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Vaan-The Berserker

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Posts posted by Vaan-The Berserker

  1. I truthfully did not look at any ideas. I went online and seen if it is a thing. It is. So I used it. About the council I did not think it would be fair to be co.pretexting power. And everyone has a council except Mari.

    Sorry Hasai, I am in the Absolute Pin guild now. My health bar has.not.been updated.

    What errors have been made?

  2. Vaan watched as the girl came to the gap. She looked at him and said, Promise you will not drop me? Vaan looked at her and replied, "I promise I will not drop you. The girl grabbed his arm and leapt. She misleaped and dangled from his arm. Vaan strained from the weight but knew he had to keep his promise. He lifted the girl up a bit and got her onto the branch. Vaan sighed and said, Dont die on me. Vaan looked up and began to climb up a bit more on the tree.

  3. Vaan watched as she smiled. She turned serious and told him to help her find materials. Together he supposed. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to an oak tree. She told him to climb up to the top. Vaan grabbed a limb and hoisted himself up. He looked down at her and began to climb up. He climbed a bit and seen a problem up ahead. A big jump to reach the next one. He jumped up barely reaching the tree limb. She would probably not be able to reach. She was not as tall. Vaan was scared of being upside down so he put his left down and said, " Grab on! Vaan grasped the limb tightly.

  4. ID:19973 BD:10 MD:10 CD:1 LD:10

    Vaan looked at shark as it sank back into the ground. It was starting to lose. They would have evened with health pretty soon. The sharks problem was his mitigation. Vaan waited a bit and the enemy sprouted up from the Sand. Vaan smiled and watched as the shark jumped up to bite down on him again. Vaan jumped and struck across its belly again but this time the shark turned and bit Vaan's arm. Vaan fell to the ground rolling. He watched as the red shards seeped from the wound.

    The sand began to really pick up and began to pelt Vaan and the shark. Vaan flew off of the ground and blew onto the ground. The Shark did the same. censored I hate sand and wind. And traveling.

    Vaan 19/27

    Shark 20/50

  5. ID:19972 BD:6 MD:7 CD:7

    Vaan watched as an area a little bit away began to move. The grains of sand departed as the shark arose. It headed straight at Vaan and Vaan smiled. Ready for some more I suppose. Vaan took off and jumped and landed on the sharks head forcing into onto the Sand. Vaan stabbed his blade into the beast and jumped off. The tail hit his leg spiraling him to the ground.

    Vaan 23/27

    Shark 29/50

  6. Vaan looked at the shark. It had resurfaced from the Sand and was visible again. Vaan made a move and began to attack. He held his blade in a reverse grip and watched the shark began to turn his way. Vaan sighed and moved forward. They were so close to making contact. Ten feet, nine feet, eight feet, seven feet, five feet, four feet. Ahh who cares.

    ID:19968 BD:9 MD:7 CD:4

    Vaan hit the shark again and actually cause the shark to spin in a full circle which made its tail hit Vaan. Vaan got up from the ground and kick the shark and it went back into the Sand. This shark was one tough shark.

    Vaan 24/27

    Shark 35/50

  7. Vaan watched as Oikawa and Ssendom abruptly left. They were being just the kind of people that the girl had explained. Vaan left the other boy alone and went up to the girl. Hey, You're going to be okay. If you know that your friends are kind of busy. Make some more friends. That's what I did. Repeatedly. I am pretty sure your friends care about you. That is what they made the friends list. They just must be awfully busy. You are going to be okay.

  8. Vaan walked into Oikawa's store once more. This might be one of the last times he came in here. He walked up to the counter and greeted the boy who had just left and then Oikawa. He began to write up a script of what he would like.

    Name: Lighting Rod

    Profession: (Blacksmith)

    Rank: (6)

    ID: (Leave Blank)

    Roll: (Leave Blank)

    Item Type: Gauntlets

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +2 Accuracy +1 Paralysis (Paralysed on a natural roll of 8,9,10)

    Description: These gauntlets are created to fit any hand perfectly. They seemed to weight out when attacking and give your blade a better aim. They also seem to be imprinted with some kind of electricity and paralysed the opponent.

    He finished writing the script and smiled at Oikawa. I have something that will help pay 450 col of the price. Vaan pulled off his spider fang necklace. It was an uncommon item that had helped him out some of the months.

  9. Vaan felt the ground moving underneath the creature and he hopped right off of the area he was standing on. The Shark resurfaced with what seemed to be a grin. Vaan sighed. It was no where near close to death. Vaan moved forward attacking from the enemies flank. Vaan jumped at the shark that was almost all of the way out of the water. Well sand.

    ID:19965 BD:1 MD:3 CD:9

    Vaan struck at the enemy and missed. He looked at the shark that was nearing him and he jumped. He sailed over the shark and missed being attack.

  10. Vaan listened to her apologize. No, don't apologize. You did not mean to do it. Vaan watched as the girl kneeled down to the ground and closed her eyes. She then seemed to get mad that he had told her he was lying and then he lied. Hey, at least I told you I was lying right? He said on a soft tone. The girl looked to the blueberry bush. Vaan grabbed the girls hand and faced her toward him. He looked into her eyes. Hey, it was just me. Vaan alone. You do not have to get so embarrassed by little old me. I am not that kind of judgy person. So please.do not get upset. Vaan let go of her. He looked into her eyes and backed up.

  11. Vaan watched as the shark sank back into the Sand. Vaan sighed. The Shark would need to do way more damage to kill him. This might be his longest battle yet. Vaan watched as he seen sand moving and he watched as the shark resurfaced. Vaan began to run at the shark to attack.

    ID:19924 BD:10 MD:7 CD:11

    Vaan watched as the shark turned his way for an attack. Vaan sighed and focused and began to charge his blade with energy. He waited and the shark jumped out of the sand to attack. Vaan sprinted forward and slashed hard across the sharks undefended exposed underside. The Shark squealed and flailed. It hit Vaan with its tail on the way back into the Sand.

    Vaan 25/27

    Shark 42/50

  12. So here comes little old Vaan with his silly ideas again.

    Throwing pick.

    5 damage. Ignores armor mitigation.

    Can be made as a good item. Comes In sets of fives.

    Enchanted ones may be added to have effects like regular.

    Yes. That simple.

  13. Vaan watched the sand, preparing for the shark to make a reappearance. This shark, if it had any loot, would make him rich. Vaan sighed and then charged forward at the shark that came back in view. The Shark seemed to swim through the heavy sand fast as a jet. Vaan kept running and finally kept up. He swung his blade swiftly at the enemy.

    ID:19923 BD:1 MD:8 CD:5

    Vaan's blade missed and the shark took a sharp turn headed at Vaan. It ran him over and smashed him into the Sand. Vaan got up and brushed the Sand off of him. He sighed and looked back to the shark.

    Vaan 26/27

    Shark 50/50

  14. Vaan listened as he heard a bush being dug I too. Vaan turned to see the girl behind revealing her undergarments because she was wearing a skirt. Vaan blushed and turned away to be polite. The image was stuck in his head. Get out of my head you stupid image! Why did he have to think like a male? He then heard Hasai yell that she found a material. Vaan turned to see the girls face bright red. His was definitely bright red as well. He then heard a Did you see anything? I am lying just so you know but your answer is no. I did not see your undergarments Vaan blushed and turned. He scratched the back of his head. Vaan looked at her again and stared.

  15. Vaan looked around when he seen a red haired girl walking his way. He looked at her and her voice was a whisper but it had contained just the right amount of venom.   “Nice to meet you, I’m Teayre. Tell me how come you’re late to our little meeting and tell everyone your name as I don’t think I’ve met you before."  Vaan looked at her and said, U-U-U- Um... I had no idea I was late... Teayre went a greeted Lowenthal before giving a small announcements of teams. The first team included him. It was Ariel, Oikawa, Kotori and himself. Vaan shuddered as he was pointed at. He would have to introduce himself to everyone. He had his guild leader, his blacksmith and someone who he did not know. He listened to rest of the sentence and then he knew he had to introduce himself.


    He stood in front of everyone in the middle and began to speak up. Ummm. H-Hello. My name is Vaan. And thanks to Teayre, everyone knows i was a late comer. He shot a small look of venom at Teayre. He returned his attention to everyone else and then left the middle to go slink into the corner.

  16. Vaan listened as Ssendom said that he had found the cub. Vaan cooed to the cub and got closer to the cub. Vaan put out the piece of meat to see if the cub would want it. The cub sniffed the meat. There you go. All you need to do is take it. Eat it and love me. Vaan waited patiently.

    ID: 19710 LD:2+1=3 Mob is not interested.

    Vaan watched as the leopard began to walk away again. it was still not hungry. Great it will summon more of its leopard family. Vaan watched as the cub began to move away, slinking right out of their sight again.

  17. Vaan listened to her question about his birthday. Eh.... Coming up soon. Vaan watched her put on a face of determination and told him that she will help him too. Vaan laughed. Okay...  will remember that. Vaan smiled. The girl was enjoyable he would have to say but she was a little carefree. She was free from the prison of the mind. Hasai ran over him and gave him a hug beofre returning to the berry bush. Vaan blushed a little but did not say anything. He moved to the tree to see if e could find any materials.


    ID:19711 LD:6+1+17


    Vaan had no lxuk finding any materials in the tree. The tree had no materials what so ever. Vaan sighed and smiled at Hasai.

  18. OOC: Thank you, If you do not know how to out of combat search for loot roll the perma roller and if the Loot Die is fifteen or above then you have found a material. consult the tutorials for more information.


    Don't worry I will definitely help you. I would help you any day of the week year or month. Unless its my birthday. Vaan began to search some more. He looked by the stream to see if the any materials ay have washed up on the shore. He walked across the stream's bank in hope of finding the girl a material.


    ID: 19709 LD:14+1=15 material found.


    A shiny piece in the ground caught his eye. He picked it up. It was a good material. Vaan showed it to the girl. Now that is what you are looking for. Vaan smiled as he watched the girl begin to go find some materials.


    One Material found.

  19. OOC: I will roll for the familiar on my thirty-first post due to the fact I do not make the thirtieth post. 



    Vaan watched as Ssendom killed the Father leopard, hitting it so hard it was cleaved into two pieces. Vaaan sighed. He had to locate the cub now. He began to move forward climbing back up into the tree and looking around. The cub it was gone. Where could it have run off to? Vaan slid down off the tree. The cub has moved. Keep your eyes peeled for it. Lets just hope it got a little hungrier. Vaan looked for it some more starting by the stream to see if may have become thirsty. Lets just hope that the king of the pride does not find us. 

  20. OOC: Go back and fix your post. The boar was already dead by your turn.


    While I was ordering my armor and other stuff, I went out and collected some materials. They can exchange materials instead of col. You do it like this. Vaan began to look around the area. He cut some grass and looked in a couple of spots. He then peered through some other areas to see if he could find some materials for Hasai.


    ID: 19683 LD: 9+1=10 Lower than 15 no material found.


    Vaan got back up and said, Sorry, but you are actually supposed to find a material. It is sometimes hard to find some materials. If you are using Oikawa, it should not be that hard to get a rare item crafted from him.

  21. Vaan watched as Hasai attacked the boar but did not do that much damage. It was a good hit, but her items and skills were holding her back. Vaan laughed and told Hasai that she did great. My turn! He shouted to Hasai. He attack the enemy his blade in front of him ready to strike the boar. He pulled the blade back and pushed forward to shishkabob the boar.


    ID;19682 BD:9 LD:17+1=18 15*5=75 col obtained.


    Vaan watched as he plunged his blade into the boar. Its health  bar fell to zero and it burst into millions of fragments of data. Vaan sheathed his blade and looked at Hasai. It is dead. Vaan looked at the screen that had popped right in front of him. He had received some col for fighting the beast! Vaan sighed and looked at the girl. That was fun.

  22. Vaan watched and listened as Hasai pulled out her rapier and explained that she was not that good at fighting and if he could tank it. Don't worry. I will definitely tank it for you. Vaan watched as the girl attacked but missed as she had activated her sword skill to late. She managed to do a back hand spring to retreat. Nice try, it takes a bit to get the hold of attacking... Vaan pulled out his weapon and took a deep breath before he charged at the boar. He sliced at the boar hoping to strike along its side.


    ID:19621 BD:10 MD:1


    Vaan ran his blade right along the boars side causing it to fall in a heap to the ground. The red shards flew around indicating he had hit. The boars health was knocked clear down to the yellow zone. Try hitting it hard like that, Hasai. So she is a rapier wielder huh?


    Vaan 27/27

    Hasai 13/13


    Boar 7/15

  23. Vaan looked at the dying mother leopard. It was prepared to die. Vaan needed its cub. A cub would be easier to train then its parents. Vaan sighed as he began to run from the twenty yard distance from the leopard he charged ready to strike the leopard. He moved forward with his blade in hand. He struck right at the enemy.


    ID:19620  BD:7 LD:18+1=19  30*5=180 col obtained +1 material


    Vaan hi the leopard hard causing it to land in a heap. It made a high pitched screech before it exploded lighting everywhere up before the shards disappeared. He had received a good amount of col from fighting.

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