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Posts posted by Azrael

  1. Anna had no idea why she’d replied to the open request that popped up on her screen. She’d been sitting in her favorite place, doing her favorite thing when the screen popped up. Before she could even read all the details or even see who it was from, she’d accepted the offer. Zaz had all but forgotten about it until a quest reminder popped up on her display that she was supposed to meet the quest originator, Tristan, on the 9th floor by a specific time in order to begin the quest.


    “The ninth floor? Seriously?†Anna gasped and pouted. She had not even gotten her battle bikini yet for such sweltering conditions; she was going to sweat to death in her sexy leather gear that Ariel had prepared for her. It was too late to back out. She headed for the teleportation devices and sent herself off to the ninth floor.


    This was the first time Anna had been to the ninth floor and even from the safety of town in Vulcan; she could tell she was already going to hate this place. The heat was overwhelming. Every breath she took filled her lungs with overheated air which was incredibly stifling. She spotted the coffee shop she was to meet her travel companion and hurried over to the building he sat in. Zaz opened the door and found the cooling system on full blast. She sighed in relief and quickly shut the door behind her as she scanned the place for who might be the one she was to meet. There was but one lone gentleman sitting in a booth sipping something. “Must be him,†she said as she walked over and took a seat across from him. “You must be Tristan,†she said as she fanned her face with her gloved hands. Anna’s pretty face was on fire and her cheeks were scorched tomato red. It happened every time the lady was overheated. “I’m Azazel, I’ll be accompanying you on this quest,†she said as she began to remove her gloves and set them aside. The waitress brought Azazel a tall glass of ice water and the woman sucked it down immediately.


     â€œUgh better,†she said and sighed.


    The woman looked up at the face of her companion finally and gave him a soft smile. The man was a beanpole, but he had a fair face and long red hair. He was not at all unpleasant to look at. She smiled even more widely thinking she was smart for accepting a quest where her companion was so handsome.  Her eyes fell to his hands and the cup of warm tea he held. “Interesting choice of beverage…†she said and gave a small laugh. 

  2. The man was obviously confused. He told her that his mind had been left a blank slate but for whatever reason her name was the only thing that seemed familiar to him. It made a little sense. “The name… Azazel… it’s Hebrew. It’s the name of a fallen angel. Maybe that’s why you know it.†It was why the woman had chosen the name to begin with; it had dark connotation and power behind it as things named for demons typically do.


     â€œIt’s not weird. I mean I guess it’s a little weird that your data was corrupted and you can’t remember anything, but I guess it could just be that you’re repressing your memory yourself because you don’t want to remember what it is you’ve worked hard to forget.  If I look familiar then maybe we have met somewhere at some point. Right now, I’ve no profession, “she explained

  3. Anna lay there staring up at the ceiling struggling to push herself up but she hadn’t found the strength to yet. Whether it was out of damage or fear she didn’t know, but if she didn’t move soon, she would be attacked again.  As she struggled to move she went flying and fell back to the ground on her stomach; it’d seemed she’d been attacked again and the bull beast was still coming. She tried her hardest to push herself up onto her arms but there was a crushing blow to her spine before she even could. She felt the air and even her life itself being compressed out of her. It was like last time, only there was no blood like before, only the same pain of being slowly crushed to death. She saw Life’s figure blurrily moving toward her and then nothing else. Azazel passed out from the pain.


    There wasn’t anything else after that. 

  4. Anna looked at the young man as he explained what they needed to get. It seemed that maybe the quest varied by skill level because this young man was asked to do very little by the NPC. She supposed the program must’ve known this was probably the best he could do. “Alright!†Anna said as she scooted off the counter she was leaning upon.


    “We should probably go look for the ore firs, it’ll be the easier part to take care of.†She explained. “Did the program give you coordinates for where to look? Sometimes it does.†Anna was surprised that the young man was not used to how the system worked yet. She didn’t realize there were still so many players who hadn’t even left the confines of the town’s safety. Only a month ago she was the same way, but she at least knew how the quests, maps and everything else worked. 

  5. The man across from her seemed to perk up at her name so she turned her attention toward him wondering what he found so interesting. He scrolled his friends list and then closed it, and finally looked at her asking if he knew her. That one was new. She wondered if he was messing with her so she decided to make fun of her back.


    “Of course we have,†she said pretending to be a bit put off, “And you were much sweeter to me last time. I can’t believe you’ve forgotten about me after all we went through!†She huffed and crossed her arms. She looked at the man and then sighed. Perhaps that was too much?


    “No,†Azazel smiled and shook her head trying again, “I’m sorry I don’t recall meeting you. It’s possible, but I don’t get blackouts here in Aincrad so I would remember if we had. Do… you think we’ve met before?†She asked him curiously wondering what this was all about.

  6. The smile faded off Anna’s lips and the woman was about to roll her eyes and walk away, but then the dummy finally spoke and told her to have a seat. She just wanted a place to chill out, not be annoyed by some asshole and he had already tried her patience. It was just a seat, not anything more.  She smiled again and then sat down quietly as she grabbed the menu to see what they had. Of course there wasn’t anything she wanted, and the hardest thing they were serving was iced tea. She wouldn’t have minded tea so long as it was a Long island.  The waitress came around. “I’ll take a lemoncello soda please.†She tossed the girl a few col and then waited for her drink.


    Anna leaned on the table and looked out at the passing crowds that moved about them. The town was rather busy today and she wondered if there was something special going on today. The man spoke to her introducing himself, but she could care less. She looked at him briefly, “Azazel…†she said giving him her name and then went back to people watching.

  7. "It's Azazel." She said as he asked for her name again. Anna began to walk off as the boy started doing something. “Are you coming?†she called out to him as she kept on going.


    Anna knew exactly where the blacksmith shop was. She had visited it many times, and she liked to go in there and giggle at the interactions at the two large male NPC’s that ran the place. It was too bad the men weren’t actual players; she would’ve liked very much to take them for a drink. They seemed like they’d a lot of fun while drinking.


    The pair walked along for awhile following different paths and streets until she came to the familiar back alley that she’d walked down many times before. “This way!†she said and kept on walking. She reached the small shop. It didn’t look like much, but it was pretty impressive on the inside. Zaz opened the door and walked inside. She smiled as she saw the two familiar figures hard at work. She waited for the young man to come in and come over to her.


    “You want to talk to that big one over there. He’ll tell you what to do.†She explained and then shooed him off to get his quest. 

  8. Azazel was about to follow Teayre’s lead into the cave until little red came backhanded flipping toward her and aerial rolls to avoid swinging blades. The girl didn’t say anything about walking off into the dark and into a booby trapped cave. Azazel was not having this.


    “NAH UH! censored THAT censored! †The woman said and stayed exactly where she was and crossed her arms against her chest.


     If she moved anywhere she knew she’d somehow inadvertently set something off. Zaz didn’t have acrobatic skills; she couldn’t do a cartwheel to save her damned life, and there Teayre was acting like some sort of ninja spider monkey.


    “If I go in there I’m going to lose my head and I like where my head is, thanks.† 


    This was not happening. What sort of asshole would put a dungeon like this on the first floor with noobs running around? 

  9. Azazel laughed, of course this guy wanted to be a blacksmith; they all wanted to be blacksmiths. She took the young man’s hand letting him pull her off the ground easily; Anna was a slip of a woman. “Well it just so happens that I happen to be an expert in this quest. I’ve helped three other players do it so far and I can help you too.  So what we need to do is go to the blacksmith shop, he’ll give you a quest. It’s always different every time I’ve helped someone, but we do whatever he tells you to do, then we bring the stuff back and he’ll teach you the trade. See not so difficult.†

  10. Anna smiled as the young man took charge of the situation.  She never had any problem letting younger or lower level players take the lead so long as the lower level player had a plan in mind. The young man obviously did.  He put his well detailed plan into words and Anna was pleased with it.  “I’ve only got one….†She said when it came to the question/comments portion of his speech. “It’s your quest so you ought to have a larger share of Col. I will take the small share.†She said. She was not about to 'take candy from babies'.

  11. Azazel smiled as the boy seemed to like her offer, but there was a catch, he wanted to know why she’d left Absolute Pin. It was a fair question and because it was him, and only him, she would answer.


    “The truth of the matter is I don’t trust Ariel. Everyone says she’s good, but I don’t believe it. I don’t like how she set up the guild, and I don’t like that she used physical pieces to remind us we’re all objects in her game. And, I just can’t trust anyone who doesn’t drink. It’s a quote actually… it goes, ‘never trust a man who doesn’t drink because he’s probably the self-righteous sort who thinks he knows right from wrong all the time. Some of those who don’t drink are good people, but in the name of goodness they cause the most damage in the world. They’re the first to judge and meddle in things…’ or something to that effect.†It’d been awhile since she’d read James Crumley.


    “I love everyone else, but I don’t know that woman enough to trust her, so I had to leave. I couldn’t drive a wedge between those I love and her, not without proof of whatever it is she might be up to. It would only create problems, and I have to look out for myself. It’s just how it has to be. It’s why I want to train you, to make sure you have the skills to take care of you too.†

  12. Azazel could see the boy was obviously uncomfortable with her habits. She liked Hikoru and didn’t want him to be uncomfortable around her so she had the beers cleared, ordered something to eat and some iced green tea. Hikoru gave his order as well and then turned back to Azazel asking her why she’d called him out to see her.  That’s why she liked the boy, he was all business.


    “It’s like this…†she said leaning on the table and looking the boy in the eyes. “As you know I’ve left Absolute Pin, I’m no longer a member; however, before I decided to leave, I had thought to make you my protégé in the guild. That would mean that I help you level and build your skills and help guide you into possible future leadership within the guild. Now, since I’m not a member anymore, I cannot grant you possible leadership, but I can still guide you and your skills. You told me you started with Calrex, but what surprises me is that after all that time on the field you’ve only managed to make it so far. He’s climbing levels and your progress seems stunted. I want to fix that. I’ve seen you in battle, your instincts are fantastic, but your skills are [censored]. I think you could be great with the proper training.â€


     She sat back quietly as he took in her words. It was harsh but necessary. She saw potential greatness in the boy and wanted to do what she could to keep him alive and well in this death game. 

  13. Azazel found herself with nothing to do on a day like this. She had wanted to go to her favorite place for her usual activity, but she found a surprise when she reached her destination. On the door was a sign: Closed for Remodeling.


    “WHHHHAT!†Zaz complained.


     Now what the hell was she going to do? She didn’t feel like traversing to another floor at the moment so she decided on the only thing she could do, find someplace else to drink. Anna went in search of this elusive other place to drink her beer, but there wasn’t any other decent drinking establishment open. Apparently, it was too early for beer! Zaz disagreed; it was never too early for beer.


    Eventually the woman found herself in front of a rather busy outdoor café. “I guess this is better than nothing,†she sighed. Anna tried to find somewhere to sit but the place was packed. She spotted a table with a lone gentleman sitting there and so she approached. “Pardon me, but do you mind if I have a seat? Everywhere else is full,†she said as sweetly as she could and with a wide smile. This typically worked to get the woman what she wanted.

  14. Hikoru was late. However, Anna didn’t mind because she’d already managed to down the other two drinks that were brought for her and she was feeling rather fine at the moment. The boy made his entrance and came over to the table and sat down.


    "You've been drinking...." he said.


    His tone was rather disapproving but Zaz only smiled as the boy cleaned her cups and set them upside down. “But of course,†she responded. It was fact: Azazel drank, a lot. She never bothered to explain why it was she did what she did, but she had her reasons, very valid ones in fact. The boy took off his knife and sat back in the booth quietly.



    “Don’t look so forlorn, I promise I have good reason to have called you here today. Are you hungry?†She said pushing the menu his way. 

  15. Azazel waited in her favorite place on floor two for Hikoru to show up. It’d been about a week since she quit the guild and gone off on her own, however when it came to this particular subject she found that she could not leave well enough alone. She sat by the window in the tavern watching the passer-byers waiting for the boy to show. Azazel had been impressed by him the day she had taken him out on the field, but she found him lacking in skills he ought to have. It’s what she had come here to talk to him about.


    “Can I get two more of these,†Anna pointed to her empty mugs of beer, “And a menu?â€


    She said deciding she was feeling a little puckish and felt that Hikoru might want lunch as well.  Anna opened her menu and looked at the time. There were still a few minutes before he was to arrive, so Anna just kicked back and continued to people watch as she waited for the boy to show up. She was fairly certain he would show. 

  16. The man answered that he was confused by a quest. She was going to inquire which but he told her. “Well that’s easy what do you…†she trailed off because the man plopped down on his behind and began to pout like a small child.  Azazel put her hand to her mouth to stifle the giggles that were so very hard to hold back. Instead she sat down in front of him with a wide smile on her face.


     â€œWhat do you want to do as your profession, I’ll help you." She offered. It was kind of cute and ridiculous for a grown man to have a temper tantrum like a spoiled child. Anna found herself royally amused by the behavior. "Well?" she asked again.

  17. 17302

    BD: 4


    It seemed that Anna was simply not fast enough to clear herself from the Minotaur’s attack. Once she hit the creature it began to glow. “That can’t be [censored] good,†she said and then tried her best to scramble away. The beast jumped out of sight and into the mist above them and a red circle indicator enveloped her and she looked to Life. He screamed for her to run, but she was like a deer in headlights and couldn’t move an inch to save herself. The boy began to run at her at top speed, but it wasn’t enough to rescue her.


    The Minotaur reappeared and fell directly onto Anna. The creature’s hoof crushed her down into the stone below her and her life bar took a pretty massive hit.  The pain of being crushed was a familiar one and everything she tried her best to bury, bubbled up to the surface. Anna was afraid that she was going to die here like she almost had that day. Though she knew her real body had not been crushed and her pain was purely psychosomatic, it didn't make the experience feel any less real. 


    Azazel lifted her head to see Life get blown back by the shock wave the Minotaur’s attack upon her, she put her head back down and closed her eyes trying to breath. Anna lay there ready to pass out from the hit she'd sustained. She was vulnerable and in the open; if she were attacked again, Zaz knew there’d be nothing she could do about it. 




    Life: 58/63; Hate: 6

    Azazel: 20/27 Hate: 8


    Minotaur Guardian: 6/60 (Has 5 damage when in red.... that's not NICE, LIFE!)

  18. Azazel had nothing to do today. She wasn’t interested in the grind, and it was too early to implant herself in her favorite place to drink, so she needed something to do to kill a little time. Luckily enough, she spotted a young man who looked rather lost and puzzled. Zaz wasn’t normally the friendly or helpful type but she could be when the mood struck her to be so.


    “You look a little lost,†she said as she approached the young man with a smile. “Is there anything I might be able to help you with?†Hopefully, his request would be easy enough to fulfill without taking up too much of her time. 

  19. 17268

    BD: 10 (+2 crit +1 ws dmg) YES! 


    In attacking the creature Azazel had put herself right into the striking zone of the raging Minotaur without even realizing it. She’d been so angry when she’d run in that she didn’t think about what to do after. The large bull creature’s ax was swinging down upon her and she had no time to react. A scream came from behind her and she felt a hand upon her. Immediately she was pulled back from danger and thrown to safety.


    Anna found herself on the ground a way’s back and struggled to her feet as she watched what was going on. The boy had saved her and then attacked the Minotaur with ease. The attack left the monster staggering and it let go of its weapon. The adorably cocky boy pulled the blade from the ground and threw it at the feet of the mob. He told it that the fight was between them, but Azazel couldn’t have it that way. She couldn’t allow the already hurt boy to save her just because she wasn’t anywhere as strong as he was. Anna needed to show Life that she was a capable player and not some weak woman who needed the protection of a child, even if that child was a far superior warrior than she.


    Zaz gripped her rapier tightly and once more used the opportunity that Life had given her to attack. As the Minotaur was busy trying to retrieve his weapon, she had moved in and thrust the point of her blade into the monster’s leg and slashed at it with all her strength to remove the blade from the beast to get out of the way. The monster’s health fell into red zone and that was her queue to get as much distance between her and the monster as possible. She ran as quickly as she could behind Life and laughing.


    “NOW... he’s all yours!†she huffed as she continued to laugh. Anna had no doubts that the monster would fall very soon. 




    Life: 58/63; Hate: 6

    Azazel: 26/27; Hate: 8


    Minotaur Guardian: 6/60

  20. 17265

    BD: 8 (+1 ws dmg)

    MD: 5


    Just as Anna had tucked the Calendula into her inventory, an Annatto came wandering into the area. She took the opportunity to draw her weapon and attack before the plant mob caught sight of her. The woman rushed at the Annatto and slashed at it. She’d caught the thing by surprise as it didn’t have a chance to lash at her. It made a sound like the last one had, but there were not reply cries. “No friends to help you huh? You’re mine!†She said as she readied for her next attack.



    Azazel: 24/33

    Annatto: 15/17

  21. 17263

    LD: 19


    After several minutes of walking Azazel was rewarded with a sign that she was back on the right path, a calendula blooming on the side of the road. “YES!†she cheered and plucked the flower carefully. It was a nearly perfect specimen. She’d found several high quality flowers and hoped that maybe the potions she’d make from them would be high quality as well.  



    Azazel:  24/33



    Material Count


    Calendula: 3

    Achiote: 2

  22. 17261

    LD: 13


    So far Anna had found nothing, not another Annatto and not another Calendula. “This is weird,†she said as she looked around. It was then that she realized that she’d been walking down the wrong path. “Of course,†she said and shook her head. She was super glad that no one she knew was actually here to see her blunder. The woman pulled back up the area map and looked at her coordinates. Sure enough she’d been walking the wrong way.


     â€œWell that’s just f**king brilliant, good job Anna, “she told herself and then turned around and started walking the other way again.  


    Azazel:  23/33

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