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Posts posted by Jacob

  1. OOC whoops

    Jacob felt himself beig lifted from the ground and set back in the safe zone. I came in her with my mommy and then when I came in the game I lost her. It was for my birthday! I'm this many. He put up six fingers. Now I'm gonna find my mom one day. He began to walk around the man. He the turned around and looked at the man. His memory flashbscked to the time th man said "I will keep you safe" and then the time a mean man had come and take him to the place where all the kids went. He ran away screaming. "I'm not going back!"

  2. Jacob skipped through floor one happily as ever. He seen everyone taking strolls and having a nice time as well. He the smelled something delicious. He then noticed it started to move away he followed the scent. A lady with pink hair (Impretty sure) was walking with coffee. It smelled Good to Jacob but it was not for sale. He sat down bored. He needed to have someone to have fun with him. He then jumped back and ran to the lady. He said "Hello!" "My name is Jacob" he said in a voice that was of a little kids. "What's your name?"

  3. Jacob continued to skip until a man got in front of him. My name is Jacob and I'm going to kill a piggie! He went around until he decided to play a game. He took the mans sword and said come and get me. He the betrayed to run running out into the fields where monsters roam. Can't catch me! He giggled as be ran farther and farther away from the man.

  4. Jacob danced around and went back to town. I killed a piggie I killed a piggie. He was excited. He went around town Nd then out of the town again. I killed a piggie I killed a piggie. The he looked in front of him. A wolf was sitting there. It snarled and jAcob pulled out his blade slowly. I will kill you puppy! He got ready to slash in a new stance that no one had sen before.

  5. Jacob took out his es blade. Shadow Stinger. It was powerful. Powerful enough to take Down this bad piggie in a hit. He grabbed his blade moving quickly slicing the blade through the boars body. The blade seemed to phase through its body. The boar began to glow and shimmer then exploded into millions of blue pixels. He laughed and cheered. He also then seen a new message pop up. Congrats! You're Level 2. He clicked the blue circle and moved on.

  6. Jacob sat down on the ground in floor one. It was a beautiful day and be bad decided he would take a few strolls around the floor. His sword Shadow Stinger was held at his size. Most people were out working. But not a six year old. He found a car and put it on a basket telling it it was in timeout. He walked along and began to skip and play. Then he ran into a lady. Excuse me! He said kindly but it was high pitched from his age. He walked around and began to see other player out for strolls.

  7. Jacob grabbed his sword and ran at the boar. He the stumbled. He he got back up and sliced at the boar and failed. Epically. The boar just pushed around and the boar continued to eat grass. He looked around to make sure no one was there. He then laughed at the silly thought. He then held his blade and the small child prepared to attack again.

    Jacob 5/5 rolled a 1 on BD

    Boar 3/3 does not attack until hit.

  8. Jacob stepped out into the fields of floor one. The breeze was slow and most people were fighting the boss. A man had came and taken him to the orphanage instead of letting him fight. He had just recently escaped from that. He could survive on his own. He pulled out his blade and gave it a swing. Where he then seen a boar. He was ready for the world to accept him.

  9. «Name» Jacob The Flame child


    » Username: Jacob

    » Real name: Jake

    » Age: 7

    » Gender: male

    » Height: 4'4

    » About: History/personality

    Jacob is a small 6 year old child in Sao. He was kept by his parents until three years old. They then put him up for adoption. Then a young woman came in and adopted him. He does not remember hi real parents. It was made for him to forget. He had a brother to. They were seperated. He then moved into a big house where he had a nice room. He had a rich family to live in with now. It was easy this like. Then his mom got a nervegear for both of them. He put it on and him being smart figured it out. He now is in this crazy world. When he got into the world. He had lost his mom. He is a smart kid with black hair and dark eyes and he is noce and kind and cute. Other than his temper tantrums.

    » Virtues:

    Cute: Jacob is very cute. Most people that have a heart will fall into anything he says. He has long black hair and dark eyes but somehow he makes it work. This will with influencing individuals with what he wants. He will usually get his way.

    Smart: Jacob may have been adopted but he was very smart. He was out in a daycare that taught him addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. He also learned to read and right. This will help him with the basics of the game.

    Preparatory: if there is one thing about Jacob thats helpful its being prepared. He always brings everything he wants and needs to any situation. So on the game he could have potions and all that helpful stuff. He won't go anywhere without it. This can help him with ideal things needed. What does he need to do or what does he need to get.

    Creative: Jacob is very creative when making or doing things. He likes to be "Colorful" as he puts it. He changes to many diffrent tactics skills and other stuff. This makes it harder for enemies to be able to figure him out. He likes to mix and match things. Even with crafting.

    » Flaws:

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    Stubborn: Jacob is very stubborn. If he has his kind set on one thing it is very hard to change it. He will whine fuss to get what he wants and it is very irritating. This mostly would happen in a dangerous situation.

    Young: Jacob may be very smart but he is still young. He still doesn't unsteady and things like a mature child or adult would. He is not ready for this kind of stuff. He needs to be in school and not in a video game. He might know all of that stuff but there is a few things that he does not understand.

    Dependent: Jacob is very small and still dependent on other people. He needs them for advice and all of that. He needs someone to show him the way, to tell him what to do, where to go. This makes it impossible to be a solo player. He will always usually have one or above players in a group with him. He can't be alone tell he gets that basics of the game.

    Impatient: Jacobbis young and can't wait for just about anything. He always likes sooner better than later. He likes to be doing everything at once getting things done with. He can't wait for someone to do this or that for him. He likes it done then when he wants it. He ca't wait for someone slow he just walks on going. This could make him miss out important detailed.

    Profession: Alchemist


    Skill points: 3







    Weapon skills:

    » One Handed Straigt sword level one +1 damage


    Weapons/Tools: 10 bread, 15 water, One handed straight sword, Jeans and a cloth white shirt.


    Shadow Stinger +2 damage


    » http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/5459-sp-f1-first-time-out-of-the-box/

    » http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/5478-meeting-a-new-friend-draterion-f1-pp/






    Earning a living Sousuke

    Relationships (optional)

    » Mari~Friend



    Story Thus Far (optional)


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