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Posts posted by Zauis

  1. Zauis saw Shark's hand go up possibly telling him to wait. As Shark ran out of the cafe he ran into Zauis giving him a huge hug. Zauis laughed and hugged him back while giving him a nice pat on the back. "I'm glad we could meet! It's been so long man." as the guards came closer, Zauis rushed in behind Shark who had grabbed his food and headed up stairs signaling Zauis to hurry. Zauis dashed up behind Shark and right as he entered the room he fell to the floor breathing heavily.

    "Ladies and gentlemen...go green or go home. It's hell being a red player. Hahah." he said jokingly though he sorta meant it. He grabbed one of the burgers on a plate and took a huge bite out of it. "It has man. Things are going well for me. Just waiting on my new blade to get crafted. It's gonna be so freaking door man. And don't worry about it." he smiled.

    Zauis took another bite of the burger and a slight blush appeared of his cheeks. "So freaking delicious man. You just don't understand. How are things with you by the way? Ya know me Shark....still trying to find that perfect lady. It's kinda hard these days. Especially when I'm focused on surviving this hell hole." he stated after swallowing his food.

  2. Having a restless night as usual seeing as he wasn't allowed in town for being a pker he rested on a tree near the town. He was having a nightmare once again and being tense while in his nightmare he rolled off the branch connected to the tree. As soon as he made impact with the ground it instantly woke him up and he was breathing really hard. Zauis was trying to catch his breath as he rolled around the grassfield. Placing his hand on the tree he finally recovered from wind being knocked outta him.

    He stood up with an restless look on his face while rubbing the back of his neck looking around. "Maybe I should head to somewhere else. I love floor one, but maybe I'll switch things up a bit. As much as I hate heat....I'll check out floor five." he said calmly while using a teleporting crystal which lead him to floor five and right in the center of town. Zauis gulped and looked around at all the hateful faces.

    They then started booing Zauis to get away and NPC's were chasing Zauis. "Damn it man. Why can't my sword art online life be normal. I feel like I go through this everyday...." he basically out ran most of everything as he runs with his head looking down at the ground and right as he looks up he sees someone in a blue that he knew by heart. "Wait a minute....is that? Shark?" he stopped and walked by the cafe and tapped on the window at the guy in blue. "Thats definitely him alright. My old leader, Shark." he yelled at him through the glass. Zauis was wearing his causal outfit. His small brown shirt with a long beige shirt and trousers.

  3. Zauis, walking through the rough sandstorm with an unusual facial expression as his brown hair blew in the wind. He had his right hand up in front of his face trying to keep the sand from getting into his eyes.

    He finally appeared before two of his party members who he would be helping out. Zauis was wearing a small brown jacket with a long beige shirt worn under it and regular trousers. He wasn't properly dressed out in an area such as this. The young male was looking down at the ground while he was in front of the two guys.

    Zauis finally looked up at the two guys. As he looked up you you could see the assertive look in his teal-green eyes that looked almost monstrous. The kid looked like he had a lot of guts. He smirked at them and through up his hand like some sorta wave. "Heheh. Let's rock." he said under his breath.

  4. Zauis turns around looking at Ragnar with a smile. "Dont worry about it man. I'm sure the guy who killed your brother will pay." he shook Ragnar's hand and looked over at the others for a moment. "Alright guys...let's get going to our destination!! I'm ready to fight a dragon. Hopefully this will get me back into things. Let's make this clear right now. When one of us are in danger....we will try our best to help them. No party members will die." he grinned and gave them all thumbs up.

    [i won't post again until the others do.]

  5. " I have no soul...? Huh? I never said anything about your brother. I said whoever did that to your brother used a coward move. I've been hearing plenty of people talk about it. It's a really sad story and I really didn't wanna get into deep discussion about it. It's way too sad for my taste. But, I understand if you don't trust me." he sighs and turns his back on the group while looking up at the sky.

  6. Zauis shrugged at Ragnar's words. "Ive been hearing about that lately. That's the talk of Aincrad. That was a real coward move. Trust me, I won't kill anyone. Besides, I still have some high leveled people on my side. I'm well known. Aincrad is turning out for the worst around here... I just wanna enjoy life again without be paranoid of the people around me." he spoke calmly while looking around at the group. Zauis's stomach growled while he placed his right hand over his stomach. "A nice burger sounds so good.... So what's this dragon thingy you guys are up to? You in need of material or something?"

  7. Zauis wiped the tears away and looked up at Trinoko and the rest of the group. He was trying to smile at them but his lip was shivering. He grabbed Trinoko's hand which helped him stand on his feet. Zauis listened to his carefree words and finally gave them all a genuinely smile. "Thank you. I understand the past is the past, but I'll never get over it. Yeah, I'll give it my all to beat this damn game. I'll have to stop being so alone and let some of my hatred go... You guys are all good people. I'm glad to have met you all. By the way, what are your names?" he asked curiously tho he still had a few tears in his eyes.

  8. "Her name was Merry. I remember it so clearly. She was a small girl around of age of 15 but she looked 12 at the most. Though we had met around the first floor early up in the game and she got attached to me as if I was her big brother. We got really close and that incident had to happen. Luckily...the only price I paid was becoming a pker and losing all respect. It was a nice price to pay for Merry to be okay." he stood in his same position as the tears continued flowing he clenched his fist that was above his heart. "Painful memories.....I hate it. I hate being a pker. Please....let's just stop talking about this." he collapsed to the ground, but catches himself with himself because his knees hit the ground while his hands did also. "Damn...."

  9. Zauis shrugged at the mans words. Taking a deep breath before placing his left hand behind his back and lifting his right arm upward to his chest slamming his fist just above his heart. It was almost like a salute, but different. "My name is Zauis. Seventeen teen year old boy....I never imagined I'd become a pker. I'm only a kid really.. I'll let you know this back story. I was traveling with a friend of mine. We were surrounded by pkers and they took her away from me while there was nothing I could do. I was too low of a level. Then I grew some balls and chased after them secretly. I followed them back to there hide out. I'll skip what I went through. I managed to retrieve her from the hide out and right as we were about to leave two pkers showed up and charged at us. I slashed the pkers who tried attacking us. I killed them because my mind wasn't stable at the moment. I was witnessing hatred....that is all." he said while staying in his position and bowing his head while tears where flowing down his face.

  10. Zauis heard the three dudes talking as he just chuckled at one of guys words about power leveling. He turned toward the three dudes and shrugged a bit while throwing up a hand. "Hey there....what are you three up to? Looks like you've got something interesting to do today. What might that be if I may ask. And don't worry....I may be a red player but I'll let ya know my backstory on why I am. I'm not like the others who run around killing." he said while rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

  11. [OOC]

    Zauis happening to be near the towns exit pacing back and forth like something weighed heavily on his mind. He was in his casual attire consists of a small brown jacket with a long beige shirt worn under it with a maroon sash around his waist, brown trousers and brown shoes. He sat on a bench in front of the town. "i wonder where my little sister is. I haven't seen her in a while. We use to meet up at the cafe a lot but who knows....I'm sure she's still alive though. Stubborn brat. I use to think this was the life I wanted, but sword art online is getting really boring. There is no more excitement....all there is...is death. Man...hopefully this day will be promising." Zauis stood up and stretched.

  12. Upon entering the room we immediately saw what Haine thought was the cargo. Zauis shrugged as he walked over toward the cargo and watched as Haine tried to carry it, but failed. Zauis sighs as he starts tapping the side of his head with his index finger. "That looks way to heavy....I think if we both carry one end of the cargo we might be able to get it. I doubt it tho." he said calmly while lifting the cargo as his face started to create an unusual facial expression.

  13. Zauis watched as the blacksmith approached them. Taking a few steps away from Grim so that he could do his thing since he came here first. Not trying to listen to everything Grim was saying so Zauis paced back and forth. Grim finally finishing what he had to say right as Zauis walked up to the counter placing his right hand on it with a bored expression on his face. "What materials do I need for you to craft me this "Gundum" blade. Just a swift one handed sword. just something I can work with for now." he spoke to the man with a calm tone.

  14. In need of a new sword, Zauis walked around aiming to find a blacksmiths shop. Zauis shrugged at the boredom of looking for shops which shouldn't even be hard to find. Turning his head to the right a little he finally saw the blacksmiths shop. He facepalmed himself and stood in place for a moment. "Are you kidding me? It was right there..." he said out loud. He walked over to the blacksmiths shop and entered. The first person he saw was a friend of his, Grim. "Hows it going Grim? You in need of something to? I really need a new one handed sword. Where is the blacksmith?" he asked while looking around over the counter. He sighs.

  15. Zauis began looking like his old self. An unusual grimacing look was upon his face. "Well this is getting us no where...tch" the short tempered boy walked over by Haine where the sealed door was. Zauis bumped Haine outta the way and tried solving the puzzle that could've had a ton of combinations. He sighs as he continued to mix up the puzzle pieces until he finally heard a click. The door shined a bright yellow color as Zauis placed his hand on it and pushed it open.

  16. Zauis shrugged as his wet hair was stuck against his forehead and a little over his eyebrows. He placed his hand on his face to feel the sweat and his face wasn't as sweaty as he thought it would be. He heard Haine's words but he decided not to speak. Zauis tiredly walked into the cave with no fear. "Meh...." he looked around the cave to find the cargo.

  17. "Is she really running from that thing?" he asked himself as he started to rest his eyes waiting for the scaredy cat Haine to get back. As Zauis opened his eyes he noticed Haine was poking his chest. "Huh? It just poofed? That's strange...." He smiled and poked her cheek gently. He slowly stood up and shook his head while pulling Haine to proceed. "Are we almost done with this? This is rather annoying....I can't believe I took this hot ass quest with you."

  18. As we ran for a long time, Zauis listened to Haine complain and right as she stopped a lion suddenly was headed in our direction. The thing looked fairly weak. Zauis laid down on the sand and put his hands behind his head as he looked up at the sky. "Meh....I'm sure your can handle it. I'm too lazy to handle that...besides, that lion is a joke. Do we really need to waste time on that?" he yawned again while closing his eyes.

  19. (Haha thank you do much! :3 I seriously had forgotten. xD)

    Zauis sighs as Haine quickly gets off his back. He raises his eyebrow and looks at her. "Feel sorry for what? I enjoyed carrying you on my back." he said calmly while blushing slightly as he looked away. "Yeah, anything you want to do. I don't mind running....i just won't use sprint." he slowly began jogging behind Haine as he looked around the area as he could feel the sweat in his hair about to began to drip.

  20. "Quit complaining Haine...." As she climbed on Zauis's back, Zauis blushed at the feel of Haine's hands squeezing his shoulders. He tried shaking the weird feeling he had, but it wouldn't go away. That was until Haine started being childish again. "Calm down. Don't call me a horse you weirdo. Hahah" Zauis yawned right before he felt Haine sliding down his back somewhat. He placed each of his hands under her thigh to keep her from sliding down. "Man....the prize that lady is giving us better be something really awesome or I'll lose it. This place is way hotter than what it was a few minutes ago. And those bizarre wind are.....just ugh..." he complained to Haine.

    (Sounds good to me) (:

    Health: 58/59

    I have no idea if that's my correct health, but yeah. xD

  21. "Yeah yeah yeah....hurry up and gimmie a bottle will ya. Please don't tell me the bottle is empty either." he said calmly as he saw her take off using her sprinting skill. Watching as she quickly slows down, Zauis chuckled and continued walking towards her. "What the hell were you thinking? You don't need to rush this you idiot. Geez....sometimes I feel you have changed and then you prove that you haven't. Ahh...here" as he finally got closer to the exhausted Haine he pulled on her shirt stopping her from walking. Zauis stood in front of her and crouched down while looking down at the ground. "Get on my back Haine. At least until your not exhausted anymore." he waited for her to climb on his back.

  22. Zauis listened to all the commotion of the people making a huge deal of everything that was happening. Zauis zoned out and began thinking of when he was talked about like this. They couldn't keep his name outta there mouth. Now no one realizes it's...."The Mysterious Swordsman". He use to wear a certain type of attire so everyone knew him. He was mysterious because he'd kill on the spot and he helped little causes. He was a fairly strange boy. But, once he joined the Knights of Christ and became a co-leader he started to be more civil. Zauis had changed in many ways...for the good.

    As the food arrived, Zauis's eyes fired up just like Grim's dragon as he quickly tried grabbing the bowl, but the dragon was faster. Zauis chuckled and waved at the pure white dragon before he started munching on his steak. "You're pretty fast when you see some berries. Hahah." he laughed even though he knew he wasn't in the mood for anything. He was full of sorrow. Zauis sighs.

  23. "You actually wanna be helpful to others? Since when did you even care about things like that? Iran your a nice girl, but you never did things like that. Well...how would I even know? I haven't seen you in ages." Zauis saw the determination in her eyes. Zauis blushed slightly and waved his hands side to side. "Um...nevermind that. It wasnt really anything...really!" he tried laughing it off so he didn't feel so out of place.

    "All you have is a freaking bottle? Is it empty...? Lameeee. This place is way to damn hot. I'm actually praying to feel that damn vicious wind." he whined to Haine while walking behind her. His eyes was focused on her blue hair as they proceeded.

  24. Zauis placed his hands in his pockets. "So there was an old lady that's not doing so well and you took her offer to go get her things even though the travel is whole day and night? And what the hell is harsh winds? Are they really that vicious? Man that sucks...." he said while watching Haine pump her fist in the air.

    Zauis smirked and started gently elbowing Haine in the side. "Are you sure you want me to come along just because it'll be an awesome adventure? Hahah nah I'm just teasing you. I don't mind tagging along. I was really hoping to get something to drink, but oh well.... Let's get going."

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