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Posts posted by Piera

  1. "'The big one'." Piera snorted. "It's not that big." At least she didn't remember it being very big... Though she did remember the big red....flower? Or was it a bulbous fruit? She couldn't remember. Just that it had been big, red and eye catching. Surely that was good enough, right? Nocturn sure was making quick work of them. She was fairly sure that he had way higher damage stat than her, which was impressive to say the least. Then again she only had one rank in her weapon skill and nothing that otherwise gave her a damage buff... So maybe she wasn't completely useless. Letting out a chuckle at his exuberant declaration, "Glad you're having fun but don't jinx u-"

    What she was about to say next was cut off just as he stated something that was now very obvious as another nepent sprouted straight from the ground underneath her, tentacles wrapping around her legs and hoisting her upside down, causing a very un-intimidating shriek to emit from the alchemist.

    The nepent that had been closest to the dark haired player now turned it's attention to the dangling woman, wrapping its roots around her spear as she attempted to tug it free from it, but instead getting smacked in the face for her trouble, leaving a trail of slime. "God damnit Nocturn, why'd you have to [censored] say something?!" Piera yelled as she desperately tried to kick and stab herself free to absolutely no avail, only causing wardrobe malfunctions. "Cut the roots already!"

    ID: 82215
    BD: 1+1=2 (miss)
    MD: 10 (hit - crit)

    Piera-   (Hate-3)
    HP: 338/340 (10DMG-21MIT=1DMG)
    NRG: 30/34
    Nocturn- (Hate-2)
    HP: 60/60
    NRG: 6

    Nepent 1: 0/7
    Nepent 2: 0/7
    Nepent 3: 0/7
    Nepent 4: 7/7
    Nepent 5: 7/7

  2. Thankfully Piera didn't hear his mutter or she'd have made a wise crack about respecting his elders. Seeing his unabashed smile caused one of her own, realizing that she hadn't had fun with combat in a while. It was just grinding. It had become monotonous. But at least for Nocturn it was still thrilling and exciting....fun. Perhaps she could have a little bit of that herself.

    Even as she focused on the nepents, the brunette still saw a dark blur whisk behind the mobs. Good, he seemed knowledgeable enough to know to get behind them and do a pincer attack, taking advantage of the fact that their focus was all on her. Her smile grew wider as he made quick work of one of the nepents. "Nice, kid." Her tone was genuine, though she couldn't help the teasing nickname. She was fairly sure he was at least nineteen, but couldn't help ribbing him a little. It wasn't often that she had age as well as level over another player.

    However her expression turned serious as she called out shortly, "Noct, behind you!" Another nepent had found the fight and went to attack the unsuspecting young man. Cursing under her breath, Piera focused on the monster immediately before her, twirling her lance away from the flailing roots trying to grasp her weapon before pointing it down to the left and giving a grunt as she swung upwards diagonally to the right with all of her might, cutting deeply into the nepent's flesh...roots...plant matter? Either way, it was dead now, exploding into a spray of blue pixels around her as she dashed through it's remains to Nocturn's side before she caught sight of something approaching, "Another one." She stated loud and clear to keep her companion aware.

    ID: 82211
    BD: 6+1=7 (hit)
    MD: 2 (miss)

    Piera-   (Hate-3)
    HP: 339/340
    NRG: 30/34
    HP: 60/60
    NRG: 6

    Nepent 1: 0/7
    Nepent 2: 0/7
    Nepent 3: 7/7
    Nepent 4: 7/7

    Loot Roll ID: 82212
    LD: 4
    CD: 8

  3. Though Nocturn didn't show any outward expression of his feelings, Piera still felt a little awkward at  his reply, suddenly realizing that she sounded very dull. "Yeah... Well I mean I guess that's not all I do. I just feel like I need to do something to help out, you know? But when I'm not working, I like to explore the safer floors with Lee. Even if we are trapped here, it is pretty amazing sometimes."

    Even as she said that, Piera felt suddenly and accutely aware that she had yet to really see all that this world had to offer (that she could see until further floors were unlocked that was). Though that was mainly due to her low level. Maybe now that they were truly trying to reach a higher level, they'd be able to see more.

    Eyebrow raising just a hair at Nocturn's statement that he had only just now started going outside safe zones, the healer otherwise tried to keep a neutral expression. Snorting under her breath at the generic-ness of his aspirations, she tried to school her face into a polite smile. "Sure kid. Sounds like fun. If you want, I can show you the ropes about alchemy sometime."

    Eyes forward as the black haired young man remarked about the forest, Piera's head tilted along with Jareth's in unison as they watched him crouch. "Oh, do you have the Sneak ability? I might cramp your style, I don't have that skill." Focusing on the two nepents in view, Piera scanned the rest of the area, making sure that it was just those two for now before nodding firmly, "I'm going to try to get the hate on me, you focus on taking them out after I've got their attention."

    Gripping the Spear of Longinus tightly the alchemist then inhaled deeply before letting out a ferocious (for her at least) battle cry as she rushed in towards the mobs, activating her sword art, Sonic Charge. Giving a powerful thrust in the middle of the plant monsters, the resulting explosion of energy caught both of them, crying out angrily as they focused their attention solely on the player standing before them. Striking out with their tentacles in an attempt to attack and grapple her. But the woman's heavy armor protected her from their pitiful attacks.

    ID: 82207
    BD: 8+1=9
    MD: 10

    Piera-   (Hate-2)
    HP: 339/340 (10 DMG - 21 MIT = 1 DMG)
    NRG: 32/34
    HP: 60/60
    NRG: 6
    Nepent 1: 5/7
    Nepent 2: 57

  4. Smiling slightly at Noct's question, Piera shook her head lightly. "Nah, he's busy doing some sort of quest on his own. Lee is my boyfriend. We always stay in a party so we can keep an eye on the other, make sure they're okay even if we're apart. Gives us peace of mind." Shrugging in an effort for nonchalance, the alchemist managed to sound fairly calm about the whole thing though inwardly she was suppressing a shiver up her spine. Glancing up at Lee's health bar she was reassured seeing it in the green. She tried to focus on her newfound companion, blinking rapidly as she noticed his blush. Huh. Maybe he found armored women hot? Hopefully it wouldn't get too awkward.

    Nodding in acknowledgement as he quickly headed out the door, Piera followed behind, answering his questions as they walked to the first floor. "Eh, bit far. Gotta realize Aincrad is pear shaped almost. Or egg shaped? I forget. Anyways, the lower the floor, the bigger it actually is." Her eyes were drawn to the varying players and NPCs milling about the plaza as they passed by on their way to leave the safe zone. Last time she had been here it was at night and before then it'd been months. She wondered how many players still lived on the first floor...

    Eyes focusing back on Nocturn, the healer was silent for a moment as she considered an answer before huffing an awkward laugh, "Uh...probably more potion making, heh. Or gathering materials to make more potions. Sometimes I go out and do some low level grinding or a quest or two with Lee or a friend. But my main focus is being the best alchemist in Aincrad. Or at least one of the best." She shrugged, knowing that during their 'vacation' she'd fallen behind. "But I'll be doing a lot more grinding now. I'm trying to join the front lines now. Once I'm high enough level that is."

    Once they passed through the gates a small message alerted the pair that they were leaving the Town of Beginning's Safe Zone. "Be on guard now." Piera warned him casually, taking her spear off of her back and holding it so that it would lean against her shoulder. "What about you? Any profession, guild?"

  5. It was cute how the guy tried to school his expression into one more neutral, despite his earlier reaction. Brightening at mention of the lower leveled quest, Piera shook her head at his question of if she would be bored. With a vague snort of amusement, the brunette gestured to the mess of her shop. "I think I can manage to tear myself away from the riveting business I have going for me here." Shaking his gloved hand firmly and meeting his eyes, the alchemist replied, "Nice to meet you Nocturn." Though when he referred to her as 'Madam Piera', she couldn't help but wince. "Gah. Yer makin' me feel old kid. Or, well...old-er. Just 'Piera' is fine." Glancing over to where Jareth was preening lazily, the brunette snapped her fingers causing the owl griffin to level a flat stare at her. "C'mon lazy bones, let's get." The familiar huffed a sigh before finishing one last lick and then flapping his wings a few times to land on her shoulder. "So lead the way. You're party leader for the day. Oh, which reminds me." Piera held up a finger in a universal sign of 'just a moment' before swiping open her menu, quickly typing out a message, sending it and then sending Nocturn an invite to join her party, which already had another person in it. Once he joined, he could see Lee's name and stats as well as her own. As Nocturn accepted or denied it, Piera would take time to equip her battle items, her avatar flashing brightly before her Violet Dragoon armor materialized fully as well as the Bleeding Lance at her back. "Lead the way." The healer would gesture with a smile.

  6. Waving off the younger player's apologies, Piera stated, "It's fine, it's fine." Shoulda put a sign up or kept more aware. What good was a familiar if it couldn't guard you though? Sheesh...

    Seeing his reaction to her price caused a pang of sympathy for the other player. "Eh....yeah... For a Tier one uncommon quality consumable that's pretty reasonable." Though seeing the rather dismayed expression on the obviously lower leveled player's face was seriously making her reconsider. Jeez maybe she should lower her prices for the Tier one items... She was about to pose a lower price when a better idea came to her. "Hey. You said that you're going on a quest, right? If you're worried about losing too much health, I could tag along if you don't mind the extra tag along. I'm a healer. Wasn't doing much else with my day anyway." The alchemist shrugged casually, trying to make sure that he didn't feel like she was pressuring him into it. "Sup to you though."

  7. Piera was currently trying to clear house. She was in limbo at current, having plenty of materials and yet only able to craft so many times per day. So she thought about sprucing up the place a little, perhaps clean and reorganize how things were laid out. It was becoming a bit more of a difficult task than she originally anticipated. There were numerous potions and crystals set on the floor rather than their typical shelves or stands. A tawny and white owl griffin laid out in a patch of sunlight on the ground, batting at a fallen (and thankfully stoppered) potion as his mistress was knelt down behind the counter, fishing out a vial that had fallen way in the back. Not hearing the telltale ring that signaled the door to her shop opening, the alchemist jumped as she heard a voice on the other side of the counter, causing her to bump her head  and hiss in more surprise than pain. "Sssonn...nnmm. O-Oh, hi. Sorry, I didn't hear you come in. Excuse the mess, doing a bit of spring cleaning, heh..." Rubbing the back of her head, Piera got to her feet, brushing the dust from the skirt of her dark purple dress.

    Adjusting her glasses that had been knocked askew a little, the brunette focused on the dark haired player's request before nodding in understanding. "Always good to have a little something to help you along. Let's see..." Stepping from around the counter, green eyes scanned the ground before using her foot to nudge Jareth out of the way, causing the owl griffin to grumble and flap off to his usual lounging grounds, the staircase. "Move fuzzy lump." Picking up a few vials, Piera stated, "I've got some older potions that are kind of weak but I've lowered the price on them because of that. They only heal like fifteen or twenty health. Which isn't really anything depending on your level. My normal price would be about six hundred col but they're not really selling and I'd rather they be put to good use so I'll lower it to four hundred for ya. How's that sound?"

  8. A satisfied smile played about Piera's lips as she got Lee to actually fully laugh, though her satisfaction was somewhat shortlived as he insisted that if they had another fight like the one they just had, he'd set himself on fire purely out of spite. "I wish I could say that'd be out of character for you, but sadly it is not. I heard 'charred' is the new 'black' though."  She could see him surrounded by flames, unaffected as he laughed at her. Idiot. She knew that he enjoyed their separation and fight just about as much as she did. Which was not at all.

    After inventorying the material she'd found, the healer looked up at her armored companion as he considered her offer to try an earn her place in his fancy new mansion via bribery (a time honored tradition) before posing something different of his own. Eyes instantly narrowing in suspicion, for a split second, Piera didn't react before tentatively offering up both. "Why? What are you gonna do with it?" The brunette questioned warily before asking, "If you need blood and flesh as tribute, could you at least not take the right one? You know I can't do anything with the left..." Her expression was rather apparent that she was bracing herself for something. Most likely for him to lick her palm or something gross like that as 'punishment' or perhaps 'payment'. Meanwhile Jareth watched the pair disinterestedly, his tail flicking lazily.

    ID: 82183
    LD: 11+1=12
    [No Materials Found]

    [Total Materials Gathered: 5]

  9. Shaking her head in amusement, Piera commented, "Or in this case, going home is the going big. So tell me about it! What floor is it on? What's it look like!"

    At her love's teasing, the healer's grip grew slightly tighter on his hand as she repeated with loud exclamation, "Mansion?! You said house! House does not equal mansion!" Looking rather dazed as she leaned her shoulder against his arm, the brunette would say, "Jeez...if this is what you do, we need to fight more often." Wracking her brain for an angle, Piera posed, "Whaaaat iiiiif... I gave you a teleport crystal? Then could I live with you in the mansion~?" She asked in a sweetly persuading voice, her focus nearly entirely on him until her eyes caught sight of a fruit that had fallen on the ground. Picking it up and sniffing it, the alchemist made a 'not bad' face before inventorying it.

    ID: 82165
    LD: 17+1=18
    [+1 Tier 2 Material]

    [Total Materials Gathered: 5]

  10. Eyes rolling at Lee's nearly signature overconfidence, Piera simply sighed and commented, "I'll make do somehow I'm sure." Nevermind that she was higher level than him. Jareth chittered in the trees above before swooping down to pounce on an unsuspecting pebble that Lee had kicked forward, causing his mistress to chuckle at his antics. But at Lee's response to her worries about their col, her expression went blank in shock. "You....what? Got one? How! Wh..." Her hand went up to her forehead, brushing up her bangs as she tried to wrap her mind around the idea. "W-We got into a fight, so you just bought a house!?" Her voice was loud, but tone was incredulous, laughing at the end. It wasn't like she was mad or anything, just...baffled, surprised and slightly amused. "I guess there are definitely worse things you could've done... Am I allowed to stay in the house with you?" Always best not to assume. She was fairly sure he was mostly over being mad at her though. Crouching down, Piera batted away Jareth's paws to see what he had pounced on, but it was just a pebble sadly and not a material.

    ID: 82162
    LD: 3+1=4
    [No Materials Found]

    [Total Materials Gathered: 4]

  11. The resident owl griffin paused in mid preen, left leg poised upwards for a moment before he settled into a stiff seated position, brown eyes focused intently on the small dragon, neck tilting to follow any movements. Terrible singing dying off when she heard the door open, Piera's eyes rested on a familiar face. Smiling softly in recognition, the alchemist raised a hand in greeting before realizing that it was holding the ladle she had been stirring with, causing a few drops of still boiling potion to fleck on her. "Hey T-ack! Frick..." Rubbing off the hot solution and resting the ladle to the side, the brunette would start again with a rueful smile, "Hey Takao. Been a while."

    As the two players exchanged pleasantries, Jareth would begin to tentatively stalk down the stairs towards Oto, tail raised and ears pricked.  At the scout's offer, her eyebrows raised. "Definitely. Though I'm starting to think that you  have a problem hanging onto materials, heh. N-Not that I'm complaining!" The healer rushed to clarify before continuing. "How many? I don't have much in the way of Tier two items to give you, but I have tons of tier one and as always, boatloads of vanity potions. Did you like the one you bought last time?" Piera walked around the counter to the barrel that highlighted her more interesting potions, though they gave no buffs for in combat.


  12. Nearly imperceptibly (but not to the man she'd been with for six years straight), Piera's expression became a bit more dimmed at his first declaration. But when he continued on and on insistently, she couldn't hold back the brightness of her smile, letting out a giggle. "Never ever ever?" She asked insistently, following as he walked to pick up a material he'd spotted.

    Her smile would become softer and more content as he stated for clarification that she could still go out without her as long as they joined the frontlines together. Nodding firmly in agreement, the healer would squeeze his armored hand slightly. Giggling at his dramatic exasperation at her wish for a kiss, Piera would stretch up onto her toes, trying to smother the building laugh as she saw Lee try not to grin and thus give her a teeth filled kiss. They somehow managed the kiss eventually as they always did, with much chuckling and some smooching. Hand still joined with his, the brunette sighed in contentment. "We've certainly got our work cut out for us, hm? We should probably get better gear... Oh..." A thought occurred to her, causing the alchemist to frown. "Though that'll cut into our house savings..."

    ID: 82156
    LD: 6+1=7
    [No Materials Found]

    [Total Materials Gathered: 4]

  13. Fidgeting with her mug, Piera was suddenly fascinated by the grain of the wood the table was made of as Shield asked her what she'd like done. What a vague and yet simultaneously ominous question. Frown turning more severe as the tank stated that he didn't know whether or not Lowenthal would have started the duel. "No." She clarified before adding on, "He... I mean he wasn't the most level headed player of the bunch, or even the safest, but he always knew where the line was. I don't think he would enter a duel that he knew had a good chance of him losing. But even if he did, that doesn't matter." The alchemist's expression became agitated as she stated with passion, "It shouldn't matter if he accepted the duel under pressure or not, it's not right to kill another human being and that's just what Ariel did! She shouldn't be able to go about without being punished! Doesn't Aincrad have a-a jail or something?? How many players have to be PKed before something's done about it? Even if she gets thrown in jail whenever we escape here, who knows how long it'll be til then! Something needs to be done now." By the end of her little rant, the brunette noticed that she had been gripping the mug so tightly that her knuckles were white.

    At Anemone's apology, she managed to glance up at the other woman, only tensing slightly as a hand was put on her shoulder, an instinctual and automatic response not having anything to do with who the hand belonged to. Though her opinion was rapidly changing as the other healer tried to say that she was sure her friend was 'happy where he is now'. Having nearly no leash on her emotions, Piera couldn't bite back the scathing sarcastic remark, "Oh yes, I'm sure he's just having oodles of fun being dead." She never liked that spin. If it was so great then why didn't they all just off themselves? So far all Anemone was doing was aggravating her further, including the statement that she was part of the Knights. Though a small part of her brain had to admire her for being strong and determined to her creed.

    "I bet you didn't even know Lowenthal was part of your guild did you?" Piera smiled bitterly, shaking her head as her eyes lowered to her mug for a moment before draining it. The brunette was quiet while the white haired girl spoke of her potential ideas and personal experience. Letting out a sigh, the griffin tamer stated, "I'm not saying let's round up all the people that have orange cursors and stuff them in prison... I know that things happen like you've witnessed, especially in this hell. A friend did the same thing for me and thankfully didn't gain an orange cursor because the person was a PK themselves. But there should still be some sort of judiciary system. I know we're just trying to get by. But we've been here for two years and we've only reached the twentieth floor. We need to think about long term what to do until we get out..." Rubbing her face under her glasses, pushing them up slightly onto her forehead, Piera groaned for a moment before dragging them down and sighing, "Though who knows who all the players would respect or at least fear enough to listen to... Probably the Azure Brigade if they hadn't been assassinated... More and more PKing..." It just seemed and endless cycle to her now.

    @Shield @Anemone

  14. Piera's mouth quirked in a lopsided smile at the scruffy man's joke, though when he looked at her, she tried to school her face into a more neutral expression, not wanting to look too happy...or displeased...or anything really for fear he'd change his mind. Focusing on what he was saying, the alchemist frowned slightly, trying to understand and work out his wording. It was getting harder and harder to keep the corners of her mouth from turning up a little.

    Raising a hand slightly with a single held up index finger, the brunette waited for his acknowledgement before asking, "When you say no going 'out there' without you, do you mean the front lines, or do you mean at all ever? Cuz I gotta say, sometimes I enjoy taking a stroll on my own, or doing some grinding with a friend... But...." Her tone turned serious as she met her lover's eyes, taking a step closer as she said, "If you're serious about this... Then I promise not to go on the front lines without you by my side." 

    Allowing herself a small smile, Piera attempted to link their armored fingers as she asked, "I didn't even win a smooch?"

    ID: 82150
    LD: 7+1=8
    [No Materials Found]

    [Total Materials Gathered: 4]

  15. Name: Essence of Iron

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID:  81821

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Damage Mitigation

    Description: A square vial filled with dark grey sticky liquid that smells of dirt and tastes like tree bark. After consumption, gives player plus 18 damage mitigation for a single thread.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=513837


    Name: Ssendom's Bloodrage

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID: 81825

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 2

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Damage

    Description: A tall rectangular glass vial filled with dark red liquid that has the tang of an energy drink combined with the bite of iron. After consumption, gives the user plus three to their damage for one thread.

    Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=513837


    Name: Antidote Crystal

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID: 81826

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Crystal
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Antidote

    Description: A square yellow crystal that negates the next status effect applied to the user. This works as a counter to status ailments such as Bleed, Paralyze, Burn or Poison.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=513837


    Name: Tristan's Protection

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID:  81827

    Roll: 13

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 2

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Damage Mitigation

    Description: A square vial filled with dark grey sticky liquid that smells of dirt and tastes like tree bark. After consumption, gives player plus 54 damage mitigation for a single thread.

    Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=513837


    Name: Zelly Pot

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID:  81938

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Damage

    Description: An oblong glass pot filled with a slightly iridescent murky gold liquid with the odor of freshly blow dried hair and the taste of churned and salted butter. After consumption, gives player plus two damage for a single thread.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514015


    Name: The Berserker's Essence

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID:  81939

    Roll: 13

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 2

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Over Health

    Description: A square vial filled with dark red swirling liquid that smells of sweat and tastes like blood. After consumption, gives player plus one hundred HP for a single thread.

    Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514015



    Name: Antidote Crystal

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID: 81941

    Roll: 9

    Item Type: Crystal
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Antidote

    Description: A square yellow crystal that negates the next status effect applied to the user. This works as a counter to status ailments such as Bleed, Paralyze, Burn or Poison.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514015


    Name: Helios' Light

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID: 81943

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Crystal
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: HP Recovery

    Description: A red rectangular crystal that when activated, instantly heals the player activated on for eighty HP.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514015



    Name: Lowenthal's Revenge

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID: 81946

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 2

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Damage

    Description: An oblong shaped glass vial filled with cloudy yellow liquid that smells of sunscreen but tastes of perfectly mixed lemonade. After consumption, gives the user plus three to their damage for one thread.

    Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514015


    Name: Lindow's Helping Hand

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID: 81947

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Crystal
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: HP Recovery

    Description: A red rectangular crystal that when activated, instantly heals the player activated on for forty HP.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514015



    Name: Opal's Betrayal

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID: 82039

    Roll: 8

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Paralyze Water

    Description: A small triangle shaped glass vial filled with clear liquid that smells of nothing and tastes of nothing. Causes the player that consumes it to be paralyzed for one turn.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514130


    Name: Azide's Smile

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID: 82040

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Crystal
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: HP Recovery

    Description: A red rectangular crystal that when activated, instantly heals the player activated on for eighty HP.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514130



    Name: Cora's Reassurance

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID: 82042

    Roll: 9

    Item Type: Crystal
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: HP Recovery

    Description: A red rectangular crystal that when activated, instantly heals the player activated on for forty HP.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514130


    Name: Blackfyre's Vengeance

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID: 82043

    Roll: 13

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 2

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Damage

    Description: An oblong shaped glass vial filled with molten gold liquid with occasional black swirls in it when turned or tipped. The concoction smells of freshly ironed linens and tastes fairly sour, like a bitter fruit unique to Aincrad. After consumption, gives the user plus three to their damage for one thread.

    Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514130



    Name: Mari's Smirk

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID: 82045

    Roll: 8

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Paralyze Water

    Description: A small triangle shaped glass vial filled with clear liquid that smells of nothing and tastes of nothing. Causes the player that consumes it to be paralyzed for one turn.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514130

  16. Despite her anger, at Lee's over the top motions and annoyed expression, Piera couldn't help but chuckle a little. Seeing he was on a roll, the alchemist cocked a hip and folded her arms to listen to him. 'Hopscotch with death', really and he thought she was dramatic... Her brow furrowed in confusion and annoyance when he made it seem like either of them dying wasn't anything. When he ended his argument, she waited, not thinking he was really done, but apparently (judging by the look and the continued silence)...he was. Eyebrows raising in incredulity, her arms stretched out to either side as the brunette exclaimed, "Good! I know you'll be a great player when you put your mind to it. If we stick together and grind to get high enough level and have each other's backs, I know we'll be able to make it out alive together!" She was starting to get a little excited and yet still fairly wary because it was starting to sound like he was agreeing with her... "So...you're for this? Grinding, getting higher level and joining the frontlines together?" Her voice was plain, without any emotional inflection, but her expression was tentatively hopeful as she noted a nut hanging from a branch and rolled it in her fingers while she awaited Lee's reply.

    ID: 82046
    LD: 16+1=17
    [+1 Tier 2 Material]

    [Total Materials Gathered: 4]

  17. Laughing with just a hint of nervousness, Piera said gratefully, "Me and my healthbar thank you, heh." Offering one last smile, the brunette raised a hand in mimic of his wave goodbye before nodding eagerly. "I'll get to crafting your order right away! Take care Macradon."

    After the tank had left, Piera beamed at her familiar, who was now busy preening himself on the steps of the stairs. Rushing over to him, the alchemist petted his face, smooshing his ears back before smooching his beak, ignoring his groans of protest. "I'm back in the game, Jareth!" As soon as she gave him an inch, the owl griffin backed away, flapping up to the top of the stairs where it was safely out of her reach for now. She simply giggled at the mildly disgruntled glower he was giving her before inhaling deeply and pivoting on her heel and walking back to behind the counter.

    She immediately started the fire under her cauldron before adding the base solution. While that was starting to boil, she took out some of the materials Macradon had given her and cut, crushed, ground, and skinned everything to perfect preparation. It would take a few tries, but she would complete this order for him one way or another. Maybe she'd even get a few orders for the next boss fight! She'd get back into the crafting business like she used to, being able to make potions and crystals without it sickening her, maybe even go on a few outings or even quests and level up... Things were definitely starting to look up... The moment was only slightly soured when she thought about telling Lee... But they were fighting. Her melancholy expression didn't last long though as she shook her head and focused back on the task, murmuring, "Old school Hollywood baaaaseball..."



    ID: 82038
    CD: 4+1=5 (Good Item)
    EXP: 2
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82039
    CD: 7+1=8 (Uncommon Item)
    EXP: 3
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82040
    CD: 10+1=11 (Rare Item)
    EXP: 5
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82041
    CD: 3+1=4 (Good Item)
    EXP: 2
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82042
    CD: 8+1=9 (Uncommon Item)
    EXP: 3
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82043
    CD: 12+1=13 (Perfect Item)
    EXP: 8
    -1 Tier 2 Mat

    ID: 82044
    CD: 5+1=6 (Good Item)
    EXP: 2
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82045
    CD: 7+1=8 (Uncommon Item)
    EXP: 3
    -1 Tier 1 Mat



  18. Piera was in the midst of crafting when she heard the door to her shop open, so focused on the task that she didn't even look up but simply called out, "I'll be with you in just a moment, sorry." Jareth occupied himself by shadowing the stranger, tail flicking with curiosity as his head swiveled this way and that to get a better angle on the blonde. The brunette frowned as she stirred the contents of her cauldron, boiling, simmering, stirring, pouring and cooling until the items were completed. Sighing with quiet accomplishment, she stored them for now, deciding to name them officially a little later. Finally looking up, she took note of the blonde teen as he approached with several potions in hand. "Hello, welcome to my shop." The healer greeted with a polite and friendly smile, attention momentarily split as she booped her familiar on the beak as he tried to take a swipe at one of the potions in the other player's arms. The owl griffin fluffed out his feathers indignantly before flapping off towards the staircase. Focusing back on the young man, Piera nodded in understanding as he explained his plan for the items he was buying. As a trade window popped up for her, she held up a single finger before quickly using her merchant assistant (also known as a calculator) to make sure the math was right. In the middle of her addition, her green eyes flicked to where Vargas was pointing, causing her to brighten and nod enthusiastically as she turned to retrieve the crystal for him and adding in the price of the extra item. "Yes, definitely one of my most useful creations. Seems everything's in order. You should also look into getting a teleport crystal soon if you don't already have one. Always handy to have a get away." Accepting the trade, the five thousand and two hundred col transferred to her while the six items were sent to Vargas' inventory.

    [+5,200 Col]
    [- 1 Tier 1 Uncommon Damage Potion, 1 Tier 1 Rare Damage Potion, 1 Tier 1 Perfect Damage Potion, 1 Tier 1 Rare Mitigation Potion, 1 Tier 1 Uncommon Mitigation Potion, 1 Tier 1 Perfect Mass HP Recovery Crystal]



    ID: 81938
    CD: 9+1=10 (Rare Item)
    EXP: 5
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 81939
    CD: 12+1=13 (Perfect Item)
    EXP: 8
    -1 Tier 2 Mat

    ID: 81941
    CD: 8+1=9 (Uncommon Item)
    EXP: 3
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 81943
    CD: 10+1=11 (Rare Item)
    EXP: 5
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 81944
    CD: 3+1=4 (Good Item)
    EXP: 2
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 81946
    CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect Item)
    EXP: 8
    -1 Tier 2 Mat

    ID: 81947
    CD: 8+1=9 (Uncommon Item)
    EXP: 3
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 81948
    CD: 3+1=4 (Good Item)
    EXP: 2
    -1 Tier 1 Mat



  19. Piera would listen carefully as the more experienced player assured her thay he wasn't really looking for frontline material, just a healer. Smiling hopefully at the opportunity, the alchemist nodded at his reassurances. "And an AOE boss isn't likely. ...right? Heh..." She just wanted to make sure she had all her bases covered. At Macradon's enthusiastic thumbs up, the brunette would chuckle a little. "Good. Er, thank you. Well besides crafting, my schedule's pretty clear. So just let me know whenever you want to go out and where."

  20. ID: 81820
    CD: 4+1=5 (Good Item)
    EXP: 2
    -1 Mat

    ID: 81821
    CD: 9+1=10 (Rare Item)
    EXP: 5
    -1 Mat

    ID: 81824
    CD: 1+1=2 (Bad Item)
    LD: 12+1=13
    EXP: 1
    -1 Mat

    ID: 81825
    CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect Item)
    EXP: 8
    -1 Mat

    ID: 81826
    CD: 8+1=9 (Uncommon Item)
    EXP: 3
    -1 Mat

    ID: 81827
    CD: 12+1=13 (Perfect Item)
    EXP: 8
    -1 Mat

    ID: 81828
    CD: 5+1=6 (Good Item)
    EXP: 2
    -1 Mat

    ID: 81829
    CD: 2+1=3 (Bad Item)
    LD: 16+1=17
    EXP: 1
    Mat Salvaged

  21. At Macradon's circular but still understandable logic, Piera smiled warmly with a chuckle. "Touche. I guess I'm a bit rusty having customers again, don't mind me." Smiling brightly and only slightly dimming as Macradon introduced himself, including his rank and guild, the healer shook his hand firmly, meeting his eyes. He seemed a decent teen, she shouldn't be so hesitant just because of what guild he was in. He probably didn't even have anything to do with the matter, she was being silly.

    Staring blankly up at the tall armored young man as he explained about the materials, Piera blinked once before wincing at her own stupidity, bringing her hand up to her forehead quickly in a fairly universal symbol of a facepalm. "Nnn, yes yes. You're right of course. Sorry, english major. Math was always the bane of my existence." Looking extremely embarrassed, the brunette shifted under Macradon's gaze, futzing with her hair. But as his rhetorical question about her healer status that she nodded to anyways, her head tilted in curiosity. "Oh? I'm always willing to lend a hand." Then suddenly realizing something, she stated, "But uh, I should be clear that I'm only level 17... Not exactly frontliner material..."

    {OOC: @Macradon - "young girl" lol. Not sure if I should be flattered or mildly insulted. I'll settle for amused. Piera's 25, bout six years older than Mac haha. }

  22. Throwing her hands up in the air at Lee's response, the brunette declared, "You know what'd be simple and clean? You freaking answering the question!"  Feeling anger starting to bubble to a boil inside her, Piera let out a shaky exhale, making a sharp left off of the path and into the brush, somehow making looking for materials into an aggressive sport. Her head whipped to and fro as she scanned the ground for anything and knelt down when she saw a patch of fungus growing at the base of a tree.

    Snatching one of them up, she inventoried it before demanding somewhat out of the blue, "Would you be this adamant against me joining the frontlines if I were level sixty or higher? I can understand that you don't want me to risk my life. But if you don't think I can do it....that's what makes me mad. That you don't have any confidence in me. That you're always trying to put me and my abilities down."

    ....Well that certainly happened. To be honest, Piera was a little surprised at herself for the outburst, and as she stopped in the middle of the forest, she rather looked it too, half regretting it and yet half relieved that she had said it. Expression twisting into a melancholy frown, the alchemist added softly. "I'm sorry. I don't want to fight. I just want to talk. We used to talk calmly about whatever we're fighting about. I miss that. I miss you."

    ID: 81782
    LD: 16+1=17
    [+1 Tier 2 Material]

    [Total Materials Gathered: 3]

  23. Name: Antidote Crystal

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  81733

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Crystal
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Antidote

    Description: A square yellow crystal that negates the next status effect applied to the user. This works as a counter to status ailments such as Bleed, Paralyze, Burn or Poison.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=513671


    Name: Essence of Bulk Up

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  81734

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Damage

    Description: A round glass vial filled with cloudy white liquid with the odor of fresh milk and the taste of a protein shake. After consumption, gives player plus two damage for a single thread.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=513671


    Name: Essence of Bulk Up

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  81738

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Damage

    Description: A round glass vial filled with cloudy white liquid with the odor of fresh milk and the taste of a protein shake. After consumption, gives player plus two damage for a single thread.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=513671


    Name: Infusion of Ironbark

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  81735

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 2

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Damage Mitigation

    Description: A square vial filled with dark grey sticky liquid that smells of dirt and tastes like tree bark. After consumption, gives player plus 54 damage mitigation for a single thread.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=513671



    Name: Infusion of Ironbark

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  81737

    Roll: 13

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 2

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Damage Mitigation

    Description: A square vial filled with dark grey sticky liquid that smells of dirt and tastes like tree bark. After consumption, gives player plus 54 damage mitigation for a single thread.

    Post Link:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=513671


  24. Not able to contain her eye roll at Lee's typical spiel, Piera turned her face away, acting like she was just looking for what they came out here for. But it was hard to ignore the fantastical body language, supplying some amusement for the alchemist. "Yes dear." She supplied automatically with a small smile playing about her mouth before it dropped. "But that wasn't what I was asking. I know what you said, not what you meant. Wh-Ow." The leg of a unknown creature fell on her head, causing her to make an unpleasant face as she looked up at Jareth who was perched in a branch above, looking rather pleased with himself. "Thanks?" She called up at him, inventorying the new material. "Anyways," Piera restarted, "What are you right about this time?"

    ID: 81740
    LD: 18+1=19
    [+1 Tier 2 Material]

    [Total Materials Gathered: 2]

  25. Piera kept her focus solely on Jomei, rubbing his arms through the blanket that was her cloak draped over him, knowing logically that the motion wouldn't help at all since they were in a game, but the emotional part of her brain encouraged her to do something. She heard Lee speak to someone and took a moment to glance behind her, not too concerned because Lee's tone didn't seem worrisome, and took grateful note of Calrex's presence. Feeling a distinct amount of relief at the higher leveled player's presence. If the PKers were still after Jomei, at least now they had viable backup to defend them.

    Her head whipped around back to the ginger when she heard something she hadn't heard in what seemed like a very long time, that familiar Irish accent. Gasping in relief, Piera exclaimed, "Jo-!" Before she was cut off by someone yelling. A voice she didn't recognize. Instantly on alert, the brunette equipped her Bleeding Lance, mouth open and about to issue a harsh warning to the intruder. But Jomei sat up, resting a hand on the intruding female player's shoulder as he explained the situation.

    Now that she was closer, the alchemist recognized her as a former Velvet Room member, Zandra. Relaxing slightly but still alert, Piera's head turned to see what Jomei was looking at, expression hardening. "We need to report this to someone. Anyone. What good are a bunch of people that can clear the game if the rest of the players aren't safe on even the lower floors??" Biting down on her tongue to physically stop herself from going off on a rant, the bespectacled woman unequipped her two handed spear with a sigh, turning a concerned expression on her friend.

    "We need to get you out of here. Somewhere safer. ...Not to mention warmer. Our place is closer, just a floor down." She suggested, glancing at Lee before looking back to the ginger. "Can you walk okay?"

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