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Vaan-The Berserker

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Posts posted by Vaan-The Berserker

  1. Vaan wished heading west and began to go right back to going north. He ran for about another thirty minutes in a nice jog. How long was this going to take? Vaan stopped and took a drink k of water. This was going to take awhile. Vaan hated traveling. This quest was going to make him pay for that. He began to go back and co tongue to his running. Vaan sighed and turned his blade in his hand. He needed to move faster. Nightfall would hit soon. And Vaan needed to find a place to rest first.

    ID: 19967 CD:9

  2. Vaan began to run forward quickly after he equipped the Gun Metal Vest and his Berserk Blade. Foursquare piece swirled around inside the glass tube. He put his blade in a reverse grip and jumped to avoid hitting his poorly on a rock. He ran like this for about ten minutes when he slowed down. Then he came to a stop. Vaan took a breath and looked back to the digital map. He was heading a bit off course. He need to go a bit more west then continue north. He sighed and began to run some more.

    ID:19966 CD:2

    OOC I went back and put a CD on this because I forgot to do it when the real post came.

  3. Vaan removed his hand after she rejected his handshake. She asked him to explain the Blood in the Sand. Vaan looked at her for a minute and the began to say Blood in the Sand from my perspective is we go hunt a shark that keeps popping out of the sand and attacking people. Nothing much. Vaan looked around the bar. He finished his water and began to order another. The bartender left and Vaan looked at the blue haired girl. You still have not told me your name, Protege. Vaan hoped he had the right girl for the Protege.

  4. Vaan looked around when he seen Zandra decided to join the party. She seemed to just keep showing up in random players. Vaan waved to her and spoke. Hello Zandra pleasure to see you again Vaaan looked at Home I. Man, that kid keeps zoning out and one time he may never zone back in... Vaan turned back to the group and kept looking for another k own player. But he did see anyone he really actually knew and liked.

  5. Vaan watched as Jia finally hit the target. Vaan watched the boar's life bar sail right into the red zone. Vaan grabbed his blade in a reverse grip and began to run at the boar. He swung the blade right back out and struck right at the boar, lashing out.

    ID:19019 BD:10 LD:18+1=19 Col and material found. Mob healthx5 = 55 col earned.

    Vaan hit the boar hard and instantly killed it. He sheathed his blade and a screen popped right up in front of him.

    Congratualtions! You are level Ten!

    55 Col earned

    1 material earned.

    Vaan sighed and looked around. He seen a girl watching Jia and him. But this girl kind of looked familiar. He ran up and looked at her. She was familiar. It was Zandra. Zandra?

  6. As the lady left, Ssendom said, "Well it's Nine in the morning, and I have scheduled.... nothing." Vaan chuckled and the began to equip his stuff. He equipped his gun metal vest,.his Berserk Blade and his spider fang necklace. Then to the question of what he would like to have. Vaan did like the idea of owning a cat. Perhaps a mountain lion kitten. Those were found on this floor. I'll take a mountain Lion kitten. Vaan began to walk out of the town after sending Ssenfom a party invite. I like cats. They are calm and nobody can really tell them what to do. They can be fierce if they want. Or cute. They do what they wanna do and I admire that about them

  7. Vaan walked on the miserable floor of floor five. Vaan had come in there in search of finding a place to have an adventure. The last time he was at this floor he had met Meokka and they fought the Sand Shark. His thoughts were disrupted when he seen an NPC covered up in wraps. She seemed to be walking right at him. She kept moving closer until she reached him. Oh please, could you help me? I have lost all of my precious belongings out there. A screen pooped up in front of him.

    The Traveler

    O Accept X Decline

    Vaan clicked Accept and the woman smiled. And then she coughed. She looked and sounded very very sick. Okay Dearie *Cough* Here is a map routing the whole desert. X marks the spot dearie. And the Circle is where I will be at. Good bye.... Such a sweet boy. Vaan watched as the sick old lady left. A screen popped up showing the map of the desert. Wait! That is right where Meokka and I fought the Sand Shark! I have to fight that solo now! Well I better get to it. I only have two days.

  8. Here we go again.

    Your Profession:Alchemist

    Your Rank: 2

    ID: 18923

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Crystal


    Enhancements: Instantly regain 10 Health points

    Description: This a bright red crystal that when used will instantly make you feel like you just came out of the Spa.

  9. Vaan came in a different day again. He was determined that today he would create a perfect healing crystal. He set right to work and began the process of making a healing crystal. He set them all at once to see if any of them would work.

    ID:18921 CD:1

    Vaan looked at his first one. The crystal began to start popping and going crazy. Vaan sighed and trashed it. It was a useless item to him now.

    - 1 material 5 left

    +1 exp 9

    ID:18922 CD:4 bad

    Vaan looked at the other one. Another fail. Vaan sighed again and took it outside. He threw it at a tree and it exploded. He still had on one more though.

    ID:18923 CD:11 Rare

    Vaan looked at his last one. It seemed to be going pretty good. Then he was able to pull the crystal out. It was red. And it was pretty good. He was able to keep this one. He put it on stock and grabbed the health potions. No one would want these.

    3 materials remaining 15/40 exp

    Took two health potions off of stock.

    Your Profession:Alchemist

    Your Rank: 2

    ID: 18923

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Crystal


    Enhancements: Instantly regain 10 Health points

    Description: This a bright red crystal that when used will instantly make you feel like you just came out of the Spa.

  10. The girl.kept talking to the other guy for a bit and then she swindled right around in her chair. She introduced herself as. Lancelot. According to her his guess about the cold was spot on. He kinda had figured it. He himself had done the very same thing. She introduced the man as Life. Vaan could it resist it. Wow, I have never met someone with such a funny username in my life. But here's Life. He chuckled and then heard something. Lancelot, it's me Sakuri! Excuse me Lancelot for a minute. Vaan left the table and found Sakuri. Hey Sakuri, why don't you come up here and have.some hot cocoa with us. Vaan led the.Boy to his seat by him Lancelot and Life.

  11. Failing to find another person, Vaan moved back to the bar and asked for a water. He had to make sure that he stayed sober. He looked over to the girl that sat next to him. He had not asked her yet. Would you like to be the one to do Blood in the Sand with me? Ooh, Sorry, Where are my manners? The name is Vaan. He put out his hand to shake and uploading of the nice iced cold water. Vaan looked at her health bar and seen that they were from the same guild. Hey I think we are in the same guild!

  12. Vaan decided to explore a new floor today. The fifth floor. He was hoping there would be another quest here for him. He began to walk around the town when a screen popped in front of him. The Blood in the Sand quest. Maybe he should look for another person to help him out some. He pressed the X. He would come back later and press the circle later once he had found another friend. He began his search. He decided to start in a Mexican Bar. He got a glass of Fireball whiskey and sat down. He drank it and moved. He had to find another person.

  13. OOOh: You better start building then pyres *Builds some and sacrifices them. Builds more


    Vaan focused on the bat. It had been dodging his attacks. The bat had lowered a bit and was in perfect position for Vaan to hit it. Vaan began to run forward charging his blade and striking right at the enemy.

    ID:18869 BD:4 MD:8 Really, Again IM FURIOUS

    Vaan swung the blade and it soared over the bats head. The bat began to screech again and attacked Vaan. The fell back this time because the bat dead on attacked his face. Vaan could not hit a fly In this place. He needed some + accuracy items.

  14. Vaan kept walking when a man walked up to him and told him hello and he asked if he could give advice. Then the boy said, The name is Ssendom, pleasure to meet you. Vaan looked at the man and then replied Pleasure to meet you as well. But sadly, my name is not Ssendom, it's Vaan. Vaan thought he laid on the joke pretty well when another person walked up. It's was an old NPC lady. She looked funny and had funny clothes on. Hello dears. Do you mean perhaps have one of those things that heals your familiars? Vaan looked at the NPC. What? No! A screen pooped up before him saying

    Feeding the Enemy

    O Yes X No

    He immediately pressed the circle and began to look at the instructions which seemed pretty easy. He looked at the other man and sent him a party invite. He would need help hunting for some food.

  15. Vaan watched as the second bat burst apart in a bright show of blue shards. Vaan looked right back to his bat and sighed. He charged forward and jumped up about a foot to strike the high bat. Vaan swung the blade in hopes of hitting the creature.

    ID:18868 BD:2 MD:8 Seriously. The dice do not like me.

    Vaan swung the blade but gravity reacted on him first causing him to miss. The bat attacked again. It messed up his hair a bit. In the process.

    Vaan 17/21

    Calrex 79/81

    Bat Uno 20/30

  16. Vaan walked the second floor. It was a sunny day there and it was not cloudy at all. The sun shone over everything. Vaan sighed as he walked around. He knew the floor did not have to offer much but it had trees more trees mountains and did I mention trees? He needed another quest to do. He needed to level quickly if he was going to be able to join the boss fight. He was hoping to be able t ok join by the battle paving the way to floor fourteen. Je began to keep looking around. He had to keep looking.

  17. Vaan watched as Jia made his move to attack. Jia attacked but seemed to have a bit of trajectory off of hitting the target and the boys knife glanced off of the side of the boar. Vaan could finish this. If only he could get a good hit. Vaan sprinted forward and swung the iron blade.

    ID:18864 BD:7 MD:10

    Vaan swung the blade hitting the boar hard. The boar fell to the side but Vaan was unprepared as the boar came running back and the boar rammed Into Vaan's side. Vaan fell to the ground. Vaan got up and brushed off his leg.

    Vaan 18/21

    Jia 11/11

    Boar 2/11

  18. Vaan watched as Calrex gracefully brought his opponent right in the red zone. Vaan refocused on his target. He had done no near as damage as Calrex has done to his. His target was only nearing the yellow zone. Vaan began to move right at his opponent. His blade ventured behind him and he prepared to strike.

    ID:18863 BD;3 MD:6

    Vaan swung the blade and then missed his target. The bat seemed to screech with laughter and then it attacked clawing Vaan on the arm. It probably would have been way more damage if it wasn't for his Gun Metal Vest.

    Vaan 20/21

    Calrex 79/81

    Bat Uno 20/30

    Bat Dos 1/30

  19. Vaan watched as Calrex gracefully hit his target. Again. Vaan had to focus a bit more. He took a deep breath and eyed the Bat. He had to settle down and hit it. That's all he had to do. Hit the target. He charged forward ready to smash the bat.

    ID:18834 BD:6 MD:4

    Vaan's blade smashed right into the bat and k locked it backward into the wall. Vaan then dodged a direct attack from the bat. It had retaliated quite quickly.

    Vaan 21/21

    Calrex 79/81

    Bat Uno 20/30

    Bat Dos

  20. Vaan walked to the teleportation pad and said, "Floor four" . He hated the fourth floor. It was so cold and miserable there. He began to walk to the Drunken Crane inn. He walked in shyly noticing Calrex who had finished his invitation with him. This was to prepare for the Bandit Quest they were all going to do. By the time when they started Vaan would have his new sword done. Vaan decided that he would say hello to Calrex. It was the polite thing to do. Hello Calrex, how is life treating you?

    » Annela Blade +1 damage

    Name: Lucky Spider fang

    Your Profession: Alchemist but it was dropped by loot.

    Your Rank: One but it was by loot

    ID: 16717

    Roll: 19

    Item Type: Trinket

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 to loot die

    Description: This trinket was once a spider fnaf and you can tell it was but now it's just a trinket that seems to be lucky.

    Name: (Gunmetal Vest)

    Profession: (Blacksmith)

    Rank: (6)

    ID: (18158)

    Roll: (12) [12+1]

    Item Type: (Heavy Armor Chestplate)

    Quality: (Perfect)

    Enhancements: (+3 Damage Mitigation)

    Description: (This armor is made of Gun Metal and can sustain tremendous amounts of damage. It protects the user and has a good amount of style.)

    Two health Potions Heal 5 HP


    Name: Berserk Blade

    Profession: (Blacksmith)

    Rank: (6)

    ID: Fill in yourself

    Roll: Fill in yourself

    Item Type: One Handed Straight Sword

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +3 damage

    What it Looks like: The blade a fierce or flaming red and the hilt is black. But what is special about the blade is at the bottom of the hilt. There is a little glass dome that is made to hold a chess piece given for being in the Absolute Pin guild.

    Description: This Blade was forged for the Berserker himself and gives a significant amount of damage added to attacks. It also has a loyalty to the Absolute Pin

  21. Vaan watched the two go back and forth l. Boy just seemed to be flirting while the girl was asking questions why she apparently was so cute. Vaan let the to at it. Vaan sat under a tree to try to keep a little dry. He closed his eyes when a drop of water fell right on his nose. Really? Vaan began to pace around the area.

    He decided that he would go and kill a boar or something. He grabbed his blade and looked right at the boar. He took a breath and then began to run quickly right at the boar. He pulled back his blade ready to kill the boar.

    ID: 18919 BD:7

    Vaan struck the boar causing it to fly backwards and shatter instantly. Blue lights surrounded the area. Vaan sighed and sheathed his blade he sat back in his same position

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