accepting the invitation, he sneakily grabbed one of the danishes and started to nibble on it.


    Kosan arrived shortly after and Jun waved at him, "Hey Kosan, I'm fine, just... It's nothing, never mind" he quickly went back to eating his danish, taking it slow so he could enjoy the delicious flavour. Mari had mentioned arriving quickly, "Well my forge is just in Urbus so it wasn't that long of a walk to get here, plus I had nothing else to preoccupy me" he continued to nibble on his danish until it was all gone. Soon after Yuji arrived so Jun again waved, "Hey Yuji, how you been?" the danish was too good, he wanted to grab the second one but he thought it best if someone else take it, namely Mari because she bothered to go get it.

  17. Jun had been in his forge on floor two when a notification had been sent out by Mari about a guild meeting, he figured it would be something to pass the time with so he went along, after closing up his shop of course. It was a bit of a trek for him to walk all the way through Urbus, but the meeting spot was only 10 minutes from the gates so it didn't bother him all that much.


    He reached the top of the hill and gave his usual greeting to Mari, a wave and a smile. Sitting down on the very nicely prepared mat with assortments of food laying around, he thought it rude to start eating before the rest of the guild members arrived so he just sat down on one of the pillows. "This is very lovely, I really like it, brings back memories" he looked up at Mari and smiled, "So, how have you been since our last outing?" He guessed that he would get the same response as he did the last time he asked, a simple nod and no verbal response, it slightly annoyed him but he wouldn't bring it up ever.


    Watching the food he started to get hungry but still had some restraint so he slowly reached for one of the glasses of iced tea and started to slowly sip. This whole set up reminded him of the time he used to spend with his family when he was out of the hospital, all of the picnics that they used to have, it brought back so many memories and it started to make him cry, he didn't really want to it was more of an involuntary thing.

  18. Jun nodded, "That seems fair, lets have a blast then" he smiled and patted Arthonnen on the shoulder with somewhat decent force. "You're just following me aren't you Yuji, I see you everywhere." Turning his attention to the new player that showed up, he gave a small wave "Hey Crusher, I'm Fallen, I don't really mind what you call me but if you want you can call me Jun." He didn't want to explain his reason, it was simple enough though, it was one of the only things that he kept when he went into this game world, it didn't bum him out that he was here, but he missed his family and friends.

  19. Jun was on a leisurely stroll around the first floor, he was getting bored of all the higher floor mobs so it would be easier to just walk around for a few hours or so. A few hours had past and he though about heading out to explore outside the starting city, he left and noticed a player also leaving. "Hi there!" he smiled and waved. He caught up with the other player and started to walk next to him, "So where you heading?"

  20. (Sorry for not replying sooner, still been pretty busy)


    Jun watched in horror as his own guild leader struck down someone, it was ok that she had her PKer status before but now she just killed someone in cold blood. "Mari..." It seemed as though she had a decent enough reason, she was doing it so that no one else would, because it was bound to happen sooner or later, and Tom's friend was somewhat fine with it, at least he didn't resent Mari. He sighed and stepped back a little bit, he was still pretty confused as to what just happened, he leaned over to Yuji and whispered to him, "What just happened here? Mari just killed that guy" he hadn't know Tom besides meeting him that day, but he still realised that if you die in here you are dead in the real world, that made him somewhat sad.

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