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Sir Alonne

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Status Updates posted by Sir Alonne

  1. I'm baaack!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Sir Alonne

      Sir Alonne

      Alonne does not join guilds.

    3. Calrex


      He prefers to be Alonne XD

    4. Klick


      But this is not a guild. Its a Core >.>

  2. Thinking about taking a profession, which one does the site need more?

  3. The fabulous Crimson Blade has arrived here to the site. Hello everyone.

  4. Had to leave the topic due to work in 15, don't want to nt post in case sh*t happens and I am there to not respond, Arrivederci everyone.

  5. I'm back in black, hit the sack, I bet you know I'm glad to be back.

  6. Sooo sad... no one has replied to my topic. #Sadface.

  7. If your a PSN user post here, Mari and Jubei I know you guys are ones.

    1. Sir Alonne

      Sir Alonne

      POst your username here so we can go have some fun on PSN.

    2. Life



      I think thats the right one :P

  8. Shark please add me to the Unrestricted chat please.

    1. Life


      Send him a PM

    2. Sir Alonne

      Sir Alonne

      I did, one on Skype and one on here.

  9. Got work everyone, arrivederci.

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