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Posts posted by Oske

  1. Oske stood in a small village, all alone. She was checking her inventory for Col count, and she put her hands on her hips. “I guess I have enough to gear up now. I’ve been grinding so much that I never actually bought anything that I need.†She looked around. There were barely any players around. “I’ve never really done anything without friends, so… I wonder if there’s anyone who can help me find some good gear. I need a new shield, first of all…â€

  2. Oske stared at the ground for a long time. "I... I won't leave you. It's okay, I'll make more friends. I'm too clingy... it's a flaw of mine..." Oske confessed. She turned back to Rage with a forced smile on her sad face. "I think it's great that you got married!" she lied. "I'm so happy for you."

  3. "Huh?" Oske murmured. She looked back where Rage had once been, then to where he was now. "Haha, okay, you win! I'm going to try to make my gear myself, though. I need a new sword... and a shield."

    She walked into the smithy and to the back, where she started melting down her old sword along with an icy boar tusk. She then started hammering.

    "Okay... here it is!" Oske was now holding a rather dented sword. "Oh... it came out bad. Let me try again."

    She started melting down the materials again, but... she then realized something. "Hey, there's not enough mats! I guess I'll use the rest of what I have...

  4. Oske walked until she found a small shop close to a village. She stopped, reading the sign outside. "Mary's Tailor Shop." she said aloud. She then walked inside, where she was greeted by an NPC almost immediatly.

    "Well, howdy to you two!" the NPC exclaimed. "I'm Mary. Who's getting fitted today? The lil' lady? Or the groom?"

    Oske's face turned bright red. "J-just me."

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