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Vaan-The Berserker

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Posts posted by Vaan-The Berserker

  1. Vaan began to run forward, holding his blade in a reverse grip. The small grains of sand moved from his feet as Vaan followed the Shark's fin through the Sand. Vaan lashed out his blade causing a blue trail.

    ID:19475 BD:8 MD:2

    Vaan hit the enemy hard, causing it to retreat back into the Sand. It was losing health fast. It was already in the red zone. They only had a few hits left to go. Cmon Meokka, good hit!

    Vaan 22/25

    Meokka 42/42

    Sand Shark 12/50

  2. Vaan watched as Calrex began to jump to make an attack on the bat. The attack fell short and Calrex softly landed on the ground. Calrex somewhat sheathed his blade and Vaan smiled. It was his turn again. Vaan began to run forward his blade ready to stab the enemy. Vaan swung his blade right at the low-healthed bat.

    ID:19641 BD:7 LD:16+1=17 No loot obtained though cause Calrex health

    Vaan hit the enemy hard and it died. Vaan sheathed his blade and n.a. looked to Calrex.

  3. Vaan sheathed his blade as the wolf landed at his feet, brutally maimed, it exploded into thousands of blue shards. Vaan sighed. I guess I will just go buy some. He began to walk back to town to an NPC shop which was selling some nice meat. Vaan exchanged with the NPC. He bought three meat for thirty col. Vaan sighed. He did not want to spend any money. It was another of the things he really did not like to do. Then Vaan remembered. I like to hunt and level, or material hunt in my free time. Vaan began to move right back to the area and began to search for another familiar. Right now Vaan did not care what kind of familiar it was.

  4. Vaan watched as Meokka missed and the sands began to shift indicating movement t under it. Vaan quickly attacked slicing right at the shark as it flew from under the Sand. Vaan sliced his blade directly at the shark.

    ID:19332 BD:9 MD:3

    Vaan hit the shark hard hitting it right back under the Sand where it came from. Vaan held his blade to make sure another move by the shark would not be necessary. The sharks health bar was in yellow not red so there was still a few more hits to go.

    Vaan 22/25

    Meokka 42/42

    Sand Shark 18/50

  5. Vaan watched as Calrex sprang right into battle leaped to strike the bat. He missed and he jumped off the wall and and fell easily to the ground. Vaan began to run right at the bat came down for an attack. He put out his blade in a position to strike the enemies full body.

    ID:19331 BD:9 MD:9

    The blade struck the bat hard but the bat came back and attacked. The bat hit Vaan hard. It did not even do any damage. Vaan looked at the bats health bar. It was depleted almost all the way and it blinking now. It had lost. They had won.

    Vaan 18/21

    Calrex 79/81

    Bat Uno 2/30.

    OOC if only I could have used my equipment that I have now, that bat would have just died.

  6. Vaan watched as Meokka hit the shark with her lance like a baseball bat. The Shark fell back a couple of feet and began to come right back at her because she had more hate. Vaan quickly began to move and he stabbed his blade right at the enemy.

    ID:19327 BD:3 MD:7

    Vaan stabbed his blade at the shark but instead the shark hit Vaan away with its tail. Vaan fell back with a grunt and watched as the shark disappeared into the water. I am so ready to and get my accuracy + items.

    Vaan 22/25

    Meokka 42/42

    Sand Shark 25/50

  7. Vaan watched as Ssendom gave in to his bloodlust and full on attack the wolf. Vaan smiled. He and Ssendom would make great friends. Vaan pulled out his blade and ran forward. He raced the blade over his head and let rage become pure power behind his attack.

    ID:19300 BD:3 MD:2

    Vaan missed the target by inches as the wolf dove right out of the way. It growled and attacked Vaan instantly biting his leg. Red shards flew all around Vaan indicating pain. Vaan really needed to get an accuracy item.

  8. OOC your health things say you attacked me! You hit there not me!

    Vaan ran forward at the shark that had just emerged itself from the Sand. Vaan ran at it, his sword in a reverse grip, and ran forward. His feet kicked sand back and left footprints in the Sand. Vaan leaped forward and lashed out.

    ID:19281 BD:9 MD: 2

    Vaan hit the enemy hard forcing it to retreat back into the Sand. Vaan sighed and leapt back beside Meokka. The Shark did not even seem to come back for an attack. That he was thankful for.

    Vaan 23/25

    Meokka 42/42

    Sand Shark 31/50

  9. Vaan watched as Calrex began to prepare himself to jump right into the battle. Vaan stated at the bat. Vaan only need ed one hit to allow Calrex to jump right into the battle. Vaan began to run forward, his blade held in reverse and he struck at the bat.

    ID:19277 BD:8 MD:2

    Vaan lashed out his blade and hit the enemy causing it to fly back into the wall. The bat was definitely nearing death. Vaan watched as the Bat's health bar fell right into red. Calrex was going to finish this battle in the next hit.

    Vaan 18/21

    Calrex 79/81

    Bat 7/30

  10. Vaan listened to Ssendom talk about his bloodlust. Vaan enjoyed killing. But he would never kill a player without a reason. Either they request to die. Vaan will take that as a gavor. Or they could kill another player for fun. Or they could pay him a big amount of col. Slaughtering was very amusing though. Vaan also loved every time a bunch of crystals flew through the air. Oh yes, I much enjoy hunting. Hunting is one of the things I do best. Vaan seen a wolf. Vaan pulled out his blade and pointed at the wolf, indicating Ssendom to go first.

    Vaan 25/25

    Ssendom ?/?

    Wolf 17/17

  11. Vaan winced as the poison took it's toll. Vaan looked at the snake and again and began to Sprint right at the dam thing. Vaan pulled back his blade and struck causing the air from the blade to blow some sand away.

    ID:19213 BD:4 MD:4 CD:11

    Vaan hit the ground and the snake slithered right past not dealing any damage. Vaan sighed. These monsters were just all to easy. They would never beat him. He looked at his health bar and the snakes health bar.

    Vaan 23/25

    Snake 7/13

  12. Vaan watched the snake slither around the area. The hot and bearing sun began to go down some more until it was on the horizon. It was a fight at sunset. Vaan grabbed his blade and charged forward slicing at it.

    ID:19212 BD:6 MD:9 CD:4

    Vaan hit the snake. The coiled in a ball before it sprang out and bit Vaan's arm. Vaan looked at the mark and then at his health bar. He had a status rebuff. Poison. The censored Snake was poisonous. Vaan readied for the next attack.

    Vaan 24/25 Poisoned (3/3 turns left)

    Snake 7/13

  13. OoH: I will with my current health

    Vaan watched as a wolf attacked Zandra but she retaliated. But she missed. The wolf clawed her back a bit. Zandra was stronger than him and Jia. Vaan moved forward striking quickly.

    ID:19200 BD:5 MD:7 I really need to get an uncommon item that brings up my accuracy.

    Vaan struck at the wolf barely missing the target. The wolf growled and bit Vaan's arm creating red marks. It did not really any damage to him. He could destroy stronger monsters than this solo.

    Zandra: 29/31

    Vaan: 24/25

    Jia: 17/17

    Wolf 17/17

  14. Vaan watched as the girl's spear barely hit her mark. It was close. Vaan began to move forward. The Shark had popped back under the Sand. Vaan waited and the shark made a reappearance then jumped out of the Sand at Meokka. Vaan made his move to strike the beast.

    ID:19193 BD:1 MD:8 -3 miss Meokka. ( The dice hate me!)

    Vaan swung his blade but the Sand caught on his foot causing him to trip. Stupid Sand! Vaan looked bat at Meokka she seemed in touched so she was safe.

    0. Vaan 23/25

    1 Meokka 42/42

    Sand Shark 44/50

  15. Vaan focused on the bat once more and began to Sprint right at the bat. Vaan charged up his blade and it began to glow with a blue find as he ran toward the target. He struck from over his head cleaning down at the enemy.

    I'd:19191 BD:6 MD:1

    Vaan hit the target causing the bat to slam to the ground. Vaan was finally making some leverage here. Vaan held his blade ready for it to get back up and fight. The bat did get up but it's flapping was not consistent.

    HP List

    Vaan 18/21

    Calrex 79/81 (Standby)

    Bat 11/30

  16. Vaan looked at bat again. He sighed getting a deeep breast in and relaxing some of his tension that he had. He began to charge the blade his blade flowing from him activating a sword.skill. He swung the blade right at the bat.

    ID:19168 BD:1 MD:3

    Vaan kept charging and he sliced hiss sword forward but he missed. The force from how hard he swung into it made the blade smash right into the floor. The bat seascapes from now.

    HP List

    Vaan 18/21

    Calrex 78/81

    Bat 15 30

  17. Vaan looked around and stayed alert. The Shark was supposed to speak here. Not anywhere else but here. Vaan readied his blade and tried to get the words out of his mouth to tell her. Be pre.... A fin sprouted out of the water and began to round itself around the area. Meokka! Shark!

    ID:19167 BD:5 MD:10

    Vaan swung his blade but it landed right to the side of the shark. The Shark rammed right into Vaan which made Vaan fall. It was some damage but Vaan's armor.did its job on keeping him safe.

    Shark 3 damage +2 hyper critical 5.damage-3 mitigation 2 damage.

    Vaan 25/25

    Meokka ?/?

    Sand Shark 50/50

  18. Vaan looked right at the winged creature. How was it able to maneuver all of Vaan's attacks. Vaan began to run quickly at the bat and sliced at it from the air. The blade flew from the activation of a sword skill.

    ID:19166 BD:9 MD:7

    Vaan struck the Nat creating a long line on its wing. Vaan chuckled. The bat could not dodge everything could it? Vaan watched as the bat began to claw Vaan. It did not even really do that much damage. It was pretty much useless. The bat had reached yellow.

    HP List

    Vaan 18/21

    Calrex 78/81

    Bat 15/30

  19. Vaan listened to Ssendom explain where they would go and what would they do. An hour and thirty minutes? Really? They ended motorcycles in this game. Or a faster transportation Then came up the question if he had food to feed it or not. Nope, I figured we would just hunt a bit to get some meat. Any meat is good. Vaan began to walk west. They would be.needing to find some animals to hunt first. Vaan knew that at his would be harder that it looked to be. That could be out there for a little while longer than expected.

  20. Vaan began to keep walking in the blistering heat. Sweat trickled down his face as he walked. Meokka had asked about a whole bunch of things but he did not know how to answer them. She was a strong, brave, curious woman who wanted to be away from the dark altogether. He enjoyed that. The heat kept coming down and Vaan sighed. He would probably explode if it got any hotter. Vaan was not used to and did not like the best. He would rather be cold. But he didn't really like cold either. He liked nice and in a happy medium..

  21. Vaan watch the blue haired woman get a snowcone to goad started munching on it. I believe it's just being a menace and killing everything, well almost anything in its path. Vaan looked at the woman. She seemed to be a higher level than he. But that really did not matter. Him and her together were over the sharks health by at least 5. Vaan began to walk north out of town with Meokka in tow.

  22. Vaan came in the very next day and began to try to make some more potions. At the end of today he would have to go out and find some materials. He only had three left. He would end up using all three. He put the at in and started all three.

    ID:19045 CD:9 Good.

    His one came out good but not a crystal. It was a Happy Medium. He would have to figure out how.to make more of the good ranked items. He putty the happy medium on the shelf and moved to the next one.

    ID:19047 CD:9 Good.

    His next on same out to be the same quality as the first one. At least he was not failing every time he tried right. He sighed and moved to the next one after taking the potion to the shelf.

    ID:19048 CD:11 Rare crystal created.

    His last one was very good indeed. Good as the one he created yesterday. He might just get back in business. Or in business


    +2 Happy Medium

    +1 Healing Crystal II

    +9 exp

    -3 Materials.

    Your Profession:Alchemist

    Your Rank: 2

    ID: 19048

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Crystal


    Enhancements: Instantly regain 10 Health points

    Description: This a bright red crystal that when used will instantly make you feel like you just came out of the Spa.

  23. Vaan kept running until he heard a slithering sound. His running slowed to a stop and his blade lashed out. He found the sound and a giant snake was there. Vaan began to Sprint at it and he attacked slicing his blade at the foe.

    ID:19044 BD:5 MD:6 CD:9

    Vaan swung the blade but then was caught by the tail of snake but his armor deflected most of the damage. He had to get the snake before it came out of hand.

    Vaan 24/25

    Snake 13/13

  24. The woman introduced herself as Meokka. That was a cool name. Then she told him I am ready to go fight it then. Vaan smiled at that and then she had another question. Is it ok fishing quest? Or are you just a Hunter Vaan-kun? Two things I'm just a Hunter and my goal is to become one of the greatest front liners. Also, second off why don't I show you the quest area? Vaan sent her a party invite and began to walk out of the bar.

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