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Posts posted by Calrex

  1. ID: 11356

    Battle Dice: 7

    Mob Dice: 5


    The <<Wasp Queen>> wasn't happy with the fact that both Calrex and Teayre had managed to deal the significant amount of damage that they did. She flew back a few paces before it tried to attack Teayre with her stringer. Unfortunately, it had misjudged the distance and the stingers fell short of the mark, whiffing at the air about five feet from Teayre.


    During the time that the <<Wasp Queen>> was busy trying to attack Teayre Calrex had prepared his next attack. As the stinger was being jabbed forward Calrex had already leapt into the air once again, making another cut across the abdomen of the <<Wasp Queen>>. As he landed he planted a hand on the ground, as he slid a few feet before stopping, "Alright this seems to be working Teayre. Keep it up!"


    "Maybe we'll be lucky after all and not need these potions after all. But, better safe than sorry. We're not out of the woods just yet."


    HP List

    Calrex: 15/15

    Teayre: 15/15



    Wasp Queen: 20/30

  2. Calrex listened as he heard Teayre's voice softly fade out as she went to sleep, relaxing himself.


    "We definitely learned the seriousness of being close to death in this game today. Hopefully this'll work for the better and help us to become stronger, rather than forming a crutch that keep us from moving forward to get out of this game."


    He pulled the covers of the bed so that both of them were covered by the blankets, giving a quick kiss to Teayre's cheek before he began to close his eyes and let himself sleep as well.


    "I'm not going to let her die, not if I can help it..."

  3. "Aw man, she really does want to play!"


    Calrex laughed as Teayre dashed off after kissing him on the nose, turning around the giving chase after her.


    "Alright, well if it worked last time maybe it'll work again."


    Calrex let his breathing calm as he focused, following Teayre as she made her way towards the gates of the Starting City, his eyes widening in surprise for a second as he saw her disappear through the gates, "Wait...is she trying to take the game out into the field? That wouldn't make sense."


    He jogged to catch up, giving a small sigh of relief as he saw Teayre turn around, appearing to prepare to run back inside. Calrex readied himself.


    ID: 11350

    Battle Dice: 2


    He took off into a dash, but unfortunately one of the stones was slightly uneven, causing him to stumble and lose his momentum for a split second, "Shoot I might have had that if I hadn't stumbled."

  4. "I love you Callie, I've been thinking what pet should I get? I love wolves, but wouldn't having an owl or a falcon be cool as well? Ooooh what about an eagle?"


    Calrex smiled as he heard Teayre talking about which familiar she would like to get. It was a nice shift from the seriousness of their earlier conversation. He brushed her hair while she continued talking. He let his attention focus as Teayre made a request of him.


    "I mean, I think I've been going about this all wrong I reckon I need to go out into the wild, and let my familiar find me if that makes sense, whilst I'm doing that could you...Could you protect me whilst I wait in the forest for my familiar please Callie?


    Calrex gave a smile as he nodded, wrapping his arms around her, "Of course I will. Just let me know where we're going and I'll be right there by your side."

  5. ID: 11345

    BD: 4


    "Come on Callie you can't be that out of shape now can you?"


    Calrex attempted another dive to try and catch Teayre, but it seemed like she was easily weaving in and out of his movement. "Man, you've got some moves Teayre!"


    "I usually thought that I was fairly quick, but Teayre takes it to a whole 'nother level! It's no wonder she can wield her falchion so effectively. She's got grace that I probably wouldn't even come close to right now."


    Calrex tilted his head up for a second to catch his breath when he heard Teayre yell him something.


    "Cal! New rule! You can only tag me by kissing me on the lips!"


    At the sound of the new rule change Calrex felt his cheeks flush as he looked over at Teayre.


    "Aw now I have to catch her! Alright focus, maybe if you treat it like the duel went you might be able to catch her. She was ridiculously quick in the battle, but if you can time it right there will be an opening."


    Calrex assumed a similar stance to how he was in the duel. His eyes watched Teayre's movements as she weaved around. He carefully kept track of her when he noticed an opportunistic situation: She was heading for a corner, so she would be pinned between a two walls.


    ID: 11346

    Battle Dice: 10 (Critical!)


    He immediately dashed forward, seeing his trajectory was true. As Teayre got within inches of the wall he stopped, killing the rest of his momentum with his hands. As his vision refocused he saw Teayre's face right in front of him. He leaned his head in, planting a soft kiss on her lips, "Tag, you're it." He stood where he was for a second.


    "I could run to continue the game...but then again if we're playing by the new rules I don't really want to move."

  6. Calrex nodded as Teayre got to her feet as well, preparing herself for combat. He drew his sword as he flipped it in reverse, crouching low, observing the creatures around. As they wandered around the surrounding area for some time he began to notice a strange pattern.


    The smaller wasps that had been scattered throughout the area seemed to be concentrated in a particular area. In fact, the way they spawned seemed to form a kind of path that led back into a small cave. He figured that it would be a good place to look.


    "Cal, my hairs in a ponytail now, don't get distracted okay it's more practical for me."


    "Heh, don't worry. I'll keep it down until after we finish this quest, when we're in a safe place."


    As the two entered the cave he readied his sword as he looked around the cave's walls. It definitely had the feel of a hive, which was a good sign.


    "Alright, I think we're in the right place. Now we just have to be on guar..."


    He directed Teayre to follow him behind a set of rocks as he peered over them. There was a particularly large wasp among the rocks that was buzzing around. Occasionally other wasps would pass by, but they were noting compared to this particular one.


    "Alright Teayre, get ready."


    With that he flipped his sword into a normal grip as he got closer to the <<Wasp Queen>>, "Alright...now!"


    ID: 11344

    Battle Dice: 7

    Mob Dice: 2 (+1 Evasion)= 1


    As he rushed forward he did a quick jump that gave him a quick burst of momentum before he leapt in the air. His sword flashed as he cut across the abdomen of the <<Wasp Queen>>. The <<Wasp Queen>> gave a quick screech from the surprise attack as it tried to swipe at Calrex in mid-air. He kicked with his legs to shift his momentum so that he backflipped , landing on the ground before taking a few steps back.


    "Guess it was good that I took that Acrobatics skill."


    "Alright Teayre you're up. Switch!"


    Battle Start


    HP List


    Calrex: 15/15

    Teayre: 15/15



    Wasp Queen: 27/30

  7. "Callie, I won't loose myself for you."


    As Teayre moved in and began her kiss Calrex felt his face flush. It wasn't the same type of kiss they had shared before. Even when they first confessed their feeling for each other the kisses were light, almost like butterflies. This time she had her hand gripping the back of his head, keeping his head fixed against her. It might have been the heat of the moment, or for whatever reason he had noticed that she was using all of her strength to try and keep him close to her.


    Of course, it didn't require that much strength. Calrex wasn't going to move from where he was. His eyes closed as he wrapped his arms around Teayre, returning her kiss. His left arm he let rest on her back while his other hand gently wrapped around her head, some of his fingers sliding through her hair as he held her face close to his.


    It felt like a significant amount of time had passed from that exchange when Calrex gently broke the kiss, "Hey, we should probably get some sleep if we're going to do this quest tomorrow right?"

  8. "Tag, you're it!"


    Calrex snaped out of his daze from Teayre kissing his nose once he heard those words, "Tag? Wow I haven't done this in a while!"


    He immediately took off chasing after Teayre, using as much of his speed as possible to try and catch up to her. Once he got within reach he tried to quickly step forward to tap her on the shoulder.


    ID: 11342

    Battle Dice: 3


    Unfortunately she managed to slip through his grasp before Calrex managed to touch her, "Darn it so close!"


    He continued to run after her, this time trying to slip around her to cut off her run, giving a smirk, "This time it oughta work."

  9. "Baka, about time...I feel bad for killing that boar now... You should of said hello sooner"


    "I'm sorry again. How can I make it up to you?"


    He looked over, seeing that Teayre was trying to lick his cheek. He smiled as he leaned his head closer, but not close enough that she could get him with her entire tongue. He held her tight as he kept his eyes peeled for any other creatures that were roaming or spawning nearby.


    "I wonder if this boss is designed to spawn randomly or triggered. I guess we'll need to kill some wasps to find out."

  10. Calrex was silent as Teayre pulled him in, crying into his chest as she softly hit him. He understood entirely what she meant.


    "I want to protect her with all I can, but I can't sacrifice myself in the process. I said it to that clone as well, that I can't afford to die here, not in this game. There's too much at stake now for me to even contemplate any form of martyrdom. I couldn't do that to her..."


    "Baka, I love you, don't -ever- do that again you understand?"


    Calrex nodded as he wrapped his arms around Teayre, "I understand...just...please don't do that to yourself either ok?"


    He gave a sigh as he managed to get the words out, "You don't have to worry about doing something alone. I'm with you now. If it feels like too much...please call on me. I..."


    The sight of Teayre's nearly depleted health bar flashed though his mind, the light in his eyes disappearing for a second, just like before. It returned with the rest of his sentence, "...I don't want to lose you either."

  11. Calrex nodded as Teayre reminded him that they needed to get to Oikawa's forge before the gift they got him expired, "You're right, let's get moving."


    He moved back around Teayre, grasping her hand, beginning to head in the direction of...


    Calrex stopped for a second in confusion, "Um...by the way, do you remember if Oikawa said where his shop was?"


    Calrex scratched the back of his head. He thought Oikawa might have mentioned where it was, but then again he couldn't recall the entire conversation either.


    "Man, I just can't focus today can I?"

  12. "Any ideas yet Calrex? I mean just jumping straight in and talking about the quest is plain rude."


    "Some people just don't have any manners, I mean I popped up behind you and no just no!"


    Calrex's face flushed from the surprise kiss from Teayre.


    "I...I think that was one of her boldest kisses so far..."


    "Baka, wake up will you"


    As she dropped down in front of him it finally began to dawn on him.


    "Man...I am an idiot...I completely forgot to greet her!..I hope..."


    He knelt down behind Teayre, "I'm sorry Teayre, I guess I got wound up in the details of the quest I completely forgot to acknowledge you..."


    He attempted to slowly wrap his arms around her, "My beautiful girlfriend Teayre."

  13. "What's going on with me today?"


    Calrex looked in confusion for a second as Teayre stopped in her tracks.


    "Did...she just let something slip from her thoughts?"


    He thought for a second before he gave a smirk, walking over to Teayre, leaning in so that his face was level with hers, "You know I was wondering the exact same thing..."


    He felt his cheeks turn red as he continued. He tried to keep it sly, smooth, but it really wasn't what he was used to. He had never done it before, but with her...he couldn't resist trying.


    "Something seemed different about you today..."


    He stepped around behind her before he put his arms around her, "It's like...you're even cuter than you usually are...oh good lord I can't hold it."


    Calrex gave Teayre a tight embrace before his face flushed. After holding her for a few second he let go, taking a breath and putting a hand behind his head.


    "I must look like a tomato right now...how in the world are some people so good at doing stuff like that?"

  14. "Shoes off, comfy clothes on. Then tell me what happened... I'll... try not to over react okay Cal?"


    Calrex nodded, his face blushing for a second as Teayre equipped her nightgown.


    "Dangit, it's a serious moment here Calrex. Why does everything she wears look sooo good on her?"


    Calrex pulled down his menu, unequipping his boots and jacket, making sure he was wearing some comfortable clothes before sitting in the bed, turning to face Teayre, "Alright, here we go."


    With that he began telling his story to Teayre, about how he had gone to the sixth floor in the morning, planning to search around for a particular quest. He told her about the <<Gemini>> battle, how he had been tricked into a Total Loss duel. He told how the clone used the same style of fighting that he had used, the trading of strong blows that almost nearly got him killed. He put a hand behind his head in embarrassment.


    "I'm sorry...I-I had no idea that it was going to turn out that way. I should have been more careful..."


    He put his hand back down, letting out a small sigh.


    "I'm usually so careful with preventing that from happening. How could I have missed such a detail. It nearly got me killed."

  15. "BAKA!"


    Calrex cringed for a second as Teayre exasperatedly stormed off, instantly killing it with her falchion. Calrex snapped out of his daze for a second as he began a light jog to catch up to her.


    "Aw man...what in the world did I forget?"


    He began to retrace the previous adventures of the days before in his head, trying to remember if he had promised her something, or saying that he would remember something. That he would do something or help with something...



    He was utterly clueless as to what Teayre was referring to as he followed behind, the confusing overtaking his usual calm demeanor. He had one of his hands up, counting something that he was trying to remember, his other hand behind his head. He could feel sweat forming on the side of his head in exasperation.


    "Just what in the world did I forget?"

  16. "Don't let go of me please Cal, stay close... no matter what happens. I am -never- letting go of you, you hear me."


    "don't. you. EVER. Leave! Me! THAT WAY!"


    Calrex was surprised for a second as Teayre locked her gaze with his as her voice raised. He felt a sweatdrop form on the side of his head as Teayre finished her sentence. He was taken aback for a second until Teayre resumed her tight embrace of him.


    "The only way I'll let you go, is if you want me to let you go otherwise I am never letting you go Callie."


    Calrex nodded as he continued to hold Teayre tight.


    "I've never done this before. I hope I'm strong enough. If not this is going to be one embarrassing attempt."


    After confirming payment for the food Calrex leaned in and whispered to Teayre, "Forgive me if this doesn't work, but hold onto me tight Teayre."


    He slowly stood up, wrapping his arms around Teayre as he began to try carrying her standing up.


    ID: 11325

    Battle Dice: 5


    He managed to make it about five paces before he felt his arms telling him he wasn't able to carry her any further with his arms, "Gh!" He knelt over and slowly let Teayre down, "Sorry Teayre. I guess I'm not as strong as I thought."


    "Well yeah, in you previous relationships they didn't even let you. What makes you think you were strong enough to attempt the princess carry all of a sudden."


    "Let's get back to the inn. I've got to fill you in on the quest I took as well. Although...well...you may not like how some of it went..."


    He scratched the back of his head. He tried to make it more obvious than he usually let on, but he wanted to be honest with Teayre about it.


    She wasn't the only one who had a close encounter with death that day.

  17. Calrex gave an exhaling breath as he heard the duel's ending sound. He turned and looked in surprise as he saw the winning screen appear over him. "I...I won?"


    Before he could even think Teayre was already rushing towards him.


    A Few Seconds Later...


    "Right let's go delivers Oikawa's present to him, what did you get him anyway?"




    Calrex may have won the duel, but Teayre won the battle. After she diving tackled him and barraged his face with a series of kisses, Calrex was left in a daze. If it were a cartoon, his eyes would be circling around in opposite rotation. It took a minute before Calrex managed to snap back to reality.


    "Oh...right! Yeah let's go to see him. As for the present."


    Calrex gave a joking smirk as he leaned in and whispered to Teayre, "I remembered that he loved the strawberry creme pie here, so I got him one as the gift."

  18. "Aren't you forgetting something sweetie?"


    Calrex smiled as Teayre went over and leaned against a wall, but as she asked him that question his face briefly flashed a confused look.


    "Forgetting something? Uh...did I forget to bring something?"


    He moved over to lean next to Teayre against the wall, "Uh...let's see...um..."


    "Wait...did I invite her to participate?"


    "Oh, this?"


    Calrex made a series of swipes, sending Teayre the invite to join him in the "Long Live the Queen" quest.


    "Guess I'm still new to this quest thing..."

  19. "T-thank you Cal, although it is getting late would you mind if we went back to the inn for tonight and tried again tomorrow, plus I'm... I'm..."

    Calrex looked over at where Teayre was directing him. His eyes widened for a second when he saw her health not only in the red... but almost completely depleted.

    "I-I'm... Sorry Cal...I r-r-really thought I was going to die..."

    " Even though I knew this was a death game, this is a serious reality check. I gotta do whatever I can to keep this from happening again "

    "Yeah, let's head back to the inn. We'll continue the quest after you've fully recovered. But I know what you mean..."

    He recalled his earlier experience fighting his come on the sixth floor, and how close that match had been. Had the clone gotten a couple more good his he might've not been here right now.

  20. ID: 11301

    Battle Dice: 8

    Calrex watched as Teayre rushed in with her falchion, preparing a spin attack at him. He kept his calm as he let her get closer and closer. Right as she got within striking range he drew his sword in a draw cut, aiming for her midsection.

    At the same time as he felt his sword make contact he felt the weight of Teayre's blade slam into him. He forcefully expelled some air as he caught himself with his leg. "Gh... you alright Teayre?"


    Calrex: 12/15

    Teayre: 12/15

  21. Calrex have a sigh of relief as Teayre explained what she was up to. It was heartwarming to hear she was trying to surprise him with a pet creature. He continued to hold her as he called himself as well, brushing the back of her hair, "You're silly Teayre. I do appreciate the gesture, and I know it's supposed to be a surprise but..."

    He extended his arms so he could get a look at her face. He took one of his hands and tried to softly wipe of the glistening teardrops, "... how about I give you a hand on this one? "

    He did a couple of swipes through his inventory, remembering the surprise he had gotten her from the cafe.

    "I wonder if I should give this now or later..."

  22. "That sounds like a good plan Callie, although... before we do."

    Calrex watched as Teayre duped her clothing bags and got herself into a fighting position. He looked down as he saw the invitation for a first strike duel appeared.

    "Shall we make it more interesting Cal? The loser has to get the winner a present."

    Calrex couldn't help but smile as he watched Teayre get psyched about their duel.

    "Alright sounds good, but what to get I wonder..."

    He accepted the duel, lowering his position. He loosened the lock on his sword as he asked his quick draw stance, his eyes focusing.

    "Seeing her this focused and determined is really cute to see, but there's no way I'm gonna go easy on her. She'd hate that."

  23. As Calrex made his way he saw new message appear from Teayre, giving him an invite as well so the he could easily trace get location. He nodded and sent a reply.

    Subject: Safe

    From: Calrex

    It's alright, I'm just glad you're safe. Go ahead and hang out there, I'm on my way

    With that he quickly made his way to the restaurant, entering inside. His eyes quickly scanned the room, funding and recognizing Teayre in one of the booths. He swiftly moved over to her, using a hand to turn himself around to face her and make sure she was okay before he moved in and gave her a deep embrace, not letting go while he spoke. Even though Calrex was usually fairly calm, it was pain to see that he was ridiculously worried.

    "Geezes what in the world happened? I thought I lost you..."

  24. Calrex smiled as he heard Teayre's familiar voice as his sight went black for a second.

    "I thought you were right behind me, so what's this quest you're looking at?"

    "Well going from what I could tell is fairly straightforward. Basically we find and defeat the boss that's hidden on this floor. Going from the intel it shouldn't be anything we can't handle. Plus..."

    Calrex swiped down on his menu to pull up his inventory, "I also purchased a couple of potions in case we take too much damage."

    Add he heard Teayre comment on the setting of the floor he smiled and led her through the city, leading her towards the gate area.

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