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Rin Tachibana

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Posts posted by Rin Tachibana

  1. Rin was kind of caught off guard with his question, not many really cared about her story so it was a shock to have someone ask her about it. She shuffled a bit, unsure of how to approach this without being rude or too open. Rin looked down into her mug of white hot chocolate which she had just been served. "Sorry..." She didnt know what was happening but for some reason she couldnt bring herself to speak about her life. She wasn't used to it. Rin knew she must seem pretty stupid, not being able to speak about certain topics. Her hands shook slightly however they were hidden from view, on her lap under the table. "Sorry," She repeated again, "I dont know."

  2. Rin sat down at the table opposite the player who had brought her here, she then picked up one of the menus at the table and began scanning it. "Tom... Hmm... My name is Rin Tachibana. Dont call me anything but Rin or I will hurt you." Of course this was just an empty threat, she wouldnt really hurt someone if they didnt call her wanted... At least thats what she thought. Rin gave her order to the NPC waiter that had approached them then waited for Tom do order his own things.

  3. "Pfft, dont tell me what to do," Rin mumbled whilst catching up to Tom, walking just a little bit behind him so that he could lead. And partly so that he couldnt see her face which was still slightly red. "Good because I am pretty hungry..." She said trying to move on from what happened, however she couldnt get the image of her being in his arms out of her mind. Blushing more and telling herself of silently her face reddened. She hadnt blushed so much in a while.

  4. Rin was caught by Tom before her body could hit the ground. At first she didnt do anything, the shock of the fall still fresh in her mind. However once she realized she was being held by Tom and he was looking into her eyes, her face turned comically red. "W-what do y-you think you're doing!" She demanded, very embarrassed, "G-get off of me!" She tried to get back on her feet but tripped over once again. She fell back into his arms, exactly where she had just been. "B-baka!" Rin muttered getting up from his old for the second time and standing up in front of him. 

  5. "Sounds good," She smiled slightly then jumped up to her feet, "Come on baka, hurry up! You're so slow!" She stated even though she hadn't given him any time at all to start moving. She started walking away from the fountain until she realized she had no idea where they were going. Rin stopped walking and turned around quickly. A bit too quickly. She lost her balance and tripped over. "Ouch..." 

  6. Rins eyes widened at Toms comment of her looking cute, she frowned slightly even though she wasn't that mad. She decided to ignore his comment as much as she could however she could not stop a blush forming on her cheeks. "Hmph. I dont really care where we go, you can decide. As long as we do something remotely fun and interesting I will be fine," Rin replied, looking down at her feet.

  7. "Hmph, like I would want to sit next to you," She muttered after Tom had just moved over on the bench to make room for her and indicated that she could sit down. Despite her words Rin in fact did sit right next to him on the bench, without a word and sitting back, pulling her legs up onto the bench. "You might not but I do," Rin mumbled in response to his comment about him not biting, of course she was only joking. "I dont need your help..." As usual she was being harsh when she didn't really mean to be, "Although I do get a bit bored. So yes." Rin pushed her hair out of her face and stared at Tom.

  8. "Hey don't close your eyes again I'm speaking to you!" Rin continued to glare at the player who had just introduced himself, "I'm Rin, Rin Tachibana. Not that my name is any of your business baka." Rin was caught off guard by Toms next words, something about her being cute. She jumped a little and blushed slightly, "What!" She almost shrieked, "I am NOT cute! Dont say that again! Eww! I would totally hit you right now if we weren't in a safe zone!" Her hands were now balled up by her sides, her yellow eyes piercing Tom. His words had caught her off guard completely, she didnt know how to respond. She had no idea he was messing with her yet she was still very annoyed.

  9. Rin was sat on the edge of the water fountain in the town square of one of the towns on the first floor, peering over the side and into the sparkling waters. She had been wondering about the town for the best part of the day, having nothing to do and no one to really speak to. As she sat gazing into the water her mind was lost deep in thought, recently she had been thinking about the real world and her mother. How were things back there? And of course if she ever managed to leave this game alive would her life be any better there than it was here? Probably not. Rin couldn't stand the thought of going back to her life in the real world, where she constantly lived in the fear of her mothers ex-boyfriend finding them and abusing them once again. A single tear rolled down her cheek, one that she didnt notice.

    If it werent for the arrival of another player Rin would have probably continued to stare at the fountain, instead she jumped to her feet as the player sat down. She stared at the boy in front of her, however his eyes were now closed and he seemed to be relaxing. "Hey baka!" She said "Who are you?"

  10. Rin stared at the guy who addressed her, shocked that anyone would bother speaking to her. After taking in his words she almost spilt her hot chocolate down her front because her hands began to shake slightly with rage, "Ewww! No way would I sit next to you! Creepy baka!" She sneered at the player, being ruder than she usually was, and she knew it. However she was not prepared to apologize.

    She glared at the player with bright yellow eyes, for some reason he seemed to be embarrassed. Good, thought Rin, he deserves it, I could have ruined my clothes or burnt myself and died! Yet for some reason she still placed her mug onto the table and sat down facing the stranger. Acting like it was nothing she began to sip on her hot chocolate silently.

  11. Rin had been out training all morning with Tristan and Celes, they had been killing boar mobs somewhere in the fields of floor one and she was now very tired. Her goal was to become the strongest player she could possibly be and then help the higher level players clear the floors. However right now the only thing on her mind was finding a place to sit down! Her whole body ached, well at least she thought it did- for her real body was not the one she was in now, because she like all the other players here were trapped inside the game.

    She trudged through the empty fields, passing by only a handful of boars which she really couldn't be bothered to kill so she left them alone. Rin was heading towards one of the nearby towns, hoping to find a cafe or something where she could sit down and have a drink, maybe a bite to eat.

    Within no time she had arrived at the town square and was now wondering about trying to find a cafe which looked decent. After a few more minutes of walking Rin walked through the door of a random cafe, beyond the point of caring now. She walked up to the counter where she ordered the normal, white hot chocolate. Within minutes she had been served by an NPC and was looking for somewhere to sit.

  12. Rin rolled her eyes at the odd man standing and stretching before her, "Look baka, I only speak proper English so tone it down on all of your stupid stuff," She demanded. As the man looked at her with his strange grey eyes Rin felt a little intimidated, a feeling she absolutely hated. She glared back at him with bright defiant yellow eyes, trying to look like he didnt bother her in the slightest. It didnt help that his face was half hidden behind a curtain of jet black hair- much like her own- which gave of a mysterious aura. "Quit standing there doing nothing and acting like a pretty boy!" She sighed.

  13. Rin grinned at the two, she felt like she was finally making friends of sorts even if they didnt see her the same way she felt good. She found it funny to see Celes blush, for some reason Rin had it in her head that she was a tough person who wouldnt do things as such, it seems like she had misinterpreted the girl before her. "Um........," Rin thought, not used to having to make decisions that would affect what others did, "I dont really mind its up to you...baka..." She added as an after thought, deciding not to be too nice to the creep who had put his arm on her.


    1 SP Celesmeh & Rin Tachibana & Tristan Delaney

  14. Rin stared at Celes and Tristan with bright eyes, "Oh wow! You're a lot stronger than you look!" They had killed the boars with ease where as she hadn't even managed to kill one of them by herself. She smiled happily at them both before her dagger away, "Thats the first thing I have killed since I became trapped in the game. It feels great~" Her mood had changed completely from when she first came across the pair, she was now smiling instead of frowning and speaking in a kinder tone.

  15. Rin jumped up in surprise as a player suddenly dropped from the roof of one of the buildings surrounding the plaza square. He landed with grace, as if the fall hadn't fazed him at all. Rin approached him cautiously, not wanting to be pulled into a conversation by any other players. "Are you okay?" She asked, "That was pretty stupid what were you doing up on the roof of a building."

  16. Rin watched the other two carefully, observing their movements and Celes's great attack. Rin really hoped that one day she would be as strong as the two siblings however this was something she was not about to say out loud. "Right," Said Rin to herself whilst equipping her dagger, then deciding on which boar to attack. She suddenly jumped towards boar Barry and sliced at it with her dagger. 

    (I rolled a nine)

  17. Rin had never been on the eighth floor before, having only very recently decided to explore the world of Sword Art Online some more. As she wondered through the various streets of one of the cities on the floor she came a cross a large tree. There seemed to be a group of players gathering by the base of the plant. Curiosity drew Rin closer, certainly not the need to socialize, she approached the group quietly and stood by one of the players. She listened to the male's introduction silently, thinking he sounded a bit full of himself. The next player to speak seemed to be a little bit better.

    "I'm Rin, only level two... and super bored."

  18. Rin hadnt left floor one since she first realized she was trapped inside of Sword Art Online, it wasn't that she was scared of dying- even if she was she would definitely not admit to it- it was just that here within the safety there were people. Rin never really socialized with others... In fact she didnt really socialize at all, she became awkward around others and tented to be quite rude. However here in the cities of floor one it was comforting to be surrounded by other players who were in the same situation as her, even if she didnt speak to them.

    Sighing she had down on one of the empty benches in the plaza square she had just arrived at. She didnt stand out among the other players that much, she was wearing her casual attire which consisted of black low-heeled boots and stockings that start off black at her hips, but gradually fade to purple as they near her shoes. A black buttoned vest with coattails, and a white, sleeveless undershirt that exposes part of her midriff with white shorts that are connected to her shirt, although it is partly obscured by the vest. Her shorts have a zipper on the front of each leg, but these zippers do not serve a purpose and are simply decorative. She was also wearing a detached scarf-like collar around her neck.

    A breeze tugged at her waist length, jet black hair, throwing a few stands across her face. "Well," She muttered sarcastically, "this is going to yet another boring day."

  19. Rin stared at Tristan suspiciously, why would he invite her to go questing when she hadnt exactly been very...friendly... to him... Shrugging she began to follow the two who appeared to be siblings  "Fine wait up," and muttered under her breath "This better not be too stupid or boring... Well, at least I am doing something remotely interesting."

  20. "That would be nice I guess... Then when I get strong enough I can help clear the floors..." For a moment she was lost deep in thoughts and fantasies, she snapped out of her daydream as soon as she heard Celes's question about following them. Rin stared again then shuffled looking at the floor "I was most certainly NOT following you! I was bored and happened to be walking by, hmph thats all."

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