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Posts posted by Zandra

  1. ''Oh come on, dont be all cooky because you have better gear. You also need fighting spirit and some guts. No one remembers a coward right? Hahahaha...'' she looked at Jomei while speaking, her dagger, hands and face beeing full of red pixels from the queen.

    While Zandra stood there there queen came charging. She didnt saw and before she could react it had passed her by five meters, aiming for Jomei. It took a few moments for her to snap out from her laughing. It was one moment too late to be able to attack the queen, it was already out of her range.




    BD:5 Miss 

    MD: 4 Miss LD(1-10=Zandra 11-20=Jomei): 20 Jomei





    Zandra: 29/29

    Jomei: 32/32

  2. Name: Bloodstone crystal

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 3

    ID: 18816

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Status update crystal

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Over-health

    Description: An ash-black crystal about 5x7x12 cm


    Name: Sacred shard from the northern ice-dragon

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 3

    ID: 18817

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Status update crystal

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Damage +3

    Description: An ice-blue crystal about 5x7x12 cm

  3. Zandra was so excited now when she had a new working space. The area of the workbenche was twice as big as her previous one. Now when she was more experienced she would be able to craft a total of four items. So she placed 2 crystals, 2 flowers, 1 blue muchroom and 1 black flower. She also filled her new pot with water. When she was waiting for the water to boil she started working with the crystals. She worked at them with her steel nail and hammer. When they was perfect size she putted them to the side to make the red flowers to powder and pour it in the now boiling water. When waiting for the brew to be done she placed the other flowers one on each crystals. She conscentrated on the color of the crystals. She removed the blue one first when the crystal was iceblue. Just a minute after she removed the black flower when the other crystal was ash-black. It also did sparkle. She was so concentrated on the crystals so she completly forgot the potions. They got way overcooked and went straight into the garbage. But when she inspected the crystals closer she saw that they was perfect! This she was gonna earn alot of money on.



    CD:2 Fail -1 Material 1EXP



    CD:7 Good item -1 Material 2EXP



    CD:12 Perfect item -1 Material 8EXP



    CD:12 Perfect item -1 Material 8EXP


    Name: Bloodstone crystal

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 3

    ID: 18816

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Status update crystal

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Over-health

    Description: An ash-black crystal about 5x7x12 cm


    Name: Sacred shard from the northern ice-dragon

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 3

    ID: 18817

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Status update crystal

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Damage +3

    Description: An ice-blue crystal about 5x7x12 cm

  4. Name: Minor HP Recovery Crystal

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 2

    ID: 18659

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Crystal

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: HP Recovery +5HP


    Description: A strawberryred-coloured crystal about 4x6x10cm

  5. -So, now its time to move. I realy was lucky I got that cart at floor two for free. Well, not free but just in exchange for this one.’’she looked at her own little cart.’’So, here I have brewed three potions while spending like twenty materials. Not a good success to fail ratio. Hopefully it will works better when having a bigger cart. I realy like these new tools I gonna get also.’’she putted down her iron pot, tripod, nail and hammer in a box under the workbench. She closed the box and putted the other ones in another one, the mortar in a third. People passing her lab wsa throwing strange looks at the woman standing there talking to herself. But they didn’t have anything to do with it so they just walked by and didn’t thougth about it.’’Well then, time to leave you. I would lie if I say Im not gonna miss you, you have been a trusty servent.’’She hugged the cart and then walked away towards the warp-gate, not looking back a single time.

    ‘’Urbus!‘’ she walked out of the warp and looked around. Didn’t was as crowded as floor 1, but she guessed this would work. She went to the floor 2 market where she was gonna meet the seller.’’Hi mister, Im Zandra.’’she said to a man standing beside a huge cart that she guessed was the seller.’’Oh Zandra, so you are the one that wanted to exchange carts.’’ ''Yes its me. This one looks pretty big. Its perfect now when Im getting better at the art of alchemy.’’she says while walking around the cart and inspecting it from every angle.’’Yes it is. Thou I make to weak potions, no one here wants to buy them.’’ Zandra thanked for the cart and saw the man leaving.’’Im so excited to start.’’Zandra said and started to experiment.

  6. Today Zandra had a good feeling. Today she was gonna do an awesome crystal, no, she will do three awesome crystals. She was so eager to start that she dropped the first crystal and it shattered on the ground. She scratched herself on the cheek and took a deep breath of irritation.

    She didnt started with the other two until she had calmed down. This time it went better. She chopped both of them to right size. Then she putted one flower on each. After awhile she removed the flowers. When she inspected them she saw she didnt calmed down enough. The flowers should have been on the crystals for longer time.


    CD:5 Bad item,

    -1 Material 1EXP

    LD:2+1=3 No salvage


    CD:10 Uncommon item,

    -1 Material 3EXP

    RANK UP!


    CD:3 Fail

    -1 Material 1EXP

    Name: Minor HP Recovery

    You proffession: Alchemist

    Your Rank:2



    Type: Crystal

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancement: HP Recovery +5HP

    Drscription: A strawberry-red crystal

  7. When Jomei jumped back to her and asked her what she was saying she didnt answered, she just sticked out her tounge at him. ''Jusr shut u...'' she couldnt finish her sentence before the queen attacked them again. She saw the queen aiming for Jomei this time, She jumped forth to try to stop it but got pushed to the side. She didnt stopped it, but she cutted up a huge wound on its side. She saw it health bar dropping again. ''There, continue doing your thing and this thing will be down so can get home for dinner.'' Queen down to less then half its starting helth, and not Jomei or Zandra had even got an scratch. This fight went much better then she thougth.



    BD:10 Crit 3+2=5dmg

    MD:4 Fail




    Zandra: 29/29

    Jomei: 32/32

  8. ''Wow, your a gymnast? Its not everyone that can do that with confident.'' she said when he climbed up instead of taking the stairs.''Thank you.'' Zandra took the cup, then turned around.''Its done now'' she took the glass bottle and poured up a quarter of it in each cup.''Take sip, or several if you dare. Since Im not very experienced at alchemy and dont have very great tools I cant promise its not poision. I also cant guarantee that you will have all your body parts left.'' she gave him a wink.''Nah, its just strawberry-juice. I found out the recipie when I tried to make a healthpotion. I hope you like it. But as I said before, I cant guarantee your safty if you decide to drink it.'' she took a sip and waited for him to do the same.

  9. Zandra almost paniced when she saw two big trees was bending to the sides and the queen appeared in front of them. Her eyes wideopen and her whole body shoke. No, she must snap out of it. Must protect Jomei, well she also have to fight to not die herself. She steeled herself, prepeaaring on what the newly arrinving threat would do.


    The wasp leant backward and charged the two player with its sting first. It aimed for Zandra, but luckily for her she dodged to the side in the last moment. Instead of beeing stung she succesfully gathered courage and made a quick double slice on its body,''no, come on. Again Zandra.'' she said to herself and inflicted a third slice. It looked liked a red star on the queens body.''Haha, your not so cooky now are you!?'' Zandra laughed fanatically.''Go Jomei, this f****** bug is no match for us.'' she jumped back to give room for Jomei.



    BD:10 Crit 3+2=5 dmg

    MD: 4 Miss



    Queen: 25/30

    Zandra: 29/29

    Jomei: 32/32

  10. ''What Im making gonna be a surprise.''


    *Jomei plucking at his lute*


    ''Oh, you can play japanese as well? Isnt that a special combination, Irish and Japanese?'' she said when he was done.''Perfect timing as well. My brew is finish.''She walked to the table and blew out the light. Poured the liquid in a glass bottle she took out from her inventory. When the bottle was full and the pot empty she held the bottle in her right hand, covered the opening with her thumb and shaked it frenetically. When done she placed it on the table.''Just have too cool of for five minutes. Do you have any cups or something?''

  11. ''Oh my, a sandshark, on floor 5.'' she got impressed by the man.''And an ice giant? You are a realy veteran it sounds like.'' Zandra remembered her own fight, when she lost more then half her health against small easy mobs. Well, nothing to do now. Only thing she could do from now on is to do her best. Specialy now when another players life can depend on it. This man was realy something else, he agreed to accompany her as soon as she asked. She cant let him die. Then there was a huge sound like three-hundred meters away. She stopped and draw her dagger.''What the heck was that Jomei?''

  12. Zandra sat on a chair, stunned to hear Irish music here, in SAO. ''I realy like irish music. Its, so... how shall I explain it... kind of relaxing. I could acyually listen to it several hours in a row'' I was gonna give you some Col like they to to those that perform on the street. But I have a better idea.'' she cleared on of the tables, placed a small ironplate, about 6'' diameter. On it she placed a iron tripod with a pot on. Under the pot she lit a candle. She poured some water in it. While she waited for it to boil up she took a red flower from one of Jomei's vases on the table next to the one she was working on. With a mortar she turned the flower into powder. She was 100% consentrated on what she did while she was working, while music probably was Jomei's passion, this was hers. Her hands almost danced across the table forth and back. The powder into the pot. When all powder was in the pot she took a deep breath.''There, now we just have to wait 30minutes. Could you play another song while we wait?'' she walked to one of the couches and half-laid there. Looking at Jomei with a red and exhausted but still happy face. She havent threwed togheter a brew this fast before. She just hoped she didnt screw this one up.

  13. Zandra walked beside Jomei, she felt the excitment of beeing on an adventure, and there was a huge reward if they succeded with this quest. She started to be a little nervous, She threw a glimpse at Jomei to see how he felt. She couldnt tell anything of his face-expresion. She thougth she was maybe gonna feel better if she said something. ''So, this is the thoughtest mob Ive met so far. I havent met a single nemy yet with health above 15. Im actually afraid to die, so have been avoiding them. How about you, havent you fought any real battle?'' When she had ended the sentence they herd something and there saw a creature of some kind. It was still far away so they couldnt tell if it was the queen, a player or something else.

  14. Zandra walked into the shop. There was so much to look at. All the different instruments, the funritures and he even has a stage. She ran up to the stage and rotated once. Then she smiled at him. ''Its amazing. To have an own stage. But I guess you need that as a performer. Myself I need only a workbench.'' she giggled and rotated once again. ''Cant you perform something?'' she jumped down from the stage and walked towards him.''I havent seen or herd you before. I guess your awesome. Come on, show me.'' she smiled at him. Hopefully he wasnt too tired. But he could at least sing a song, well, just wait and see.

  15. ''Thank you.'' she said and followed him to the warp gate.''Actually, I beeing kind of sponsoured by the alchemist that teached me. He gives me better tools and such as Im beeing better and better. Tomorrow I gonna move to floor three, to a bigger cart. With more fancy tools as well. Not like the ones he has, but better then my current ones. Myself I made my first crystal today that Ive put out for sale. Also a few potions, what do you sell in your shop?''she realised the man walking beside her actually looked interested. She started to like SAO more and more. All people she meet are actually kind to her. Not like in the real world, where she have been alone for so long. Always when she thinks about her past she like, shut out her surrondings and getting a troubled face. She suddenly herd the Jomei was talking. She made a small shake with her head and turned it towards him.''Sorry, I spaced out for a moment, what did you say?'' she asked and smiled at him.

  16. Zandra sat down, after just a few seconds she saw Jomei coming out from between the houses. He walked up to her.''Finaly youre here, Ive been waiting for hooouurs.'' she said while looking sanctimonious. She tried to hide it but she couldnt stop a little snigger. ''Well, jokes aside,'' she equiped her dagger, she tried to hide so he didnt saw it was the basic dagger with no enchantments and not well balanced. ''Im ready.'' she looked at him. ''Nope, not nervous at all. We cant die since you have to protect me and I you.''

  17. After another twenty minutes of walking she arrived to another spot looking the same as the one before, also with three nodes. But the nodes didnt looked exactly like the one on the other place. She bent down and touched it. It wasnt realy soft, but in some way it didnt felt as hard as the previous nodes.''These ones feel better.''she first hit the first one carefully. But when she saw it worked she started to work harder, After a couple of minutes she had a fine piece of crystal. She continued with the other ones. Both turned out like the first one.''Wow, this was realy something else. Such high quiality.''



    LD:16+1=17 Success +1 Material



    LD:20+1=21 Success +1 Material



    LD:16+1=17 Success +1 Material



    3 Materials


    Trigger: 0/5

  18. To her disapointment it looked like there wasnt a single thing as far as you could see. The open plains stretched for miles in every direction. Then spotted a forest in the horizon.''Well, I have all day.''she said and started to walk. When she had walked for twenty minutes she passed a little planchet without grass. When she looked at it, it was covered by stone and there was three nodes. The nodes was made of some kind of clear crystal. It wasnt as clear as the clear crystal on floor one. But it was more appealing in some mysterious way. She just had to take it home and experiment with it. She equipped her pickaxe and started mining. She raised her pickaxe above her head and let it fell. She jumped back when the pickaxe almost hhitted her after bouncing on the crystal. She investigated the area she had hitted it on. But there wasnt even a scratch on the hard surface. When she looked at her pickaxe, it have take a hard hit and the top three inches was bent in a 45 degree angle. She carefully tried to break the other ones too, bbut no effect at all. So she unequipped the pickaxe and contiued towards the forest.



    LD:6+1=7 Fail



    LD:6+1=7 Fail



    LD:13+1=14 Fail

  19. The houses here has an old country village style. Zandra kind of felt a little like home, because just outside her home in the forest was a ruin that looked like when it wasnt a ruin, it would look like these houses. But she didnt wanted to waste any time so she skipped on exploring this city, she had been more and more the one that wanted to explore outside in the un-safe zone then behind the border to safety.

  20. She was tired of thoses endless fields of shifting colors. Like with floor one she would probably only return there with company. Either doing a quest if there is some there, or a romantical visit. She smiled when she thougth about the possibility the fall in love within a game. SAO was realy amazing.

    She went to the warp gate and headed to floor 3. When she exited the gate she took a few moments to look around on the houses surrounding the plaza.

  21. Before she knew it, she was back on the plaza. The plaza where she spawned the first day, the plaza where they got the message that this was a death game. The plaza where she totaly lost it and ran away slaughtering four boars. This time she didnt ran away. She just stood still for a few seconds. Then she slowly walked to the center. When she reached the tower in the middle she started to walk up the stairs. When she was on the top floor she climbed out of the window and up to the roof. She stood there, both her feets steady on the floor. She raised her right hand and pointed where the cloaked figure had appeared.


    ''I will complete this game, and then Im gonna search you up and kill you! You hear that Kayaba? I will kill you!''

  22. She thougth she was gonna be sleepy by now, but halfway home she stopped and realised she wasnt sleepy at all. She was actually more awake then usual. She knew this was a good time to try to craft another crystal, now when she felt she could conentrate on it. But she didnt wanted to so she skipped it. Maybe later she thougth when letting her legs decided the diretion.

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