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Posts posted by Calrex

  1. In a flash of light Calrex appeared at the portal on the second floor inside the Urbus settlement.


    "Alright, I'm here. So this place is the second floor."


    He looked around the current area as he stretched his arms. Teleportation seemed to be fairly easy on him, but the fact he was standing still for some reason made him feel stiff after the sequence finished. Urbus seemed in a way a lot like the Starting City, although in this case it seemed to be less fantasy-like and more accurate to what a medieval European kingdom would look.


    "Well, minus the peasants in poor clothing I think...unless that fact was inaccurate for some reason."


    He adjusted his sword on his hip as he looked around, "Well I told Teayre that I would meet her here. I wonder where she's at."


    Calrex swiped down his menu to pull up the quest he had gained information about. Apparently on the second floor there was a hidden boss that was encountered by players that were training on the Wind Wasps in the area. The boss itself supposedly respawns, this making the quest repeatable. It is suspected that killing this boss would yield a special potion.


    "If it's something that would increase the damage we do in combat I think it might be good for her to take it. She's been getting better with that Falchion of hers, but from what I remember she hasn't put any experience into the sword type needed to have it actually deal more damage. This might help to compensate for that until she's able to do so."


    He looked around, finding a good spot to lay down in the meantime while he waited for her. He closed his eyes, letting the sounds of the settlement fill his ears.

  2. "Gh!...excuse me, behind you, gah!"


    Like a cork being removed from a bottle of champagne, Calrex managed to remove himself from the crowd that had formed within the store.


    "Wow, it's really busy in this area today. Okay, healing potions healing potions..."


    His eyes quickly scanned across the various shelves. There was certainly a variety of weapons, armor, and other goods. As he neared the counter he saw what he was looking for. There was almost an overstock of health potions sitting right at the counter.


    "Talk about being in the most obvious place."


    "Alright, better be quick."


    He approached the counter, giving a friendly smile at the man behind the counter, "Hi there, I'd like two Healing Potions please."


    After completing the transaction he placed his Col and stored the potions in his inventory, "Thank you very much. Hope business stays busy!"


    He gave a wave before popping back into the gigantic crowd, "Excuse me, one side...ouch that's my foot. Sorry..."


    +2 Healing Potions

    -800 Col

  3. Calrex turned as the new arrival appeared behind him and Teayre, introducing herself as Oikawa's friend Ariel.


    "I don't know what our friend 'Kawi' will say and honestly I'm curious to hear it. But I can tell you that the fencing championships commentators IRL , gave me a pretty unusual nickname, that is 'Crowned Lion'. I don't know if it was because of my full name or my fighting style but I hope it was the later one. In any case, allow me to introduce myself, I'm Kayla Ariel D'Sole and these here is my companion, Kimba."


    At the same time as her last sentence Calrex looked down to see a white lion cub appear from behind her leg. Calrex smiled as he nodded, "It's nice to meet the both of you. I'm Calrex."


    As Oikawa explained to them the mission Calrex nodded as he adjusted his sword once again.


    "Well if there aren't anymore questions, lets get a move on."


    Calrex nodded, "Alrighty, let's do this."

  4. "This, is something I don't want to lose ever Cal. You know when we went to the monument of life, I memorized the location of your name and only yours... I don't know or understand why, but you are to me what will make me survive the game."


    Calrex felt his face flush as Teayre spoke to him before he went into the cafe. He quickly ordered a strawberry creme pie from the waiter for takeout. The waiter, although partially confused for a second, seemed to appreciate the business that Calrex and Teayre were giving him as he placed the order. Once the order was placed Calrex paid for the pie.


    A few minutes later the water brought the strawberry creme pie. Calrex thanked him, placing the pie into his inventory. He thanked the waiter once more before heading out of the cafe.


    "I'm not going to die Teayre. Not if I can help it."


    As he exited he put a smile on his face as he gave a thumbs up, "We're good to go! Shall we head over to Oikawa's forge next?"

  5. Subject: <Insert Subject>

    From: Teayre


    I love you, I'm sorry.


    Calrex was resting when all of a sudden a message appeared from Teayre. It had no subject, and it seemed almost like a last rite. He immediately sprung to his feet in surprise.


    "Teayre?! What in the world is happening on her end?"


    He immediately left the Hogsback Inn, thinking all along the way.


    "No subject line. She might not have had time to write one. So she might not be in the city. But the messa..."



    Subject: Safe

    From: Teayre


    Callie, I'm sorry if I worried you I was in a fight with a dire wolf and almost lost, I had two in a row without much of a break, going to find the thing I wanted to show you before I head back to town. Would you like to meet me in town, just meet up for some steak or something, or if you want I'm along the route on floor 1 to Horunka Village.


    Calrex stopped his mad sprint as he slowed to a stop. He took a few calming breaths as he recovered his composure. He sent a response to her promptly.



    Subject: Safe

    From: Calrex


    Where are you at? I was at the Hogsback Inn, but I can meet you wherever. Are you alright?


    He scratched the back of his head, "Man, my heart is still racing. I've gotta make sure she's ok."

  6. "I don't mind where we go next Callie, shall we find a present for Oikawa then? Let's find a place to sit and have come lunch that'd be good, if I remember rightly you're supposed to be leading the way cutie."


    Calrex gave a nod at Teayre's suggestion to look for Oikawa's present next. As he was about to take a step Teayre smoothly took the bags from him, inviting him for an impromptu dance. His face flushed red for a second before he began to match Teayre's movements.


    "Man, please don't give me two left feet right now!"


    He smiled as they danced to and fro for some time before his thoughts came back, "Oh yeah, maybe we can check out the Starlight Cafe again and bring him one of his beloved strawberry creme pies. I'm sure that would brighten his day."


    "It's pretty much the only thing I can remember him showing an actual interest in. Of course, we only met him yesterday, so we don't exactly have much information to go on either.


    Once he made sure Teayre was ready to go he led the way through the crowds back towards the cafe, "I wonder if we're allowed to order items for takeout from here..."


    "Kind of a weird question, since the dishes are technically items anyway."

  7. Calrex watched in surprise as Teayre turned, giving him a stare of death, "Gh!"


    "You. Know. How. Long. It. Took. Me. To. Do. My. Hair! Sorry Kawi, I'll be just a moment..."


    A look of dread flashed across his face as he saw Teayre's falchion come flying at him out of nowhere. He took a couple of steps back as she planted it into the ground before tackling him to the ground.


    "You're lucky you're so damn cute."


    Calrex gave a sigh of relief as he got to his feet.


    "Alright so I have invited another companion to join us. Her name is Ariel and she is a front liner with the Azure Brigade. She should be here shortly."


    "Hm...another companion. That oughta be useful in this quest."


    "So anyways, Oikawa, what's this quest you were talking to us about?"


    Calrex adjusted the Anneal Blade on his hip as he his hands in his jacket pockets, looking around the area. It looked like the theme of this particular floor was of a desert, with the settlement made out of dunes and sand. He shook his head to get some of the sand out of his hair as he scratched the back of his head.

  8. As Teayre paid for the clothes Calrex felt he thought the "worst" was over. Turns out he was wrong.


    Teayre had decided to equip the outfit he had chosen, the red dress flowing around her as she began to walk out of the store.


    "I know this is a game and I can carry everything in my inventory, but a girl needs shop bags if she's shopping."


    "Uh...why am I confused right now?"


    Calrex went over to the bags, looking back over at Teayre, his face flushing before he promptly picked up the bags, holding them both in his left hand, "So...where to next?"


    "I was right. I'm going to lose my senses again before this day is over."

  9. As Oikawa acknowledged his presence he put his hand in his pocket, "Well, I'm still alive, so I would assume it's treating me fairly well."


    As he introduced his familiar Calrex looked over at the leopard. For being kidnapped by wolves, Oikawa seemed to have nursed him back into fine shape. Calrex responded with a nod and a smile at the familiar.


    "Hey where's Teayre? I figured you guys would be an item by now"


    As Oikawa brought up the name of Teayre Calrex felt his cheeks flush as he put a hand behind his head, looking up to the side, "S-She was right behind me the last I saw..."


    His sentence was interrupted by the feeling of a fist coming down on the back of his head, "Ack!"


    "Hey Oikawa, I would of been here sooner but someone left me behind."


    Teayre had appeared right behind him, giving him a small hmph of discontent.


    Calrex rubbed the back of his head, a sweatdrop forming on the side of his head, "Sorry about that. I thought you were right behind me last I checked."


    "So you two are a thing? Congrats haha!"


    Calrex lowered his hand as he smiled in response, "Thanks man!" He put a hand on Teayre's head, rubbing her hair, "And sorry again about that. I'll make it up to you."

  10. "Puh!"


    Calrex leaned over as he felt Teayre's punch connect with his gut, "...it's a good thing theres the pain dampener in place in the game."


    "Well, what do you think? I quite like this one, it's feels nice on my skin and well it's not restricting in my movement."


    Calrex sat down as he looked up. As she twirled around Calrex felt his face turn even deeper red, his heart racing like crazy. He scratched the back of his head as he diverted his eyes for a second, "I-It suits you..."


    "Callie, which ones should I get?"


    "Aw man, now I have to choose which ones?! They all look amazing on her!"


    "That is a tough choice, um..."


    "I've gotta some kind of flaw, maybe that'll help my choice. Let's see, the first one was classy, but it seems too formal...the second is flexible, but the miniskirt might *blush*...and the third one looks nice, but maybe a bit too restricting for breathing if she ever needs to wear it in combat."


    "Maybe the first and...*blush* second ones. The one I picked I'll leave up to you."

  11. It was looking to be a very busy string of days following the night he and Teayre became a couple. Calrex scratched the back of his head as he saw Oikawa had invited him to the fifth floor to assist him with a quest. He stood at the portal in the first floor Starting City, his equipment at the ready.


    "Who would've thought things would pick up so quickly after entering the game. Well, no time like the present. I wouldn't suspect Oikawa to take us in a quest that we wouldn't be able to complete...I think."


    He pulled down his menu, selecting the fifth floor. It was one he had not yet explored, it it would be something interesting to check out. As he selected it he vanished in a flash of light from the first floor, reappearing on the fifth floor.


    Immediately the first thing he noticed upon arriving was that there was a slightly intense heat radiating around, "Ook, that I wasn't expecting..."


    The sun seemed to be beating down on the settlement as he made his way around, "I'll need to get out of this heat."


    He looked around, seeing Oikawa and a small leopard resting underneath a tree, "Hm...is that Oikawa's pet. I remember there was a quest about familiars, maybe that's what he's been busy doing."


    He walked over, deciding to give a friendly wave to get his attention. As he got underneath the tree he immediately felt the heat dissipate off him, "Well, the heat is certainly new."

  12. "Oh...why does it have to be a clothing store?"


    Calrex could feel a sweatdrop build on the side of his head at Teayre's reaction upon entering the store. As she dashed off, asking if he could let her know which one/s he liked he already felt his cheeks preemptively turning red.


    "So I'm watching her model...I knew that I wasn't going to be able to get through this day without going crazy like last night."


    As Teayre popped out in her first outfit Calrex tried his best to suppress his blush as he tried to observe it objectively. It definitely was a beautiful dress, and definitely had a Victorian feel to it for some reason. With Teayre wearing it Calrex felt somehow like he was taking her to a ball or something.


    The second outfit seemed more oriented for speed and flexibility. The jacket, although form-fitting, seemed to give much room for her to move around easily. As for the minisk..."Calrex!" Ahem...moving on...


    The last outfit seemed to be the most..."goth" of all of the outfits. It was form fitting as well, but unlike the others. which either didn't have a collar or a small one, this one seemed to encapsulate her neck.


    "I would never be able to wear something like that. I would feel like I wouldn't be able to breath..."


    "Cal, pick something out for me please, it doesn't have to be dark or anything just pick something you like out."


    "Oh great...I think she forgot the fact I mentioned I have a horrible fashion sense."


    As Teayre disappeared behind the curtain once again he gave a breath. He swore his face had changed at least three shades during the time she was trying on the outfits. His heart was picking up in pace as he stood up, having a look around the store. "Hm...maybe I'll just go for something that calls out to me. I mean, I'm horrible at mixing and matching, so maybe an outfit so I can just choose the entire piece."


    As he wandered around the store he ended up coming across one that seemed to stand out amongst the various shades of black and gray. It was a red dress with black frills on the edges. The collar, while fitting to the neck, seemed to look a lot more comfortable than the one Teayre had showed him earlier. It cut at the shoulder, with a pair of sleeves  that started at the elbow, moving down to the wrist. There was an optional headband that seemed to fit in with the outfit.


    Calrex reached over and picked it up, giving it a quick though before giving a calming breath, walking over to the hangar in front of the curtain. "How about this one?"


    "I really hope I chose right."

  13. "I know what you mean Callie, you're unsure of how to act because you've never felt this way before? I've never felt this way about -anyone- before or had anyone even look at me before you, I'm just going with what my body tells me to do, I think that's probably the safest way, we can't go wrong then just let the feelings we have for each other show, wear them on our sleeves for each other let us into each others hearts. Anyone else though, we remain our normal calm and collected selves."


    When Teayre wrapped herself around him Calrex's eyes widened in surprise first not because of the action, but because of the fact that he was able to somehow support Teayre.


    "Wow...she's fairly light..."


    His thoughts ended as he saw Teayre lean in trying to kiss him. Unfortunately due to his surprise he had forgotten to actually hold her up and she ended up sliding down.


    "Baka, you're supposed to hold me if I do that"


    Calrex couldn't help but give a quick laugh as he let Teayre lead him to their first shop.


    "Wonder what we're going to find in here?"


    He went over to the door of the shop, pushing it open and holding it to let Teayre inside.


    "With all that's going on, it's strange to think that we're in a death game. Is this part of what the creator intended?"

  14. "Cal, don't be scared I won't let anything touch you, if you don't want it to okay?"


    Hearing Teayre utter those words made Calrex raise a hand as he stifled a laugh, "Heh, don't worry about me Teayre. It's not out of fear that my heart's beating like crazy."


    As Teayre asked him about what Oikawa would possibly be interested in for a gift, "Well, normally I might have an idea, but here in this game...I really am not too sure. I mean he did say he ran a forge, so I don't think he would need anything metallic."


    "Plus it's not like we can go to some random outlet and find him something."


    "My guess would be that we find him from one of the other shops not related to metalwork. I think that would be a good place to start."


    "Cal, do you mind me calling you Callie, just when it's the two of us? I don't want to embarrass you I just like having a special name for you is all."


    Calrex looked down at Teayre as she asked his question. Just looking at her was making his heart race once again, "N-No, it's not that I'm embarrassed. But...if you want to save it for when we're alone that would be fine...but only if that's your preference."


    "Calrex, you've gotta get control of yourself. Are you really gonna get tongue-tied and have a heart attack every time you lay eyes on her?"

  15. "Baka you're supposed to kiss here."


    Calrex's eyes widened for a second  as Teayre guided him down to her lips. It was a lot closer than his attempt, but still just a little bit off.


    "Baka, you still missed one day you'll get it right"


    As Teayre reminded him of leading her he smiled and nodded, "Sure thing."


    As Teayre commented how she was enjoying him holding her he felt the redness rush to his cheeks once again. He felt a smile stick to his face as he led Teayre out of the inn out to the market. "It feels nice."


    He put a hand behind his head in nervousness as he felt his blush deepen.


    "I-I'm really walking around with Teayre."


    He took a glance down at her once again. Her cleaned up appearance and hair threw him for a loop once again, almost as much as it did when he saw her last night. Just behind beside her was making his heart go crazy once again.


    "If I'm at a hostpial right now in the real world I really hope they don't think I'm having a heart attack or something."

  16. It was a short period of time since Calrex left the cafe before he arrived at the Hogsback Inn.


    "Let's see...Teayre said she had the same room as before right? So it would be upstairs...that way..."


    Calrex entered into the inn, giving a couple of breaths to calm himself. He felt the blood rushing to his face already, but he had already come to accept that this feeling wasn't going to go under control for quite some time. He scratched the back of his head as he made his way up to the room.


    "Man, this turned out to be one eventful day after all."


    He gave a deep breath as he approached the room. "I wonder if she's back already...It has been quite some time since I messaged her. Hope she's doing alright..."


    The thought of Teayre in mortal danger went into Calrex's mind for a second. He could feel his emotions dampening, almost fading. His eyes began to lose their glow at the thought and his sword hand slowly twitched, as if it were ready to slice through anything. As the thought left his mind he shook his head to regain his senses.


    "No, I'm not going to let that happen. That's why I'm doing this...for all of them. I'm not going to let them die on my watch..."


    He opened the door, seeing that Teayre was not back just yet. He moved over to the window, seeing the lights of the city nightlife as he put his hands in his pockets. He took a calming breath as he relaxed himself, waiting for Teayre to come back to the room.

  17. After paying for the meal Teayre led him back to the Hogsback Inn so that she could get cleaned up.


    "If you peak, you're a dead man Calrex-kun, you understand that right?"


    Before he could realize what had happened, he was on the floor sitting with the soles of his feet touching each other.


    "What just..."


    Calrex awkwardly looked around the room as he waited for Teayre. Once the door opened he looked over to see that Teayre had changed her hairstyle, an intricate braid taking up the upper part of her head, while the lower part continued to flow freely out.


    "W-Wait, did she do that just now?!"


    She gave a twirl for him that made Calrex's heart race once again. Teayre walked over to him, whispering in his ear.


    "Take the lead Callie, you choose where to first let's find something for Oikawa so I don't tire you out too soon..."


    He nodded as he helf Teayre by the hand as he got to his feet. He couldn't hold himself back, his face turning red as he leaned in to kiss her.


    ID: 11073

    BD: 3 (DAGNABIT!)


    He ended up kissing her on her forehead. He felt his face flush out of embarrassment for missing once again.


    "I've...really gotta work on this..."

  18. Calrex stood for a little while at the cafe as he waiting for the item he ordered to come out. He scratched the back of his head awkwardly as he looked around the room, avoiding the gazes of some of the patrons. Understandingly, it probably wasn't often that someone entered into the cafe and ordered something to go. Of course, he wasn't really aware of how accurate his assumption was.


    "I'm gonna really need to apologize to Oikawa about the cafe. He introduced us here, but I feel like I might be ruining his reputation here for some reason."


    The waiter came back out with the item wrapped up. Calrex gave a friendly smile as he accepted the item, adding it to his inventory. He paid for the item before taking off back towards the Hogsback Inn. By the time he had left the sun had finally set, the Starting City lit up by the lights of the street lamps. He rushed through, feeling some excitement building inside of him.


    "I guess I'm still in that stage of the relationship, the point where even a few seconds away from her is going to drive me crazy."

  19. Calrex made his way through the market, trying to squeeze his way through the busy crowd. Even at this time of the day the market was packed with players looking for new gear, weapons, items and such. He was surprised at the fact as he popped out of the other end of a crowd of people.


    "Geez, I wasn't expecting this. I hope I can find something for Teayre before the market closes for the night."


    He scratched the back of his head as he looked around, "Hm...maybe a new dress? Well...I don't know her measurements..."


    "Dangit Calrex get your head together! You just said that in public!"


    Calrex shook his head as he continued, "Maybe a new necklace?"


    "But she always wears that one she has. I wouldn't want to get her one and make her feel obligated to wear it because I got it for her."


    He gave a sigh as he continued to think, "Maybe something that she could use that she wouldn't have to wear...maybe some kind of consumable or food?"


    As he continued to think his eyes widened in surprise for a second as he slammed his fist into his other hand's palm, "I've got it!"


    With that he took off in a dash away from the market, knowing exactly where to go.

  20. "Hmmm you smell nice Cal, like custard with strawberries and daisies and very manly."


    "Manly?! Uh...I don't think I've ever been called that before. I mean...I'm not exactly the broad-shouldered guy that one would think to be manly."


    Calrex felt his face turn redder and redder as Teayre continued to rest her face in his chest, "U-um...just don't eat me okay?" He tried to add a laugh into his sentence to lighten the mood. Once Teayre began to make out the words, asking if they should get moving, he gave a nod, "Yeah, let's get moving."


    He looked over at the waiter, thanking him and trying to give an apologetic face in case any of the patrons felt awkward about the two of them. He slowly helped Teayre and himself to his feet as they went towards the door.


    "A-Alright, now that we're all set, what's next?"

  21. "There's nothing to be sorry for, I just don't understand why you like me so much... I mean there's not much to me..."


    Calrex almost felt like laughing inside when Teayre tried to talk humbly about herself.


    "Maybe it's because we just became a couple, but from what I'm feeling there's a lot more to her than even she thinks. There's a reason why I'm going head over heels for her, and it's not the game."


    He slid his arms around her in a deep hug, "I'm not sure what you're talking about, because I see a lot more about you that I could think about without going crazy."


    "Um...would now be a good time to add that I've been a couple of relationships before her? I should probably wait before I go adding that in. But being with her tops any of those ones by...I don't know...400% maybe? I feel like it's more than that."


    Calrex felt his heart begin to race as he continued to embrace her, "I-I'm not sure how to put it into better words right now, heh...since I can't even form a decent sentence right now."


    He tilted his head, breathing in her scent once again. He felt his face flush as he continued to hold her.

  22. As Teayre awoke in surprise Calrex couldn't help but laugh a lttle. He brought his clenched hand up to cover his mouth as he felt the smile stick to his face.


    "No, it's alright. Besides it's a booth right?"


    When Teayre divided up the pancakes Calrex nodded as he tried to wolf down the remaining pieces so that they could quickly make their exit. Calrex had a feeling some of the patrons felt a little awkward from the bit of the love-dovey display going on between Teayre and him. He could feel his cheeks flush at the thought.


    "Do you have any idea of what we could get Kawi? I was thinking a pendant or something but I doubt we have enough col for that."


    "I'm not really sure. I guess we'll have to find out once we get to the market. Of course we've got both of our col to use. And I guess if not we could always go out and fight some boars to get some more."


    He took a look over, watching as Teayre tore into the pancakes as well. He noticed that some of the whipped cream had gotten stuck to the side of her lip. Calrex gave a smirk to himself as he scratched the back of his head, "Dangit, I just can't resist."


    "Hey Teayre hold still..."


    Once Teayre would hold still he could reach over and wipe the whipped cream from her face. He felt his cheeks flush as he tried to smoothly put the whipped cream into his mouth.


    "Ook, in retrospect that was probably one of the most embarrassing things I've ever done in public! I hope Teayre's alright with it..."


    Calrex put a hand behind his head almost immediately afterwards, "S-Sorry, was that too much?"

  23. As Calrex made his way back to the portal the sun was beginning to set on the horizon, filling the settlement with a yellow and orange glow. he gave a sigh as he took a quick look as he made his way through the market, "I was originally planning for this to be a brief mission. I wasn't expecting for it to take the entire day."


    He had been in contact with Teayre during his time heading back to the portal. Apparently she had something for him to see once he had made it back to the Hogsback Inn that night. He smiled when he sent his response that he had a surprise for her as well.


    "Maybe since I'll have some time before she gets back I'll stop by some of the shops and see if there was anything interesting I could bring back with me as well."


    He stopped at the portal, looking back at the Amazon settlement, "It might still be some time before I get back here. But next time I'll be sure to be stronger."


    As he finished his sentence he pulled down his menu, selecting the First Floor, and activated the portal. Almost immediately he was back in the Starting City as he opened his eyes once again, "Alright, off to the market."

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