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Status Updates posted by Moriko

  1. I'm so excited to cosplay in june! :D

  2. I'm obsessed with Fairytail!

    1. Leon010
    2. Moriko


      Lots of people in my class :p

  3. I'm going to a spa today! Mm it will be nice!

  4. I think I finally understand this website...maybe

  5. The break is almost here! Just going to lock myself inside and play video games...

  6. I haven't posted in a long time, so today I made my 3rd post!

  7. I might not post for a while sorry >.<

  8. My cat is so naughty ;-;

  9. So tired, ugh...

  10. Gonna watch some SAO, why not?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kiru


      Ikr, it's funny.

    3. Calrex
    4. Moriko


      I memorized the first SAO theme after watching 4 episodes >.>

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