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Status Updates posted by Anima

  1. I think the burn damage needs to be updated in the Hydra thread. One character for sure should be down to one health. Just noticed.

    1. Kiru


      It's by turn, I think.

    2. Anima


      Oh.. Yeah I was counting the Hydra post directly before free for all mode. Whoops... lol

    3. Anima


      *Noms cookie* Thank you

  2. Is there a list of how many posts I need to level up?

  3. Laws of average say that 1 in 4 should succeed on the loot dice. However.. I have gone 12 failures in a row. I look at odds, and dey them. I break the system for which we are founded. lol

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ___


      Yup, an average doesn't always guarantee that you'll hit the average. However, you're jinxed. ((Let's blame Life since he brought up the odds. d: ))

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Life happened... so move on and roll again like the rest of us gamblers.

    4. Miaki


      System is broken

  4. So whats going on with the dating game, Sword through the Heart?

    1. XWuZHeAR


      Procrastination that's what.

    2. Oske


      Waiting on Lessa

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