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Posts posted by Zauis

  1. Zauis already knew this was gonna happen. That's the one reason why he hated being an red player. [censored] like this was very annoying. People judge you without hearing your story on why your even a PKer. Zauis smiled when his friend Grim started to stand up for him. "Calm down Grim. It's fine man...don't worry about it. I really appreciate it though.." he said with a saddened tone.

    Watching Grim take care of some NPC's was rather funny though. Zauis chuckled a little and after that little problem, Zauis followed Grim into the diner. As Grim ordered his food he had asked Zauis what he wanted. "I'll just have the same thing as you man. Besides....I won't be able to stay here long. I'm sure they'll be coming after me really soon. Probably already are. For some reason...pkers aren't allowed here." he shrugged and looked away with a gloomy expression.

  2. Zauis's mouth widened as Haine flipped out before even turning to know who it was. When Haine turned around she jumped away from Zauis as if he was some kinda ghost or something. Watching Haine's finger get closer to his face it finally poked his cheek and he blushed slightly.

    "W-what are ya doing...? And of course it's me you knucklehead." right when he got those words outta his mouth he was in a full blown choke hole hug while his eardrums were being bursted from Haine yelling like a wild animal. Zauis smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist, returning the hug. "It has been a long time. I'm glad to see your doing good. Why are you out here anyway?" he said with a cheerful laugh afterwards.

  3. "Damn....it's pretty hot around here. Meh...maybe I should've have wore my thin guild attire. Oh well. I could really go for a cold beverage right now. That sounds really good." he said with a dry facial expression as his outfit consisted of a tan zipped up jacket that covered his neck and almost some of his chin. Which he had rings that hung from the jacket and brown pants with brown boots.

    After traveling a while he saw a blue haired girl and somehow he started to picture that girl being Haine. "Is that really her...? I haven't seen her in ages. Nah...I doubt it's her. Doesn't hurt to take a look though.." he walked towards the girl and tapped her on the shoulder awaiting to see her face. "Haine is that you!?" he asked curiously.

  4. "Hahah that just sounds weird coming out of anyone's mouth. Haine being serious is just too funny. So she even has her own guild now? Man....she really has grown up. So your trying to get your own guild up and running, huh? I wish you the best of luck. And yeah, I'll follow your lead. Lead us to the way to this place man. I'm freaking starving! Hahah" he chuckled and started to push Grim slightly to lead the way.

  5. Zauis smirked "Thank you man. Your not bad yourself. Did you just say Haine!?!?? I miss that little brat. Haven't seen her in a long time actually. So she's actually gonna hunt him down and kill him. When did she get so serious? I remember her being super childish. Though she was really pretty. Haha. I wouldn't mind having maybe one or two drinks with you and some others. Not much if a drinker but I'm sure it'll ease my mind to." he said happily.

    Zauis watched as a small white dragon landed on Grim's arms and mentioned something about Daeron. Suddenly the little dragon turned toward Zauis with a weird look and questions Zauis. Zauis took a deep breath when his friend Grim told his familiar that Zauis was of no harm to him. Looking at the dragon eat the berries made Zauis's tummy growl.

    "Maybe we could go get a bite to eat. I ate not too long ago, but when I saw those berries it made me hungry. How bout we go to a diner or something. If you have the time to man." he stretched out his arms and let out a huge yawn.

  6. Zauis eyebrows folded in as if he was angry though he really wasn't. He had a natural look of an angered young male. "Grim, huh? I'm sorry to hear about that man. I'm sure he didn't deserve to die....I actually find this hard to believe. That someone is cruel enough to do such a thing. Damn..." Zauis said, full of anger as he clenched his fist while Grim began to tear up. Zauis's red eyes looked even more bloodthirsty than they already were.

    "So that's his reason of wanting you dead? Just because you witness your friends death and you said a few comments aimed at him? So he really has no reason to kill you....yet he's gonna try and kill you. That's good that you didn't accept the fight....just try not to let him catch you out of a safe zone. If that happens....you will die. I guess I'll stick around with you for a while. So you can put your mind at ease now. No need to shed anymore tears now.....I know I can't possibly understand how you feel, but just understand that your not alone." he said while pacing back and forth with a unforgiven facial expression.

    "It's nice to meet ya to Grim. From what you said earlier...you have a lady in your life, huh? Well, I hope she stays outta trouble and continue to strive to beat the game with you. Always have her back....Grim. I'm sure that's the first thing a lady would love in this death game. Whenever you see her again....tell her I said hello." he gave him a pat on the shoulder.

  7. This guys dress style was seriously wack. He seemed like some cold blooded freak. But, Zauis knew it wasn't right to judge someone, especially since they aren't even an orange player like he was. The dark toned boy, Zauis listened to the unusual looking man as Zauis's black hair hung straight down toward his eyebrows while his red eyes focused on the water. When Zauis heard the name Daeron, it sorta confused him somewhat. Who the hell is Daeron and why would I follow his orders? Is that some sorta joke. Zauis thought to himself while sticking his hands in his pockets.

    "Daeron told who about what happen? I'm not really understanding the situation. I have no clue who that guy is. And I only follow my own orders. I don't even follow my leaders orders." Zauis said, with a somewhat fierce voice. Closing his eyes for a moment trying to get a good feel of the breeze before turning to the male.

    "My name is Zauis. I'm here because I enjoy looking at this lake along with feeling the breeze. It really hits the spot and helps ease the mind. I'm a mysterious seventeen year old boy. That's how I describe myself. From the way you talk....are you in trouble or something? Why would this Daeron character want to kill you? Have you been a fool and done something to him? I don't mind if you don't want to explain." Zauis shrugged and turned his back on the lake.

  8. Zauis, munching on one of his favorite things, a nice sized burger. As he was eating the burger he decided to leave out of the village and wander around the grassland area. The area was limited with trees, but it had a nice breeze which lifted Zauis's blue trench coat. Finally making it to his usual hangout spot he noticed another player whom seemed to be looking at a lake.

    Zauis, beginning to walk toward the male with cautions. As he made it over to the male he stood side by side with him and looked at the lake also. "Pretty nice looking lake, huh? I usually come here to clear off my mind at times. I know things can be just as stressful in this game than real life." as he spoke to the man he tried to get a glimpse of his face and noticed a gloomy look. What was wrong with this guy? Is he alright? "Uh...."

  9. "Yeah, she's pretty clingy man. The first floor, huh? It is rather beautiful there. That sounds like my style actually. Thanks for recommending that." he said with a smile while looking up at the beautiful sky. "So I tell her to meet me there then catch her by surprise with what? Me asking her to marry me right when she gets there!? (xD) I guess it's not that difficult. Where do you think I can find her anyway!? I kinda just wanna talk to her about some past things. Need to make up for being a jerk." he sighs.

  10. "No problem pal. That's what friends are for. Especially best friends." Zauis said happily as he began standing up and stretching his hands out toward the sky while listening to Zero's kind words. He blushed at the thought of marriage, even if it was just in a game. Was he seriously ready to make such a huge commitment? Zauis zoned out on a little bit of Zero's beautiful mini speech. Finally shaking his head to get himself out the daze he looked back at Zero. "Yeah, I understand Z-man. A guy like me having a decent ring will be easy...a romantic scenario, huh? That'll be a pain....not my style. And she has to be caught off guard. That's kinda tricky considering she's so clingy when were together." he laughed and patted Zero's shoulder while giving him a bright smile which he normally didn't do. "Thanks "brother in law". I can't wait to see her."

  11. I'm Zauis again. So yeah! Lehhhhhgo.

    As they took a seat on the bench they were aiming for, Zauis noticed a depressed and unusual expression on his best friends face. Zauis didn't wanna be upfront and call him out about it so he started rubbing his white pants off as if they were dirty. After doing so he listened to Zero's words while playing with his Blue trench coat he got from the leader of the Knights of Christ, Shark-san. "Any advice, huh? Like I said before, my advice isn't much....or any good. I honestly just think you should be yourself and try to understand her more by asking the littlest things. Like, what's your favorite color or something. Start off with something easy like that. But, to actually talk to the girl you gotta approach her, right? You have a hard time with that or what? Either way....this is easier. Just notice the girl you like and maybe act as if you didn't see her and bump into her gently. That always work. Sorry...all I got Z-man. And thank you for your kind words." he said with confidence and toward the end with a bit of sincere-ness.

  12. Kirito smiled "Thank you. Man, I wish she was here right now. Hahah everything could be quick and easy. Meh....maybe not! Haha." he laughed happily until he heard Zero's comment and sigh. Kirito already knew what kinda guy he was since Siren had told him about Zero. He was actually their first topic that they'd bring up most of the time. Kirito was entrusted to always be Zero's friend and he'll never break that promise. After being with Siren, Kirito understands Zero more than anyone else. He places his hand on Zero's head while chuckling. "You need advice on how to talk to a girl, huh? I'm not too smooth myself but just somehow, somehow it all works out in my favor. How about we talk about it while taking a seat at that bench up ahead?"

  13. Kirito smirked while sticking both hands in his pockets nodded at every word his best friend said. "You really think so? I wonder what I did to deserve such love from her?" he looked away from Zero with a unusual smile on his face before whispering "Mr. Knight, huh...? Heheh" he chuckled while turning toward Zero. "I understand man. You don't have to tell me her name so don't worry about it. I'll just make sure your able to get her. Unless she's anything like my sister....I don't know how to handle girls like her. She's really difficult... Hahah" he smiled at Zero and patted his back before taking a sip of his fruit milk.

  14. Kirito shrugged. "You know I'm a sucker for her? She's a sucker for me? Are you crazy? Last time we were together we had a huge argument and Asen had to step in. That was a cruel day. I'm not sure if I can help you if you won't gimmie the girls name. I just want the name, no need to show me who she is or anything. But, if you can't tell me then it's fine." he said calmly while getting up and purchasing more fruit milk to put in his inventory and one to drink. "We have a deal. Let's go for a walk why we talk this over." he opens his fruit milk and sips on it while leaving outta the cafe.

  15. As Kirito listened to his best friend Zero, he nodded to the things he were saying as he drunk his fruit milk which left a milk mustache on his face. Instead of removing it he kept it on his face to try and cheer Zero up. "Wait..why do you suspect the female I'm talking about is Siren? What gave you that idea?" he looked away to hide his slight blush. "Sure, I'll help you out Z-man. I've got nothing else to do right now. So whose the girl your talking about?" he wondered curiously as he drunk the last if his fruit milk.

  16. "You sound like a true loser. Hahah I'm just messing with you!" he said with a smile and a carefree chuckle. Kirito never thought he'd see the day where Zero would actually crush on someone and what to do something about it. It was actually strange. "So, Zero, you have a crush on a little lady, eh? Don't get so frustrated about something like this. Just go with the flow like I do. It's easy to just act yourself around her and let her know how you feel by doing certain activities. Take her on a long walk to an interesting area or even take her out to one of the diners and lay it down on her. Z-man I know you've got the moves man. Just gotta push yourself a little harder. I'm having trouble myself. I'm not really all that romantic so I don't know what to do....with...yeah..."her"" he started talking calmly at first and ended kinda roughly and nervous slightly. He took a sip of his fruit milk.

  17. Kirito aimlessly walking around as he suddenly feels thirsty and hot. The sky in Aincrad was as bright as always. Kirito walking around in town as he walks past the cafe shop he noticed a familiar figure sitting at a booth. He smiles and walks inside the cafe and before walking to his friend he purchases a fruit milk and then heads over toward his bro Zero. Gently poking the side if his cheek with a smile before sitting across him in the booth. "Zero, what are you doing here man? And why the look on your face. Hahah" he said as carefree as ever before twisting the top off his fruit milk bottle.

  18. After pulling his hand away from one huge problem, Kirito let out a sudden sigh. His stupid reason was because of their age difference. The type of guy he is was well...different. Every time he met a girl in real life or in this game, they at least had to be his age, one year less or older than him but not by much. Kirito was a very picky dude but it was actually smart if you think about. The young male is seventeen and the girl he's walking with is thirteen. She's still a kid while he'll be an adult soon. That's something that he can't just bring himself to do, he couldn't date a younger kid.

    Feeling bad about what he did, Kirito slowly turned around while walking backwards to keep some space. As he looked Alycia's face he saw a weird facial expression filled with sorrow. He shrugged and walked towards Alycia and flicks her forehead. "Don't cry... I know what your thinking. Jerking my hand away was probably not that cool, huh? It's just that the age difference is way too different. I'll soon be an adult while your still in your teen years and stuff. Whelp I'm classified as an adult at eighteen. That's just one year away. So that's why... " he sighs as he starts walking side by side with her again.

  19. Running along the brick path that should've lead him toward another path very similar. Kirito continued sprinting as he finally reached the second path he needed to take to get a step closer to the young boy in trouble. Panting slightly at the thought of bad things flowing through his head, though he wanted to think positive about everything he couldn't. He knew many people who had been in situations such as this, including his friend which caused him to become orange. Overthinking the situation, Kirito closed his eyes for a second as he ran. "I'll be there soon....just hold on."

  20. Kirito nodded his head and gave her one more carefree smile along with a thumbs up this time. He was confident that her friend was okay but he still felt like something bad could happen if he doesn't hurry. Kirito was sure the kid was probably like a level three or something. "Alright, I'll be back soon." with those words, Kirito sprinted away from the girl and began following the path until he needed to take the left path.

  21. The Black Swordsman, huh? That should be a dead give away to be honest. Not really too fond of it though. Kirito thought to himself before giving the female a smile and a gently pat on the head. "Yeah, that's me. Call me Kirito. And you are? And don't worry about it too much. I'm sure your friend is find. But, could you elaborate on the area a bit more?" he asked her kindly while beginning to stand up and stretch his arms.

    Female: "I'm Tracy. Yes, right as your walking away from the entrance of the town you follow the normal path and take a left where another path starts. You'll enter a dull looking forest and just keeping heading straight and you should come across some lake, near the lake is where the fight is taking place." she told him in a rather calm voice.

  22. The girl smiled, seeming to finally feel the need to open up to Kirito. She took a deep breath then let out an unreadable sigh. "My friend may be in danger from a field boss....he's not really a fighting type of guy. He told me to get outta there and run....so I listened to him. He's not too far from this town. It'll be a quick find of the area....I just want him to be okay. Can you please save him? By the way....your name? Are you...The Black Swordsman?" the young girl cried for Kirito to help her. Though she then noticed who Kirito was, some say he's famous but he feels indifferent.

  23. Kirito, tiredly listening to every word the Aycial said, something she said stood out to him. It was so surprising that Kirito quickly snatched his hand away from Aylcias. Giving off a weird expression toward the girl he tried to play it off by sticking his hands in his pockets with a cheesy smile aimed her way.

    "Thats some pretty interesting stuff.. I'm sure you'll turn that dream into a reality sooner or later. You really have to just be patient with things like that." without saying anymore, he casually looked forward and started to walk a little ahead of her. Kirito's eyes twitching slightly. Holy crap....I'm alone holding hands with some thirteen year old. No way will I do that again. That's so weird and uncool. He thought to himself.

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