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Posts posted by Jacob

  1. Jacob walked around the town in search of some food cheap enough to maybe get a piggy. He looked at one. He looked at some corn. three hundred col was to pricey. Another store hadparalyse corn. He didn't want to paralse the critter. Finally he found a good store. Jacob walked in the area owned by the store keeper. The NPC man said, "What can i get for you boy?" Jacob looked at him calmly and replied, Ã'm looking for some common, cheap corn." The man looked at him and said, "I have got some. Cheap too if yuou ask me." Jacob looked at him and said, "How much for five of them?" The man looked at him. Jacob was feeling nervous on what he might say. What if he said too much money. He would have to start looking again. The man replied, "I think twenty-five should do it." Jacob nodded and they exchanged it.


    +5 corn

    -25 col 1116 left

  2. Jacob stood on floor one looking around. He seen a weird looking NPC who was walking around. It showed that she had a quest for him. He walked to her and said "Hi!" The NPC looked at him and smiled. Ã have a quest for you little boy. If you buy some food and go out to the plains and feed it to a monster or animal it might become your friend. Would you like that?" Jacob nodded his head. The NPC smiled "Go." She said to him. Jacob began to run off to buy some good food.

  3. ID 13176 CD:12


    Jacob grabbed the same mat again. He carefully put it in the first vial after he made sure the tube passageway was closed. He poured in water and turned on the little fire to exactly what it said it was. He turned on both of the tubes and they started to mix. Jacob could hear perfect little crackles. The finished draining into the third vial, and Jacob took it off. He looked at its info and it read:


    Name: Paralyse Water
    Rank: Perfect 
    Effect: The user who drinks this potion is paralysed for 3 turns
    Description: This looks like an ordinary bottle of water, its labelled as 'Water' and there is no distinct difference between this and a normal bottle of water, however not all is as it seems.


    Perfect Item crafted!+8 exp Rank 1 20/20 Level up! Rank 2 0/40 -1 mat 9 remaining

  4.  ID:13175 CD:9


    Jacob started to do a whole bunch of crazy experiments with it to distill water from the potion. After about half an hour he finally had the liquid mat again so hooray +1 mat! After that Jacob began tyo get right back to work. After some hot cocoa and to see if the river was okay. The cocoa was good and river was okay! :D

  5. ID:13174 CD:7


    Jacob tried to make a potion. He put a melted mat in the first vial. water in the next with a certain degree of tempature. If done right it will make his first paralyses potion. The tubes from each vial but the thrid mixed together with the fire. The potion bubbled and you could even hear the pop of electricity. It drained into the third vial. Jacob pulled it out and tapped it. He clicked item info and it read failed potion of paralyses. Info: Will blow up in thirty seconds.
    Jacob began to run outside. He poured it in the water. In seconds a huge poof of smoke started. Jacob still had some of it. The non-blowing up one. He could still get the mat back.


    Bad item crafted! +1 exp 12/20 1/2 craft attemps left today. -1 mat 9 remaining.

  6. Jacob reached the first flat point before the other two did. He had used the standard way of jumping to get places. Also, wall running was good for this to. Jacob looked down from the ledge and watched the two players. Jacob looked at them and said "C'mon hurry up! Try running up the wall catching your feet on the rocks you would normally put your hands on!" Jacob ran up the wall catching his feet jumping from rock to rock until he reached the next flat point you could have a campsite on. He hoped the players would catch on fast. If not, they have not had much fun lately.

  7. Jacob climbed down from the tree on floor one. He yawned as it was about 7:00 in the morning. He needed to get a early start for his and Rust's quest. He had never really been to any floors but one, two, four, and six. He heard about what floor five looked like. He heard it was very sandy and you could get hurt from the wind and sand. Jacob ate and apple he grabbed from his tree. He then walked to the teleporter and said "Armadillo," which was the town's name. A blue light flashed around him and when it cleared he was in a desert town. It was sand and warm. Jacob so far did not like it. He waited at the towns teleporting gate waiting for Rusty to show up.

  8. Jacob watched as the boy he was behind began to talk. He said " First of all, you should at least get up before you spoke." Jacob silently agreed then the boy turned around first looked at the spot where Jacob was then he seen him and faced at him. The boy said to him "Why were you about to climb this mountain? Jacob rolled his eyes and replied, "I still am for one. For two, There is a sorta strong monster up there I wanna fight. Also, it would be fun to climb. Anyway, it is training for a solo player. Question is whay are you judging" Jacob was having fun. "Now how fast can you climb? Oh, the name is Jacob!"he said to the two. Jacob began to move to the mountain again.

  9. ID 13161 BD:6 MD:


    Jacob charged the monkey without warning. He quickly moved at it and the monkey was surprised. The onkey tried to move but the blade met its mark and burrowed in the monkeys neck. The monkey shattered and Jacob just started off to town. The sun was now down. He could see stars and probably the night hunters of the floor were out seeking players to kill. Jacob seen the first building through the trees. Jacob stepped through the treeline. He seen the teleporter but he went and turned in the quest. He then teleported to floor one. He had enough adventure for the day and night.



    Topic completed! +1 skill point! +400 col! Leveled up!

  10. Jacob watched from the ledge as the boy was about to follow then acted like he heard something. He turned to the right and seemed to watch for something. Jacob was curios himself. He jumped. He grabbed the ledge he put his foot on. He dropped to the ground. He moved silently over to where the boy was looking the other way. Jacob looked. He knew to people were there. They both yelled at him. He could not hear the words they said. too many echos from the mountain to hear clearly a shouting voice. He seen the origianl boy and then another. Jacob stood behind the one and the only person who could see his was the onee that had come out of the bush.

  11. ID13153 BD: 1 MD:7


    Jacob watched the monkey. They stood at stalemate for a minute. The monkey began to move... quickly. It grabbed a spear fallen from something and chucked it at Jacob. Jacob was unprepared and gthe spear went trhough his rib cage. Jacob fell to the ground from the pressure of the spear. Jacob pulled out the spear and threw it on the ground. REd shards flew from the gash on his body. That monkey was right now his only obstacle from town.


    JKacob 10/13


    Monkey 4/8

  12. 1/5 members has joined this rp


    Jacob was about to climb up to the fist ledge when he heard a faint sound. First, it was something moving hitting the earth, the sound of rocks cruched across the almost stone ground. Then a faint mumble. Jacob turned around quickly to the sound pulling his blade out behind it. A boy stood staring in confusion at him. He studied the boy noticing he did not have his sword out. Jacob sheathed his weapon and quickly ran to the start of the mountain. He jumped his foot landing on a small ledge then he jumped up to the first flat part of the mounatin. The mountain was almost like a stairway, with just very big steps in height. If the boy would follow. Then maybe Jacob would talk to him and maybe become friends. He did have a green cursor after all. Jacob walked over to the ledge to see what the boy did next.

  13. Id:13152 CD:7


    Jacob grabbed the vial and stopped it from draining. He put it in a bag so it would not sift away. He sat down. He just saved his mat barely. Jacob looked at the door. Still no customers. He grabbed the broken water vial and began to clean up the broken glass. He went to the backroom to get another vial. He opened the back door and grabbed one. He opened the water place to place. He had completely fixed the crystal maker. Now he could try again.



    Totally new day. +1 mat

  14. ID:13148 BD:6 MD:5


    Jacob watched as the monkey leapt to another tree quickly chasing him. Jacob heard a noised and turned. The monkey was on the ground now. Jacob stopped and knew its pattern. Jacob moved forward and the monkey faked him which Jacob predicted. It was behind him and Jacob struck it and flew to the ground and went from green to yellow in a split second. Jacob looked at it and said "You're smart. You're fast. Sadly, you have no strength or endurance in attacks. Yet, I do amire your techniques. Jacob readied his blade. He was ready himself.


    Jacob 11/13


    Monkey 4/8

  15. Jacob sat at the bottom of the mountain range on floor two. This was not a very hard place at all. The highest monsters had about ten... eleven hitpoints. Jacob was now a little more mature than the little child who was dependent on friends. This was thanks to the fact he had been by himself four about two weeks alone in floors one through six. Jacob was dressed in  his usual attire. He has blue jeans and a black sweat shirt on. He was nearing seven fast. another week and it would be time. Jacob sat at the botton ready to climb the first stretch of the mountain. He had his sword, Shadow Stinger, strapped to his back. He got up and moved ready to move on to the challenge ahead of him. He was expecting a mini-boss at the top. The griever waited for him. He heard it was a huge golem that had about thirty to fifty hitpoints and when it was beaten it would split in to and make two golemites that had about ten hitpoints. Jacob was ready.

  16. ID:13143 BD:4 MD:10


    Jacob held his blade at the monkey. Running, backwards he readiewd a counterstrike. The monkey faked Jacob and leapt by him so Jacob struck the air missing it and the monkey was behind him. The monkey screeched the monkey attacked Jacob hitting him and smashing him into the ground. Jacob rolled and thee monkey moved he got up and ready to an stndby position. The monkey was back up in a tree about ten yards away. Jacob moved again toward town. The monkey was still chasing him.


    Jacob 11/13


    Monkey 8/8

  17. Jacob grabbed his sword and waded through the water and reached the jungle again. He cut down some leaves that were in his way when he heard a starnge sound from the trees. He pulled out his sword and looked at the trees. A red-brown monkey sat in the trees looking at him. Jacob smiled at the creature. "Hi little monkey!" The monkey sniffed the air then screeched. It bared it teeth and jumped to the ground. It started to come chasing after him. Go away you furry beast!" yelled Jacob. Jacob slid under the log and was about a quarted of a mile away from town.


    Jacob 13/13


    Monkey 8/8

  18. Jacob swam to the next rock and climbed on. Jacob looked at Random and said a few simple words. "Have a nice life." This seemed to throw Random off and Jacob made his attack then. He jumped to his rock and took his blade across his neck. Random started to disapear in black shards and not blue. Jacob sat on the rock and closed his eyes and the black shards flew into the waterfall. Jacob closed his eys and he felt better. His health began to increase. Jacob stood up and Grabbed his sword and put it in the sheath on his back. Jacob felt calmer now with less problems than he did. Now it was time to go back to town.

  19. ID 13024 BD:3 MD:7


    jacob thrust at him with his balde but before he could do it Random rolled into the water. Random swam to another rock and clibed on. Jacob jumped to his rock and swung Shadow Stinger deadly close to Randoms body. random took his chance and thrust his blade at Jacob. Jacob could not deflect it in time, and the blade collided with Jacob's chest. Random pushed Jacob into the water. He held his blade ready to strike at any moment.


    Jacob 4/13


    Random 1/13

  20. ID:13012 BD:8 MD:4


    Jacob crawled back on top of the rock. Random was already after him. Random was two rocks, one rock, on the same rock as him. Jacob threw his legs out tripping Random. He fell to the ground. Jacob stabbed him with his blade. the force of the blade pushed Random to touch the water. He screeched and black shards flew into the waterfall. Random was dangerously low on health. Random looked straight into his eyes. "Don't you think there is a reason that they adopted you?" Jacob held his blade ready to finish off the boy.


    Jacob 7/13


    Random 1/13

  21. ID:13010 BD:10 MD:8


    Jacob watched as the boy healed that one health. Anger flooded through him. This boy had a power he didn't. Random had a face on him that was deathly calm. The water soothed him and made him calm. It all made sense now. They were all connected. The boy healed from his anger. It fed off his anger. That is why he's being me. That's why im here. To learn how to calm down and control myself. Jacob calmed down and looked at the boy. Jacob gestured the boy at him. Random advanced quickly and swung his blade at Jacob. Jacob dodged and thrust his blade into the boy. Random started to lose his calm. "Stop being calm! You're mother hates you!" Random struck Jacob with his foot and Jacob fell into the water. Jacobb swam to a ruck and climbed on top.


    Jacob 7/13


    Random 5/10

  22. ID 13009 BD:6  MD:7


    Jacob stood on the same rock as Random. Random looked around and said "Start!" Random swiped his blade across Jacob's left arm. The red gash let out red shards thickly. Jacob needed to get away. He jumped from rock to rock. He got a few rocks away from Random.He held out his blade and listened to Random speak. "No one loves you! You will die alone!" Jacob had enough. "Shut up! You're just jealous becuase you have noone!" Jacob grabbed his blade and slashed at Random one he got close and the blade collided with his rib cage. "Don't talk like that about my mom!" Random chuyckled and his health replenished a little.


    Jacob 10/13


    Random 10/13

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