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Status Updates posted by Alucard66

  1. Crafts of Heaven is open! only have a few items but feel free to place orders!!

  2. did my first combat post!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lowenthal


      Yes! First steps unto a much bigger adventure!

    3. Skylar


      You did alright. Just note I was fighting as the monster so I used the MD. Since you are a player use the BD instead.

    4. Kiru


      *Notices Clarence's old prof picture*

  3. feel free to invite me to RP :D

  4. getting off for the day. got some RPing to do with a group of friends. Everyone have a wonderful day. :D

  5. hey does anyone want to add me to the skype call??

  6. hey everyone!

    1. Skylar


      Yo wassup my bro!

  7. I can hardly keep my eye open any longer. i will be back on this afternoon. night everyone :D

    1. Azrael


      Nighty night!

  8. I can type "I missed" SO MANY DIFFERENT TIMES!!! F THIS DICE ROLLER!!

  9. I cant get my journal link to work in my signature!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lowenthal


      Than you Juszt. Had a hard time wording it xD

    3. Alucard66


      i got it thanks guys

  10. I hit my 100th post!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. XWuZHeAR


      Look at zels post count if you want to get shut down

    3. Vaan-The Berserker
    4. Alucard66


      Hey im proud of myself!!

  11. im awake and alive:D good afternooon everyone

  12. looking for people to go on quests with! and make new friends!

    1. Azrael


      Let me make a few posts and I'll get you sorted out next :)

  13. new to this. cant wait to start :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Azrael


      Welcome! When you get approved, let me know, we'll play!

    3. Skylar


      Welcome and stay alive! ^_^

    4. Ssendom


      Enjoy yourself here. Talk to us all, we'd all be willing to RP with new people.

  14. ready for today. lets kill of stuff!!

  15. waiting for replies...

    1. Skylar


      It is your turn! ^_^

  16. WOOT!! lets game!!!

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