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Posts posted by Azrael

  1. 17259

    LD: 11 (UGH QQ)


    Anna reached the edge of the meadow and found herself next to the path she had been on before. She turned around and scanned the area one last time for anything she might have missed, but there was nothing to be found. She sighed. “I guess this is it then,†she said and began walking back down the path and back toward the place she’d fought the pair of Annatto.



    Azazel:  22/33

  2. 17258

    LD: 4


    Azazel got up and started walking out of the field. She figured she wasn’t going to find anymore flowers at the moment and her health bar was two-thirds at this point. She was ready for more. The woman plucked up a blade of grass and tore it apart with her fingers as she moved through the tall grass. It was a shame she couldn’t stay longer. It was very pretty and she just wanted to stay lying in the grass enjoying her afternoon.  She promised herself she’d come back another day when she’d nothing to do.


    Azazel:  21/33

  3. Zaz took the health potion from Teayre and placed it in her inventory hoping she wasn’t going to have to use it. They were only on the first floor so she didn’t think the cave was going to be all that difficult to traverse, nor contain anything that might be out of the two player’s league. The woman drew her rapier and followed little red into the cavern they decided to explore. “I’m ready,†she said rather unsure. Azazel really hated being in caves or underground. She wasn’t going to feel better until they’d both made it back out again.

  4. Azazel felt a hand on her shoulder and turned about finding Hikoru standing behind her. She smiled widely. “You’re not the one I’m supposed to find here am I? Were you going off to fight the wasps?†she asked hoping that maybe she had the good fortune of helping out someone she knew and liked. Just as she inquired of the boy, a voice came from a table behind her and she saw a gentleman with dark hair addressing everyone.


    “I guess that means me,†she said and sighed. “It’s too bad really, I should’ve liked to go adventuring with you again,†She told Hikoru.  â€œYou don’t happen to want to come with me do you?†The last time they’d gone out together they’d had quite a bit of fun and he really showed her what he was made of. It was quite impressive really.


    Anna walked over to the table and sat before the raven-haired man. “I’m Azazel, “I think I’m the one you might be looking for.†She told him.

  5. Azazel decided on a whim to visit an information broker to see who might be needing help on questing. She was informed of a young man trying to put a party together to hunt some wasp of floor two. It sounded like it wouldn’t take too much of her time so she decided she’d accept the mission. She was told where to go and when to be there, so when she showed up, it was just in time. The woman walked into the place and began to look round for who she was supposed to find. Sadly, she forgot to ask the name of the person looking to party. Zaz wondered if she they were even here yet, and if she had time for a drink before they had to head out on their mission. 

  6. 17218

    BD: 8 (+1 ws dmg)


    Azazel watched as the scene before her unfolded into abject horror. Life and the Minotaur went head to head and of course Life hit the beast, but the mob wasn’t done with the boy. The beast stomped sending a shock wave through the ground once again. Anna tumbled over from the pressure of the blast. It seemed Life too, was knocked off balance and that’s when the thing went to strike. The Minotaur charged and Life, and being a nimble little thing, he slid between the beast’s legs, he was trying to get some distance between himself and the monster, but the thing copied the boy’s movement and was able to land a rather devastating blow upon Life. The beautiful boy in the blue kimono was driven down into the ground at full force before being pushed about and then flung into a wall.


    Anna rushed over to Life immediately. He quietly said that he thought something was broken and that royally pissed Azazel off. She turned to face the thing and rushed in at it, her rapier at the ready. She grazed the Minotaur again sending red shards flying, but it wasn’t enough to take his life down very far. Azazel was desperate. She knew she needed to do whatever she could to keep Life safe and alive even if that meant taking down the Minotaur on her own.




    Life: 58/63; Hate: 5

    Azazel: 26/27; Hate: 6


    Minotaur Guardian: 17/60

  7. Meokka scolded Anna for calling her a kid. It was very true; she was only four or so years younger than the woman, but she was so used to everyone else being younger than she, that Zaz had taken to calling them all children. “I’m sorry Meo,†she smiled, “I won’t call you kiddo anymore.† The girl seemed to accept that answer and she asked again where they should look for materials.


    “How about we go to the sixth floor? I’m sure the Amazon has plenty of plant life mobs we could kill. I can even try out my new armor.†Zaz was glad that the girl hadn’t asked her about the rest of the conversation. Azazel liked Meokka and much as she didn’t want to have to do what she was planning, it was something she still knew must be done. 

  8. 17108

    LD: 14


    Azazel tried to pick one more thing before she went, but once again she ended up breaking the fragile fruit upon plucking it. “Seriously?†she complained and wiped the juices on her pants once more. “Alright, I’m done here,†she said and accepted Meokka’s hand and let the girl pull her up. “It doesn’t matter which floor so long as there are plant mobs. I think that pretty much covers here through eight. We could also go to a level with caves, and hunt mobs that drop crystals. It’s a little early to be collecting them, but they’re good to have.â€


    Meokka pulled Azazel up and told her something funny. The woman never knew what wavelength the girl traveled on but she found her ideals interesting nonetheless. She grinned and shook her head trying not to laugh. "I've got my back kiddo, you just remember to check yours once in awhile, okay?" She said and pat Meo on the back. " Now let's get out of here shall we?" 

  9. 17072

    LD: 3


    Azazel finished off her orange circlet and placed the thing upon her head crowning herself queen of the empty field. She sighed and lay back in the grass trying to figure out what the hell she was doing exactly. She really ought to be looking for Calendula, but instead she was screwing around, playing with flowers and crowning herself Queen of Nothing. It was a fitting title, but that was beyond the point. She placed her arms behind her head and stared up into the bright blue sky thoughtlessly. The wind blew and the grass around her rustled in the breeze.


    “Come on Anna, this damn quest isn’t going to finish itself. You’ve just got to suck it up and get it over with.† The woman sighed and sat back up. “ All right,†she told herself adjusting her  daisy crown upon her head, “ Let’s do this.†She cheered and got back up to do some more searching.


    Azazel:  20/33

  10. 17069

    LD: 12


    For the moment Anna decided to stop looking. Her aimless wandering wasn’t doing anything productive. She sat in the middle of an area that happened to be covered in the daisies she was playing with. She took to collecting several more of the prettiest ones and wove them into the chain she’d been so diligently working on for the better part of half an hour. Zaz checked her health bar; it wasn’t even quite half yet. She wasn’t worried about that either. For now, she was just going to play.



    Azazel:  19/33

  11. 17068

    LD: 13


    Still no Calendula.


    Azazel wasn’t worried about it though. This task was already far more fun than that stupid tailoring quest was. The weather was nice, the sun was out, and there was a breeze that kept her cool under the sun’s warming rays. For a computer generated environment it was near as perfect as anything could ever get. Anna found another daisy and added it to her chain; it was filling in rather nicely. 



    Azazel:  18/33

  12. 17067

    LD: 12


    Azazel still had no luck finding Calendula, but she was finding plenty of daisies. She picked each one she could find and added them to the chain. It had grown long enough, but now she was filing in the spaces with more flowers so it would make a full circle once she was done with it. She continued to walk along occasionally looking down to check for more flowers she could use for either purpose. 



    Azazel:  17/33

  13. 17064



    True to form, once you found something you were looking for; it’d be a while until you’d find another again. Gathering was truly one of the more difficult tasks one could do in Aincrad.  There were plenty of other orange flowers, mainly daisies like the ones she’d found. Anna plucked the daisies as she came upon them and began to weave them into a chain. She remembered that she used to love making flower chains when she was a girl and decided that it would give her something to do while she gathered Calendula and waited for her health bar to climb. 



    Azazel:  16/33


  14. 17063

    LD: 20




    About twenty paces further than where she’d come from she found a perfect Calendula. She quickly picked the specimen and examined it. All the petals were uniform and the coloring was a rich shade of bright orange. “Lovely,†Anna grinned and placed the item carefully in her inventory. She was now two of five of both items she was searching for. So far this was proving much easier than her original task. 



    Azazel:  15/33



    Material Count


    Calendula: 2

    Achiote: 2

  15. 17061

    LD: 14


    Azazel moved away from the briar patch and began to walk across the field. A few faces ahead of her she spotted something that looked like a Calendula so she rushed over. “You’ve got to be kidding me!†The woman spat as she knelt down to examine the flower. It was indeed a Calendula, but it was cut in half. She looked at this thinking it was weird that the flower would be damaged in such a way. She looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary. She didn’t have any detection skills, so she couldn’t be sure, but she was pretty sure she was alone.


     Azazel finished the job and tore the flower in two. She sighed and then went back to searching.  


    Azazel:  14/33

  16. 17060

    LD: 4


    Azazel found herself getting too deep into the field and found that she’d been caught up in a briar patch.  â€œOh [censored]!†she cursed as she tried to carefully free her clothing from the thorns that she was now caught on. It took a few minutes but she was able to free herself. The bad thing was that now her pants had a rip in them at her leg. “Awww,†the woman groaned. Now she really was going to have to go to the Queen of the Damned for some new gear. Ariel was one of the finest tailor’s in the game, but asking the woman for a favor was something that Azazel did not want to do, even if she was offering the guild counsel free gear. 


    Azazel:  13/40

  17. 17059

    LD: 7


    So far the field had produced nothing more than some dandelions. Azazel found herself plucking them up and blowing their seed pods into the breeze. While now wasn’t really the best time to be playing around she found that she couldn’t help herself. She watched as the white fluffs danced in the breeze and were carried away to other parts of the field she crossed. Eventually she would find what she needed so she wasn’t too terribly worried about it.  


    Azazel:  12/33

  18. 17058

    LD: 16


    “You really are bad at this,†Anna laughed as she plucked a sprig of mint rather easily. Zaz told the girl that this was not going to be an easy task. The girl insistently whined about fighting things instead of picking them and Azazel sighed. As much as she wanted to continue to bask in the sun and enjoy her time of easy work she could not deny her friend’s need to kill things. Meo had even brought her new pointy thing! She also did want to try out her new armor. She had it, but had not yet equipped it because it didn't feel like a part of her just yet.


    “Alright, alright,†Zaz sighed and shook her head. “Let’s go kill things. I can keep looking along the way.â€



    4/10 Mats

  19. 17058

    LD: 16


    “You really are bad at this,†Anna laughed as she plucked a sprig of mint rather easily. Zaz told the girl that this was not going to be an easy task. The girl insistently whined about fighting things instead of picking them and Azazel sighed. As much as she wanted to continue to bask in the sun and enjoy her time of easy work she could not deny her friend’s need to kill things. Meo had even brought her new pointy thing! She also did want to try out her new armor. She had it, but had not yet equipped it because it didn't feel like a part of her just yet.


    “Alright, alright,†Zaz sighed and shook her head. “Let’s go kill things. I can keep looking along the way.â€



    4/10 Mats

  20. Anna stopped by the shop to pick up her armor that Ariel had kindly made for her. There was a blue box with her name on it off to the side. She didn’t know where Ariel was, but payment had already been made. She took up the box, checked the contents and then left with her brand new gear.


    Anna has received the following: 




    Name: Bishop's Seduction

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Mentor

    ID: 14110

    Roll: 12 (11+1)  

    Item Type: Leather Armor

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +2 Evasion +1 Savvy

    Description: A practical combat leather armor set that consists of the following parts: A blue top with a brown corset over it that puts emphasis on the wearer's bosom, Bolero leather shoulder pads (pic), long dark leather gloves that cover the hand until the elbow , brown thigh, high boots, black leather pants, a belt with several small pouches and long leather gloves that cover until the elbow. The corset also has a small crowned lion logo embroidered in brown somewhere visible.

  21.  Zaz laughed as the boy asked if this was where they would part ways. “Umm of course not, you’re taking me back into town and buying me a drink!â€she laughed. It was the least the boy could do for all the help she’d given him.


    “Come on now, I’m thirsty!† Anna called out to Dante.


     She was impressed with the boy; he’d proven himself useful on the battlefield.  When she got back into town she would have to send a message to Calrex about the boy’s abilities. He would make an excellent addition to Absolute Pin.






    Dante Earns:

    • 1 Skill point
    • 290 Col
    • 1 Material


    Azazel Earns:

    • 1 Skill Point
    • 200 Col
  22. 16980

    BD: 8 (+1 ws dmg)

    MD: 2

    LD: 15


    Dante kept the boar in place with his spear and Zaz meandered on over stabbing the boar through the back of the neck. The boar shattered into a million red crystal shards that floated away and disappeared. “You did really well for being a newb, you know that,†Anna said in surprise.


    Once the boar was gone completely she walked over to where the thing left behind its reward, a material and 90 col. She tossed it all over to the kid.


    “Take that, you earned it.†She told him. 




    Azazel 35/35

    Dante 8/15

    Boar 0/18 DEAD


    Found: +1 Material and 90 col

  23. 16976

    LD: 14


    The trees began to break again and it was lighter in this area. More light meant more chances of finding flowers. She looked through the grass that grew on the sides of the pathway. She spotted something orange a bit further out and crossed into the field to get it. When she reached it however, she found that it was just an orange daisy. She plucked the pretty bloom and tucked it behind her ear.


    Azazel found herself in a clearing and decided that this place might be more ideal to search for flowers. Calendula needed plenty of sunlight to grow, and she figured this was a better location to look.


    Azazel:  11/33

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