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Posts posted by Jacob

  1. ID:13396 BD:7 MD:10

    Jacob watched as Date attacked. Date missed the attack. Rusty attacked as well and stabbed it on the eye. Rusty jumped back before he took damage. Jacob started to ran forward but the thing slammed him into the ground. "Tec...Tec," from the hit to the ground. It punched at him again this time Jacob jumped on the arm and propelled himself to its chest. Jacob stabbed its chest. Jacob put his feet on its body and pushed himself away from the golem.

    Jacob 13/15

    Rusty 11/11

    Date 7/7

    Golem 24/30

  2. Jacob walked down another hill. Then he seen it. The town was right in front of him. Jacob put his sword away as he walked in the enormous town. He walked to weird lady who had lost her luggage. He opened her menu and gave it her. He looked at her and said, "Here's your stupid luggage. Now where is our skill?" The lady smiled and a HUD popped up on Jacob and Rusty's screen saying, "Quest completed! Survivalbility skill earned. Jacob looked over at Rusty and waved then stepped forward into the teleport gate.

    Quest Completed.

    Jacob: Survivability ~200 col~1 Skill point

    Rusty: Survivability ~200 col}~ skill point

  3. Jacob listened for Rusty's answer to his question. He never replied. Jacob sighed and said' "That's okay, there is no definently answer. Jacob felt the sand in his shoes. Jacob walked a little forwar with him when Rusty said, "Are you sure we are getting any closer?" Jacob looked at him and pulled up his map. "Well according to my map we are only a mile away." Jacob pulled down the map. Jacob noticed sand marks. "Hey those are from when we fought that snake. We are really close!"

  4. Jacob watched as Rusty made it to the top. The other boy was right behind him. Jacob looked at Rusty and said, "I don't think you should sit down just yet. Remember what I said why I'm going up here?" Huge rocks began to move forming together making a colossal rock figure. Jacob grabbed his blade. Jacob notice the only thing that was not rock. The inside was weak probably. Jacob held his blade ready to fight.

    Jacob 15/15

    Rusty 9/9

    Date 7/7

    Rock Golem 30/30 1 base damage

  5. ID:13228 LD:3

    Jacob looked at Rusty when he started talking again. "Yeah, we walked all the way here and back. Jacob began to walk back to the town. "Hey am I walking forward or backward?" Jacob held his blade in his hand. They so far had lived. They had a tough time getting there. I wish they could just teleport back. Jacob didnt have any crystals like that. Jacob could see the town in the distance. Jacob jumped off the small cliff.

  6. ID:13272 BD: 7 MD:3 LD:3

    Jacob watched as Rust attacked the shark a thrusted his blade at the beast with ease. The shark barely moved in time before the blade reached him. The shark hit him before going back under the sand. Jacob readied his blade as the beast began to come back for more blood. Jacob grabbed his sword and waited. The shark flew into the air sending sand spraying. Jacob went underneath the airborne shark and stabbed its under side. It shattered into million of blue shards. The luggage was good for the taking.

  7. Jacob looked at down at the two other players. Jacob himself was about half up the mountain. Rusty was shortly behind. Jacob looked at Rusty and said, "I never did catch your name. What was it again?" Jacob tried to put his hand on a rock and it fell down. Jacob looked down to make sure he didnt hit them. They were friends now. Lets see if that mini boss can even live.

  8. ID:13270 BD:7 MD:6

    Jacob grabbed his blade and watched as Rusty got a good strike on the beast. Jacob held his blade and seen the sand move meaning the sand shark return for blood. Jacob jumped into the air and struck the shark. A red gash opened in the shark. The shark managed to slap him with his tail before he disappeared into the sand. Jacob stepped back to give Rusty some room. Without Dusty he probably would have died.

    Jacob 5/15

    Rusty 6/7

    Shark 3/10

  9. ID:13237 BD: 1 LD:12 MD: 8


    As if on cue when Rusty said trap, the sand began to move all around the luggage. A small object flew out of the sand at Jacob. In the air it looked like a small shark. It bit into Jacobs shoulder then fell back into the sand ready to strike again. Jacob's shoulder was ready from the gash that leaked red shards. Jacob looked at his health bar. It was in yellow. Jacob got his sword ready. This will quite the fight.


    Jacob 7/15

    Rusty 6/7


    Sand Shark 10/10 2 base damage

  10. LD:8


    The sand storm was picking up and you could not see anymore for ten yards in front of you. Squinting through the sand Jacob could make out the for of a giant pile of rock. What was a giant pile of rock doing here? The rock went as long and far as Jacob could see. Jacob looked to Rusty and said, "Looks like we have to climb." Jacob looked for a ledge on the small mountain. He jumped to the ledge and used it to prpel himself to the top that was like three feet away from it. Not very tall at all. The wind seemed to pick up every step of the way. Jacob looked ahead and he seen... luggage. "Rusty... I see the luggage hurry up and get up here. The poison seemed to burn his skin.


    Jacob 11/15 1/3 turns poison left

    Rusty 6/7

  11. ID 13232 BD 10 MD:6 LD:2


    Jacob got up from the ground and quickly attacked the snake. It decided to bite at him. Jacob ducked then rolled behind it. He dodged another strike from the snake and moved around rusty. The snake was confused and Jacob took his chance and swung his blade at the snake. His blade met its mark and the snake's head was removed from its body and it shattered into millions of little blue shards. A blue orb popped up and Jacob tapped it. No loot came out. Jacob was going to give half of the col he recieved. Jacob looked ahead of them. They were only about a fourth of the way there.


    Jacob 12/15 poisoned for two more turns

    Rusty 6/7


    Snake dead

  12. ID: 13230  CD:10


    Jacob decided to make another potion to try to kill a player. He wouldnt kill them but it would be good for business. He filled up first vial with a posionous mat, the second with water, the he started the fire. The fire roared and burned brightly. He turned on the tubes and they bbegan to mix. Jacob could smell the scent of death rising into the air from the potion. He gathered the vial with the poison inside. The scent filled the air and Jacob put the item up for sale.


    Item: Poison

    description: Poison in a vial. Can be  given to a player. ?Every little bit counts.

    Enhancements: When a player drinks this it gives one damage for one turn.

  13. Jacob listened to Mari as she told him where they would go. He nodded as he loooked forward to what lay ahead. He took a deep breath and blinked. The wind began to pick up a little. He mind seemed to be idle from the world. He tried to focus but he couldn't. He images of almost everything flashing through his head. First he seen his house. The way him his mother and his grandparents. He seen his favorite pig, Hog, eating his corn. He seen his mother kssing his head before they left to Sao. He then seen the floating man say they were trapped. He seen Mari drinking hot camamile  tea. He tried to focus again. He sat down in the snow and took a deep breath and the wind blew the white snow out of his hair. He took a deep breath and began to meditate.


    The thoughts vanished and he could think again. His mind was less idle and he felt better. He opened his eyes and stood up. He looked at Mari and said, "What skills do you have?"

  14. ooc forgot to say if it gets nine or ten youre poisened 1 damage for three turns


    Id 13223 BD: 3 MD:10


    Jacob watched Rusty quickly advance one the snake. Rusty had done a whole bunch of maneuvers then hit the snake with a good clean blow. The snake got up and bit at Rusty hitting him with a hard force. Adreanalin began to build up in Jacob . Jacob ran forwar striking at the snake. The snake snapped at Jacob. It bit him and began to slide over back to attack Rusty. Jacob looked at his arm where is he was bitten. A new thing popped up on Jaccob's health bar that had never been there before. Poison was on his health bar.


    Jacob 13/15 poisoned for next three turns.

    Rusty 6/7


    Snake 7/13

  15. (Sorry didnt realize ;) )

    Jacob looked at Mari who was explaining that she did not kill people really at all. She also told him he should never do it again. Jacob looked at her and relied to her, "He hurt my friend, my only friend so far..." Mari wiped his tears away with her thumb. She then said to him, "I don't know, she might be its a big world out there. She could be still alive..." Do you wanna go ice skating, now? Also, lets not try to get attacked again. Someone else might die...."

  16. Jacob was traveling the town of delilah. It was an old like town and surrounded with fields of dandelions. Jacob had his blade, shadow stinger, on his back. It was a good day. He walked across the streets of the town. Then he seen a building. The signs on it said "FRee custom armor!" Jacob knew this was impossible. Jacob was curious though. He walked inside to see a man and a woman. The man smiled and said, "The name is Griswold and this is my wife Hanna. Would ye like to have some armor?" Jacob looked at him and said, "So it is really free?" The man looked at him and said,"Almost free boy, you have to get the materials. You can tell me what ye want, then I will tell you to go get the supplies and then you bring them back and we make it then give it to you. Deal?" Jacob nodded.

  17. ID 13203 BD: 10 Ld:17 MD:2


    Jacob looked at the second wolf. Jacob poised up his weapon as the wolf began to charge him. Jacob rolled to the side and sliced the blade acrossed his body and the wolf along with his friend exploded into a brilliant shower of blue shards. Jacob took a deep breath and got ready to fight another one. Jacob touched the blue orb and it gave him twenty-five col. Jacob got inn his stance to attack the next. Thats when Jacob noticed it. A bigger one was in the back. Great Jacob thought. I have to fight that.

  18. ID:13200 CD:10

    Jacob grabbed another mat and ground it up. He poured in into the sifter vial then water in the other he turned on the fire. It started materializing the thin sheet of metal at the bottom. He took it and put it in a freezer and then took it out. It was a solid crystal.

    Name: Servant of health

    Type: Healing crystal

    Description: This crystal is a solid, red rectangular prism. It can heal you on will. It is not the best but can do things.

    Enchancements: Heals 5 HP instantly

    -1 mat (8) +3 exp 3/40 2/3 crafts left for today

  19. ID:13197 LD:6 BD: 7 MD:5

    Jacob came back with two bottles of water. He handed one to rusty and then he heard a noise. The sand feet in front of them was moving. Then it started to go down and Jacob pulled out his blade just as a snake popped out. Jacob got ready to fight this thing. Jacob advanced dodged two snake strikes before he took a swipe at the creature. The creature squealed as the blade touched it. Not so funny is it? Jacob thought.

    Jacob 15/15

    Rusty 7/7

    Snake 9/13

  20. ID:13194 LD:9 no damage taken

    Jacob held his blade as he was finished talking. He then heard Rusty mumble, "Don't count me out." Jacob looked at Rusty and said I'm not! You wield a rapier which takes much speed and balance. Few people have them. Also, all of those people are very skilled. Oh yes, I forgot to ask you, what's your goal in this game? I mean mine is to become one of the strongest players, and have the best shop in town!" Jacob and Rusty had just reached their 1/16 mark point. Jacob looked at him and said "Water break i say... Three minutes."

    Jacob 15/15

    Rusty 5/5

  21. ID:13192 BD: 10

    Jacob grabbed his sword seeing a few wolves. Jacob grabbed his blade and go into the ready position. The first wolf began to advance. It had black fur with white speckles. It snarled and began it's attack. It clawed forward and Jacob dodged. Jacob swung his blade and it collided with the wolf. The wolf dispersed i an amazing shower of blue shards. A blue ball appeared ready to collect the loot. Jacob tapped it and earned 25 col. Jacob smiled that sounds like some good money.

    Jacob 15/15

    Wolf 1 0/5

    Wolf 2 5/5

    Wolf 3 5/5

    Wolf 4 5/5

    Alpha 10/10

  22. ID:13189 LD:7 Over 1 no damage taken

    Jacob watched a blue flash appear from the teleportation area. Rusty materialized in thin air. Rusty walked past him and motioned for him to follow. Jacob followed him bringing out his short sword, shadow stinger. Jacob looked at Rusty and told him."The old weird lady told us that her luggage is out there," Jacob pointed into the desert. The worst that will encounter is a sand scorpion. Sadly, for them is that my sword and skills will take them out in two hits. Also, lucky for you they will attack me because I will threaten it more.

    Jacob 15/15

    Rusty 5/5

    OOC I'm not sure if you found the quest but roll the perma roller before every post. If your loot dice is one the you lose one life point

  23. Jacob now had to find a good spot to look for good strong bopar. He took off from town. He ran through the roads. Most of the roads were filled with NPC shops, the others were deserted. Jacobs heart rate began to increase his breathing got a little deeper as he kept running. Running like this was a little uncomfortable. Jacob reached the outside of the safezone and he stopped running. He began to catch up on his breath. His heart rate slowed and he became relieved. He also could see some boars way in the distance. He needed to get out there to get better boars.

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