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Posts posted by tom1030

  1. I continued to focus on ryu aiming straight his head

    Tom rolled 9 on BD

    Ryu rolled a 4 on MD - 3 due to evasion MD = 1

    I dropped to the ground to avoid ryu's attack and tripped him to deal minor damage and then impaled him in the chest for a critical hit dealing a total of 7 damage

    With ryu injured i turned my focus to the man with the broad sword

    Ryu (Curved sword base damage 1) 3/13

    Player 2 (Spear Base damage 2) 13/13

    Player 3 17/17 (Broad Sword Damage 2 Bleed on 9 - 10 MD)

    Arekkusu: 36/36 Tom: 17/17

  2. i heard footsteps behind me and there stood arekkusu ready to back me up he told me that i shouldn't kill them unless i wanted to be labelled a player killer. I nodded although secretly i planned to kill these three. I could allow these men to continue to keep taking hostages as they had been they needed to be removed from the game. They were causing more trouble than they were solving and i could stand that i had already seen one player be killed by these men their former leader had been killed by a mob in battle but these had decided to stay away from the mosters to be safe. Little did they know i was about to become the most dangerous thing they had ever run into. I nodded to arek and launched my attack


    Ryu (Curved sword base damage 1) 13/13

    Player 2 (Spear Base damage 2) 13/13

    Player 3 17/17 (Broad Sword Damage 2 Bleed on 9 - 10 MD)


    Tom 17/17

    Arekkusu 36/36


    Tom rolled 4 on BD targeting Ryu

    Ryu Rolled 1 on MD

    I swung towards ryu as i drew near he attempted to parry my weapon and i managed to scrape his elbow dealing a small amount of damage to him


    Ryu (Curved sword base damage 1) 10/13

    Player 2 (Spear Base damage 2) 13/13

    Player 3 17/17 (Broad Sword Damage 2 Bleed on 9 - 10 MD)


    Tom 17/17

    Arekkusu 36/36

  3. I stepped Forward into the light and snow exiting my guild HQ planning my journey out and heading into the snow covered forest in the tundra. I passed tree after tree and entered the meeting place that was mentioned in the ransom note. A boy had been taken captive and this group of player were going to kill him if I didn't show up. I was probably walking into a trap but that didn't matter to me. I didn't want life to be wasted for no reason and I had to try to stop them. If I died while I was out there then at least I tried my best to prevent innocent blood being spilled. I stepped into the clearing and saw the boy tied up and a group of three players standing near him. I was definitely in the right place.


    The first person to speak up was a player by the name of Ryu I hadn't had any dealing with him before and I certainly recognized the second a player who I had recently convinced to not kill another player. The third stood there menacingly with a broad sword strapped to his back. I quickly accessed the situation. I was standing in the open away from any safe zone. This area was a pvp zone and if I had to I would kill these three to save this boys life.. I wasn't going to let an innocent die just for the sake of following the rules. I dropped my Brotherhood cloak on the ground and drew my blood red blade as the first man spoke. ''Glad your here but your out numbered 3 to 1 what do you expect to be able to do to save this boys life'' he laughed. I replied with a reply that I hoped would scare the three to avoid blood shed. ''Im here to pay the ransom in coin or in blood its ure decision'' I said darkly


    The man stood laughing at me his friends following his example. I took a second to observe their equipment all in cloth armour so they didn't have any special effects on their armours there weapons consisted of a sinlge curved scimitar, a two handed assault spear, both were the starter weapons and the third carrying a broad sword which could have any enhancement on. From the look of the quality of the blade it seemed to be a rare find ... he could be troublesome I thought. ''You think you could pay us off after what you did? we will kill this boy and you are going to watch'' He shouted as he slashed the young boy and I watched his health deplete by a fraction. Definatly wont be a problem to handle the leader I should go for him first. i tried to reason with them first there had to be a away of this. ''Lets see you have no protection and your hitting that boy for a single point of damage i can hit for a three and i have 3 evasion do you really think you can take me on'' i shouted across the clearing

  4. "If it goes through i have no problems with you being incharge of gathering info but we should see what the others say" i told him i looked at drat and could tell he wasn't liking my idea one bit ... i wondered to myself what the point of having a. debate on how we should run if people were just going to argue. With that i left HQ to go for a walk ill let the rest decide how things get run I'm not getting involved i have my sqaud to look over and that's enough for me i just hope who ever organizates the boss fights knows how to handle the teams the moment things go south. Besides i was a solo player at heart but i joined to guild to help out others. I don't care how things are run i just want to get us all out of here. That's my ultimate goal not debating how we are going to do it. I just want to get it done.

  5. "I know where we can find lake you are looking for crow" i said giving him a nickname out of no where. "I havnt mapped this area yet but i know its to the east a few clicks from here if you want i can come with you?" I asked. In a group we would be stronger and i didn't want him travelling alone. I was responsible for his safety after all he was in my squad.

  6. I shook my head at drats suggestion "i think we need a larger circle than that but not as large as what kitty said we need someone who can plan out the battle strategy, someone who can keep a level head in said battle keep everyone organized. We need a finance person and we need someone to go out and gather any info we need" i said to him

  7. I regained my poseur and returned to the seat by the fire I had just leapt up from a few moments ago debating on what I should make of all of this. Draterion our guild leader determined yet so carefree, Azureth Strong willed and yet clumsy, Kitty cute and young yet wise beyond her years, Kiru Mysterious and yet so strong, Crozeph so absent minded and yet so laid back and Arek who is never around it seems until he is needed. But what does that make me I don't trust many people only these that I have met on my journey here and I trust them with my life. I'm cautious and quick to jump to conclusions but there must be something about me that makes me different and play a part here in the guild. And it hit me I react under pressure ... in the face of death I thrive and fight on to the end, for everyone ... I will beat this game and I will get home to everyone and once I do im going to find my new friends in the real world ... ill make sure they survive I must protect them. I have duties to fulfil here just like everyone else and I will get out there and kill everything that gets in my way. My strength lies in my loyalty and my level headed thinking my part is to see us through to the end I am the glue that holds us all together, I am the bond that binds. I step out into the snow with renewed vigor. I have fulfilled my duties for the  previous day and I have more to fulfil today. I set off of into the sunrise cloak billowing in the wind.




    1 SP gained

    400 Col gained (1 page)

  8. I ran to the window and pushed it open letting in a gust of wind and snow. I needed air and a release. The cold hit my face like a sea of needles snapping me out of my confused dream state. It was possible to dream in a game? and have a nightmare? I was impressed and scared at the same time if you could have dreams then does this mean that this world is slowly absorbing our conscience? This was becoming unnaturally real and what was bothering me the most was how I had so easily adjusted to this world. I was my home, my guild my family and my friends were also feeling like I had known them for years in the real world. What is happening here?

  9. I laughed at how kitty thought the game required a key to open a door or something which in my experience didn't happen. Who needs keys anyway? O.o i stopped when i realised she was being sarcastic parhaps the fact she was standing with her hands on her hip gave it away I'm not sure I'm not good with this sort of thing. I cleared my throat and pointed down the hall. "Shall we?" I asked the group

  10. Someone ran up to us. and i realized it was yuji i laughed at his runny nose and continued to smile at my old friend. "This is crozeph from my sqaud in my guild he's a good guy just has an awful sense of direction" i laughed crozeph always did have a problem with the map i think his nerve gear might be messed up or something.

  11. I however stood up and approached. the table. "If i may id like to make a suggestion, id like draterion to be in charge of the intelligence division he is more than capable of finding out bosses and weaknesses and i volunteer for the stategic division. My strength lies in thinking straight and reacting under pressure and i believe i have what it takes to be a tactition" i said to everyone waiting for the votes

  12. I was walking down the snow covered path back towards town after an unsuccessful search for a perfect item sadly i was unable to obtain it so i decided to turn back and return to the guild to work out a new strategy. On my way back i saw someone standing on the path looking at their man and i recognized the templar emblem on their cloak as i got closer i realized it was crozeph. "Hey man are you lost again?" I called out to him

  13. I was running from a monster through a labrinth all i could see was the glow from its eyes as it persued me. I tried to stop it closing the distance by taking sharp turns and knocking objects over as i ran but it just kept coming. whatever this thing was it wanted my blood. I would not give up just like that until i hit a dead end. I spun on my heels just in time to see it running at me. Just as it swiped my body with its huge claws i woke up screaming.

  14. I stood up and decided to head to guild to get some rest i wrapped my cloak around me and set off into the night. Some players passed by on there way to the talking about how they were getting ready for something or other. I thought about following them but decided against it. It wasn't until i was sitting in front the fire in the guild living quarters that i realised the time so i closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep hopefully the others would be back tommorow,

  15. The was a melancholic feeling about being the one to sit out and have nothing to do for a while. I should be out fetching materials but that could wait. I could also be out training but I didn't feel like it at the moment. I ordered another drink and watch from the corner as people passed by the tavern slowly emptying while I sat feeling sorry for my self. I wonder how kenji and Sousuke are doing back home ... and my parents and my sisters ... it felt weird ... I couldn't remember their faces anymore it scared me that I was losing my memories of the outside world but at the time it empowered me to fight harder for us all.

  16. I decided to get back to work on draterions sword so I heated up the forge and began to work but my first attempt failed to I tried again - 1 mat

    ID 3224 CD 6 Bad item created

    My second attempt went a lot better I managed to create a blade worth selling

    Armed Broadsword


    Quality Uncommon

    enhancements +1 Damage Mitigation

    Description: an intresting two handed sword that has a wide blade which can be used as a basic shield


    ID 3228 CD 10


    My final attempt of the day was even better although the blade was not long enough and lacked the weight to be used as a large blade but with the way it turned out I felt I needed to keep it

    Blood's Oath - 1 handed sword



    +1 damage and Bleed

    A long sword with a blood red blade so sharp it causes bleed effect on 9 - 10 BD roll


    ID3229 CD 11

  17. there was nothing out of the ordinary around town so I settled for a drink in the tavern observing the others around me. They bustled about chatting with friends and forming party's and here I was sitting alone while my friends were off doing who knows what at god knows where. I couldn't help but worry for their safety after all we lived in this world now and it was like a home away from home they were my family here. A phrase came to mind and I let a tear slip from my eye. Home is where the heart it ... was I forgetting about my real life was this my destiny to be stuck here forever? Either way I had friends and family in both and I was going to do my best to protect them.

  18. azureth brought out his new equipment from his inventory and I noticed the head size on his spear. ''Hey azu you do know that spear isn't spear but more of a lance right'' I said to him. The head size on that thing was definatly in spear territory and if it was crafted right could cause some massive damage but could azureth handle the weight of it?

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