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Status Replies posted by Torunn

  1. I like how I'm triyng to write some emotional rp with Keith but I'm over here laughing about teh Dinos...

  2. Im going onto forumation and gonna make a dinosaur rp, will that make you stop talking baout dinisaurs on here?

  3. Newest part of Sao is Dao (Dinosaurs Are Online)

  4. So...if anyone needs me...I'll be...over...there!

  5. Im going onto forumation and gonna make a dinosaur rp, will that make you stop talking baout dinisaurs on here?

  6. Keith. its k. dun wurry. lets go eat sum yummy fewds ore sumthin

  7. Keith. its k. dun wurry. lets go eat sum yummy fewds ore sumthin

  8. Keith. its k. dun wurry. lets go eat sum yummy fewds ore sumthin

  9. Keith. its k. dun wurry. lets go eat sum yummy fewds ore sumthin

  10. Keith. its k. dun wurry. lets go eat sum yummy fewds ore sumthin

  11. Spots Staff online and Shoots Oske with the Lazer to turn her into a Dinosaur so she can go check my journal

  12. Keith. its k. dun wurry. lets go eat sum yummy fewds ore sumthin

  13. Keith. its k. dun wurry. lets go eat sum yummy fewds ore sumthin

  14. So...if anyone needs me...I'll be...over...there!

  15. So...if anyone needs me...I'll be...over...there!

  16. So...if anyone needs me...I'll be...over...there!

  17. I be turning everyone into dinosaurs while i wait for my journal to get approved

  18. I be turning everyone into dinosaurs while i wait for my journal to get approved

  19. Can guild members recognize each other without meeting one another??

  20. Aww did all the staff members just disappear when i finished my Journal

  21. Aww did all the staff members just disappear when i finished my Journal

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