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Scout Broker

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Status Updates posted by Scout Broker

  1. Such disappointment, guess it could not be helped. Time has expired.

    1. Koumori
    2. Calrex


      Somehow I'm not surprised this happened while I was asleep XD 

    3. Kalesh


      Yeah, like 3-4 AM my time when this happened :/

      No further comment.

  2. Much disappointment is felt by myself and my sisters. Players of Aincrad truly are such thoughtless and unobserving individuals. Such a sad way to live that is.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Koumori


      Well it's a shame I don't stay up to three o'clock in the morning. Whatever

    3. Kalesh


      It's the information broker page in quests.

      And yeah, same Kou. It was on a sunday night too, so if you have school or work, tough luck.

    4. Paglikha


      Kalesh, I looked there first thing after you posted the thing about unique skills. Shadowed path may be what I've been looking for but IT'S TAKEN!!! URGHHH!!! 

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