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Posts posted by Galilea

  1. Looking up, Lancelot let out a giggle. "Well yeah. Apparently the almighty katana is too much to awesome to have as a regular skill. But I don't mind doing the extra work to obtain it." Sitting back, Lancelot stared at Sakuri while he questioned her about her choice regarding the profession. "Well take your response for example, you didn't invest time and effort into it. I see myself doing the same. I have other goals I want to push for.  A profession isn't apart of those plans. As long as I gather enough Col of materials to purchase weaponry and consumables I'll be fine I think." She concluded with a smirk and air of finality.

  2. Twirling her saber as they moved along, Lancelot's eyes widened at the mention of something larger than the presumed Alpha Wolf. "Are you yanking my chain or is there something like that for real?" She hated to be lied to and would have choice words should he be found guilty. Her saber nonchalantly swung about as they passed through the gate leading tot he fields. Her anticipation grew as she prepared to fight this mystery wolf Lowenthal had gone on about. This better not be a ruse. I'd hate to get my hopes up for nothing. After all how often does a newbie get a chance like this? Let's go! She was indeed fired up and waited for Lowenthal to spill the beans about the location of the beast.

  3. Lancelot nodded as Lowenthal agreed to go hunting with her. She followed along behind him, answering his questions as he tossed them about. "Boars? For chumps, Lowenthal. Lets find and Alpha Wolf". Though she was still a new player, she was actually pretty fearless. That, or extremely reckless. Lowenthal then picked up his pace, Lancelot picked up hers. not wanting to be left behind for dawdling. Inside she was thrilled. It had been nearly a week since her battle with the Titanic Taurus and she was looking for some new action. Hopefully she could fair well today. maybe even get the final hit. Only time will tell.

  4. Lancelot nodded as Lowenthal proclaimed he'd be the one taking most of the heat. He then poised a question that she responded to as the began messing with the hilt of her saber. "While I agree Col is important and all, I want to do those quest for the experience and growth rather than the fortune." Deciding to unsheathe her blade, Lancelot pointed towards the fields and responded to his latest question. "Actually there is something I want to do. Lets go kill something before I have to return back to my inn."

  5. The Taurus' eyes gleamed as it focused on the orange haired player making all the ruckus. Snorting, the azure bull took off like a rocket as it honed in on Jomei. Fortunately, Jomei was able to avoid the bull's wrath. Thus leaving the creature open for a counter attack. Jumping to action immediately, Lancelot jumped through the air and brought her saber down the length of the bull's back. The red crescent left by her slash looked even more crimson against the blue back drop of the Taurus. Jumping back to a safe distance, Lancelot called to Jomei and the others. "You alright Jomei? If so, GALLahad you're up! Switch!" 


    [19238] BD: 9 Critical Hit

    MD: 2 (1+1) Critical Miss


    [H:0]GALLahad: 11/11

    [H:0]Brokke: 11/11

    [H:0]Jomei: 36/36

    [H:0]Prostatis: 17/17

    [H:2]Lancelot: 15/15


    <Titanic Taurus> 17/20 (-3)

    (Base Damage: 2/ Accuracy: 1)

  6. Lancelot's face turned a rosy crimson as she looked to the floor. Fiddling with her hands she offered an embarrassed thanks before trying to regain her composure. "Th-hanks. Er..mmm ...So is there anything in particular I need to gather or do before we partake in either of these quests? As reckless as I am, I'd rather not go into these unprepared haha." Returning to her normal self, Lancelot played around with her menu as she awaited Lowenthal's response.

  7. Lancelot let Sakuri's words sink in. She then made a decision. Swiping her HUD, she brought up the skill list and invest two points into One-Handed Curved Sword. Smiling, she looked at Sakuri and responded. "Cliche but effective. Thank you. I decided upon the curved sword. i want my Katana haha!" The man then mentioned how he was in need of gear. Much like Lancelot. He then asked if she had obtained a profession yet. Nodding her slowly she let out a small "nope. I don't think I want one to be completely honest. What about you? How goes the merchant business?"

  8. She listened as Lowenthal named off a few of the possible quests she should take. The two that caught her attention were the <Secret Medicine of the Forest> one and the <Worn Out Welcome> quest. She mulled it over. Thinking about his offer while she was at it. Her perception of him was nice, kind, and a little aloof. Overall, a nice person. Making up her mind, she looked up to him and responded, "If it wouldn't be too much of a bother, would you mind helping me on both the <Worn Out Welcome> quest and the <Secret Medicine of the Forest> quest?" It wouldn't be a big deal if he couldn't but the company and help would be appreciated.

  9. The sound of her name caused the girl to look around in search of the voice that uttered it. She spotted a familiar brunette merchant by the name of Sakuri. She had intended to wave and greet him but before she knew it Vaan had already done the honor of inviting him to their little get together. Greeting Sakuri, she turned to Life as he commented on just how quickly their group of two had expanded to a group of four. He offered Vaan and Sakuri a chance to join them in their little raid discussion. Lancelot, waited impatiently for Life to continue his description of what they would be doing. "Soooo, what are you waiting for? Out with it already haha!"

  10. GALLahad whispered back. Informing Lancelot that she had only met this group today. Nodding she whispered back "I know Jomei from earlier this week in fact. He helped me take out my first boar." GALLahad then switched gears as her and the rest of the group tossed back ideas on how to proceed next. From the suggestions, Brokke's seemed the most well received. Content with however they proceeded, Lancelot just kept quiet and listened. A sudden outburst from Prostatis perked her right up. She focused on the boy's words as he tried to inform GALL about how much more dangerous the frontlines would be. Lancelot decided to remain quiet. She had no experience like he pointed out and wanted no say in the matter anyhow.




    Lancelot whipped around. Sword drawn and pointing towards the trees that she herself had came from. She motioned for the others to draw their weapons and too keep quiet. She sneaked forward, making sure to steer clear of anything that might give her away. Then she saw it. An enormous blue bull. Horns curled like that of a devil and sharpened to a point, the <Titanic Taurus> glared in their direction and stomped its hooves as steam blew from its flared nostrils. "Looks like we have company...."


    GALLahad: 11/11

    Brokke: 11/11

    Jomei: 36/36

    Prostatis: 17/17

    Lancelot: 15/15


    <Titanic Taurus> 20/20

    (Base Damage: 2/ Accuracy: 1)


    (OOC: It will attack on my next turn)

  11. In the blink of an eye, it was as if the Avengers had assembled. Lancelot was still struggling with her wolf when a player, bearing a yellow cursor suddenly appeared. For the moment he stood. Watching. A yellow cursor...doesn't that mean he's a murder? A dangerous one at that judging by his attire and he fact that I can't see his health bar. Her thoughts were cut short as another player, this one donning sea blue armor,  entered the fray and warded off the wolves attacking them. Jomei then took advantage of the new distract by disposing of both wolves that were attacking him previously. His banter was lost in the commotion, leaving his response unanswered.


    Lancelot jumped back. She needed to put some distance between herself and the wolf. She had barely glanced over, ready to thank the newcomer, when the inactive yellow player from before made a move. His blade drawn, a two toned flamed sword, the player quickly eliminated the wolf that Lancelot was poised to kill. She glanced up to the boy, unsure of how to thank him. His demeanor giving her a bad vibe. She stepped back and sheathed her blade. Checking on Jomei, she confirmed that he was alright. The blonde then stuck out his hand and introduced himself as the Level 35 Blood Buccaneer know by his username Zelrius. Lancelot clasped his outstretched hand and gave it a firm shake, unaffected by his underlying threat he had just made.


    "Nice to meet you Zelrius. My name is Lancelot and the orange haired player over there is Jomei. I assume you know the armored player judging from your expressions earlier." 


    A chilling howl echoed behind her as the Alpha Wolf finally became active. Drawing her blade once more, Lancelot turned on her heel and darted towards the beast. The snarling beast flicked dirt and and grass around as it bore after the noirette. Jumping up, she narrowly avoided the creatures saliva ridden maw as she spun around sending her blade slicing along the top of the Alpha. Landing on the ground, she called for a switch even though she knew none of them were partied up.


    [19008] BD: 7

    MD: 3


    HP List

    Lancelot: 13/13 (Hate: 3)
    Jomei: 33/34 (Hate: 1)
    Zelrius: 83/83 (Hate: 1)
    Calrex: 81/81 (Hate: 0)
    Alpha Dire Wolf: 13/15 (-2)

  12. The fountain retained her attention until Lowenthal answered her question. Her gaze shifting back to the orange haired player, she listened as he informed her about quests. His suggestion of a quest regarded her gaining either new armor or a new weapon. She mulled it over briefly before speaking once again. "What would the names of those quests be and how difficult are they? Should I have somebody come with me?" She didn't want to sound weak in the least but she did want to be informed and wanted to take precautions if need be. Better to be safe than sorry she figured.

  13. Rustling leaves and snapped twigs alerted the noirette to another presence. Suddenly the first Dire Wolf went tumbling into the dirt. A dust cloud expanding as a figure rose. She stared and almost smiled instantly as she recognized the hair and rapier attached to the form that just booted one of her many problems. "I'm fine. Thanks Jomei!" She then readjusted her grip on the blade as she went on the defensive. The first and third wolves launched themselves at the auburn-haired player. He must've generated enough Hate to get their attention. The first wolves attack landed. Cleanly clawing Jomei across the chest. He did manage however to avoid the third wolf's wrath.


    Tearing her attention away from his fight, she focused on the second wolf. The enlarged canine ran at her. Jaws snapping as it dashed towards her and leaped. Thinking quickly, she rolled in the direction it came form. Causing it to fly over her. Spinning around, she dashed towards the beast and left a red crescent along it's side as it yelped and jumped back. "You holding up over there Jomei?"


    [18991] BD: 9 Critical Hit


    [0][2][0] Lancelot: 13/13

    [1][0][0] Jomei: 33/34 (-1)


    Dire Wolf 1: 1/7 [18991] MD: 7 Hit [8-1]

    Dire Wolf 2: 4/7 [18993] MD: 2 Miss (-3)

    Dire Wolf 3: 7/7 [18994] MD: 5 Miss


    [inactive] Alpha Dire Wolf: 15/15

  14. What has she gotten herself into? Why did she think it was alright for her to go hunting...at night...alone. She knew why, it was because she was reckless. Reckless enough to get herself surrounded by a pack of dire wolves. They even seemed to have an alpha leader that lay in wait in the back. Tch. How do you find yourself in these situations Ryuki? She gritted her teeth and looked at the wolf closest to her. Her movements felt swift and decisive. Though her expression proved otherwise, as her blade collided with air. Her miss being greater than she expected. Jumping back, she steeled herself against a tree. Well this isn't looking good. She tried to stay calm but she knew things would get ugly soon if she didn't escape or call for help.


    [18988] BD: 1 Epic Miss


    Lancelot: 13/13


    Dire Wolf 1: 7/7

    Dire Wolf 2: 7/7

    Dire Wolf 3: 7/7


    [inactive] Alpha Dire Wolf: 15/15


    (Dire Wolves deal 1 base damage and the Alpha deals 2 base damage.)

  15. "Nice to meet you Sir Lowenthal, " replied the noirette as she returned his bow with a slight curtsy. Stifling a few chuckles, she sat in the indicated spot on the bench and turned to face him. "Well I want to take on a quest but I can't decide on which one I want to partake. Have you taken any quests yet?" She realized her question might seem silly given their obvious level gap but she want to ask nonetheless. Her gaze shifted, focusing on the fountain and the water that flowed from it. It was a beautiful piece of scenery much like the rest of the game they were trapped in.

  16. She had succeeded in grabbing his attention but he seemed to not realize he was the only person in that general direction.  Simply shaking her head yes, she got up and approached the player. "I don't often ask for help, but would you mind helping me with something?" She let the question dangle in the air. Her face grew a slight hint of red as she realized she had totally just walked up to a total stranger and failed to introduce herself in the least. Taking step back, she shook her head as she spoke again. "My apologies. It seems my manners have escaped me. My name is Lancelot. Yours?"

  17. Lancelot smiled back at Sakuri as he mentioned her philosophy regarding memories. "Just something I picked up while reading," she admitted. His next statement, or question rather, caught her off guard. Sitting back in her chair, she crossed her legs and pondered before giving an answer. "Well I originally came here because the inns and taverns in the Starting City were way to crowded and keeping a room there was way more expensive than it is here. I guess you can say I enjoy how peaceful it is here compared to the city. Recently, I've been trying to decide what Weapon Skill I should invest in. I'd like to follow my namesake and get a Straight Sword skill and get something made to resemble Lancelot's sword Arondight, but I've also always wanted to wield a Katana. The decisions are endless it seems."

  18. She meandered through the plaza. Mentally picking through potential players to ask to accompany her. Too strong. Nope, he looks weaker than myself. She seems rude. Though I guess I'd be considered rude myself since I'm judging these players based on their surface appearance. She pushed the judgmental thoughts from her head and focused on the next player that piqued her interest. There he was. Orange hair. Reminiscent of Jomei she thought. He seemed content with staring at the fountain before him. That is until he shook his head and stared at the sky. Lancelot made her way to the player and sat at the fountain. Waving to him, she tried to grab his attention. A warm smile worn on her face as she enjoyed the slight drizzle from the fountain.

  19. The sun glowed as noon approached. The day seemed to be dragging on and not much progress had been made for Lancelot. She had progressed a few levels but she was still far from being anything spectacular. She hadn't even invested her skill points yet. Leaving her with nothing but the basic stat line of one, zero, zero, and zero. Her damage out put wasn't great anyhow but her other stats were borderline horrid even for a beginner. She needed to get a good grind in. Something that would net her more skill points, experience and col. All the things quests had to offer. She wanted to do one, but going alone would prove to be a bad idea. She only knew  of a few people but doubt they would be able to help on such short notice. She scanned the crowds of people around her. No one in particular stood out. Guess I'll have to walk around and ask for help...woot...

  20. The noirette listened intently as Life spoke of more col and material growth. She tossed the information around in her mind. The quest, whatever it may be, certainly piqued her interest. The danger didn't spook her, although she gathered it probably should. She figured if they could grab some more help, whatever they went up against would have to be pretty strong to kill them as a unit. Deciding on her answer, she sipped her liquid cocoa and looked into the man's eyes. "I'm in. What're we up against?" The question seemed to be answered with another question. However, the words didn't escape Life's lips but rather another player who had entered the inn and inserted himself into the conversation. 


    Lancelot, swiveled in her chair to face the newcomer. "Your guess is rather spot on. It's quite chilly out here on the fourth floor. My name's Lancelot. This would be Life." She stated as she gestured to the player behind her.

  21. Life returned the handshake as well as introduced himself. He then spoke of a monster that, with a small party, could reap rewards better than that of Avalanche. Considering Lancelot hand participated in the Avalanche quest she didn't know what to expect. She was curious however. "Make more what? Col? Gain more EXP? What kind of gains are we talking here?" She downed another bit of her now cooled hot chocolate and eyed the man. I wonder if I should even trust him. I mean we've only just met. But judging from his gear he seems pretty well of in this game. Hmm I suppose I shall entertain his plan for now.

  22. Lancelot slightly blushed as Sakuri complimented her. Though he was a tad odd, Lancelot found him quite the company. His grinning suddenly turned into a grimace as he pondered her question. Finally he revealed that if nothing else he just wanted to help where he could. He then apologized again, explaining his how the conversation brought up memories. Lancelot twirled the strand of hair that refused to stay put before continuing on. "Well I'm glad your glad I'm here. And I hope to see us work together to bring this castle down. As for memories, good or bad, they are in the past. Rather than letting them hold you back, use them to push forward. Progress can only be made if you push forward."

  23. A ping went off as the prompt for a party invite appeared. Lancelot quickly accepted it and flicked it away. Everyone seemed to be on the same page as far as allowing her to join and that their goal was to find some monsters and slay them. Your typical guild trip through the woods so to speak. The re was small talk among them about their strength in numbers  and how they'd fair against stronger mobs. Quickly, Lancelot made her way to the space that Brokke had provided and whispered an inquiry to GALLahad. "So son, how long have you been acquainted with this group?"

  24. "I see the look on your face.. It was an achievement okay." she stated as she realized how rather embarrassing her display of victory was. Lancelot let herself be guided by Jomei back to the safety of the town. He began some small talk to which Lancelot answered. "I 'll be taking down 15 foot bosses on my own soon enough. Just have to keep progressing. I thank you for the little tutorial. I'll put that knowledge to good use. Also don't apologize haha. I don't plan on dying anytime soon!" Sheathing her blade and checking the time, Lancelot glanced up to the boy and spoke once more. "Well I have some other things to attend to before the day is over. It was a pleasure meeting you and again thank you for the help." 

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