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Vaan-The Berserker

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Posts posted by Vaan-The Berserker

  1. Vaan began to move again running straight at his target, the wolf. He jumped in the air and struck downward with his blade. His blade charged with energy and began to crackle.

    Id:17934 BD:1 MD:8

    Vaan's blade hit the ground and sparks flew everywhere. The wolf clawed at him and left claw marks all on his arm. It barely did any damage. Vaan stated at the wolf in its eyes. One good hit and the wolf was history.

    Vaan 9/15

    Wolf 6/11

  2. Vaan sighed before grabbing his blade. He needed to get out / of this solo world thing he had going on. He ran at the wolf ready to strike it and kill it / In an instant. He raised his blade before striking hard down at the wolf.

    ID:17933 BD:9 MD:10

    Vaan hit the Willard enough to knock it off of bbc.co its feet. It fell back and growled. It pounced and knocked Vaan back a few feet. Vaan grinned. Now they had a fight going. Vaan watched as the wolf's health be a neared yellow.

    Vaan 10/15

    Wolf 6/11

  3. Okay well I am very sure I got the Paralysis potion correct

    Name:Paralysis Water

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: One

    ID: 17926

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Potion

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Paralyses the enemy for one turn rendering them to do nothing.

    Description: This potion looks like an ordinary bottle of water. It's even in a water bottle. But not is all as it seems. One drink of this and you will not move.

  4. He grabbed another material and decided to try again. He threw some herbs and natural items into it. He stirred and stirred and the potion began to change between different colors. He took it out when it seemed to be a dark yellow.

    ID:17926 CD:12

    He watched the material in the container crackles and then it seemed to look like water. He proud it in a water bottle and put it under his paralysis potion area.

    Name: Patalyse Water

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: One

    ID: 17926

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Potion

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Paralyses the enemy for one turn rendering them to do nothing.

    Description: This potion looks like an ordinary bottle of water. It's even in a water bottle. But not is all as it seems. One drink of this and you will not move.

    +8 exp 5/40 Ranked up!

    -1 mat 10 remaining.

  5. Vaan came in the next morning and began to work on a potion. He was going to do a paralysis potion today. His first non-healing potion. He took his mat and put it in his boiling water and threw some roots in and some other herbs and began to stir the potion. Watched the bbc.co potion and took a vial of it. He wondered how it would turn out.

    ID:17925 CD:9 Good

    Vaan sighed as it had taken a yellow soft color and Vaan knew that it had to be a good potion. It was a Happy Medium. Anyone wanna be happy?

    -1 mat 11 remaining

    +2 happy medium

  6. Vaan walked bbc.co in the town of floor two. The birds were not chirping and a beautiful mountain towered above everything. Vaan had never been on this floor but the mobs on the first floor were getting a little easy for him to fight. Vaan equipped his blade and began to walk toward the mountain. There surely had to be a dungeon there. With perhaps a treasure chest bbc.co in there as well. He was quite a high level for floor one so he should be an average level on this floor. He posted a message to hope to find another player.

    Subject: Dungeon Exploring

    Sender: Vaan-The Berserker

    Recipient: Everyone

    Hey I am about to go and explore a dungeon looting col mats and experience points. I hope one of you will come. Thanks...

    He closed his HUD and began to wait.

  7. Vaan walked in the amazing shop and had a look around. It was buzzing with people which made Vaan's Alchemist shop seem not so cool. He had not had one customer. But also he was an Alchemist. Vaan walked up to the counter and rewrote up a slip. He was weird. One who wanted his armor before his sword.

    Name: Gun Metal Vest

    Profession: (Blacksmith)

    Rank: (6)

    ID: Fill in yourself

    Roll: Fill in yourself

    Item Type: Armor

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +3 damage mitigation

    Description: This armor is made of Gun Metal and can sustain tremendous amounts of damage. It protects the user and has a good amount of style.

  8. Vaan held his blade tightly and stared at the wolf. It had done considerable damage to him. His health was one away from full. Vaan snickered and moved forward and got ready to swing the blade.

    17775 BD:5 MD:10

    Vaan barely missed and the wolf bit his arm and shoved him into the ground. Vaan looked at the wolf. It was not as strong as him. He could not die. He had all of them... friends. See he had um let's see... ah he had uh nope. He had no friends. Zandra had just helped him out a bit. He had not met anyone else. No one.

  9. Vaan watched as the pink haired lady began to move toward him. She seemed agitated. He was going to argue that he was not a kid but shut his mouth because he was only seventeen. She had told him to get out of there. Vaan must have somehow offended her. He was terrible at making friends. She continued to tell him that she was anything but good. And that he should also run back to his little safe haven. Vaan looked her in the eyes and said, " I am actually just looking for materials. My shop is just right over the trees. You just have not heard of it because I am constantly not having business.

  10. Vaan looked at the wolf and back to the ground. He cut another area in the ground and hoped to find another mat. A HUD popped up and said something but he did not read it. Instead he held his blade and charged the wolf.

    I'd:17637 BD:5 MD:7 LD:2

    He attacked but missed the wolf by inches. The wolf counter attacked and hit him dead on. The blow caused him to back up some. Vaan watched his health bar go down a bit and Vaan read the HUD that said no mat found.

  11. Vaan looked at the wolf. It was in his way of loot finding. He seen a object he dug in the grass and a hud popped up. He had no time to read it. The wolf was almost pure brown but it had black speckles all over its body. Vaan thought it was a beautiful wolf. It snarled at him. Vaan aimed where he wanted to hit the wolf and began his attack.

    ID:17631 BD:4 MD: 2 LD:19+2=20

    He attacked but ended up missing the wolf. The wolf ended up missing as well. Vaan read the HUD that told him he had found another mat. He was already finding mats left and right.

    Total mats found:3

  12. OOC I'm not sure if the player was able to be taken by anyone but I will take the spot.

    Vaan walked the area on floor one. It was a beautiful day. He noticed the sun and the sky and the grass and everything else that was beautiful around him. He took his blade. The annual blade and swung it around. Then he heard a melodic and soothing humming. It was... familiar to him. He followed the sound and found a boy who seemed lost in the sky. He was the sure source of the humming. Vaan walked behind him and hummed behind the boy to the same Tune that the boy hummed. I always loved that tune. My mother used to hum plenty of different songs to me.

  13. Vaan sighed and filled the pot with some more water. It began to boil and he waited a bit before he put the mat and some roots in. The potion sizzled and fizzled. He needed to get to rank two. Please get perfect he thought.

    ID: 17620 CD:9 Good

    The potion fizzled a lot then it calmed down and the potion turned a yellow. It put a wonderful scent in the air urging him to drink it. He put it on his good ranked shelf.

    +2 exp 15/20 total

    -1 mat 12 remaining

    3 exp throughout day 15/20

  14. Vaan walked in and it was a whole new day to start. He thought he might get back to filling the shop with some more healing options. He grabbed one of his fourteen mats and put it in some boiling water. He threw some roots and other living products in it. He stirred it around and watch it bubble.

    ID:17619 CD:4 Fail

    Vaan watched as th he potion turned green. Vaan knew it was not supposed to turn green and turned it over and it dumped away outside. There is another potion down the drain.

    +1 exp. 13 total

    -1 mat 13 total.

  15. Vaan looked around. Where would he find another mat? He began to grab through the area. His luck spider dang trinket bounced around on his chest. He cut some grass and rummaged around. He heard things coming but he kept looking.

    ID:17621 LD:14+1=15 Mat found. BD:1 MD:5

    Vaan found another material and moved as a figure flew at him him. He barely dodged it and he rolled out of the grass. A wolf stood in front of him. Vaan did not attack though. If he would attack he would probably be counter attacked. He held his stance.

  16. Okay I think I am starting to understand...

    Your Rank: One

    ID: 16703

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Potion

    Shop: Alchemical Equations

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Regain 5 health points

    Description: This potion is red and after drinking it you feel like your stiffened joints are now relaxed. Aah! Takes a post Action to use

    How is this?

  17. Vaan found a patch of grass and began to look inside of it to if he could find a mat. He began rummaging through the oversized growth. He needed to find more mats. He cut some of the grass down with his sword.

    ID:16811 LD:17 MAT found! MD:8 Level four Monster headed its way next post. MD/2 = Monster level 8/2=4*2+3=11 HP

    Vaan found a mat after he had cut down all of the grass. He now had one extra mat.

    Mats found total:1

  18. Vaan strolled outside of floor one and he had just returned from his shop. It was just after noon and he knew what he had to do. Eventually he would run out of mats and have no business. Vaan had to postpone that from happening. He grabbed his blade and began to look for the previous mats that would keep his shop going. Vaan had not had any customers yet but pretty soon they would see potential in his shop. He would go search the field and the forest.

  19. Vaan poured another mat into the bubbling water. He threw some more roots in it and then stirred the potion. He decided to do what a witch does. He crackles and spit into the potion.

    ID:16798 CD:7 LD:3

    The spit thing didn't work and the potion foamed and then stopped. It poured out of the pot Like sludge. He was done for the day and he began to clean up the mess.

    Daily results.

    -2 mats 14 remaining

    +6 exp 12 total

  20. Vaan came in after a new day and decided he should really get to working on potions. He grabbed his pestle and decided he tried to make more healing items. He boiled the water and threw the mat and some roots and other things and began to stir.

    ID:16797 CD:11 OOC I accidentally did it twice because i did not have the correct link on the first one. It sucks because It was ranked good...

    Vaan seen that it turned out to be a rare healing potion. Wow I get a lot of these. He put it on the shelf and decided to make another.

    -1 mat 15 remaining

    +5 exp 11/20

    +1 rare health potion.

  21. Vaan held his blade tightly and waited for an opening for an attack. The plant snaked around and pretty much had no opening to attack Vaan. Finally Vaan thought he seen a perfect opening and he sprinted right at the plant.

    ID:16761 BD:6 MD:6

    Vaan swung his blade into the Nepent. The Nepent screeched as its life bar depleted down to red. The Nepent did not run yet. It was not going to run. Vaan had to finish this once and for all.

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