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Posts posted by Garou

  1. Yon yawned as he began walking along the road. "I suppose we should." Luckily for him the moon was waning in the game. There would surely be no issues that night for him. He continued walking until he reached a slightly expensive inn with a large, finely chiseled marble sign above the entrance.

    Gliding Swan Inn

    Garou turned to Beatha and smiled gently. "How is this for an evening together?" It might have been over his budget, but this was a special night for the lad.

  2. The Chained Werewolf squited his eyes and frowned at Shanok all serious-like. "Wow, really man? Really? You have to be That Guy in front of all these people?" After glaring at him for a few seconds, he laughed himself. "Ah, just kidding, shorty. Now, where can I learn a new song?" Garou called out the last bit to the giggling girls in the room, causing them to disperse and act like nothing ever happened. "What the... Excuse me...?" The women were blatantly ignoring Garou.

  3. The guild leader strode out confidently, now feeling almost invincible. He continued walking with a Shanok in tow until he reached a two-story wooden building with a lute carved into it above the entrance door. Inside the lute read:


    Garou grinned up at the sign before taking off his wide hat and stepping inside, looking around to see a nearly empty room save for a few girls giggling, holding flutes.

  4. At first, Garou was taken aback by Kirito's change in attitude. Is that cockiness...? No, that's definitely just confidence. There's something different about this player... He looks like a normal kid, but he radiates bravery... It's not just his level... Garou grinned back. "Yes, that would definitely be a waste of time. I was hoping for a high-level secret boss within it, but who knows with this game." The purple-haired boy marched along the woods onto the marshy bank of the lake, looking around. There was no entrance or cave or anything on this portion of the water.

  5. In response, Garou shrugged. He didn't really have much of an idea, but it didn't take long for one to hit him. I should learn a new song! He smiled to himself as he turned his back on Shanok, traveling down a paved road. "I think I'm going to learn a new beat on my violin. If it would please you, you may tag along."

  6. Their leader nodded as he rubbed his naked chin. Garou wasn't visibly perturbed by the stranger's presence, but he could feel danger somewhere. Perhaps not in this particular person, maybe a distance away...

    He gave Shanok a look before speaking to Clarence. "Take caution, friend. The woods of the Starting City is a popular grounds for late night Player Killers."

  7. «AnthraX»


    » Username: AnthraX

    » Real name: Boală Mavet

    » Age: 28

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 6' 8"

    » About: Boală was a doctor in life, traveling the world over to study diseases. Over his career he spent the majority of his time in South America and Africa, studying strains of various sicknesses. He was quite successful, discovering ground-breaking treatments for the Ebola virus. Boală saw that the world was ungrateful to his contribution and overtime began to be obsessed with studying the history of wars. It didn't take the man long to learn about the horrors of biological warfare and the dangers of controlled viruses such as Anthrax and Small Pox. He was recruited by a terrorist organization, which he thought would be an excellent way to get revenge on the world that never gave its thanks to him. Interestingly enough, Boală was commissioned by his leader to play Sword Art Online in order to gain combat instincts and train him to escape from dangerous scenes. But now that he is stuck in the virtual world, will he try to turn a new leaf or will Boală use it as a test subject for his sick experiments...?

    » Virtues:

    Easy - For a maniacal man, AnthraX is fairly laid back and is mostly past the frustrations that cloud human reasoning.

    Cunning - AnthraX is a genius both in terms of intellect and common sense. He could plan an event long before its time, but he is also able to adapt such plans as soon as they are foiled.

    Strong-Willed - He will stop at nothing to accomplish his goals, especially if they further his pursuit of revenge.

    » Flaws:

    Cold-Hearted - If a dear friend were to die in front of Anthrax's eyes, it wouldn't bother his apathetic soul. He would simply move on like nothing had ever happened.

    Chaotic - His own desires take precedent over those of his allies. He would easily betray a group if it meant his benefit in the end.

    Likes A Challenge - His initial reason for becoming a doctor was to have a rigorous profession. If AnthraX finds an especially strong player that he has a grudge against, the man won't poison his enemy and will allow a fair fight.









    Weapon skills :









    Story Thus Far


  8. "It's my pleasure." He beamed at her as they reached the location. A tall man in a suit and a mustache awaited them at a crate with a few strings of rope.

    He looked up from fiddling with the rope. "HELL-O, people! Would you care to try a game of Lover's Knot? You look like a lovely couple! Don't worry, its free!" The man was excited and obviously gleeful.

  9. Ohhhhh, boy XD Here we go...

    I suppose Behind Space would be a good sum of both me and Garou. Deep, mystical, definitely brutal, and with a hint of creepyness.

    Lyrics:Call me by my astral name

    Breeding fear through wordless tongue

    Heavenly thirst - unspeakable pain

    Emptied from all human motion

    Confront the faceless wrath

    Beckoning silent from a sphere behind space

    Through twisted ruins of uncompleted dreams

    Sights of towers reaching for the moon

    Clawing at the skies - they gonna pull it down

    Intensity - I feel the lava rushing through my veins

    Stars are reforming - to enter the fourth dimension

    Beyond all galaxies

    Through timeless aeons of frost

    Unearthly hunger - angels descent

    We are entering dimensions behind space

    Beyond all galaxies

    Through timeless aeons of frost

  10. Garou almost grimaced at the sound of a base. "Unfortunately, not yet. Apparently, we can't officially own property in Aincrad until Floor 10." He ordered a foamy drink of root beer, downing it in a single gulp. "For the most part, we'll party up and set up camps. If there is some trouble going on, we'll fix it."

  11. Garou smirked. "Well, all I know is that the Damp Cave is around the surface of this lake somewhere." He yawned and scratched his head as he walked towards the body of water within the taiga. "It may look intimidating, but surely it won't take too long to locate the dungeon." Garou pulled out a fruit and began slowly chewing off of its side.

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