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Posts posted by tom1030

  1. I sat there thinking a while about the floors I've been to which were 1 2 and 4. "I've only been to floors 2 and 4 above this" i said "floor 2 i havnt seen much of but its similar to floor 1 i guess i traveled through some mountains once and floor 4 is a snowy paradise where me and my guild mates reside, we chose it for its beauty and the fact its in the middle of the floors we have currently unlockee." I told him

  2. ''Sounds good'' I said ''Look I appretiate the help you've taught me a lot man cheers im heading back to town now ill see you around?'' I said to him

    I got back to town a went to the inn to relax and think about how this world is going to turn out surely it cant be that bad im sure ill be fine and maybe ill see crozeph again some day who knows but for now I needed to rest tomorrow I would begin my life here and start to make a difference.

    OOC Gonna end it here since my character has already advanced past this so its about time I ended this thread lol

    Reward 400 col x2 800 split 3 ways so 275 col each or summat like that

  3. I was impressed by crozephs ability to take on a wolf the way he did he recovered from his mistakes with little effort and when I noticed the bite wound begin to heal I was shocked. ''WoW what skill is that'' I asked this guy was definatley experienced and if he could tell me more then id defo want to learn this was a life and death situation after all

  4. I turned to face arekkusu and spoke to him ''No offense my friend but when you have been through what I have I believe trust is earned not handed out willy-nilly if uve had your best friend hold knife to your throat u would be exactly the same'' I said. It was the first time I had opened up to anyone since the incident and I had to make a point that even those who u deem to be close to you can just turn on you given the right environment

  5. I decided to continue making swords I was a bit bored of making shields now so I began to work


    CD 5




    Sadly it didn't turn out as expected so I scrapped it and tried again last try of the day


    ID 2938



    This time I dropped the ore in the forge and it just went up in flames so I gave up and went home for the day

  6. I smiled at his compliment and that he had realised that we are in this together and the best option would be to make friends.


    ''Like I said man we have to beat this game together all of us ... we are in this together and im glad I helped you out today ive enjoyed the company'' I told him


    He proceeded to tell me many stories about his time here in SAO and I myself told him my own stories and before long it was night


    ''I myself find it hard to trust people but not everyone here is a bad person risk equals reward you know?'' I said as we left my shop for the day

  7. id 2933


    BD 5

    MD 4


    I nodded and prepared for the wolfs next attack it attempted to slash at me with its claws which I blocked with my sword I then lunged in recklessly as the wolf jumped back causing me to miss my strike I strafed back next to crozeph disappointed in my failure ''Switch'' I said hoping he could finish the wolf off

  8. I felt a bit silly not realising that I was asking for a perfect item so I decided to go with rare ''Ill take a rare for 700 col +2 evasion if that's fine with you my friend'' I said the evasion will be more useful that the damage mitigation since the best defense is not to get hit all

  9. I stepped into the tailors looking for a coat of midnight and couldn't see any in current stock so I approached the owner of the store who appeared to be busy making a something and spoke up ''Excuse me sir I was wodering If I could commission a coat of midnight how much would it be to have it at rare quality with a base damage mitigation of 1 and evasion enchancements +2'' I asked

  10. the snowman was definitely not impressed and threw an icicle at me with bullet like precision hitting me straight in the stomach I coughed up some blood ''that hurt like hell'' u muttered through gritted teeth


    MD 9



    I let my anger overwhelm me and activated my sword skill charging in like a crazy person ''Lightning win'' I shouted shooting straight through the snow man dealing insane damage



    Tom 11/15

    Snowman 6/15


    Hate 2

  11. I opened up for the day grabbed the template for azureths shield and got straight to work heating up the forge and getting my tools ready




    CD 10


    ''Finally'' I shouted jumping for joy


    Item created: Shield of Azureth

    Quality Uncommon

    Enchancements: +1 Damage Mitigation

    Description: A Small shield to be used with a spear created by the Guild smith Tom (Usable by Azureth)

  12. yuji showed his trusted blade and it gleamed like it had been newly forged and I grinned ''looking good man see what did I tell you that's one fine looking sword and if u forged a katana into a longsword then well you really have a lot of skill to be able to create custom weaponry like that. maybe one day ill be able to create weapons like that'' I said to him. that blade really was a work of art and I hoped that I showed him how you can easily turn ure day around around by just taking a few minutes to work on something you have passion about

  13. id 2906





    I listened to what crozeph said and began to circle the wolf looking for an opening o thought I saw it slip on its back leg so stepped forward keeping my sword pointed in its direction then out of nowhere it tried to pounce me luckily I listened to crozephs advice and was able to use my sword as a crude shield managed to knock the wolf back before it could do any damage


    Tom 10/15

    Crozeph 14/15

    Wolf 6/6

  14. kitty had a point sometimes a large group is a bonus I addressed the women with two tone hair since she seemed to be the one who was getting the most irritated ''If you don't mind would it be ok if you stayed with the group for a little while longer ive just recently managed to figure out how to see peoples stats and was surprised to see how high a level you are. would you mind showing us the ropes here on the upper floors since this is the first time ive ventured higher than the first floor.'' I asked her I had a feeling that despite any hostilities she showed to arek that there was no intention to harm us I had calmed down a little now and I wasn't so suspicious. ''I may not trust you yet but that's just how I am im afraid but I would trust you more if you gave me a reason to do so, im sure you understand.'' 

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