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Posts posted by Zelrius

  1. As Lowenthal spoke, Zelrius saw a small glimpse of pink hair and a wicked grin in his mind's eye, remembering his several encounters with a certain someone who spoke the same and said the same words. He kept his composure, albeit only slightly. "I am leaving so that I can stop being so damned hated for being so powerful. Lowenthal, I don't you think you understand. There was a time, where I had a happy little family called the Azure Brigade, and friends. And one by one, they disappeared and left on me. It would have been so easy to do the same, but I didn't. For over a year now since my original Guild family left, I stuck it through. They left me, and I stayed behind, dealing with the loneliness and pain by myself for that long year. I've gone to every boss fight since, I've spent months in the fields grinding my level and even longer making sure those of us in Azure were competent of protecting those of SAO. I gave up everything for you players, let it all go. And I had planned to keep giving up everything, and I still will. I just need a break. You of all people should understand that, Fool of the Velvet Room."

  2. Zelrius only sat, stone faced and unwaivering as Lowenthal went on a bit of a rant. That was, until the Orange haired man began to hit some solid ground, and the boy's voice began to crack and break a little, sadness retaking over just a bit. "I don't hate being the Hero. That is all I ever wanted in life: Was an Adventure and to be a Hero. I do love the attention: What can I say, I am a young boy who grew up alone, I am starving for the attention. You're absolutely correct. It chipped and broke away at me how everyone pretended to like me and ask for my help, but I still was alone come night time, and there was no one at the end of the day to calm down and relax with. Being the 'chosen' one specifically wasn't the issue. It was the emotions that people had for that title was what made me crack as you say." He stopped. Closing his mouth and his brows furrowing, his mouth in a frown, a bit angry now. It wasn't in his nature to normally let go information like that, but Lowenthal had struck ground and now that much would be clear.

  3. He grinned with a slight laugh. "You know I never sugarcoat or play nice, so I am going to be honest: You being the 'only' choice is kinda right. Only slightly though. Now, You could be boring and demand answers from me like everyone else is doing; or Be fun and figure it out yourself. The tools and people are there to help you and give you clues every step along the way. However, if there is anyone who deserves answers it is you. So, if you'd like to demand some, I'd be fine with giving you a few conclusions and reasons."

  4. Zelrius awoke in his bed in the guild hall. The giant marble building that belonged to the guild that the Golden haired boy was no longer a part of. He had passed the torch to Lowenthal and moved on with his life. The boy still took residence in the building, given there was a room specialized to him, he paid for over a third of the whole building, and it was where his Family resided. It was on this morning, he wanted to begin ending his adventure. It was funny, Zelrius grew up playing video games, living in Envy of the characters of those characters. They got their adventures, and lived interesting lives. Meanwhile, the golden haired boy sat behind a screen with either a Keyboard and Mouse or a controller, simply playing the Adventure for them. Now, Aincrad was Zelrius' own Adventure. The only thing he ever truly wanted in life: Maximum Freedom. He got it. I would say it is a once in a lifetime chance, but there haven't been many people in all of history who have had the chance to be the Hero of their own story. After achieving this, Zelrius realized that while the Adventure was fun: It was lonely. He rose from bottom, to top, down to bottom, and back to the top, over and over again. Until the most recent time, where he was unmatched by anyone, and that made him feel more alone than anything else. All the events of the world had built up and nearly crushed him, so he passed the weight on.

    However, just getting rid of his title and handing of his responsibilities wasn't enough to get rid of all the weight. He had loose ends to tie up still. And the next person on his Agenda was Manta Shizuka. A healer girl whom he loathed for more than one reason. It started when Ssendom favored her for some reason, and then the rest of the Commandant's council outvoted Zelrius in bringing her in. Than, with that hate already sowed for her, The pink haired girl continued to be overly nice and polite with the golden haired Commandant, Zelrius saw this as a way of mocking him, and hated her more. But all that was gone and over now, and Zelrius decided that it was time to tie up that loose end, and either tell her he hated her, or apologize. The latter wasn't in his nature.

  5. "To talk to an old friend and now arguably the most powerful man in all of Aincrad. I just wanted to clear some things up and then sit down and have some friendly talk." He set two cups down and slid one across the great meeting room table to the chair across from the golden haired boy.  "Take my word for it: You'll very rarely get a chance to ever really talk to someone as a person after tonight." He sipped at some drink. He had been so against drinking, both in game and in real life, but he figured since his life was over why not? "The drink I borrowed from Ssendom's shop. Have as much as you want, since it is technically your property now as well."

  6. As she explained the quest and made a gesture to her sword, Zelrius smiled and nodded now remembering why people took this quest, and the exact reason Zelrius did not. By the time this quest had come around to existing, the Golden Haired boy had already gotten ahold of the last 'Normal' Weapon he'd ever use before obtaining the Twinfire Sword. "Ah yes, the Fabled Anneal Blade. Any new Adventurers best choice of weaponry, unless they can get ahold of anything better. Though, forgive me if this comes off as rude, I personally see that weapon as a waste of time. Especially since those of us in Azure would be more than happy to supply better equipment for a modest price, if not free. If you ever want to take me up on that deal, Just go to the Gurando Foji on the First Floor here. Tell Oikawa; Zelrius sent you." He stopped with a sigh. "Prehaps I went on to ramble there a bit, my apologies."

    The last part of her speaking bit couldn't be more than true. Adventuring was how you got stronger. Though most people like the Commandants of the Azure Brigade more or less Grinded You can get a ton of initial Level from just walking around trying to have a bit of fun. God knows the people of Aincrad need more fun. "Well, I've helped a lot of new Adventurers with a ton of quests. So, if I am not terribly annoying to you, I'd be more than happy to help you with quests following this one." Anything to stop him from laying in his Guild Hall bedroom and rotting away like he so desperately tried to do, though that was a story for another time.

    He slowed down a bit as she mentioned Guilds. The golden haired Commandant looked to her, a gleam in his eye. If there was anything Zelrius liked discussing with other people; It was the Brigade. "I've been a few guilds, and I am going to start by saying; My current guild, The Azure Brigade, is eccentric. In other words, it is definitely not like the other Guilds. As for 'fun'. That varies depending on your definition of the word and our other members. It is difficult to explain the Brigade, especially in one or two sentences." He trailed off, unsure of how else to continue.

  7. Zelrius awoke in his bed in the guild hall. The giant marble building that belonged to the guild that the Golden haired boy was no longer a part of. He had passed the torch to Lowenthal and moved on with his life. The boy still took residence in the building, given there was a room specialized to him, he paid for over a third of the whole building, and it was where his Family resided. It was on this morning, he wanted to begin ending his adventure. It was funny, Zelrius grew up playing video games, living in Envy of the characters of those characters. They got their adventures, and lived interesting lives. Meanwhile, the golden haired boy sat behind a screen with either a Keyboard and Mouse or a controller, simply playing the Adventure for them. Now, Aincrad was Zelrius' own Adventure. The only thing he ever truly wanted in life: Maximum Freedom. He got it. I would say it is a once in a lifetime chance, but there haven't been many people in all of history who have had the chance to be the Hero of their own story. After achieving this, Zelrius realized that while the Adventure was fun: It was lonely. He rose from bottom, to top, down to bottom, and back to the top, over and over again. Until the most recent time, where he was unmatched by anyone, and that made him feel more alone than anything else. All the events of the world had built up and nearly crushed him, so he passed the weight on.

    However, just getting rid of his tital and handing of his responsibilities wasn't enough to get rid of all the weight. He had loose ends to tie up still. And the first people on his Agenda were Manta and Erin. Both of them seemed to have their qualms with him, and it would be easier to handle them in the same day. Sending a message for both of them to meet in the Meeting room of the Guild Hall, Zelrius wandered on down there in his loose fitting silk clothing, not wanting to get all dressed up anymore.

  8. (Glad you survived The Sickness)

    She seemed pleased with his offer, though there was no way he could tell for sure, she just didn't argue or make any faces of disgust toward his comment of not wanting to protect her. It just wasn't his style: regardless of gender or level of a person. With his recent leaving of all responsiblity, Zelrius wondered now what he'd do after this quest was done and over with. He glanced around a bit, trying to figure out Something to do after his little adventure with Yuna was done. The golden haired Commandant let out a sigh and glanced back to his partner in crime, figuring he'd have to figure out what to do after the quest was done.

    He flinched a bit at the sudden party request, given it had been so long since he had received one, and even longer since a Friend request was sent his way. Zelrius reached his gloved hand up and tapped the accept button and looked in the top left to see her level and health. He frowned a bit, not surprised, but he also didn't want to be terribly rude, and didn't say anything. "So, Lady Yuna," He spoke up, his voice still joking and teasing "What is the goal of this quest? Given I haven't ever done it myself for sheer lack of interest." 

    It was true enough he had heard of The Secret Medicine of the Forest quest time and time again, hearing offhand comments about people doing it, or even looking at it in his own time. But, everytime there was something about the quest that shied him away from it, though never could he remember that reason for more than a few days, only to look at the quest and be reminded why he didn't take it in the first place.



  9. Her use of the slang 'Don't Sweat it' made Zelrius visibly relax a little. It was nice to see people that were less formal, but it was also better to find someone who could do the formal mannerisms like she had well. This female seemed to be particularly less hate-able than any of the other players in the game that already weren't in Azure, which was a refreshing change. "Some find my confidence a bit over-bearing," He took a few steps in her direction, his confident grin being that of something that actually existed, rather than the usual fake facade that he wore. "The question is: can you handle it? and if so, How long?" He leaned down a bit to get to her eye level and use his own dark blue eyes to scan her pink ones.

    "An ally? That's an interesting word. I generally have Friends and acquaintances, whatever suits you I suppose. Don't you think it is a little rude to make someone else do your grinding for you and not atleast help them?" He teased lightly, that being more of a joke than an actual statement. For all he knew, the Ally sent her away, or was being paid to gather these materials. "Don't know if to say that the other rooms to be filled was lucky or unlucky. I'd rather not share my free and alone time with someone else, but at the same time, You're a rather pleasant person to be conversing with at the moment."

  10. When he noticed her smile grow, he couldn't help but return it, it was just that infectious. It was the little things like that, that gave Zelrius a bit of pleasantry in the infinitely  unpleasant world. When she said 'Sir Zelrius' he couldn't help but give a small laugh, given that was how he referred to people by sheer habit of having done it for years. The golden haired boy enjoyed some of the Old English mannerisms, and attempted to mimic their style, but also mix it with modern day slang and its own mannerisms. It was also her words that followed that made him laugh a bit again. "Huh, funny, I debate with myself too. Generally because there is rarely anyone to debate with." The little joke was cut short by an internal groan. He hated the Secret Medicine of the Forest Quest, just because the reward didn't seem to match to amount of effort. He was half tempted to back out, but another glance to the brunette and how happy she seemed that he was going to help made him kept his mouth shut. 

    Following that, she brought it to his attention that this was her first quest, which caused him to glance back to her and his dark blue eyes to lock on her own brown ones, something he truly hadn't done the whole conversation. "That's fine! I wouldn't care if it was your first or thirty-millionth. If anything, This being your first makes me want to kick my High Level instincts into high gear. That being said, I am sure the last thing you want is for me to be all 'white knighty'. And to be honest: It isn't in my nature." And that much was true. Zelrius hated people who insisted they had to protect everyone, and in turn, he just wasn't that person. 

    He gave a flare of his cloak, and his tuxedo another wipe down to straighten any creases and get any non-existent dust off. He gave a slight bow and spoke, "Then, lead the way, Lady Yuna. I shall follow and keep company, only to lend a sword upon your request." To be honest, he was just happy to be going, especially with someone as polite and friendly as Yuna. It was interesting; not many people were that kind personality anymore.

  11. The blonde haired Commandant lifted his Hydra Helmet and stored into his inventory, his facial features showing. What would be revealed looked like something out of a bad Zombie movie. His face was an ashen gray, the red rings around his eyes and blackened skin that were under those same eyes. However, all that aside, the golden haired boy smiled, a genuine curve, in happiness. "From the way it sounds, I'd say you want to hog all my time," He teased a bit jokingly.  Zelrius glanced over to Daeron, assuming that it was he who wanted to dance. That was, until Daeron explained himself and then the golden haired boy glanced back to the two-toned hair that belonged to Kiru.

    Though seeing Lowenthal changed his whole demeanor. He gave one more tight hug to Kiru and whispered in her ear. "Thank you for everything," And with that he released her and then yelled to call everyone's attention. He wasn't frowning, and there wasn't an arrogant smile on his face. Instead, there was a child-like grin that curved into his face. "As of this moment, I, Zelrius Blackfyre, Commandant of the Azure Brigade, Champion of the Clash of Blades tournament, Slayer of the Hydra, Ex-brigadier, Long term friend to Front-liner, and no longer your god damned Hero, Resign. I pass the torch to the Fool of the Velvet Room, Lowenthal. He is the only person I trust to take my place. Adieu, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Good luck clearing Floor bosses." With that, he gave one final hug to his friend Kiru and then turned to leave, exiting the guild hall and disappearing from sight entirely.

  12. Her comment about her brother kind of off put him. It was common place that people made remarks like that, and was even more common that Zelrius didn't say anything or ask any questions. Not because he wasn't interested; He really did like getting to know different people and all about them, especially ones as friendly as Yuna was being. But, he knew from experience that the last thing anyone wanted right now was to be reminded of the world before. The reason for being was: If it was worse for people, They'd be reminded of those bad memories and be down on their luck. If it was better for people, They'd be reminded on what they were missing out on and how their time in the game was ruining their lives. Zelrius was missing out on his whole life right now, but he was so into gaming, that Aincrad is the only legitimate chance the golden haired Commandant had at a real adventure, so he wouldn't have it any other way. Though was this an adventure, filled with colorful people, hardships, Laugh, love and live. The best, or worst, part was: It wasn't even close to over yet. They were a little over the tenth, and to be honest, Zelrius didn't know how much longer he could take the metaphorical abuse.

    He gave a friendly smile to her words as she explained her situation. He was never one who liked playing "Knight" and carrying people, especially lower levels, through quests, but to be honest: The boy felt alone and didn't mind the company one bit. "Rambling? Just a little." He laughed, still attempting to keep the conversation in a light-hearted, friendly mood, despite how deep his thoughts had gotten. As she stared at the ground, he decided not to make any comment toward that and instead, wondered to himself what her experience with Quests were.

    It was her first bit of sentence that made him light up with a bit of happiness. He wasn't going to ask her if he could tag along, in fear that she might take it the wrong way, but her asking made it so much better. Rather than wandering aimlessly, Zelrius now had something better to do with his life. "I don't see why my other things can't take a back burner. I don't have anything that important to be doing. What quest are we doing specifically, Lady Yuna?"

  13. (And the post length rises.)

    His dark blue eyes went back to hers, only to dart away again at speed, still unable to find it to look at someoen in the eyes for more than a few moments. "I am always told it is a pleasure to meet me. Whether that is true or they're just being nice: It really doesn't help my already over-inflated ego." He gave a sigh, despite he was actually really lazy, he realized it didn't take much work to keep everything moving along, given that the game mechanics did most of the work. All he had to do was go outside, fight things from time to time, and then clear bosses, done deal.

    Except, he had no intention of ever going to a boss fight again. They were the only thing that provided the over-powered Commandant with a challenge, yet he loathed them. People died, Teammates argued over an already planned out strategy, and anger was sowed into the hearts of everyone when someone else got the last-hit drop. All around, they created tension and hatred, things that the soft-hearted Zelrius couldn't stand. This game had already built him up and shattered him time and time again, the only reason he didn't sit and mope in his bed inside the Guild Hall anymore was the fact that Kiru had helped him back up on his metaphorical feet.. Only a matter of time before this great 'Castle' known as Aincrad hits me back down. That thought was dark and sent a shiver up his spine, realizing he had gone from his arrogant smile to deep thoughtfulness, with a slight frown. Shaking his head to drop that thought, he attempted to pick right back up on the conversation. "Hm, the ghost sounds like your average Teenager. Quick to tell stories about other people, without a clue in the world, yet they think they've got it all figured out." Though that was more serious than he had intended it to be, he smiled as his suspicions on the reference were confirmed. "In all seriousness: What are you doing out here? Don't you have a circle of friends who'd rather sit in an Inn and play card games all day?" He felt that what he had said was rude, but knew there was no turning back. And to be quiet honest: as far as he knew, that's what the low levels did all day.

    As a light breeze rolled in, the little piece of parchment paper slipped and fell, and Zelrius directed his attention to it so that he didn't have to flutter his eyes between hers and random places in the distance. He crouched down to pick it up, and hand it to her, knowing full well what it was for. "Ah, a quest. I apologize for distracting you from something like this. I will be on my way then as to not hold you from your goals much longer."

  14. When she turned and spoke, the boy grinned more, her voice being oddly pleasant and her mannerism being more open and less hostile than most people her level. What a refreshing change, His thoughts whispered in his mind again as they made comments about the world infinitely. Normally, the golden haired boy was smaller, especially when put right next to Tristan and Ssendom, whom both were hulking individuals with gear that made them look larger than life, but, Zelrius' own god gear to match their's made himself feel strangely larger, despite his smaller frame. He smirked at her comment, "Why, I am asking that nice ghost behind you." Now wondering if this conversation would be all jokes and nick-nacks, or would be cut short. Only way to see, the thoughts finished as he was reminded of a song that he had heard a handful of times from the real world. "And money don't grow on trees," Finishing the verse, though not completely sure if that was what she was referencing. Still, it was ironic that he said that, given between Commandant Ssendom and himself, they got Col by the Tens of Thousands with a flick of the wrist, it would have taken longer had it grown on trees.

    Now his dark blue eyes met her own, gazing for only a second before kind of looking away. For some reason or another, Zelrius was never one to hold eye contact for more than a few seconds, and couldn't figure why. "Lady Yuna it is. Given, I am always lazy." A short laugh and reaching out a gloved hand to shake hers. "Zelrius, Commandant of the Azure Brigade. I have more titles that I could ramble on about, but I will save you the trouble."

  15. Zelrius meandered about on the first floor, The Holiday events of Azure and his fellow Commandants being over and his life settling back down until the New Year. He gave a sigh, remembering the party Kiru had held the year before and how everyone simply enjoyed themselves for a moment, rather than run amuck worried about their lives. This year, the turnout was horrible, and the amount of emotions the golden haired boy felt was insurmountable. Much to his fortune, he had settled any Qualms Kiru had with him and the two were back to being the same good friends they were in the past. Lucky me, He thought to himself glancing around as the cold breeze of winter lightly flared his coat and pressed his bowtie against him. He reached up to pull his gloves back tightly around his hands and fiddle with that same bowtie again. Taking a second to gain his composure as the Commandant straightened and flattened any creases in his dress shirt or blazer for his Tuxedo. This was the boy's usual attire, and other than the tuxedo and dress shoes, he walked about with two pendants around his neck, an all black cloak with a golden flame symbol on the back, and the feature that separated him from everyone else: A sheath on each hip. One sheath, the one on the right hip, beheld the curved blade of Lucifer, and on his left hip, the Straight sword of Michael. Running a gloved hand through his hair, he spotted a woman seemingly just wandering around and approached her, finding anything to do other than stand on the first floor and waste away. As soon as he was within earshot, his dark blue eyes fixated on her features, and his face lit up with an arrogant smile. "Salutations, dear Lady. Have you gone mad? It is the Holidays, find an Inn and rest awhile." He joked, attempting to start conversation.

  16. The tears broke through and began to stream down his face as she spoke again. "It puts me at a bit of ease to know that you don't hate me." He wouldn't dare go into detail: but thinking Kiru despised him was eating into him like the millions of other things. It was a comfort to the Blonde boy to know that someone he considered family didn't want to rip his eyes out. "Don't be sorry, It isn't your fault. It is mine," As far as Zelrius knew: everything was his fault. That was how he rationalized it. Too many things were bad for him, things that no one else in all of Aincrad had to deal with. He blamed himself for Erin leaving, it was his fault that none of his friends were around anymore, and it was because of him that everyone suffers another day in this hell hole. Or maybe you're the only one who hates it here? A voice whispered in his mind. He had taken that bit into account many times, everyone else seemed to be enjoying it here, and in all honesty, Zelrius should like it in Aincrad more than the real world, but life here was too painful for him. It was simple at first: Clear bosses, enjoy the days inbetween. Both of those were put to a screeching halt recently and there wasn't a lot anyone was doing about it. That's your fault too. You just mope and cry to yourself all day, no one else gets anything done. The voice told him, once again chastising himself for causing nothing but problems to everyone else. 

    He pulled away from the hug, though both hands were still on her shoulders. His azure eyes looked into hers from under the hydra helmet, before taking a glance around. With a slight laugh he spoke in a low voice "We're causing a scene," He crouched down to pick up the chocolate bar, breaking it in half and handing one half to her. "I should probably leave before we ruin the mood of the party."

  17. He glanced up for a moment to see Kiru take a seat not too far away. He gave a sigh and hung his head down again. He regretted what he had said to her before the Forsaken Crusader and it seemed that she wouldn't forgive him. In all honesty: He did care about Keith but just despised the fact that she consistently chose the more than likely dead Keith, whom left them on their own, over the present Zelrius. For a while, it didn't bother him that much, with exception of when he was in the presence of Kiru. It just suddenly seemed the entire world turned against him at one moment. The golden haired Commandant hadn't seen Takao since the day in the Temple, Tristan disappeared off with Flints somewhere and was barely around anymore, Rebekah was but a ghost of a memory to him, Daeron had just come back, Erin had left him in that Inn room alone and crying like a little kid. So everything had built up and had taken its toll on his mindset, and here he was now, actively dealing with Kiru and having to face that he may have lost her, just like he lost everyone else. That's when the now Red-Black haired girl speak up from her seat, to which he looked back up.

    Her words had struck him deep. To be honest: that is all he wanted at the moment, was to hear Kiru finally say those exact words. When she walked up to offer him the chocolate bar he didn't take it and instead stood up and hugged her. In that moment, he faintly remembered their meeting, running around the Ninth floor playing games and fighting slimes for fun. Tears slowly welled up in his eyes from under the Hydra mask as he embraced her and gently rocked back and forth. He was so caught up in that moment, he hadn't even heard what Ssendom said. He whispered quietly, in a choked, raspy voice. "Happy Holidays, Kiru."

  18. Zelrius wanders up behind Kiru to the sign ups and looks down at it, grinning. He was fully decked out in his gear and was more than ready for an event like this. He had heard the rumors and was ready to do something that wasn't cry himself to sleep in his inn room. 

  19. Zelrius groaned and turned over in his bed the noises were coming from all around the Guild hall as he could hear people enter and muck about downstairs. He wanted no part in another party. Azure had been doing event after event, the Guild being far more social in the last three months than it had been in the last two years all together. It was wearing him down, and the boy didn't know for how much longer he could wear his fake and arrogant smile. Standing up, knowing that the Commandant could not keep away from a social event without arousing suspicion, he looked in the mirror again. His eyes were ringed with crimson circles and dark lines hung heavy under the dark blue orbs. Though he spent a lot of time on his bed in the inn room, very little of that time was spent sleeping. He attemped his facade and while it came out as it always did, it seemed so fake with the rest of his facial features. He sighed, and let it slump again, digging through his inventory for the hideous Hydra helm he had used so often before. Beings he had attended his own birthday party with the Skull of the fallen Hydra, he didn't think anyone would think anything of it. Zelrius on this particular day didn't put on all his gear like normal, simply he loose fitting silk clothing that he wore to relax in.

    He made his way down stairs, no swords on his hip, no pendants around his neck. No cloak on his back and no tuxedo to be heard of. The only gear he wore was the Hydra skull and that was merely to mask the rest of his face. It would be the first time in a long while Zelrius felt and would look his age, boyish, rather than as a Commandant. He looked about and merely stayed on the edges of the people, sitting in a chair, his leg resting on the opposing knee, and just gazing about at the happenings of the party.

  20. Zelrius sighed, putting on a bit more decorations before finally giving up and just standing by the tree, idly fiddling with a single ornament. He turned to see Piera and Lee be the first to arrive. He hadn't talked to the two a whole lot but felt they were on the pleasant side when it came to people. His arrogant grin didn't waiver as he spoke, however much he wished he could let it go. "Aye, it is nice to celebrate every once in a while. As for how I have been, Damn good as always. What about you two?" He lied about he had been. The golden haired boy had been dying on the inside, and often times he would think to himself that if he had any common sense, he'd attack Tristan until he died to his Damage return. That, or lock himself in his bedroom and never come out. Either sounded horrible and Zelrius simply wasn't one to give up like that, so he still found himself standing here, pretending to decorate a Christmas tree. 

    He looked back to the entrance once more to seen Manta. The Brigadier whom he had no qualms with but whenever in her presence, could feel her discontent with himself. He wanted so badly to get a chance to show the Brigadier that this wasn't whom he was, but he also didn't know any repercussions of that, so he just kept on smiling and invited her to join the party. "Morning to you, Brigadier. Come, help us get this Tree looking pretty, or you can have a seat and relax." That was all that he offered, not exactly sure whether or not Gaul had planned on staying for very long. 

    It was Kiru who entered shortly after. And for a moment, Zelrius wanted to jump up and walk out of the room. He had no idea what he was thinking when he set this little party up, but there were plenty of people in Azure that the Golden haired Commandant couldn't handle all at the same time. Having Manta and Kiru here was already taking it's toll on his social attitude, which already wasn't good. All they needed now was for Lessa or Flints to show up, and Zelrius would storm out right there. He gave a breath, attempting not to think about his last encounter with Kiru. "That's great. We're nearing two years since Azure was made. Is there anything you want for Christmas, Commandant?"

  21. (This is open to anyone member of the Azure Brigade [The Knights of Christ included] and the Velvet Room.)

    Again, upon awaking, Zelrius immediately threw his hand to the right side of the large bed he slept on, as if to check someone was there. There wasn't anyone, and hadn't ever been. Erin occupied it at one point or another, but those times were over. That memory was still fresh in his mind he could see it clear as day. He had begged her to stay, and she still ran away from him, even when Zelrius had shown that he truly cared, which he had shown to very few people. Top that off with the fact that Mr. "Invincible Tank" Delaney ran off and got married, and now the Golden haired boy felt abandoned. He hardly spent time with any of the other Commandants, and felt as though Kiru hated him now. He groaned, sitting up and looking about his all too-tidy and perfect room. The all white and golden-accented furniture with the contemporary design didn't sit well with Zelrius for some reason. He had thought that a Guild hall was what would fix his state of sadness, But, All a Guildhall did for him was make it so he could feel at home while he rotted away to his own emotions. He sat up in his bed, wanting nothing more than to lay back down and forego the party.

    But, he knew more than well enough that would only arouse people's suspicions more. So, with a sigh, he stood and put on all his gear, with exception of the two swords. He looked in a mirror framed above his bed, and gave his fake arrogant smile. It looked the same as it always did, but for some reason, the Golden haired Commandant felt that it looked stupid and made him look dumb. Still, he kept it on, knowing that it was going to be needed for the day. Throwing open his bedroom door and swinging it shut behind him, Zelrius rushed out to the main room, and looked around. The decorations for the Christmas party were all set up and ready to go, with Velvet Room flags on the Left side of the Azure Flags, and the KoC flags being on the right side to represent the three guilds in attendance.

    The arrows directed any guests to the large meeting, which had been converted into a nice little party area. The meeting table against the wall and lined with food, The chairs around it for anyone to sit and enjoy some down time. The center had a christmas tree with a sign infront that read "DECORATE ME", which had several boxes full of all kinds of ornaments and decorations. Zelrius kneeled down, and grabbed a handful of glitter from the box, throwing it onto the tree before hanging some generic ornaments on one side, allowing the rest of the guests to do the rest. 

  22. Zelrius didn't say anything as Lessa approached the room. He stood, and greeted her formally, trying to avoid suspicion of any kind. He approached the woman himself, still finding it strange that they were now in the same guild. It sent a shiver down his spine and nearly brought tears to his eyes everytime he looked at the Guardian, remembering his past encounters with her, and just how badly they had turned out. "Morning, Brigadier." His voice was flat, unintentionally, and muffled from under the Hydra Skull as he held out the Cloak with the proper color trimming for her. "Proper Azure Brigade uniform. I am not going to force you to wear it, nor will any other Commandant. Though I personally will be quite thankful if you at least put it on in Public events. Other than that, you're free to lock it up in a dark closet somewhere if you really want to." His tone was lacking the usual flaunting and arrogance it had, even under a facade. It seemed to him as though most if not all of his energy was sapped and he had little to no will to actually do this. His dark blue orbs looked at Lessa a moment, half begging to ask her if they could just call it a day and try again some other time.

    Again, he fought the ever burning desire to do so, swinging the giant door to the meeting room open and holding it there, making a gesture for them to leave. Once outside of the Guild Hall, Zelrius began to wander off to the nearest town, intent on teleporting to the Eleventh Floor for their day's search. I am going to get my familiar and then hide in my room the rest of the day, F*ck everyone else.

  23. As he watched Manta dip her figners into the lava and withdraw a squirming creature, all the while her HP dropped slowly. He went through his inventory for a quick moment and held out a red crystal to her, Commanding the crystal to heal his guildmate. "A Dud?" Zelrius asked, wondering if that little effort Manta had just put in had just gone to waste as the Lizard scurried away in quick speed. He gave a short laugh at how quickly the small creature disappeared, almost as quickly as it had appeared in the Girl's hands. He spoke up again, a bit of concern ringing in his voice. "Keep dipping your hand in molten rock like that, and I will run out of Crystals to heal you with. Then you'll die, and I will have paperwork to fill out." That was his passive aggressive way to ask her to be careful, though he would dare never actually say that. While it was true he would run out of crystals, there was no actual paperwork that would be needed should she die. No, but the event of which would weigh on the golden haired boy's mind more heavily as time passed.

  24. Zelrius didn't waste a moment. It was rather convenient that the first area they tried had the banshee. He drew his two blades and charged forth, within moments the banshee was gone, just like that. The quest was over, and sheathing his two blades, he turned to leave. "Have a nice day, Jomei." He didn't say anything to Shizuka, simply out of pure discontent. And he was gone, ran away back to his inn on the Eleventh Floor to hide away from the world and revel in his own thoughts and memories of a world better than this one now. 

    ID 42199 BD2 +4 Accuracy = 6. Hit

    7 +3 Bloodrage = 10+4 Fallen = 14+5 Charge = 19*27 = 513. Dead.

  25. Zelrius made his way up out of bed and took a second to sit on the mattress side and rub his eyes. From what he could tell, they were dry at the moment, though they currently stung. He took a second to turn his torso and head around and look at the other side of cushioned bedframe. Unlike the side he had just gotten up from, it was empty and clean. The golden haired boy quickly turned away from gazing upon that sight, fighting off the memories of Erin being there for the short time she was. Of course, the two had stayed in an Inn room on the Eleventh floor while they were "together", but now he was in his customized room in the Guild hall that Azure had recently bought. He stood from the bed, changing from his silk lounging clothes into his normal black and white tuxedo, the black and golden cloak with the flame symbol on the back appearing around him. Within moments, the pendants appeared in a sparkle of blue lights around his neck, and the two sheaths for the blades Michael and Lucifer on either hip. He pulled back the golden and white gloves of Midas around his hands before taking a second to look at the mirror that sat above his bedframe on the wall. On the fancy marble walls and in the center of a decorative golden frame stood the reflection of a boy, his hair messy, his eyelids red from emotion, and his face tired and pale. With a sigh, Zelrius went through his inventory that he shared with Ssendom, pulling out the Hydra Skull and placing it around his head. Though he hated the hideous helmet, he was in no mood to put on facades today.

    The Commandant wanted so badly to just stay locked up in his room for the day and not do anything, but he fought the urge strongly, knowing it would get him nowhere, and with a clearing of his throat, stepped out into the Main entrance of the Guild Hall. His heels clicked along the Marble floors until he reached the giant meeting room, lined with Azure and Knight of Christ Flags. He took a seat at the far left of the Commandant chairs that sat on the far end of the table. There, he waited for the Brigadier he had made plans with, Lessa, to arrive so they could begin their day.

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