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Posts posted by Piera

  1. She was going to find something among the many fields of flowers on floor three. But as she strode towards Urbus, the green eyes behind her oval frames caught sight of something bright and yellow and sunny. Just like Lowenthal. Sunflowers. Not quite a field, but bigger than just a patch. Stepping closer, the alchemist touched a petal and found that they weren't quite suitable for materials, just decoration. But could be picked. That's all she needed. Hand selecting the biggest of them all, the brunette gathered nearly an armful before feeling satisfied. It would have to do. She hoped Lowenthal would like them. She wished she could ask Jomei. Lips pursing and eyes squinting, Piera lowered her head and continued her walk.

    ID: 80741
    LD: 14
    No Materials Found

    {OOC: I hope this rock and the old man burn in Aincrad's worst dungeon.}

  2. Walking back to town, Piera almost felt a sense of peace. For about one whole minute. But she kept hearing voices. Not in a hallucinogenic or crazy type way, but remembering conversations, hearing replies of her friends and herself as well. Wondering what they would say to her right now if she could talk with them. They deserved so much better than to die in some [censored] game. She didn't even get to attend any of their funerals. Certainly not in real life and she wasn't even sure if there had been any in Aincrad. God what if there had been and she'd been so wrapped up in her own head that she'd missed it? Fists clenching again, the brunette muttered, "Flowers, need flowers." What kinds? Lillies were typical, right? No, Lowenthal would've hated that. She needed to find something appropriate. The many flowers on her home floor came to mind and she picked up her pace, a woman on a mission now.

    ID: 80735
    LD: 8
    No Materials Found

  3. What even was home anymore? Was home on Floor 3 of Aincrad? Or was it the elusive place that they hadn't seen in nearly three years and been fighting so hard to get back to? Did the answer even matter... The alchemist's pace was slow as she began to near the base of the mountain. She didn't want to just sulk at home alone right now. She wanted to go out and do something. But the sensible part of her brain that was still working told her that she was in no state to be in combat or doing any sort of quest. So that narrowed her options considerably.

    Coming to a stop and turning to look back up at the mountain she had just descended from, she knew Lee was still up there, pounding the pebbles out of that rock. "Probably grinding it up into dust..." The woman murmured numbly to herself. Her eyes stared blankly at a patch of flowers swaying in the pleasant breeze before light came back into them finally as an idea came to her. It wasn't much, but it was something. And perhaps it would make her feel better. At the very least it was something to do. Casting one last glance upward, Piera continued her walk back to town, mind set.

    ID: 80715
    LD: 9
    No Materials Found

  4. The further down the mountain Piera walked, the harder and harder it became to remain angry rather than distraught. She just wanted him to understand her side of it. He didn't even spare it a minutes thought. Or well it seemed he was going to and then...ugh. What even was that. She just wanted to vent to someone. To talk it over and have the benefit of a third party perspective. Or not talk at all. Someone to spend time with besides Lee. As the alchemist thought of her friends, the tears began to fall and her pace slowed, shoulder leaning against the mountainside. She hadn't heard from any of her friends in months. Jomei hadn't returned her last message that she sent two months ago, neither had Kalesh or Grave. Lowenthal, Carmine, Opal....all dead. Along with Zelrius and Ssendom. There wasn't anyone for her to go to in this situation. Except... No. She may be mad at Lee, but she didn't want him to think she was running to another man. Or Mack to think that either... [censored] she just wanted to curl up and cry... Home first.

    ID: 80700
    LD: 9
    No Materials Found

  5. Even as she stormed off, Piera could hear Lee's vocal aggravation and hoped it took another hour for him to crack the stupid thing. Just about thick as his skull. Her eyes stung realistically, but she didn't allow any liquid to escape just yet. She was too full of seemingly righteous fury at the moment to cry. Whisking quickly past the NPC's hut, she thought that she might have heard something said, but didn't much care and continued on her way. At least the walk down the stupid mountain would be easier than up. Stupid mountain. Stupid rock. Stupid Lee! Lashing out with a foot, the brunette sent whatever she kicked careening off the edge. Her armor's cape flapped (ironically) pretty majestically behind her as she strode, expression dark as she shook her head every now and then, still cursing at him in her mind.

    ID: 80647
    LD: 14
    No Materials Found

  6. Seeing the serious expression on his face made Piera feel vindicated and perhaps if she got him angry enough he'd remember what he had gotten angry over not five minutes ago! But when he stooped to name calling, the alchemist had to grit her teeth behind her pursed lips, suddenly very very appreciative to the fact that they had a near literal punching bag to lash out at. Her knuckles throbbed slightly, not in pain but from satisfying force at which she punched the boulder. It made a cracking noise but didn't yet show any sign of being split.

    At his contradictory statement, the alchemist smiled tightly in annoyed humor, her eyes raising skyward. She wasn't quite sure in what way he meant that she would regret it, possibly both but right now she didn't particularly care. "Do you even hear yourself right now? I just-. I can't, I can't even. I just can't right now. Just [censored] off and punch your stupid [censored] rock by yourself Lee. I need to be away from you for awhile." With that, Piera pivoted on her heel, hair whipping behind her as she strode off, whiskers be damned.

    ID: 80591
    BD: 10+1=11 (crit)

    Boulder: 8-4= 4

  7. Piera watched carefully for even a flicker of recognition or tell tale sign that he was messing with her and yet none came. She didn't pull away from his hands and forehead until after he had spoken, roughly jerking away with a frazzled and confused expression. "How are you not concerned about the fact that you don't remember the last ten minutes of your life! Just-! UGH!" At this point the alchemist wasn't sure if he was lying or not but she was irritated regardless and once again took it out on the rock, flinging out the base of her fist and causing the ground beneath it to tremble, along with her shoulders as she breathed heavily, staring at the ground beside Lee's feet.

    "Lee." She tried to begin in a less than steady voice before inhaling once more, swallowing and slowly exhaling. Then she began again, enunciating clearly and evenly, "I. Am going. To fight on the front lines. One way. Or another. Somehow. Some way. I will help clear this game. With or without your help. But god do I wish you would." She finally looked up, her eyes shining with emotion that she knew wouldn't move him regardless. But despite her unshed tears, the healer's face was resolute.

    ID: 80192
    BD: 10+1=11 (crit)

    Boulder: 14-4=10

  8. Piera stepped aback, not only because she was worried about his stray punch clipping her, but also because of what he was saying. Blinking with incredulity, the brunette completely ignored what he had said and instead asked in a toneless voice that belied the anger she felt internally, "Are you seriously [censored] talking about the stupid whiskers again?" Fist shaking, she channeled it into the rock, feeling a modicum of satisfaction as a little more of it's health was chipped away. But then something rang in her about her question. He was talking about the whiskers....actually...didn't he say the exact same thing earlier? And pinched her cheek...

    Head snapping up and focusing on her lover's face with desperateness, Piera reached forward to cup his cheeks. "Lee. Please tell me honestly... Do you really not remember the conversation slash argument that we've been having for the last ten minutes? Are you just [censored] with me for the fun of it??" Eyes bouncing to look between his own in search of the truth, the alchemist stated insistently, "You'd just said that um...[censored]." Her eyes closed momentarily as she tried to remember his wording. "That you didn't want me to fight on the front lines but you didn't want to keep me away? No, locked away." That was the phrase he had used.

    ID: 79970
    BD: 8+1=9

    Boulder: 16-2=14

  9. Piera's brow would crease in concern as she noticed his hand on his forehead, a sure sign that he was either getting a headache or truly annoyed and at his wit's end. Neither was good to be honest. Expression twisting in a moment of frustration, the brunette went to punch the rock again but lost resolve half way through and just tapped it, resting her fist against the boulder as she looked up at Lee. His eye twitched oddly and she braced herself for another spurt of yelling. When he reached out and pinched her cheek, she flinched involuntarily, not really thinking that he would hurt her, but not wanting physical contact while they were fighting at the moment. ...And then he spoke.

    Eyes widening in utter confusion, the alchemist began to grow more confused and concerned by the second. "Honey....what are you talking about?" Her green eyes glanced between each of his as she stepped forward cautiously before she thought of something and a frown of annoyance began to pull at her lips. "If you're trying to change the subject, I swear to god Frank Lee Redir III, I will....piss in your cereal!" It was the only threat that could come to mind. "Now what were you saying?"

    ID: 79964
    BD: 1+1=2 (miss)

    Boulder: 16-0=16

  10. As Lee began to wrap up his beginning statement, the alchemist's head would begin shaking back and forth like a bobblehead before she threw a light hit at the quickly crumbling rock. Piera's expression twisted into a grimace of lamentation as he asked asked her with distress, 'why'. Frowning in sorrow as he motioned to strangle her but released his pent up rage on the boulder, the bespectacled woman stayed quiet until he was finished. She wanted desperately to hold his hand or rub his arm, have any contact really, but knew it was best to keep her distance for now, occupying her hands by twisting her fingers together in knots.

    "Honey, I'm not trying to say that you aren't trying. I know you are. All the time. But you're right. We just...don't agree..." She met her lover's eyes with an unsettled expression. Sure they disagreed about things, but nothing this major. They'd never had this bad of a fight. Ever. In six years of being together. They seemed for now to be at an impasse. Shuffling her feet in an unsure fashion, Piera said quietly, "I don't want to fight on the front lines if you're not okay with it. But I can't just sit in a safe zone doing nothing..." Sucking her lips in thought, the brunette glanced sidelong as she murmured, "There must be some way we can compromise without both of us being unhappy."

    ID: 79873
    BD: 5+1=6

    Boulder: 18-2=16

  11. It was around sunset and Piera was restless. She desperately didn't want to think but her options for things to keep her body and mind busy were few. Jareth trailed by her feet as she made her way down the stairs that separated her home from her shop. Though lately her shop was more 'home' than 'shop'. Business was slower than slow. It hadn't quite trailed to a complete stop in the past months, but she would go nearly a week without a customer sometimes. She could try harder. Craft more, get more materials, try to get some new connections... But she didn't want to think about any of that right now. Right now she just wanted her mind to be quiet. So the brunette took out several varying materials and began cleaning, cutting, grinding and preparing them overall while she hummed a song to which she could no longer remember the lyrics. That inevitably got her thinking about Jomei and she abruptly stopped. Her sigh drew a concerned trill from her owl griffin, who she simply petted distractedly as she stirred her cauldron. For one blissful hour, she was able to craft without thinking about anything. No friends dead or dying, not seeing Lee's health bar dip into the red. Not being forced against her will to craft crystal after crystal... Rubbing her face vigorously, Piera exhaled shakily before sending Lee a message and then quickly departing the now dim building and not returning until well into the night.



    ID: 79827
    CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect Item)
    EXP: 8
    -1 Mat

    ID: 79828
    CD: 9+1=10 (Rare Item)
    EXP: 5
    -1 Mat

    ID: 79829
    CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect Item)
    EXP: 8
    -1 Mat

    ID: 79830
    CD: 7+1=8 (Uncommon Item)
    EXP: 3
    -1 Mat

    ID: 79831
    CD: 9+1=10 (Rare Item)
    EXP: 5
    -1 Mats

    ID: 79832
    CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect Item)
    EXP: 8
    -1 Mat

    ID: 79834
    CD: 3+1=4 (Good Item)
    EXP: 2
    -1 Mat



  12. Piera sighed roughly at the immediately ignition of Lee's anger towards the front lines, just like she knew it would. She waved at the boulder and completely missed but focused on her argument. Finally removing her hand armor, the brunette rubbed her eyes under her glasses and tried to think of the proper words to convey her meaning correctly. "I know the front lines aren't safe. But neither is doing nothing. How long have we been stuck in here Lee? How long do you think our bodies in the real world can take being stuck in here? Because I sure as hell don't know. Yes, I suppose that being in here isn't that bad...but when you have to worry about being killed by monsters and other players and god forbid random power outages or physical complications in the real world... I want to get out of here as soon as possible. And I can't in good faith not do anything about it when I know I could make a difference."

    At the armored man's argument about her finding a reason not to be happy, the alchemist pursed her lips with flared nostrils, crossing her arms in obvious irritation. "I see the reality of a situation but that doesn't keep me from being happy overall. I'm not completely unhappy now even. But it's definitely a slim [censored] margin. I know it's not a path that you're comfortable with but just like you want what's best for me, I'm trying to think about what's best for us long term. Being alive and together. In this world and reality."

    ID: 79819
    BD: 1+1=2 (miss)

    Boulder: 20-0=20

  13. For the first sentence of Lee's argument, the brunette simply stood there with pursed lips, knowing that despite her annoyance, he was right about that. But when he told her that he wanted her to stop being so trusting, the way he phrased it caused her eyes to flash with anger and she immediately retorted, "I am not that trusting! If I was, I would've been making waaaay more friends. And going out with the ones I do have (that are alive) more! But no. I've been trying to play it safe! For us. But do you know what I had been doing? Making allies. Making myself known to big players that should I ever actually find myself in trouble? I could message them. And they would help. That's what making connections does Lee. I could have been the best alchemist in Aincrad! Fighting on the Frontlines with one of the top guilds..." Okay perhaps she was getting a tad ahead of herself, but she had been on a roll. With frustration, the spearwoman lashed out at the boulder once more.

    At Lee's point about Aincrad not being so bad and just wanting what was best for her, Piera couldn't help but feel her anger and resolve start to crumble, just like the boulder they were standing next to. "I know... If it weren't for the constant threat of death...I'd love it here." The healer cracked a smile with a sniff before continuing, "I know you want what's best for me...but I'm not sure I agree with you about what's best for me 'overall'. I'm not...I'm not happy Lee." At that rather pathetic admission, the bespectacled girl hung her head slightly before trying to meet her boyfriend's eyes with a hopeful gaze. "I want to live. But I want to be happy while I'm doing it. Both of us."

    ID: 79815
    BD: 8+1=9

    Boulder: 22-2=20

  14. Piera let out a frustrated and sorrowful groan as Lee began to point and raise his voice. She hated that he was right. She hated that she was just starting to really make another friend (another female for once!) and after her and Opal's very personal talk...she thought...she thought that she was different. Opal had been Mack's friend for quite some time and a lead member in one of the most prominent guilds in Aincrad...and still...nobody else had seen it coming. What if Lee was right? She didn't want him to be right...

    Eyes shining as she resolutely stared at some point to the left of the man's shoulder, not able to meet his eyes at the moment while he continued his point. She rolled her eyes slightly with a tear stained frown when he said that he wasn't trying to 'make everything sound bleak'. "What do you mean realistic? What's realistic about being trapped in a freaking virtual reality game??" The brunette asked hysterically before attacking the boulder again, this time weaker than previously as she inhaled a long shuddering breath to collect her thoughts and calm herself down.

    "I-I know we can't trust everyone. But what do you want us to do Lee?" Finally the alchemist met her partner's eyes in genuine search for the answer. "If not try to get stronger and try to fight our way out of this hell, what do you want us to do? Because I don't think I can take sitting around in safe zones while I see my friend's list get shorter and short-" Her voice broke off in a sob as she looked down at her feet and said in a small shaking voice, "I just need to do something."

    Raising her head, Piera continued, "I love you more than anything. And I don't want to do this alone. I want us to be together, always." Her lips twitched in a hint of a hopeful smile as she brought up, "Wasn't that always the plan? You the awesome tank and me healing and stabbing right next to you?"

    ID: 79787
    BD: 6+1=7

    Boulder: 27-2=25

  15. Finally the waterworks were released in the form of shimmering green eyes only held back by sheer will and her own glasses, frustrated with the accuracy of her lover's argument. "There has to be, okay? And I know not everybody in here is trustworthy, but I can't be that paranoid all the time. I just...I don't have the energy for it Lee." Finally the water in one of her eyes brimmed over as she said in a voice thick with emotion, "I want to believe there's still good in people. And I do trust some of them because they've proved that they're good people! Lowenthal, Jomei, Kalesh, Carmine, Mack, Grave, O-"

    And then her list stuttered to a halt, a stunned and then distraught expression on her face as she remembered what had happened with the person who's name she'd just been about to utter, along with two other people. It was just one more thing she was burying deep inside of her.

    Frustrated that she couldn't cover her face or wipe away her tears, the brunette could only look up before closing her eyes as tears leaked down her cheeks, silently listening to the end of the man's rant before she murmured, "I don't want revenge...I just want freedom. I don't want to be terrified every second one or both of us isn't in a safe zone." For a moment after, Piera was quiet before she threw out a haphazard punch at the rock as if to physically cry out rather than just emotionally. Finally she stated aloud in a small pathetic voice full of hope, "I'll listen....okay?"

    ID: 79745
    BD: 9+1=10 Crit

    Boulder: 31-3=28

  16. Piera wanted to scoff at his miss, but held it in for now, even as he made fun of her glasses. Her expression screwed up into one of mild hurt as he made one particular accusation that made her reply, "I didn't do anything behind your back, things just got out of hand! I've told you this before..." The spearwoman sighed roughly as she tried to rub her forehead with a hand but then realized it wasn't very good for such action right now being encased in metal. "I know you do and I love you for it, I love you. But not dying just isn't enough anymore! We need to be high leveled to survive out here. We need to be strong enough to beat anything that tries to hurt us. Strong enough to kill anyone that tries to take us again. Strong enough to get out of here!"  With that final flourishing argument, Piera unleashed another devastating punch against the boulder, showering them with a small amount of dust.

    ID: 79741
    BD: 10+1ACC= 11 Crit

    Boulder: 37-4=33

  17. At Lee's mocking, the bespectacled woman's lip would curl into a derisive sneer, feeling hotter and hotter in her armor. Each thing he brought up made the pounding in her ears louder and louder. She didn't even bother glancing to know what he was pointing at. It was so like him to act like the big tough guy. But when he even mocked her kick (that she hadn't even really tried to connect), she lost it. "AUGH!" Without a word other than her angry yell, Piera released a fully fledged punch at the towering boulder, causing a shudder as it crumbled a little under the damage she dealt. "It doesn't [censored] matter as long as I [censored] win! And that's the point! What good is all of your manly posturing," She repeated his whimsical hand waving with extra mockingness before continuing, "If you [censored] die? You can't protect yourself. And that needs to change right god damn now."

    ID: 79737
    BD: 10+1ACC= 11 Crit

    Boulder: 41-4=37

  18. Piera's fists began to shake from the force of which she was clenching them, Lee's baiting words igniting a passion within her that she hadn't felt in a very long time. Her cheeks were flushed as she argued in return, "You might have higher damage mitigation and thorns, but guess what? I have way more health and damage than you, not to mention regen and a familiar that can [censored] heal me. Not to mention all the crystals I have that could up my mitigation, damage or health! So [censored] take that!" With that, the petite brunette lashed out at the boulder without thinking, kicking out without much purpose and missing terribly, but just wanting to do something.

    ID: 79733
    BD: 2+1ACC=3 (miss)

    Boulder: 41-0+41

  19. Piera was full on glaring as Lee raised his voice and went on his rant, arms no longer crossed but clenched fists hung at her sides. "[censored] prove it. Numbers don't lie Lee. It doesn't matter if you [censored] care or not, you'll be the one going down regardless." Right about now she was kind of wishing she had a boulder of her own to pound, just to get rid of all of this indignation and fury coursing through her. She just wanted to show him, to make him see right.

    ID: 79724
    LD: 0
    No Materials Found

  20. The healer bristled at Lee's expression alone but even more at his tone of voice. Her shoulders raised slightly and hands tightened on her crossed arms. Even though he had every right to get mad, she still couldn't help but be defensive. She raised her voice likewise to reply to his challenge, "I could if I wanted to!" Sulking at how childish that sounded and attempted to explain herself. "I'm nearly double your level." Raising her head imperiously as she looked down her nose at her lover, the brunette stated, "I could take you." Though her tone was slightly less serious at that proclamation and the left corner of her mouth twitched upwards. "But you have a boulder to beat up."

    Glancing down as another pebble rolled near her feet, Piera knelt down momentarily to scoop it up. "If it makes you feel better, I'll give you some of the mats too."

    ID: 79722
    LD: 16
    +1 Tier 1 Material

  21. Piera's eyes widened at her partner's comeback before wincing as one of the pebbles soared from the boulder off of her head. "Ow..." Rubbing the spot where it had bounced off of before retorting with a dark expression, "What the [censored] is that supposed to mean?" Reading a bit too much into his comment than he likely meant.

    Before he could even respond, the alchemist continued, "You know I don't just sit around and let stuff fall into my lap! I work or trade for everything I get!" Huffing as she crossed her arms and glanced away she added quietly, "Maybe you should try it sometime." She didn't truly mean her words, she knew he worked hard as well, both on leveling and in his shop. At least before...everything. But anger made one's tongue run away from them sometimes.  Frowning seriously, she already regretted her words.

    ID: 79719
    LD: 1
    No Materials

  22. Piera tried and then failed miserably to contain a few giggles as she pictured Lee cursing up a storm and attempting to be intimidating with those cute whiskers drawn on his face.

    Nodding happily when he said that he was glad she got something out of this quest, her cheerful expression then became reproachful at the ending statement. "Well that doesn't sound foreboding at all... Is this one of those 'seven days and seven nights must pass', kinda thing? I don't think I'm that patient. ...Can you be that patient?"

    After he punched again, the brunette waited expectantly but then frowned with a forlorn, "Awww...no Mat that time. You didn't hit it hard enough." She accused petulantly.

    ID: 79716
    LD: 7
    No Materials

  23. Smiling with just a faint blush as she was called 'adorkable' and retorted pathetically, "Yeah? Well...takes one to know one! Yeah..." She nodded as if she made some killer comeback, shuffling her feet and fingering her cheek as if she could feel the drawn whiskers somehow. "These better go away once you finish this..." She had no wish for it to be permanent.

    Piera braced herself as the sword was raised, certain it was going to give an awful sounding clash, but it never even got to touch the rock before a voice rang out to stop him. Snorting at the comical sight of Lee dropping his weapon like it'd become a hot potato, the brunette hid her smile behind her armored hand. But as he dropped his shield, her smile quickly fell. Jeez, he really was supposed to punch the thing to death? Wincing as he began to do just that, the healer said aloud, "I'm assuming outside help is also not allowed... Not that I wana punch the rock with you anyway."

    But then one of the pieces of gravel rolled to her feet and out of curiosity and boredom, the young woman picked it up, rolling it around her hand before her eyes widened behind her glasses. "This...this is an alchemy material! Oh my gosh, honey keep punching! Yer gonna make me rich! In mats at least, heh."

    ID: 79693
    LD: 17
    +1 Material

  24. It did turn out to be the place they needed to get to. Or at least she assumed so. She wasn't entirely sure what quest Lee was doing, but she knew that she hadn't done it yet. She didn't think she would herself if it involved this much hiking!

    When they approached the hut, Piera ribbed her partner as she saw the long beard of the elderly man meditating (or napping) out front. She tried to get a glance at the quest menu when it popped up but Lee accepted it too fast for her to read anything. Glancing at the NPC as he spoke, she wondered quietly, "I wonder if Kayaba Akihiko's a Star Wars fan..."

    Trailing behind the two men as the shorter one lead the way until they stood in front of a rather large boulder. Wondering if said rock had any special significance, the brunette glanced over at the elderly NPC before spluttering as she felt something on her face. Looking at Lee with shock, her hand then reached to touch her face when she saw the whiskers inked on his cheeks. "No... That little bastard!" She whirled around to yell at the NPC (especially considering she wasn't even participating in this quest!) but he had already disappeared into his hut. "Ugh! Wait, did he tell you to split this thing?" Gesturing to the boulder in incredulity. "Man if only you'd gone like warhammer or two handed axe... Do you think it'd mess up your sword if you tried to use it? Maybe the point of your shield would work?"

  25. Piera was slightly doubled over and using the armored man as a balancing pole to lean on as she snickered. "Or a chainsaw!" She merrily agreed before her expression became mildly disgusted while still amused, "Ewwww, I bet it's merged with your hair hair ewww and your chest and armpit hair! Oh! You've become Cousin It!" Petting his scruffy cheek fondly, the brunette announced, "We'd have to keep it in that case. Bet Hollywood would scoop you right up then. ...Or Guiness Book of World Records. Maybe we could donate it if you really wanted it all to go though. I feel sorry for all those poor cancer kids that get stuck with a wig of your hair though hehe."

    Her mood didn't stay high sadly as the journey continued and continued, accompanied with her nagging for Lee to slow down to accommodate her much shorter legs and stride. Her voice had taken on a slightly whiney tone as she brought up, "Honey, I thought you said that it was near the top? I swear we're nearly there already..." She could tell as she made her boyfriend walk closer to the edge of the path and refused to take in the (while most likely beautiful) very high view. Squinting behind her spectacles, the spearwoman asked aloud, "What's that?"

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