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Posts posted by Amira

  1. The gate had certainly moved a little bit. Manta was certain that she could break it if she kept trying. The only thing she was worried about in her attempt to break down the gate was the noise it was making. She didnt want to alert her captors, but she also didnt another way out of this place. She could see all of her equipment lying in a box just outside of the door. If she would just get out there and grab it.... She reared back and slammed her shoulder into the gate again.

    Gate: 2/4

  2. It was a strange feeling waking up without armor, at least to Manta. She had worn that armor every day since she had gotten it, and the feeling of having it on had just become natural to her. Even more strange was the lack of a rapier at her side. Manta slowly opened her eyes and glanced down at herself, seeing that she was dressed in torn rags, just barely enough to preserve her modesty. It was pretty creepy when she thought about who had changed her clothes.... There was a pretty weak looking gate keeping her in this cell, and she was pretty sure that she could break it down if she rammed it enough. If only she had her rapier... Then she could slice through the bars. She stoodd up and slammed her shoulder into it.

    Gate: 3/4

  3. Manta gave Hikoru a nod as she made a few notes in her ledger behind the counter so that she could remember what had been taken and what needed to be replaced for the future. She needed to start crafting again in preparation for the next boss battle, not that it would be happening for a while now. She doubted that they would even need all of the potions she would be able to make in the next week before they headed in.

  4. A lot of things get brought up in skype chat, and one of those things was how @Crimsa stole materials from Takniel. However, she didnt make a post taking the items. 

    My question is if this is allowed? The transfer of items without a post that is. I am aware that players can technically steal from each other from a canon point of view, and that it is fine if the owners of both characters are all right with it. Thats not the issue im asking about though. If transfers are allowed without posts, doesnt this negate the need for shared inventories?

  5. Manta smiled at the other player, sheathing her sword and turning to fully face him. Perhaps it wasnt as obvious what she was doing as she had though. "I'm attempting to gather materials. I dont know how you do it Tak..." She said jokingly. It was a pretty calm day for the first floor, at least in her opinion. Usually some mid level player was bullying lower levels, or a frontliner was marching around showing off. She was glad that she had come across Tak and not some pker though.

  6. Manta was walking around on the first floor, looking for a good blacksmith when she saw the sign for free potions and crystals. She frowned. Who could it be that was copying the sale that she had had a few days prior. She glanced up, her eyes alighting on Zandra, her rival alchemist. She should have known. After all, she had gotten her idea for giving away all of her potions and crystal for free when she had seen one of Zandra's sales. Still, the idea to give away free potions had been hers. Now it seemed as though they were in a price war of sorts, except one where neither of them could lower their prices anymore... She walked up to the stand casually. "Nice weather today, right Zandra?" She said, acting as nonchalantly as she could and probably seeming even more conspicuous because of it. 

  7. As Manta was continuing her trek through the plains she heard footsteps behind her and turned around to see a rather strange woman with pink hair. She had a strange and formal way of speaking, a bit like Zelrius, but even more so, if that was possible.She smiled anyway at the player, who had just taken an entire loaf of bread out of her inventory. "Hi Cilla, I'm Manta. Thanks for offering, but i actually have quite a bit of food in my inventory." She explained. She sheathed her rapier so that she wouldnt seem threatening and gave te other girl a warm smile. "So, what are you doing so far out from the city?"  

  8. Spoiler


     ID# 53993 results:

     Battle: 4

     Craft: 8

     Loot: 8


    Manta heard someone call her name and turned to see Takniel. She smiled happily, glad to have found a companion of some sort while out materials gathering. Despite all of her determination to get materials and the like, this was probably one of the most boring things she had done in her life. She had no idea how people did this. She raised her hand, giving him a giant wave. "Hey Takniel!" She shouted out as he approached. Maybe he would teach her the secret to material hunting....

  9. Manta smiled as Zelrius asked her how she had been. Despite the neutral attitude she had had towards him on the date they had had a while back, her view was gradually shifting towards the positive. She definitely had feelings for him... "I've been well, i got rid of all of the stock in my shop a few days ago, which is good. It could be because I was giving everything out for free though..." She replied before checking over her own gear. She really needed to get a unique or something to up her damage.... Tier two wasnt all that bad though. She adjusted her rapier at her waist, and glanced down at the ring on her finger and the breastplate she was wear. Those were the only important pieces of equipment that she was wearing. "What about you Zel? Besides Kiru." She asked, pulling her rapier out and inspecting the blade as an excuse to avoid eye contact.

  10. Bandits. This quest sounded incredibly familiar to one that she had taken a long time ago, where she investigated a group of bandits and beat them all up. She sighed, wondering if the reward would be just as terrible. Hopefully she would get a lot of skill points though. She made her way to the area on the third floor that she had been pointed to to investigate. All that was there was an empty, ruined tower. As she started to leave, she started to feel drowsy, and her eyes closed against their will.

  11. She was glad that her energy was holding up and allowing her to continue this hunt. It seemed like every time she lost a good bit of energy she stopped finding enemies just long enough for it to return to her. She supposed that that was lucky, but she would much rather be finding tons of monsters and running out of energy than have full energy and be finding almost no enemies.

     ID# 53911 results:

     Loot: 6

  12. She took another deep breath and sat down on the ground, still gripping her sword in one hand. All of this fighting and hunting had left her incredibly tired, and with a completely new respect for material gatherers and others who did this for a living. She was most definitely going to continue to employ Takneil to get her materials for her. This was just too much work.

     ID# 53909 results:

     Loot: 9

  13. She had had a good run so far, although not as good as some that she had seen. She had seen others come into the city with bulging nags of materials and col. Well, she hadnt gotten any Col yet, but Col wasnt her focus on this trip anyway. She was focusing on materials, and while she didnt have hundreds of them, it wasnt like she had special unique items to increase her chances of finding loot or to multiply the amount of materials that she found.

     ID# 53908 results:

     Loot: 10


    She had definitely had good luck so far. Once she had changed direction and stopped following whoever it was that had been in front of her clearing all of the enemies out she had been finding enemies left and right. She paused for a moment, standing in one place and taking some deep breathes. She had been working hard and just needed a few moments to catch her breath.

     ID# 53907 results:

     Loot: 6

  15. It turned out that she had been wrong. That bad streak was most definitely over. She came across another group of butterflies just a few moments later. Her sword, still unsheathed from the last group of monsters, slashed through the air and through the butterflies. The monsters burst into crystals and dropped materials which she quickly picked up and stored in her inventory.

     ID# 53904 results:

     Battle: 9

     Loot: 15

    Manta: 152/152 EN: 36/38

    Butterfly: 0/4 (-18)

    Butterfly: 0/4 (-18)

    Butterfly: 0/4 (-18)

    Butterfly: 0/4 (-18)

    Loot: +4 Mats

    Total Loot: 20 Mats

  16. Gathering materials was boring work, but someone had to do it, otherwise players couldnt craft. In fact, in this game, materials were worth a lot more than the actual currency of the game. She charged yet another group of boars and slashed through them. Another four materials. She felt like she was on a roll, even though she only had twenty materials to show for her efforts.

     ID# 53902 results:

     Battle: 8

     Loot: 15

    Manta: 152/152 EN: 35/38

    Boar: 0/4 (-17)

    Boar: 0/4 (-17)

    Boar: 0/4 (-17)

    Boar: 0/4 (-17)

    Loot: +4 Mats

    Total Loot: 20 Mats

  17. It appeared that she had been incorrect. Within a few more minutes of walking she had run into another swarm of butter flies. She unsheathed her rapier quickly, the sun gleaming off the blade and alerting her enemies. She was too quick for them to do anything though and slashed through them using streak again before gathering up the fallen materials.

     ID# 53901 results:

     Battle: 6+3=9

     Loot: 17+2=19

    Manta: 152/152 EN: 37/38

    Butterfly: 0/4 (-17)

    Butterfly: 0/4 (-17)

    Butterfly: 0/4 (-17)

    Butterfly: 0/4 (-17)

    Loot: +4 Mats

    Total Loot: 16 Mats

  18. She only had sixteen materials after all of this work. She frowned, becoming more determined than ever to get at least twenty-four materials before she went back in. Hmmm. For all she knew, sixteen materials was a good amount to have collected in such a short amount of time. Somehow it felt like a lot more time had passed than actually had though...

     ID# 53900 results:

     Loot: 2

  19. Well, maybe finding one group of butter flies didnt mean an end to her bad run. As she continued on she wasnt seeing anymore butterflies, or materials just lying on the ground. She sheathed her rapier once again and continued on her walk through the second floor. It was only a matter of time before she found more materials or mobs to kill.

     ID# 53899 results:

     Loot: 7

  20. Manta smirked and continued on into the field. She was all set to do this all day! She had the determination to complete this material run, and nothing was going to stop her. She brandished her rapier in the air and charged at yet another group of boars, her blade flashing in the light as she ended the mobs virtual existence and gathered the materials she had earned up.

     ID# 53897 results:

     Battle: 4+3=7

     Loot: 13+2=15

    Manta: 152/152 EN: 35/38

    Boar: 0/4 (-17)

    Boar: 0/4 (-17)

    Boar: 0/4 (-17)

    Boar: 0/4 (-17)

    Loot: +4 Mats

    Total Loot: 16 Mats

  21. Just as she had been thinking before, a bad run always meant good luck further ahead. She unsheathed her rapier happily and charged at the group of butter flies that she had just spotted. More materials for her! It served to fill her with even more determination than she had before. She slash through the group with her sword art Streak and then gathered up the materials that they had dropped. 

     ID# 53894 results:

     Battle: 4+3=7 Hit!

     Loot: 18+2= 20 Success!

    Manta: 152/152 EN: 37/38

    Butterfly: 0/4 (-17)

    Butterfly: 0/4 (-17)

    Butterfly: 0/4 (-17)

    Butterfly: 0/4 (-17)

    Loot: +4 Mats

    Total Loot: 12 Mats

  22. Manta was determined. That was the best way to describe it. She had seen other material gatherers come back with hundreds of materials. It filled her with determination. She wasn't going to fail and bring home a measly four materials. She had family to support, or at least her girlfriend Erin. She was much closer than family in Manta's opinion.

     ID# 53893 results:

     Loot: 6 No Loot

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