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Posts posted by Zandra

  1. She thought it would be even fresher if she got higher up. She looked around and saw a hill not too far away. She started walking there. This time be on her guard so she wouldn’t engage any boars or wolfs. She had also herd rumors about a bear being spotted here somewhere. She successfully reached the top without meeting any wild animals. At the top the wind was much stronger. 

  2. She had never known that blood tastes so good. She wondered how blood-juice would taste. Never mind. This slaughter had made her cool down. The rage she had felt before had eased. She was still angry, but now she could control it. She cleaned her dagger and unsheathed it. Noy until now she felt how fresh the night-air was, and it was so quiet. Not like in the day when the sun made the air a little thick, and you could always hear players, boars or wolfs screaming. 

  3. Zandra saw the wounded tree, she felt sorry for it, sitting there all alone and beeing killed by a little player.''Nope, I dont feel any puty for you at all, Im thinking about how I shall finish you of. I guess I gonna do just a powerful stab that will shatter you into pieces before turning to pixels.''she walked to the tree, pushed it down on the ground. She sat on it and stabbed the dagger straigth into where its heart would have been if it was human. The wood shattered first into pieces of wood, then into pixels. The screen wit the rewards popped up, this time she not only got a material, she also got some well needed Col.



    BD:10 Crit 3+2=5

    MD:4 Miss



    Tree-man: -/14



    LD:17+1=18  +70 Col


    +1 Material



    4 Material

    70 Col

  4. ''Whats wrong little woodie? You afraid for a woman like me? You know you are bigger and have harder skin.''Zandra said to the tree''Youre also uglier then me. Haha.'' that last thing she said just to hummiliate the tree and make it angry. Because when you are angry its much more likely you gonna miss your target. And he did. Thou Zandra felt the wind from the swinging branch blowing her hair. Now she just wanted to get this tree down so she could continue with picking flowers. She succesfully choped of the other branch too.



    BD:6 Hit 3dmg

    MD:3 Miss



    Tree-man: 2/14

    Zandra: 13/27

  5. Zandra felt she was on it now. Finally she had got the tree out of balance and regained her own. When the tree-man tried to attack her with its branches once again ahe easily dodged it this time. She didnt only dodged it, she also counter-attacked by chopping of the branch that just missed her. This time it was the trees time to scream, but it didnt.



    BD:7 Hit 3dmg

    MD:5 Miss





  6. Zandra finaly snapped out of her dizziness and returned to reality. When she opened her eyes a branch, one of the smaller this time, whipped her on the cheek and only caused a small wound. This was her time to counter-attack. She gripped her dagger in the right hand and did five quick but pretty hard stabs right in its face. It didnt seemed to have that much effect, but at least its health-bar went down a few steps.



    BD:6 Hit 3dmg

    MD:8 Hit 1dmg




    Zandra: 13/27

  7. Zandra tried to get away from the tree, but it took a hard grip on her arm and bent it in a angel it shouldnt be able to be in.''Ggwwaaahhhh!!!''Zandra screamed again. It also was her left arm, when she herd the loud SNAP she had herd so many times before the whole world was wobbling and she lost her view of time and space.



    BD:2 Miss

    MD:10 Crit 1+2=3



    Tree-man: 11/14

    Zandra: 14/27

  8. Zadra laid on the ground confused of where she was and why, it took her several seonds to understand that she was in huge danger. She tried to sand up but then the branches that had knocked her down to the ground did that again. This from above and down.''Ggwwaaahhhh!!!'' Zandra screamed when her hitted a rock that was hiding under the thin layer of flowers.



    BD:1 Miss

    MD:10 Crit 1+2=3



    Tree-man: 11/14

    Zandra: 17/27

  9. Zandra looked at the branch when it fell to the ground and exploded. Now the tree shouldnt hit as hard she tohougth. When she looked up again two even thicker branches came trhu the air and hitted her in the head. Everything got black for a few moments and she fell to the ground dropping her dagger.



    BD:2 Miss

    MD:10 Crit 1+2=3



    Tree-man: 11/14


  10. Before Zandra could react the tree hitte her again.''Aouch, that hurt you know?.'' she couldnt just stand there when the tree was bashing her. She pulled out her dagger. Well, what was she gonna do now, could she pierce the tree hard skin with her little dagger? She made a try and did a double slash over one of the thinner branches. To her surpirse and luckyness it fell of and the trees healthbar was redused with several points.



    BD:6 Hit 3dmg

    MD:9 crit 1+1=2dmg



    Tree-man 11/14


  11. Since they was on a flower-field, Zandra thougth she was gonna meet another nepent. But it seemed they didnt was ready to engage her just yet. In front of her stood a tree-man. Not like the ents in lord of the rings, because it was barely two meters tall. Surprised by the quick of arrival the tree did she didnt got any time to pull her dagger before the tree had hit her with one of its branshes.



    BD:2 Miss

    MD:9 Crit 1+1=2dmg


    Tree-man: 14/14

    Zandra: 25/27


    Trigger resetted

  12.  There was a loud SNAP when the boars neck broke and it fell down on the ground, exploded in hundreds pixels. She suddenly felt something wet and warm on her arm. When she looked she saw it was blood. She bent her arm and started to taste it while both beeing very happy.''Why am I happy? I killed these boars cold-heartly and I liked to kill them. Please dont say Im on way on turning into a monster.''


  13. On Zandras cart there now is a new message:


    Zandras lab is moving to another floor. So now Im annonching a huge sale. 25% discount on all potions and juices in stock.

    Also, Im no longer gonna be availble at floor 1 when my stock is empty. Ive got a bigger cart on floor 3.

    If anyone wanna buy potions, juices and crystals from me in the future, you are welcome there. Have a nice day!



  14. Zandra turned around for the second time. But when Zandra was busy killing his friend it had turned around and started running towards her. Just when Zandra turned around the boar had reached its destination and tackled her ten meters away.’’So you want a tackle-competition. You think I can only kill you if using this blade. Hehe.’’Zndra unsheated her dagger and placed her left foot behind the right. They started running towards each other at the same time. When they was face to face she dodged to the side while gripping one of its tusks in her right hand. 

  15. Both came charging side-by-side. Only one meter away deom Zandra she took a small step to the side, her right leg behind the left and pressed her foot into the ground. She held the dagger pointing forward. The boar didn’t realized what she was doing until it was too late. The dagger got pressed deep inside the boars head and it was only of them left now. 

  16. . This made her stop for one moment too long, the third one tackled her and the fourth trampled right over her. It shouldn’t have done that because Zandra pushed the dagger blade pointing upwards and ripped up the boars stomach. Now half of them was dead. She raised and turned around, a crazy smile on her face.’’Hehe, come at me piggies.’’she said to the remaining boars.

  17. Now she couldnt decide where to go next. She choosed between a sea-blue field of flowers to the left and a snow-white flower-field to the right. The white ones looks nice from far, but the blue ones she herd was more powerful then white ones. So she took the way to the left. When she got there she first felt the nice feeling of the flowers. These ones was covered with a short thick fur. ''I wonder what I gonna be able to craft from these ones.'' she immediatly started to gather alot of them. Thou she was to fast and dropped the whole bpuquet and had to start all over. She putted that misfortune behind and continued with the picking. She got a nice bunch of them and putted it in her inventory. She wanted one more bouquet. But suddenly when she was gonna pick the first flower in the third bouquet, the ground started to tremble...



    LD:4+1=5 Fail +1 trigger



    LD:18+1=19 Success +1 Material



    LD:10+1=11 Fail


    +1 Material


    5/5 trigger


    3 Material total

  18. Friend request - Accepted

    Party request - Accepted


    ''Im here to get some levels, then I plan to head up to floor two.'' Zandra answered him and wondered why he always smiled and his hair blowing in the wind. Guess he is one of those good looking guys that normal girls gets crushes on.''And also, I dont have butterfingers, I could do this a hundred times in a row if I wanted too. But since you said so I wont show you.''she sticked out her tounge at him, thou in a friendly way.''Oh my, what are you doing Zandra ?'' she pulled in her tounge and locked down at the ground.''You acting like a five-year old. Who of us are actually the oldest.''she mumbled quickly. She just realized she had squatted for almost a minute and not even touched her dagger. She quickly took it and unsheathed it. Then she stood up straigth and looked at the guy. What was he thinking about her? What would she do now? She must shape up now or this boy would think she was an impossible case.''I would appreciate your help and company, I havent planned on beeing attacked by more wolfs, I guess I gonna continue with boars.''she took a deep breath. Finally she started to act normally. She also put on a smile.

  19. ''Im more then okay, this was fun. I didnt it was so fun to kill thi... oh ehm... I mean this was a good fight for me. Good practise. By the way, thannk you for the help. If you hadnt come that wolf would probably have killed me.''she hated when other people looked down on her, even if she was the 'bad' person. So because of that she wanted to impress the man. She took her dagger in her right hand and threw it into the air it spun 360 degrees and she was gonna catch it like it was something she could easily do. Thou when the hilt landed in her palm she gripped it a second to late and it slipped. She quickly bent down to pick up the knife so he wouldnt see her face, red as an tomato. Luckily her long hair covered her face.


    ''My name is Zandra Zvift, but you can call me just Zandra. By the way, what are you doing here on floor one? At your level you could be fighting in the frontlines?''


    +1 HP out of combat post (11/11)

  20. ''So, what field should I go for now?'' Zandra said while searching the surrondings for a fitting field where she wanted to continue her flower-picking. She saw a grey field about half a kilometer away that looked realy apealing. On the way to the sea of grey flowers she passed a bench. On the bench sat a couple. One girl and one boy. They sat there the girl resting her head on his shoulder. Suddenly Marisa poped up in her thougths. She got herself surprised to thinking about her of all people when she saw a couple.''No, dont think about her now, concentrate on your task.'' she said to herself. The couple twitched when they herd a voice behind them. They turned around to look what made the noice and saw Zandra. Zandra didnt knew they did because she had already walked away.


    After a few minutes walk she reached the grey-flower field. She bent down to pick a couple of flowers. When she had a nice bouquet she held it up in the air to examine it so she didnt picked any bad flowers. She saw that most of them was worm-eaten on the leafs. She threw the bad ones away but still had enough for making at least one potion.




    LD:16+1=17 success



    LD:1+1=2 Fail +1 trigger



    LD:1+1=2 Fail +1 trigger


    +1 Material


    4/5 trigger


    2 Material total

  21. Zandra looked around. So many fields, so hard to choose which one next. She decided to go for a yellow big field to the south. The sun is on its way down, throwing a smooth light over the whole area. She took a few minutes to just take this beutiful enviroment in. Then, when she gonna be on a ugly or rough place she will remember this one, to remember this game maybe isnt that bad. Well, as long as you not get killed. Now time to do what she got here to do. She bent down and picked a flower. Investigated it carefully. ''Hmm... this one looks a little different.'' She couldnt say what was different, but something was wrong. She stood there thinking for a minute. Then she decided. There is so much fields here,''I can probably get enough from the other fields.'' she dropped the flower and headed to the next field.



    LD:10+1=11 Fail



    LD:5+1=6 Fail



    LD:1+1=2 Fail +1 trigger


    2/5 trigger


    1 Material tot

  22. Zandra arrived at floor 2 and headed out to high fields of crossing. Most players used it as a dating spot, but Zandra was gonna gather more ingredients to her potions. She reached the moutain and went to the top to begin her flower gathering. When she reached the top and looked at the fields with flower she got completly stunned, how many different potion is she gonna be able to do with all these flowers. She ran out to start pick flowers right away. She found a field with bright red flowers that would be perfect for her health potions. She picked a nig and nice couple. ''Now, which field is next?''




    LD:3+1=4 Fail (+1 trigger)



    LD:9+1=10 Fail



    LD:18+1=19 Success


    +1 Material


    1/5 trigger

  23. Zandra was resting in the sun outside town of beginning on a place where any mobs rarely spawns. She thougth it was amazing that they could make not only shiny days, but shiny days that makes you feel refreshed. When she had layed down for a couple of hours she stood up and streatched her body. ''Now have I rested long enough, time to get some materials.'' this morning she decided that she had spent far to much time on floor 1. Time to explore the other floors. She picked floor 2 to start with. She walked back to town of beginning and teleported up to Urbus on Floor 2.

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