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Posts posted by Fallen

  1. I have a 360, I haven't played it in a while because I finished all my games. I'm up for playing with some of you guys though.

    I have:
    Borderlands 1 & 2
    Halos 1, 3, 4 and reach
    Saints Row 3
    Battlefield Bad company 2 and BF4
    GTA 5
    L4D 2
    Dead Island
    Fallout 3
    Dead Risings (Case West, Case Zero and. I think. I have 2)

    Gamertag: Dkrenovatezz

    (I'll update the list if I find anything else, this is all off memory)

  2. Jun went out a little bit to search a little bit for some other mats, he searched a good for quite a while. It seemed as though the area he'd been searching had been cleared out or at least there wasn't anything there to begin with. He spotted a tree a little ways away with some red dots on it. He walked towards it and looked up at the branches of the trees, attached were several colourful looking fruits. Jun sighed and started to climb, it was pretty hard and slipped a few times but he managed to do it in the end and landed back on the ground with a semi-loud thud. 


    Rolled a 18 on Craft Die

    ID: 3592

    +1 Cooking Mats

  3. Jun opened his eyes wider when she placed down the extra 200 col on the table. He smiled and looked at her a little funny, "Are you sure?" but by the time he had said it she had nodded and was already gone. He looked at the money and placed it in his inventory, Kiru was pretty nice. It was still going to be a while before he could craft again but at least he had some starting money.


    +200 Col

  4. Jun smiled, "Welcome Kiru, here are your items. He picked up the weapon and handed it to Kiru, it was sort of saddening to see it go so quickly after being made, but it made him glad that his items were selling. Jun picked up the little bag and made sure that the right amount was in there. "Thanks, hope you enjoy your weapon" he smiled one again and placed the money in his inventory.

    -Banshee Shiv

    +700 Col

  5. (Going off my old sword and sticking with lvl 6 till the end of the thread. Sword has Thorns proc on it)


    Dark Elven Paladin
    Health: 7/10
    Lay On Hands: The user heals themselves for 1 health on a dice roll of 9 or above.


    Jun stumbled back and admired the paladins blow, he didn't expect that he would strike back so fast. Jun smiled and prepared his sword, he charged at the paladin and slashed across his chest, leaving a large gash on his breastplate. Jun stepped back and prepared for the next attack.


    Thorns +1 Damage





    Rolled a 2 on the d4 dice.
    Rolled a 1 on the d6 dice.
    Rolled a 7 on the d8 dice.
    Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    Rolled a 8 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    Rolled a 9 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    Rolled a 12 on the d20 (loot) dice.
  6. Jun was pretty happy with his finds, it wasn't bad considering he did almost nothing in the actual fight. He was done with fighting for a little bit, he needed to calm down after fighting his biggest fear, to calm down he decided to collect some mats. Jun looked around for a little while, he didn't know exactly what to look for because all he had found so far was blacksmithing materials. Looking around he spotted a nice little outcropping where there were some herbs were growing. Jun picked them and smiled, getting some mats felt nice. "Got some alchemy mats!"


    Rolled 19 on Loot Die

    ID: 3463

    +1 Alchemy Mats

  7. Jun looked up ahead, one of the people wanted to know his name, or at least he thought he was talking to him. "Well, my username here and pretty much everywhere else is Fallen but I usually prefer people to call me by my real name Jun, it helps me keep at least hold onto something from the real world." Even though Tom had slowed down Jun was still at the back, he wasn't feeling very social at the moment. He was still with at least one person he knew, Yuji, his guild mate, so he wasn't a complete stranger.

  8. Jun was a little disappointed, he hadn't managed to beat the mini boss, but at least he managed to do something. He stood up with another groan and went over to Yuji and Kosan, a little window popped up in front of him, it was the loot he obtained from the fight.



    You gain:

    1 Performer mat and 175 col.


    "All right! Something decent at least. Got a performing mat!" He smiled and closed the window, the items adding themselves to his inventory. He'd have to give up the mats at the end so that they could be distributed evenly, him and Yuji would get the blacksmithing mats and maybe some of the general mats.


    Rolled 10 on Loot Die 

    +2 to Loot Die

    +1 Performer Mat

  9. Jun gave a quick look over the list, he spotted the herbs which seemed like something he could use because despite what he sometimes thought, he was actually pretty prone to missing the target. Jun again looked at Unyielding, "Can I grab one with herbs in it and maybe a separate one with the essential nutrients buff as well. Can I get a pricing on that, I might not have enough."

  10. (I swear to god I hate the perma roller)


    Jun saw that the spider was almost down so he went in for the final attack. He charged at the spider and jumped over it, putting his sword below him so that he would slice it as he went, he over judged the angle he was jumping at and went straight over it without even touching a hair on it's body he landed awkwardly and slipped over falling on his face. He groaned and stayed there so that someone else would deal with the spider, he certainly couldn't.


    Rolled a 3 on Battle Die

    ID: 3430

  11. Jun smiled, "Hey Yield, so you own this place huh. It's nice, good job on this place." She offered him some food that would do exactly what he hoped, change his luck. It wouldn't change it by much but it would still be better than nothing. A little window popped up that stated the item Yield was talking about, it gave him a little extra luck. He closed the window and looked up at Unyielding, "This will be perfect, is this the only type of this item you have? I have some money coming in soon so I can probably buy most types of items."

  12. (Sorry, I've been busy lately)


    Jun stayed back a little, it seemed as though he was a stranger because these three already knew each other, and quite well. He waved at Yuji as he approached and decided that he should still try and not make himself too noticeable. The one apparently called Crozeph and Tom started to walk towards the lake so Jun followed suit and walked towards the lake. Crozeph asked if any of them were fishermen, Jun shook his head, "Sorry, I'm a blacksmith" Crozeph was right though, it had been a long while since he had eaten fish and he felt as though it had been forever. The more he thought about fish the more his mouth watered so he wiped the drool off his face and tried to focus on something else.

  13. Jun was ecstatic that he had managed to hit it, that meant that his fear of spiders had died down somewhat. He went in for another attack, he pulled his sword out of the spiders head and stepped back before running in and throwing his arms out in front of him, he had over judged it and went just a centimetre to the right. Jun sighed, this was pretty frustrating in his opinion as he was usually pretty good a this whole fighting thing.


    Rolled 3 on Battle Die

    ID: 3274

  14. Jun had been walking around the fourth floor when a somewhat small storm had kicked up. He was severely lost by this point so he opened up his map, he could barely see a few meters in front of him since the snow just contrasted with everything, so reading his map was a pain. He walked around for quite a while, completely lost he was just following what little of a path that he could distinguish. Jun heard a voice not too far away so he used his somewhat keen sense of hearing to try and go towards it. he came upon another player and let out a sigh of relief that he wasn't alone out here. "Hi there" There was a nice lake staring him in the face, he sighed, another bland landscape for him to explore.

  15. Jun was destined to hit this time, if he could, his fear of spiders would repress and he could get on with the fight. Jun watched as Yuji went in for his attack, the spider was just as bad at hitting people as Jun was, even though the spider missed it still managed to dodge Yuji's attack, which Jun let out a little laugh but not loud enough so that Yuji would hear. He  went in for his attack this time, he charged at the spider and slashed at its head, striking it right between the eyes, causing it to let out a ear piercing squeal. "Finally hit it" he let out another laugh this time it was pretty audible so that the both of them could hear it.



    Spider: 17/35


    Rolled 9 on Battle Die

    ID: 3265

  16. Jun walked into the store, it was pretty cosy and warm, quite different from the other NPC run Inns. He sat down next at one of the tables and waved to what he thought was the owner of the place, "Hi there, can I grab something to eat, I'm pretty hungry." He got up and thought about what she had. He wanted something that could improve his luck with his crafts, not that he could do anything about it at the moment anyways.

  17. Jun shook his head, "Maybe just a little" he let out a nervous laugh and got back to trying to fight it, he would have to get over his fear of spiders if he was going to beat if, even if it was just a mini boss it would be a small victory for him. He decided to give it another go, this time he was more determined to hit. He went in and charged but overshot by a little bit and went flying to the right, missing the spider completely, "Damnit, why can't I hit this bloody thing! It's so big!" He sighed and walked around to the back of the spider. "Sorry Yuji, I just can't seem to hit it."


    Rolled 1 on Battle Die

    ID: 3108

  18. Jun had followed Yuji, hoping to find something interesting to fight or at least some more mats, he was assigned to stick with him anyways. It was only a short trip before he came upon him, there was a very large spider staring them in the face. He was actually a little afraid of spiders and the fact that it was so big, made him a little terrified. Jun stepped up next to Yuji, "Good job on finding a mini boss, lets do it together." Jun pulled out his sword and charged at the spider. He was right next to it and started to shake, he swiped a little to far to the left and missed the spider boss. He was really close and the spider hadn't changed position, he let out a little scream and crawled backwards to where Yuji was, he was scared of spiders and this made him crap his pants.


    Rolled 5 on Battle Die

    ID: 3098

  19. Jun looked up at the girl, "Yea that's no problem, I don't have any materials at the moment so it might be a little while before your items get crafted. I'm really sorry about that." It was a bad thing, he couldn't craft anything at the moment, but the smaller order would mean some of the workload was taken off of him.

  20. Jun laughed, "He seems to be handling it alright on his own, I'll just keep looking for materials. I might not get anything anyways." He looked around and spotted a nearby mining node. He pulled out his sword and drove it into one of the breaks in the rock, shattering it and uncovering the ore underneath. Jun picked up the only piece of ore that he could find and added it to his inventory. "Got another blacksmithing mat." He walked back over to the rest of the group and pretty much just stood around and watched Kosan attack the boar, his fighting style reminded him of himself.


    Rolled 20 on Craft Die

    ID: 2870


    +1 Blacksmithing Mat

  21. ---Paladin's Turn---


    Dark Elven Paladin
    Health: 7/10
    Lay On Hands: The user heals themselves for 1 health on a dice roll of 9 or above.


    The paladin had dozed off, not realising that both of his teammates had been killed, he was in a total state of ignorance. "Ignorance is bliss" as they say. He was caught off guard by the attack and started to scream in surprise and pain. He jumped up as soon as he was released and pulled out his sword, preparing for his attack. The paladin charged at the human and slashed across his chest.


    Jun health 14/15




    Rolled a 1 on the d4 dice.
    Rolled a 5 on the d6 dice.
    Rolled a 3 on the d8 dice.
    Rolled a 3 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    Rolled a 6 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    Rolled a 7 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    Rolled a 8 on the d20 (loot) dice.


  22. Dark Elven Paladin


    Health: 10/10

    Lay On Hands: The user heals themselves for 1 health on a dice roll of 9 or above.


    Jun crept up behind the paladin and drew his sword slowly, attempting to make as little noise as possible. He was now right behind the dark elf and shoved his sword into his chest, placing his hand over the elf's mouth, no one was going to hear him scream out here, but he didn't want want to have a headache from all the noise. The elf kicked and screamed under his hand until Jun pulled the sword out and stood up.



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