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Posts posted by Galilea

  1. At the mention of her name, the pinkette emerged from the booth behind Phillia's and took up residence at the table the 'raid group' was supposed to be meeting at. She inspected the aforementioned girl and the boy known as Bell thoroughly as she took her seat. Just from a glance, she realized she was the oldest in attendance as well as the best geared. Remembering the snarky comments the girl had offered Bell only moments ago, Lancelot opened her mouth to say something only to close it seconds later. She would choose to not get involved with the quarrel the younger players seemed to be in but rather greet them instead. "Nice meting you both. I am Lancelot." Returning to her state of silence, she sat and waited for the two remaining players.

  2. Hmm, I'm beginning to question just how secret this medicine is if everyone knows it's in the forest. But alas, that's not the issue at hand. It is in fact finding these worrisome creatures known as 'Nepents'. Nasty little things they are, at least from what that NPC messenger described them as. SNAP! The pinkette's head swiveled to the noise as two white and red spotted plant-like monsters scuttle from the brush. "Perhaps I spoke too soon." Drawing her axe, Lancelot charged forward and placed both handles on the gold and black handle as she forced her arms to turn and swing at the first monster to approach. The attack connected and nearly severed the plant-type mob in half. A grin on her face, the pinkette swung the axe and pointed it at the two of them. "Well come on then."

    ID: 48420 BD: 6



    HP: 24 | E: 6 | D: 5 | M: 9 | A: 0 | E: 0

    Armor of Achilles [Vanity Heavy Armor]

    Iote's Shield [+18 Thorns and +9 Mitigation]

    Hauteclere [+4 Bleed and +2 Damage]


    [1] Lancelot: 24/24 E: 5/6


    Little Nepent 1: 2/7 D: 1 (-5 HP)

    Little Nepent 2 7/7 D: 1

  3. The pinkette blinked confusingly as she tried to put a match up the face before her and the name given. As she placed the shirt back in her inventory, the 'light bulb' went off in her head and she smirked as the name finally made sense. "Ohh that's right. Calrex, the uhh Ultramarine correct? Fancy meeting you here on the low leveled floors again. How are you and Teayre was it?" The girl interlocked her fingers and stretched out her arms as she loosened up. "Hey actually, while I have you. Mind helping me out with something? If I remember seeing it correctly, Teayre was an artisan right? Think she could help me with this <Earning A Living> quest?"

  4. Dazed and seated, Lancelot rubbed her head before looking up to the person she had so energetically bumped into. His dampened hair was swept back as he addressed her and asked if she was okay. "My apologies heh. I'm fine however. What about you? Seems your rather drenched," she responded as she offered to help him out of the fountain. "Sorry about that. I have a million things on my mind as of late and none of them involve knocking people into fountains, I promise" she joked. Swiping through her menu, she offered him a pink shirt to use as a towel. "Here. You can towel of with this."

  5. Just within the first set of customer worn booths, riddled with the smells of ale and sweat, sat a pinkette whose current disposition could be interpreted as 'lost in thought'. She shifted through topics quickly as she dissected each issue thoroughly. That was until she came across what to do as a profession. The thought of working to gain Col was very reminiscent of the real world and real money. It seems even in games, you can't eliminate that aspect of an economy. Shifting in her booth, her thoughts spread like wildfire as the pondered over a course of action.

    What were the professions again? Blacksmith, Tailor, Artisan, Alchemist, Cook, Merchant, Performer, and Fisherman if I recall correctly? Which one would be the most efficient? There's got to be a plethora of smiths and tailors, more than likely alchemists and cooks as well. Artisans, Performers, Merchants, and Fisherman would have to be on the lower scale if I had to guess. Hmph, though I may regret this later, making my own jewelry wouldn't be too bad would it? Hopefully not...

    "Artisan it is then," mumbled the pinkette as she rose from the booth and made her way towards the door. Now to find an Artisan. As she begin to head out, her footing hadn't been as secure as one would hope as she began to stumble down the stairs and into the crowded streets of the Starting City. A collision was on her before she knew it. The last thing she saw was a flash of blue before crashing into the figure.

  6. Cold serrated steel clanked against her exposed back as she maneuvered throughout the cluttered stone structures that make up the bustling city of Urbus. Her light footfalls rapped against the cobbled path. Each step increasing with more pace than the last. Her mind, occupied with fleeting thoughts of days past and intricate decisions needed to be made in the future, was startled when the weeping wails of a very distraught NPC woman caused her to 'snap out of it'. Lancelot's coral irises scanned the woman over. Between body-racking sobs and muffled claims, the pinkette managed to make out a call for help. Reaching out, Lancelot comforted the woman. Once calmed, the woman was able to clearly replicate what she had been trying to explain earlier.

    "I see. So your child seems to have been lost in a cave not to far from here." Mulling the woman's and her own words over, Lancelot bounced the thoughts off one another as she contemplated on what to do. Though she had every intent of helping the woman out, her level placed a high cap on how effective she could really be. Maybe she could find help, else she may have to find an alternative solution.

  7. "Lowenthal, I remember you used to be a lot nicer that," explained the pinkette as she joined the rest of the group. "And you shouldn't belittle others like that either, makes you look extremely petty despite your level."  Looking over the others, her gaze shifted between them all before she gave a slight bow. "My apologies. My manners seemed to have escaped me. I am Lancelot. Pleasure to meet you all." Raising up, the girl gave Lowenthal a disappointed look before turning to the other lass among them. "Don't mind him. He can be quite the gentleman when he wants to."

  8. Just as a well armored bluenette exited the shop, a petite pinkette slipped in. The smell of warmed metals filled her nostrils as she approached the desk. "Thank you for getting these made so promptly. You have my utmost gratitude." Retrieving the items left her on the counter, she turned only to thank him again and wave good bye. She finally had her gear, or at least most of it that is, which now allowed her to partake in a few more quests than before. Equipping the items immediately, she sprinted off back down the cobbled road to town.

    +1 Armor of Achilles

    +1 Iote's Shield

    +1 Hauteclere

  9. After having been kicked, the boar looked quite the opposite of enthused as it snorted and pawed the ground. Infuriated eyes glared at Jomei. Flared nostrils signaled the boar's movements. Springing forward, the pig launched itself at the ginger. Tusks raised and and poised for stabbing as it moved across the field. However, it hadn't accounted for the noirette standing just a few yards away. She moved on instinct. Letting her carnal prowess take over as she sent her saber down the side of the beast. Causing its imminent dispersal. A breath escaped her as she came to a halt. She was exhilarated to say the least. Looking towards Jomei, she smiled and collected her loot. "Th-that was ..uh intense. Looks like I gained one <Boar's Tusk>. "


    [25571] BD: 10

    LD: 4

    MD: 0 (1-2)


    [H:5] Lancelot 19/19

    [H:4] Jomei 44/48 (-0) [0-1]


    Boar 1: 0/24 (-4) DEAD [Loot: 1 Material]

    Base Damage 2

  10. Frosted winds whipped about as <Avalanche> shifted it's attention to the girl still messing about in the snow. Her gaze shifted to the icy mass as it lowered itself towards her. The temperature dropped another ten degrees as she stood frozen in place. Dammit Lance. This isn't the time to be getting scared. You knew what you were getting into, so why is this freezing you up? You have all the reason to be scared but doing nothing is gonna help in the least. Move! NOW! Her brain shouted the commands as she quickly darted left before jumping up just as the elemental's fist smashed into the snow she was just standing in.


    A flurry of snow could be seen being kicked up as Lance glanced at Thorry. The brunette was carving a path as she trucked through the frosty field. Her blade cutting through the ice block of a creature as she dashed past it. Instincts kicked in as the noirette lunged towards <Avalanche>. Her blade drawn, she lifted it as she passed by the legs of the beast. A small red line forming across the beasts's legs. Marking her attack as she stepped back. "Two consecutive hits! Nice one Thorry! Lets keep this up."


    [24924] BD: 6


    [H:1] Thorrissia: 23/23

    [H:1] Lancelot: 19/19
    [H:0] Lessa: 58/58

    Avalanche: 44/50 (-2)

  11. As Jomei landed yet another strike against the Mob, Lancelot sighed. He was certainly doing all the work. This was a sad fact for the raven haired girl as she prepared for her strike. The boar seemed to get some pep in it's step as it rammed into Jomei. As his health trickled lower, Lance focused on what Jomei had shouted out before being impaled by the Mob"While I appreciate the gesture Jomei, I don't deal enough damage sadly. I foresee the final hit landing upon you." This wouldn't deter her though. Pressing forth, she lunged at the beast with her saber extended to her side. Dashing across the grassy field, she brought her blade down along the side of the boar's face. He saber cutting through the tusk that had seamlessly deflected her previous attack only moments before. Looking towards Jomei, a smile parted her lips as she jumped back to allow him to strike.


    [24920] BD: 9 Crit

    MD: 8 (10-2) Crit


    [H:3] Lancelot 19/19

    [H:3] Jomei 44/48 (-4) [2+2-1]


    Boar 1: 4/24 (-3)

    Base Damage 2

  12. The girl smirked at Lee's response. His being something she hadn't expected. However, Lancelot's brow raised at Mordred's response. "For a fellow of elegance and etiquette, can one not assume you also have a pride that would be at wits end with your statement? Can you so easily say your life is nothing more than random factor in this world? The real world? I'm sorry but I cannot fathom that. Not for a second." More words filled her mind as she paused. She had plenty more to rattle off but she stopped herself. She didn't  know Mordred or his situation back home. Rather than belittle the man who has been nothing short of kind, she shut her mouth and just continued to look for materials. It seemed that she was in luck however. A small stone jutted from a patch of grass just ahead of her. Ahh and another one for my collection!


    [24919] LD: 15


    Materials Gathered: 8

  13. "It could be worse I suppose, " stated Lance as he continued her search. "I more or less feel that this world is quite similar to our real one. Not much difference aside from the fact there's an end goal. You only get one life for real and one life here. Yet people are breaking down left and right about that fact. Why should tread any differently here? Because there are beast's actively trying to kill us? Nay, I will treat it the same. Just like in life, you have to progress to mover forward. it's no different here."  Her speech was a bit lengthy but the question had set her off for whatever reason.  "Sorry about the rant guys, " apologized the noirette as she failed to uncover another material.


    [24391] LD: 8


    Materials Gathered: 7

  14. The grip tightened on her sabre. Her eyes focused solely on the boar. As such, her tunnel vision surprised her as a quickened blur of gold and orange surged passed her smashing into the boar. Blinking a few times, she realized that it was in fact Jomei landing a critical hit on the Mob before them. A small grin came across her face as she returned her focus to the now gutted boar. Squeals and short pants racked the boar as it went stampeding towards Jomei. Lancelot feared for her friend, but worried not as he easily side-stepped the attack allowing Lancelot a solid opening at a counter attack. Moving forward on instinct alone, she brought her sabre down on the beast only to have it deflected by it's massive tusks. Jumping back she nodded for Jomei to strike again.


    [24273] BD: 4

    MD: 0 (1-2)


    [H:1] Lancelot 19/19

    [H:2] Jomei 48/48


    Boar 1: 14/24 (-0)

    Base Damage 2

  15. Snow drifted and collected around them. The scenery not changing much even with the influx of snowfall around them. Blue eyes remained lit as it scanned the are for the two girls causing it so much trouble. <Avalanche>, the bulking mass of ice and data, continued it's fight with the girls. Lancelot, kept her eyes peeled for another opening while Thorry narrowly avoided becoming an ice cream sandwich. Due in part to Lancelot's distracting sentence. "Noted!" piped the girl as she decided to duck in closer.


    The mob seemed intent on evading damage if at all possible. Albeit slow moving and a tad reckless, it was no wonder why <Avalanche> was a quest boss. Thorry ran forward in attempt to get in close but realized half way through that her idea would result in failure.


    Gritting her chattering teeth, Lancelot held her sabre tightly as she nimbly sloshed through the damp snow. The gap between her and avalanche quickly closed as she went airborne. Her sabre came down like the gavel in a courthouse. Fast and accurate, or so she thought. A shattering roar erupted as she not only managed to miss the target but came crashing down near the foot of <Avalanche>. Coughs racked her chest as she regained the breath knocked from her. Cold sharp intakes made calming down a bit harder as the menacing elemental loomed over her.


    Scrambling to gather her weapon, Lancelot struggled to make an exit as she slipped and slid around in the snow.


    [24206] BD: 1 (-.- wow)


    [H:0] Thorrissia: 23/23

    [H:0] Lancelot: 19/19
    [H:0] Lessa: 58/58

    Avalanche: 50/50


    [Anyone else noticed that we rolled 3 three's in a row? And then my fabulous 1.]

  16. "A free sword? Lucky. Though if it were me I still wouldn't have taken it. Too much pride my friends would say. But I digress." As they approached, the gates, Lancelot noticed Jomei equip quite a nice rapier. "Is that it? The free sword I mean? It looks pretty neat." Her gaze glossing over the handle and hilt as it wiggled on his waist. Averting her gaze to the field ahead, she stepped forward sighed. "Well either this is going to be nice and easy, or I'm going to find a way to embarrass myself haha. Either way, let's make it quick. I have a sword to obtain and quests to finish."


    She quickly glanced at Jomei, before taking another step and entering the field. Her sights quickly homed in a boar that had just spawned a few yards up. Her menu quickly appeared and disappeared as her sabre materialized. Lunging forward, she initiated combat with the beast and aimed to take it down. Her sabre cut through the wind. Whistling as it descended into the back of the boar causing it to yelp as it turned around. Enraged, the tusked pig pawed the ground. Snorting and flaring it's nostrils as it prepared to attack the much weaker girl.


    [23990] BD: 7

    MD: (Will attack next turn.)


    [H:1] Lancelot 19/19

    [H:0] Jomei 48/48


    Boar 1: 22/24 (-2)

    Base Damage 2

  17. Lee was the first to respond. Introducing himself with a kind bow. Returning the gesture, although with a curtsy. Mordred followed suit in terms of introduction, though his vernacular was rather peculiar and uniform. She didn't mind however, seeing as he was quite polite in his mannerisms. As both men took her up on her offer, Lance smiled at them and made sure to clarify the rules. "Well like I stated earlier, are challenge will begin here, and end when we get to the foot of the mountain a little ways up. I currently have five materials and from what I can tell, that's the most of all three of us giving me a slight edge. That being said, may the odds be in your favor fellas! Also the two losers still must offer up a material to the winner." Glancing at the two, a smile curled on the edges of her lips before she issued the search to begin. "Well without further ado, lets start."


    The noirette immediately took of in the direction of a rocky cluster. Her goal was to pick up all the ores for smithing she could since she need a new weapon and some armor. As she searched through the rocks, she was able to collect a couple more ores. Looking over her shoulder, she tried to keep an eye on the other two. With her count up to seven, she hoped to keep a nice lead over the boys. 


    [23984] LD: 17

    [23985] LD: 7

    [23986] LD: 13

    [23987] LD: 1

    [23988] LD: 20


    Materials Gathered: 7


    [OOC: Mordred's 21st post will be the cutoff. I'll announce the winner on Post 22.] 

  18. Lance studied the icy crevice ahead of them. Thorrissia and Lessa had answered the noirette's question sufficiently, resulting in a nod of acknowledgement. As they neared the clearing, Lancelot noticed the frosted clouds that concealed the valley beneath the ridge line where they stood. As they gathered near the edge, Lessa took minor command. Her words danced around Lancelot's head. Three words stuck out to her like a sore thumb. But. Don't. Panic...Well as it stands I don't have a reason too. Nonetheless, I will remain cautious as we proceed. Nodding to the blonde, Lancelot looked ahead as they descended forward.


    The frostbitten ground beneath them shifted and quaked as Avalanche arrived from the snowy tundra. Glowing blue eyes pierced through the snow and clouds as it howled, initiating the battle. Thorrissia tapped Lancelot on the shoulder causing her to lightly jump at the cold touch. As the brunette explained her plan, Lancelot thought about how she would proceed. "Alright if your gonna be the distraction, I'll need to make sure I hit him." The agreement between them solidified as Thorrissia began the the battle plan. Her movements loud and wild as she tried to gain <Avalanche>'s attention. Her attack attempt was soon thwarted as the enormous hand she had swiped at retreated before trying to smash the brunette.


    Taking her cue, Lancelot rushed down to the right side of the beast. His attention seemingly occupied by Thorrissia. Her sabre cutting through the chilled air before clanking off the iced rock thrown at her. The rock smashed into bits, but <Avalanche> was at full attention. "Looks like this wont be a cake walk. We're going to have to really try if we want to beat this Mob Thorry." The nickname coming out so naturally she almost didn't notice it. A awkward blush made an appearance as Lancelot spoke once more. "I mean Thorrissia. Sorry!" Looking towards Lessa, Lancelot tried to determine how she was gauging the situation so far. With both of them missing, they may just have to call on the veteran warrior girl.


    [23907] BD: 3


    [H:0] Thorrissia: 23/23

    [H:0] Lancelot: 19/19
    [H:0] Lessa: 58/58

    Avalanche: 50/50


    [OOC: Small HP Edit. Level 8 as of me entering the battle thus 19 HP]

  19. Nodding, Lance allowed Lessa to take the lead. She quickly filed behind Thorrissia as they headed for the gates. The crisp cool winds cut into her skin as the shuffled through the snowy streets of Snowfrost Town. Their footprints marking where they had come and where they were heading. The silence had only just started to build as Thorrissia spoke up. She offered a battle plan for them to follow. One that had room for flexible actions but also set guidelines as to allow Lancelot and herself a chance to actually tango with Avalanche. As she concluded, Lancelot replayed it over in her head to look for anything the brunette may have missed. She was satisfied with the gameplan but one thing caused her to respond. "What does the monster drop upon defeat? Furthermore, who gets it? If I recall correctly, most drops only allow one person to claim them. Am I to assume that you will get the drop?" Inquired the noirette as she gestured to Thorrissia.


    Having been lost in the conversation, Lancelot hadn't noticed that they had already exited the town and were well into the snow covered fields outside of the settlement. A frosted breath escaped her lips as he took in the winter wonderland before them. While peaceful on the surface, the aura from the valley below didn't quite ease her mind. Avalanche was down there and waiting for them to challenge it. Looking towards the others, she waited for a move to be made before drawing her weapon. 

  20. A grin found its way to her lips as Jomei accepted her request to go material collecting. Stepping away from the counter, Lance headed for the door. Since he said he would help, she didn't bother dragging the ginger by the arm this time around as the bell chimed signaling her exit. She paused for a moment to look both ways as she tried to remember what direction she had come from. Settling on the left, she marched down the cobbled road. Small pebbles kicking up in her wake as he rounded the corner that lead back tot he plaza. She quickly looked over her shoulder to make sure Jomei was still in fact keeping up. She assumed so as she caught glimpses of his feathered companion here and there. 


    Picking up the pace, she broke right and headed for the main exit. Outside awaited her materials and death of a few boars.

  21. Hearing he owl swoop back down from the skies, Lancelot waited for it to get comfortable before pushing the door open. The shop smelled of soot and metals as they entered the main lobby. A few armors and weapons lined the racks and walls here and there. Lancelot was surprised to see such variety, even more so by the appearance of the NPC behind the counter. She was shorter than Lance and even more so she was younger. Stepping to the counter, Lance spoke up. "Hello Sai. My name is Lancelot and this is Jomei, " she said gesturing to the guy she still held by the arm. Her cheeks turning a slight red she released her grip on him and clasped her hands together. "Rumor has it you can craft a weapon of our choice correct?"


    The girl smiled before answering. "Yes I can. What are you wanting?" Lancelot didn't hesitate as she informed the girl of her need. "I want a sabre (OHCS) called the Bakuzan Koryu with +1 Damage. Is that something you can do?" The teenage smith paused and thought. Grinning she replied. "Certainly. As you know I require some materials to be obtained for me to create these items. I need you to collect 2 <Boar Tusk(s)>. Bring me those and I'll craft your sabre."


    Nodding to the girl, Lance thanked her and turned to Jomei. "I assume you heard that? I f so, my next question is do you mind helping me collect those materials? These materials are combat only and I'm not much stronger than what I was back then."

  22. She felt Jomei's presence as he caught up to her. They quaintly traveled down the brick riddled road. Scanning each and every sign as they passed shop after shop.Amidst their search, Jomei inquired about the where Lancelot had heard the information. "Well I over heard it from a lousy information broker. He charged the poor guy 500 col for the very information I have. I wonder if that fellow had better luck than myself? That aside, why do you ask?" She continued to look ahead as they searched for the elusive shop. Suddenly, a peculiar forge caught her eye. Tucked down an alleyway, the sign above read "...Sai's Customs Weapons Shop. Jomei look over there!" She pointed down the alley and grabbed Jomei's arm as she pulled him along.


    (OOC: If it becomes to g-modding let me know or if you'd prefer a different course of action let me know :P)

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