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Posts posted by Garou

  1. As Shanok walked back into the crummy shop, the third of the trio of girls began explaining. "Please excuse my friends' rude behavior. A group of Player Killers came in here a few minutes ago and kidnapped the owner of this building." She paused, falling short of her own expectations to fully convey her point.

    "Because of you PKers, we can't learn new music!" The short brunette yelled across the entrance hall. "You better give her back!" The obviously youngest girl picked up a musical score bound in leather and threw it at Garou. He frowned and drew his longsword just in time, dispersing the pages before they hit him square in the jaw with a single swipe.

    "Fine. We'll bring the person back."

  2. The tall player looked over to the man that called him. "Are you talking to me?" he asked, slightly confused. AnthraX slowed his walking to a gradual halt. The man still had beginner's gear, a cruddy short-sword strapped to his belt with a crude wooden shield slapped on his back. He approached Lucivar slowly. There was no need to rush.

  3. Yon immediately started feeling bad. He seemed to slowly be losing himself within the game, losing his spirit, his will, his drive to go on. But now that he had found Beatha, he had been given purpose once more. And now he was berating her? Even if it was just in his head, he recognized it as a destructive force. Yon let the hurtful thoughts drift out of his head until he could focus on his friend's needs again. "I'm sorry. If we don't make it out of this game, then you won't even have the chance." He caressed her cheek and felt his eyes water ever so slightly. "But don't worry... You're already on your way home..."

  4. Garou walked all throughout the Starting City with his close friend Shanok, still in his usual attire- a Victorian era suit with heavy reinforced silver chains strung around his body, connected to a pair of white felt gloves that he wore. Shanok was a boy he could trust after their many tussles together. He did have a strange, playful personality, but to Garou the boy seemed harmless.

    The two were busy pasting fliers for their guild -Sonus Silentii- around the brick walls of the First Floor's capital, hoping to recruit new vigilantes hungry for a cause.

  5. The gentle lad scrunched his facial features in thought, searching for the right questions about the real world. "So... Do you have any plans when you get out of school?" Yon moved his hands to her right wrist and squeezed lightly, letting her know that he was eager to know. Even if they weren't making real physical contact, it was real enough for them.

  6. Yon wore a more neutral expression on his face, less sadness but not exactly happiness. He hugged Beatha tightly and yawned, stretching his legs outwards. "Well, right now you're with me, Beatha. Let's discuss more happy things. We need to get to know each other better so we can really connect as friends. What would you like to talk about?" The boy still lightly held her in his arms, two bars of security than kept the horrors of the outside world away.

  7. He frowned in reply, looking back at his companion and turning with him. "Alright. Looks like we aren't required presence here..."

    Another girl, this one taller, perhaps mature and blonde as well, started yelling. "THAT'S RIGHT YOU PLAYER KILLING TRASH! TAKE THAT BOY TOY WITH YOU AND GIVE US BACK THE MENTOR!"

    Garou craned his head back. "Wait! Wh-what!?"

  8. The Chained Werewolf shoved Shanok with a glowering look towards his friend. He sighed and stepped toward the bustling women, taking off his black hat and speaking again. "Excuse me if I made have started off on the wrong foot, gentleladies. I am Garou, and this is faithful ally Shanok. We come in search of-"

    "SHUT UP, WEIRDO!" One of the girls shouted, interrupting him. She had brown hair and was the shortest of all of them. Her words sent a crash of anger streaming through his mind. Garou was feeling a bit violent today.

  9. He pushed himself up and looked at her with a look of slight pity and sadness. This girl... Is she my responsibility now...? He walked over to the other side of the bed and laid down slowly on top of the covers, both arms behind his head in a reclined position. "Happy now...?" the boy asked shyly. He was blushing slightly, but he did his best to force his green eyes to her blue eyes.

  10. Yon continued to face away from her as he began to look at his own reflection instead of the world outside. "No, thank you. I'd rather not advance on you or anything." His voice cracked. He was exhausted, not able to get much rest in the crazy world of Sword Art Online. But he definitely wasn't sleepy after today. CobaltsDream gave Yon goosebumps, but they were a good kind. Every time he was near her he felt like he was losing it to her gothic, punk, leathery allure.

  11. The bold lad laid to the side as he propped his head up with his hand and an elbow to the rug. He brought up his HUD's Equipment menu and removed his hat, his Victorian dress down to a white undershirt and a pair of pajamas. Yon had come a long way to get where he was now. He watched the people mill about in the vicious snowstorm outside as the sun slowly began to set. Even though Beatha was on the bed, he didn't really feel comfortable moving up onto there.

  12. The large room was almost like a culture shock to him after seeing so much medieval scenery. It was surprisingly modern, and the television sent chills down his spine. Something told him that it wouldn't work, and with Yon walked over to press its on-switch the notification appeared between him and the apparently atmospheric furniture. The room reminded him how much he missed his home. In a state of not knowing what to do, Yon sat cross-legged on the floor, looking out the window to see the taiga beyond. Along the wilderness was everything they had been through that day: Snowberry Lake, the wooden town gates guarded by NPCs (wonder where Clarence was...), the stalls for Lover's Knot and the dart tossing game, even the Millerwing Diner.

  13. Garou followed her nervously and with a sweaty palm gripping hers. He gulped, feeling a solid rock of anxiety in his throat. "H-hey, I can sleep on the floor if you want me too..." He used the Suite Key on the top of the fifth floor, opening a pair of fine white double-doors into a huge, white room that seemed appropriate for the large sum of money he had wasted. Nevertheless, Yon's jaw dropped to the floor.


  14. Anthrax walked to the large park in the city, examining the natural portion of the area. Kayaba must have worked hard to get the realistic feel of the grass and flowers. Or, at least the programmers must have worked hard. Ever since the fateful day of the death penalty's reveal, AnthraX felt jealous of the man. An entire world at his mercy...

    "One day..." he whispered to himself with his deep, accented voice. "I will take the throne..."

    AnthraX continued walking through the park, feeling the bearing weight of the sunlight on his skin.

  15. A tall, pale man with long black hair walked the streets of the Starting City with a hand to his chin. He had blue eyes, but they seemed awfully cold for such a calm colour. His name was AnthraX, and he had yet to even exit the initial spawning point in Sword Art Online. Even though he was only Level 1, he radiated a sensation of confidence and raw power. He wasn't really muscular, but his height was almost unnatural.

  16. He shook his head and frowned. "No. I've worked hard enough to pay for myself and a few others..." He stepped in front of CobaltsDream, almost insulted by the NPC before him. "I would like your finest room. For two, please." Garou gave a peace-like two fingers to further employ his desire.

    "Ah... Uh... Alright..." The wealthy man suddenly looked nervous at Yon's apparent confidence. After the boy gave the NPC the proper amount of col (which wasn't cheap!), he was handed the Suite Key. "It's... the most expensive room... I hope... You like your stay..." The NPC cowardly slunk away as he left the two to head up the fine wooden stairs.

  17. I think the zombie idea is pretty cool, especially because it could be like all the NPC's from the town.

    However, I'm a little more iffy when it comes to 'vampires' though. I think we should remember to sort of stay away from fantasy based things. This game didn't have any magic or anything, just monsters. So bringing reality based mythological creatures into play or whatever seems a little odd... (I know there's dragons, but... those are more creature/monster like then vampires). But the zombie thing can be played off of to suit the city/setting in general... maybe it's the devouring beast's fault. Maybe he either has some sort of toxic saliva or something that stimulates a zombie-like plague. I don't know.

    I'm just really not into the vampire idea. Seems pretty cheesy. But we could have like lesser zombies, and greater zombies, ghosts/poltergeists (sort of like the little girl you help, but maybe ones that trick or deceive you), or just like monster creatures in general. Abnormalities that were created by the devouring beast, or something.

    Iunno. I'm just rambling now.

    I think I agree with the humanoid creatures not to be pushed too much, like a wizard or a vampire as an enemy. By this, I'm saying that anything with implied human intelligence is probably a stretch for SAO. However, I am planning a giant humanoid witch doctor boss for an optional boss in one of my threads, but he's more like an insane... thing like Nick the Renegade.

  18. Yon gulped and heeded her motion, stepping inside the wealthy hotel. He went into a fine marble, polished room with hearts decorated on all sides of the foyer. The NPC clerk had on fine silk robes of red, with an intricate smile that told stories of a life of pure splendor, almost to the extent of unfortunate disdain. Between him and the young couple was an immense fountain of ivory polish. "Hello, adventurers! Do you think you have the money to stay in our wonderful estate?"

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