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Posts posted by Piera

  1. Piera couldn't help but chuckle a little at Lee's insistence that he was good at being a bad boy to which she complacently humored, "Yes dear. The best." At his very cute question about their own familiars being the mascots, her eyes went wide and, glancing at Jareth as if he could help her out of this situation, but the owl griffin cared not for her plight, licking his paw and rubbing it behind his ear. Leaving her to only clear her throat and decidedly avoid the question.

    Following the leader of their rag tag group, which was most decidedly Soredell, the alchemist listened as he explained that they weren't specifically looking to pick fights, just being prepared if they aggro'ed anything. Nodding in understanding, her otherwise blank face brightened slightly in interest as the familiar that they would be searching for was described. "Ahhh, a flier. Keep our eyes high then." Shaking her left shoulder in a rapid shrug to wake up the disinterested owl griffon perched there, Piera told him, "Fly fly Jareth. Good boy." The up and down motion combined with the double command got the familiar's attention, prompting his flapping motion before he took flight, soaring above the players' heads in the canopy.

    She wondered that if dragons (even pseudo ones) were so common what an actual rare creature in Aincrad was. Perhaps a normal cat or dog? She wasn't about to critique the player on his choice of pet though. Dragons are pretty awesome. Seeing Yuurei pick up something from the ground, Piera piped in after Soredell's questions with a helpful one of her one, "Dragon droppings?" Mostly joking... Though that did lead to a thoughtful expression passing on her face as she questioned quietly aloud, "...Do mobs poo?" Glancing at Lee before shrugging.

    Noticing Soredell staring rather intently at a certain area, the healer questioned with genuine curiosity, "Are you Tracking the dragon you'd seen here last? Or just re-tracing your steps and hoping to get lucky?"  Her foot nudged a large leafy bush, thinking that she had spied something under the shade, but it was just the pixels and her eyes playing tricks on her mind.


    ID: 82901
    LD: 8+1=9
    [No Material Found]
    [Tier 1 Materials Found: 0/0]


  2. Pouting slightly externally at Lee's name calling but feeling a little less internally embarrassed as he fully embraced her ownership of him, causing a wide smile to plaster over her face as she nodded proudly. "You've accepted your fate. Good boy." She patted his armored shoulder before her head tilted as he assured Soredell that doing the quest with others would most definitely be more enjoyable, obviously speaking from experience.

    Turning her attention back to the focus and reason of their assemblage, the alchemist glanced at Lee before shrugging. Then raising her eyebrows slightly as she saw him get fully equipped, the brunette couldn't help but ask, "Uhhh...are we slaughtering our way to the familiar? You never said what you were looking to try and get. Or are you just getting one for the stats? Like one of those dirty Pokemon EV breeders." Piera covered her mouth while holding Jareth closer to her head, pretending to be scandalized before chuckling, letting the act drop. Though the owl griffon seemed a little confused by the action, flapping his wings and righting his position, mussing up her hair.

    Looking over at Yuurei as she spoke of combat, the brunette shrugged nonchalantly. "We don't judge. I've still got some of my starter gear just cuz it's comfy and I like the way it looks. ....Also I'm sentimental and might be a hoarder, but who's keeping track? Anyway, for combat, Lee here is a tank, he can draw the hate of monsters." She raised her left arm to knock her knuckles back on his breastplate before resting her right hand over her own chest. "And I can heal you if you drop too low. So we've got you covered, don't worry."

    Eyeing Ninja Looking Guy critically she then stated, "And judging purely based on appearance, I'm willing bet that Soredell here's focused on Damage. So that's a full team. That means that you're either the leader or the mascot. Or the comic relief. Your choice." Piera's smile was lopsided, her tone and facial expression making it fairly apparent that she was just joking around.

    Making a few swipes in the air with her finger as she accessed her menu and equipped her spear, letting it lean against the shoulder that Jareth wasn't perched on.

    <<Combat Stats>>




    • [Weapon] <<Bleeding Lance>>: +1 Accuracy; 2 Bleed
    • [Armour] <<Violet Dragoon Armor>>: +18 Damage Mitigation; 1 Regen (Heals 9HP after every successful attack from my opponent)
    • [Lucky Charm] <<Healing Heart>>: +3 Combat Craft

    Battle-ready Equipment

    • [Lucky Charm] <<Fang Charm>>: +1 LD

    Skills Active

    • Two-Handed Assault Spear - Rank 1: Novice
    • Heavy Armor - Rank 1: Novice
    • First Aid - Rank 3: Expert

    Sword Arts

    (I) Sonic Charge - 1x1 & AOE (2 Energy) - A forward thrust which explodes energy at the end of the move.
    (I) Twin Thrust - 2x1 & Stun (5 Energy) - Two forward thrusts aimed at the neck and knees.
    (I) Heft - 1x2 (2 Energy) - Lift the heavy end of the spear diagonally across your opponent from the ground, cutting their torso with the tip.

    <<Final Stats>>

    [Level: 18] || [HP: 360] || [Energy: 36] || [DMG: 4] || [ACC: 1] || [EVA: 0] || [MIT: 21] || [LD: +1]


  3. Nodding at the blacksmith's answer concerning when payment would be wanted, the brunette then blinked in vague surprise as she was told that her order wouldn't be long. "Oh. That's great! I'll just loiter around. If that's okay that is."

    Piera would wander around the cozy (in more ways than one) as she stroked the underside of Jareth's neck, causing him to trill lowly in a sort of purr, his wings hanging loose, attempting to stay cool. She herself was glad that she hadn't decided to come in her armor, knowing that it would be sweltering on this floor. Green eyes slid over the various displayed wares without really looking for anything before they settled on a pair of iron bracers that had silver crescent moon as an emblem on each. Even though they were heavy armor, they reminded her of Nocturn, primarily because of the moon symbol but also because she didn't recall him having any armor equipped. She didn't really see him building a heavy armor type as he seemed to be going for DPS, but some armor for now couldn't hurt. Pointing out the armor, the alchemist would wait for the purple haired beauty to finish her crafting (not wanting to cause her to lose her focus) before saying, "I'd also like to add this to my purchase if you don't mind."


    Name: Moonlit Bracers
    ID: 75997
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Tier: 1
    Enhancements: +2 Damage Mitigation
    Descriptions: A simple pair of iron armguards with silver trim. A small crescent moon emblem rested in the center of the metal on each piece.
    Cost: 375 col


  4. ID: 82719
    CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect Item)
    EXP: 8
    -1 Tier 2 Mat

    ID: 82720
    CD: 8+1=9 (Uncommon Item)
    EXP: 3
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82721
    CD: 3+1=3 (Bad Item)
    LD: 16+1=17
    EXP: 1
    Material Salvaged

    ID: 82722
    CD: 1+1=2 (Bad Item)
    LD: 6+1=7
    EXP: 1
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82723
    CD: 3+1=4 (Good Item)
    EXP: 2
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82724
    CD: 8+1=9 (Uncommon Item)
    EXP: 3
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82725
    CD: 8+1=9 (Uncommon Item)
    EXP: 3
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82726
    CD: 2+1=3 (Bad Item)
    LD: 19+1=20
    EXP: 1
    Material Salvaged

  5. Piera blinked at Shield's apparently matter of fact answer, as if it were simply logical to him. Smiling slightly, touched by his thoughtfulness, the woman mimicked his shrug with a dry chuckle as she admitted, "Y'have me there. I guess I just assumed you'd want to help your friend rather than some stranger. I wouldn't have faulted you for it." Green eyes followed the man's fingers as they touched his scar. It was hard not to notice, but it certainly didn't take away from his looks. She sensed a story behind it and not quite the amusing kind so kept her thoughts to herself.

    Refocusing from his scar to meet his eyes as the tank answered her question, Piera gave a lopsided smile. "So strict. Alright, just remember that you asked for it." Sauntering off to the bar, she traded the barkeep the empty glass for two full ones, this time the glasses were smaller and shorter and filled with golden orange liquid with no ice. The one in her right hand was filled much lower than the left. Holding out the drink for Shield to take, Piera sat back down as she stated, "Fireball whiskey. Or Aincrad's equivalent at least. I think the term is Dragon's Spitfire? Or something like that. Don't normally like cinnamon but in whiskey it's good. Might not be your thing though. Sorry Vigilon, no virgin version of this."

    Looking down into her glass, the alchemist became quiet for a moment as she remarked, "Lowenthal never liked drinking... I hope he'll be okay with me toasting to him..." Pursing her lips for a moment, Piera raised her glass with serious visage as she toasted, "To Lowenthal. To all fallen players of Sword Art Online. And to doing our best to not let any more die." There was determination gleaming behind the frames of her glasses as the healer took a drink from her glass, neither knocking it back nor merely sipping it. Only wincing slightly at the burn of the alcohol and cinnamon, familiar with it's bite. Licking her lips, Piera smiled at Shield, feeling like her chest was just a little lighter and very grateful that out of all the players in Aincrad, he was one of the ones that stumbled upon her tonight.



    Piera: +2 SP & 133 Col
    @Shield: +2 SP & 133 Col
    @Vigilon: +2 SP & 133 Col
    @Beatbox: +2 SP & 133 Col
    @Kooh: +2 SP & 133 Col
    @Anemone: +2 SP & 133 Col

  6. The heavily armored woman watched as the ninja looking guy stood, lowering his hood as he did so, revealing his silver hair and even more firmly putting in place his 'ninja' appearance. Smiling politely as he greeted the two of them and formally introduced himself before thanking them, Piera nodded and gave his hand a firm shake, making sure not to grip too hard considering her armored hands. "No problem. Nice to meet you Soredell. I'm A-"

    Her face became a little blank as her eyes widened in vague surprise in spite of herself before she corrected, "I'm Piera." Clearing her throat, the brunette then quickly moved on with slightly pink ears, "This is uh, my, uh...Lee." She waved vaguely to the man next to her before fixing her eyes to the ground and stepping back slightly, nudging Lee's arm as she mumbled, "Ok, you do talking now." Feeling a little embarrassed at her social blunder and only feeling slightly better as Jareth began to preen some hair by her ear.

    Glancing up as Soredell raised a hand to wave over someone, her eyes followed his line of sight and saw another girl approach in a green dress who also had silver hair. Giving a small smile in greeting, Piera dipped her head and gave a little wave. "Piera." She introduced simply, eyeing the girl critically and couldn't quite decide on an age for her. Deciding it was too rude to just ask, she left it alone and focused on what she next said. Blinking with slightly raised eyebrows, the healer looked over to Soredell and asked, "Oh, is that what we're doing? What kind of familiar are you looking to get?"

  7. At Vigilon's reply, Piera nodded decisively. "Good. I wasn't looking forward to getting hauled away by the first floor NPC guards for aiding under-aged drinking." Then something seemed to occur to her that caused her to pause midway to the bar and raise a finger with tilted head. "Though, depending on where you live, you are legal to drink." Shrugging lightly, her focus then turned to Shield who apparently had decided to ignore her advice. Realizing that perhaps they weren't as close friends as she had thought, the brunette tilted her head in a sort of head shrug, replying, "If that's what you think is best." It was just against her nature to leave a person mad...the current situation with her boyfriend excluded. That is a special circumstance.

    Realizing she had left her glass on the table as Shield nudged it, Piera returned to the table to pick it up, raising a single eyebrow as he explained that the exchange with Anemone was just transient. Huffing a light chuckle at his sentiment of feeling of more use where he was, the healer replied, "I'm not sure why. But nah, I'm not looking to get rid of you. Though I do feel vaguely flattered. Do you want anything Shield?" Pointing to the bar with a thumb, her glass hanging from her other hand. Then eyes sliding to Vigilon she asked, "Anything virgin for you?"

    @Vigilon @Shield

  8. Piera's grin grew with her fiance's implication and obvious wink and she almost dissolved into laughter but thankfully kept her calm...relatively. Placing her hands on her cheeks in dismay, the healer sighed, "Oh dear, I don't think I have enough Col. What could I trade you Mister Merchant~?" Her voice a breathy falsetto of a damsel, but sadly she couldn't remain in character and finally let out a giggle. "I think if we did that, I'd have to pay you, heh. How about I trade you a kiss an some Col?" The healer leaned forward over the counter with her lips puckered to give her smooch before swiping open her menu and sending Lee a trade request. "Was my math right?"

    [-7,480 Col]
    [+11 Tier 2 Materials]

  9. Two armored figures strolled through the jungle settlement of Krycim, the pronunciation which was being debated between the two. "I think it's like, 'Cry-sim'." The brunette in the steel and purple cloth armor said to her companion as she oggled the amazonians that they passed. "I'll bet they'll make you cry, heh. So this Gemini thing is on this floor, right?" She was about to try and tempt Jareth with some of an NPC's hanging meats when a message popped up on her HUD. "Oh, hold on. Just got a message..." Piera paused as she read the contents from a person she knew not. "Hm... It's an area wide message. Says 'Player looking for assistance with a quest. If interested in assisting me, you'll find me on a bench in Krycim. If you can't find me, look for the ninja looking guy. I go by the name Soredell. Thanks.'." Tilting her head, she looked at Lee. "Feeling helpful? Sounds like it couldn't hurt...much...probably. Let's go find Kakshi-Sasuke-Soredell!" Eagerness abound, the alchemist coaxed Jareth away from the meats, which wasn't hard, before setting off in search of a bench. It took more than just a few minutes but eventually the brunette thought she spied the right person on the right bench. Tilting her head as she approached with Lee in tow and owl griffon on her shoulder, Piera asked the player, "Would you be Soredell the Ninja Looking Guy?"

  10. The door to the Local Lee opened, allowing copious amounts of sunlight into the otherwise comfortably dim general store. It was only a brief flash however as the person who had opened the door entered, followed by the flapping of wings. A white and gold owl griffon sailed across the room before perching on the middle of the stairs leading to the second story of the shop's building. The owner of said griffon strolled in, letting the door shut behind her as she approached the counter with a loving smile. But as she got closer, her expression adopted into one of aloofness, eyes shifting to the side to glance at...well no one before settling on the shop keep. "So I hear you got some goods for me." The alchemist waggled her eyebrows, green eyes lowering to below the counter.

  11. Nodding knowingly at the man's honesty in declaring that he had cried over less than such a situation, Piera stated, "Soap operas, am I right?" Clearly (or at least she hoped) being sarcastic and joking. It was pretty much her fall back. Hearing Shield able to joke around and poke fun at his friend spread warmth in Piera than may or may not have been aided with the alcohol. Either way a genuine smile spread across her face as she glanced between the two and wondered if they were in the same guild or perhaps even closer. "Sounds about right. As a healer we have to to put up with all of you." She nodded amiably at the tank before winking at Anemone. But her smile dropped as the other woman stood abruptly, not seeming to be happy about something.

    At Anemone's well wishes and her oath, Piera nodded tentatively, her eyebrows drawn together in a concerned look, glancing between the two players with mild confusion. But it started to connect as she bid farewell to Shield. Rubbing her mouth which was twisted into a regretful grimace, the alchemist watched with wide eyes as Anemone stormed off. Looking to the older man expectantly, she pushed his arm. "What are you doing? Go after her! Don't let a woman leave upset, she'll just stew and it'll be worse the longer you wait! Don't worry about me. I think I'm gonna take you up on that offer and have a few more drinks. Crash here for the night. It was nice meeting you Shield. Hope I see you around again under better circumstances."

    With a fond smile, Piera waved the tank goodbye before glancing over at @Vigilon. "I'm gonna get a drink. Or several. Aaaand you don't look quite old enough kid. Night."  With that, the brunette stood and made her way over to the bar where the NPC was, ordering something quick and highly alcoholic while also purchasing a room for the night.

    {OOC: @Shield it's up to you if you wana go after @Anemone or not. If so, I'll let you guys continue the thread. Possibly post a drunk Piera. But if not then we can close here.}

  12. Floor five was just as hot as advertised, which made Piera wonder all the more who would be crazy enough to have a forge here. But she was still avoiding Mack and she had heard rumors of another great blacksmith just one floor up. "What is with blacksmiths and extreme temperatures, hm?" The brunette asked of the owl griffon perched on her shoulder. His eyes were narrowed into slits, seemingly drained from the heat. "Poor baby." She sympathized with a loving pet as she strolled through the streets of Fortaleza. Eventually she found what she was looking for via a wooden sign that displayed the shop's name. "Forged by the Sun... Heh."

    Already having a good opinion so far, Piera knocked twice on the door before opening it, knowing many crafters used their shop as a home as well and while the shop may be public, she always felt it best to announce oneself. Eyes adjusting to the dim lighting of the smithy, the alchemist blinked a few times before being able to make out a woman with beautifully vibrant purple hair speaking with another player, a male with white hair. They seemed to be discussing an order so she didn't intrude just yet. Spying a few leaflets of order forms, Piera took one and began filling it out while she waited for the blacksmith's business to conclude.

    Whenever she was acknowledged, the healer would perk up with a friendly smile and step closer. "Hello there. My name is Piera and I'd like to submit an order for a weapon. Two handed assault spear to be specific." She held out the completed order form that had the rest of the specifics. "Also, would you like to be payed up front or on pickup? I can do either."


    Recipient: Piera
    Item Name: Crafter's Choice
    Item Type:  Weapon (Two Handed Assault Spear)
    Quality: Perfect
    Tier: 1
    Enhancements: Damage, Damage & More Damage
    Specifics: Crafter's Choice. Pic would be nice, but not required.


  13. At Lee's laugh of exaltation at her failure to grope him, she would pout, rolling her eyes at his declared '@$$ mitigation'. However her expression cleared when he stated that he'd solve her need for materials by just giving her the ones he had found. "Really? You sure you don't want them for your shop?" After confirming his answer, Piera would smile sweetly, gently resting her head against his shoulder as they walked. "Thanks honey." The couple walked out of the sunlit forest in peace, owl griffin flying behind them. "Let's go home." She would say softly with a content smile.

    ID: 82593
    LD: 14+1=15
    [+1 Tier 2 Material]

    [Total Materials Gathered: 6]

    End of Thread


    Lee: 200 Col, 1 SP & 5 Tier 2 Materials

    Piera: 200 Col, 1 SP & 6 Tier 2 Materials

  14. Piera felt a little frustrated and yet somewhat pleasingly challenged. Things were starting to perk up a little in her life what with Lee's recent proposal, their new home and her business starting to pick up again. ....And yet it just seems that karma had to keep things even. For the last few days, crafting had gone rather badly. Not complete farces she had to admit, but not nearly as well as she was used to. Maybe her luck of the Irish was fading?? In any regard, she was now starting to seriously think about buying more items to boost her crafting ability, whether with experience, crafting tries or even a little extra luck. Might as well put some use to all that col she had been saving up to buy a house.

    So here she was once more crafting, attempting to fill the orders that Shield and Macradon had put in. Meanwhile Jareth was doing his utmost to alert her of his presence. Right on her counter. In front of her. Tsking for about the hundredth time, the brunette nudged the owl griffin out of the way gently, giving him a pet while stirring with the other hand. Hearing her door's bell tinkle, she called out, "Hello." Without looking up, trying to make sure that she gave this batch her complete attention. Only when she set it to simmer did Piera look up at the player's greeting. Smiling politely, the alchemist replied, "It is a good day so far. I hope for you as well."

    Looking over the items he had placed onto the counter as he stated that he'd like to buy them all, her eyebrows rose just slightly but nodded in stride. It was rather a lot, but she wasn't about to talk him out of it. Two tier one damage crystals and two teleport crystals. The latter were more surprising as most of the time she only sold those one at a time, barring when one was doing a special order for a floor boss battle. Checking the total on everything, Piera nodded once more. "Everything seems in order. I hope they help you out there, take care sir and please feel free to let me know if you need anything else in the future." Giving a wave farewell to @Husky , the healer returned to her crafting, adding a few more materials and stirring until it looked the right consistency.

    Once more the bell to her shop's door rang. This time Jareth immediately perked up, ignoring her for once as he sat stock still, watching as a small purple dragon darted around the shop with rapt attention. The familiar's owner was more normal. "Hello, welcome to my shop." Piera greeted in return before nodding at the young man's question and then staying silent as she listened, expression becoming ever so slightly pinched as she heard what the order was. But her relief was fairly apparent when the other player stated that there wasn't any rush for the order.

    "That's good. I, uh mean...Ahem. One tier two mitigation potion and one tier two damage potion." Piera would go to write the order down before being handed an already written out order slip much to her pleasure and eight tier two materials to her even greater joy. "Thank you. I'll be sure to message you as soon as I have it ready for you... @Itzal." She hesitated, reading his name from the order slip before her smiling expression turned to one of concern as she saw his familiar try to drink a potion she knew could not be good for it if ingested. Thankfully his owner stopped him in time with a sigh and hurriedly departing. "Later!" Piera called out after them. 

    [-2 Perfect Tier 1 Teleport Crystals & 2 Perfect Tier 1 Damage Crystals]

    [+4,800 Col & 8 Tier 2 Materials]



    ID: 82611
    CD: 9+1=10 (Rare Item)
    EXP: 5
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82612
    CD: 2+1=3 (Bad Item)
    LD: 8+1=9
    EXP: 1
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82613
    CD: 10+1=11 (Rare Item)
    EXP: 5
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82614
    CD: 6+1=7 (Good Item)
    EXP: 2
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82615
    CD: 9+1=10 (Rare Item)
    EXP: 5
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82616
    CD: 10+1=11 (Rare Item)
    EXP: 5
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82618
    CD: 1+1=2 (Bad Item)
    LD: 18=1=19
    EXP: 1
    Material Salvaged

    ID: 82619
    CD: 5+1=6 (Good Item)
    EXP: 2
    -1 Tier 1 Mat



  15. ID: 82418
    CD: 5+1=6 (Good Item)
    EXP: 2
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82419
    CD: 10+1=11 (Rare Item)
    EXP: 5
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82420
    CD: 2+1=3 (Bad Item)
    LD: 16+1=17
    EXP: 1
    Material Salvaged

    ID: 82421
    CD: 3+1=4 (Good Item)
    EXP: 2
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82422
    CD: 1+1=2 (Bad Item)
    LD: 7+1=8
    EXP: 1
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82423
    CD: 4+1=5 (Good Item)
    EXP: 2
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82424
    CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect Item)
    EXP: 8
    -2 Tier 2 Mats

    ID: 82425
    CD: 2+1=3 (Bad Item)
    LD: 11+1=12
    EXP: 1
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

  16. Piera stared at Nocturn with a mix of confusion and mild annoyance as he simply chuckled and turned away. "Wha-?" She began to question before the variant nepent exploded into the usual bright blue pixels, making a rather amusing picture. A snort evolved into a full blown laugh as she commented, "So I guess it's true cool guys don't look at explosions?" Tilting her head slightly at his question, the alchemist stared at him with a blank expression before blinking slowly. "Oh, uh, yeah...it does. Have bleed on it I mean. Heh...Kinda forgot. Even though it's name is 'Bleeding Lance'. It's been a while since I fought to be honest. So did y-" The question she was about to ask was soon answered as she was rewarded some experience for helping him complete the quest. Huffing an amused breath, Piera leaned on her spear, it's butt resting on the ground as she asked, "Welp, good job team. You're growing into a great DPS kid." She couldn't help one last rib at Noct, though her lopsided smile made it fairly apparent that she was teasing.

  17. Piera held her position, waiting until she saw Noct get to his feet on the other side of the variant before beginning to build up her own energy. Allowing her companion to attack first so as to not interrupt it somehow, the brunette was doubly glad that she had done so as the devious plant was now stunned. Taking full advantage of this, Piera stepped forward, her spear glowing as she unleashed Heft from left to right. Sadly though, she didn't do nearly as much damage as Nocturn, even with her Sword Art multiplying her damage. Forgetting about the Bleed damage that her weapon applied, the alchemist called out to the other player, "Finish it off while you still have it stunned!" She was long past caring about who got last hit or did most damage considering her role.



    ID:  82416
    BD: 8+1=9 (hit & bleeding)

    Piera-   (Hate-3)
    HP: 337/340 
    NRG: 28/34
    Nocturn- (Hate-6)
    HP: 50/60
    NRG: 0/6

    Nepent 1: 0/7
    Nepent 2: 0/7
    Nepent 3: 0/7
    Nepent 4: 0/7
    Nepent 5: 0/7

    Nepent Variant: 3/15
    MIT: 5



  18. A very small part deep inside of her wanted to bite out a caustic remark as Shield turned her shoulder away from Anemone and towards himself to fully get her attention. But his hard expression and serious (not to mention disappointed) tone sufficiently cowed her. What was wrong with her? Her shoulders curling in on her in shame, Piera's lips were pursed, her eyes focusing on her lap for a tense moment before she whispered, "I'm sorry. I... You didn't deserve that." Hesitantly glancing up at Anemone with apology apparent in her eyes.

    Her brow only grew more and more furrowed as Shield brought up problems with her proposal. It was frustrating and hard to hear, but he wasn't wrong. Her hands tightened into fists where they rested on her lap, tears threatening to escape her watery green eyes. Sniffing an shaky inhalation, the alchemist shook her head slightly as she managed to at least somewhat steadily reply, "I don't want her dead." Then she rolled her eyes slightly with a small dark smile as she amended, "Much. I wouldn't mourn her to be frank. B-But I don't want revenge. I just want justice for Lowenthal. I want to do something... Anything... I just feel so useless." Scowling blankly at the table before her before brushing at her eyes stubbornly in an effort to keep from crying any more. "But it's not about me. I guess I just don't know what to do."

    Vigilon's speech was poetic and yet sadly didn't help her particular situation at all. A part of her was offended by the way he spoke. 'If it were up to me', like she had let Lowenthal died in vain. What was she supposed to do? But she kept a lid on the ugly emotion. Managing a tired smile, the brunette ducked her head slightly in acknowledgement as he gave his name before replying shortly, "Piera."

    Taking time to take a deep breath, the alchemist ran both hands up through her hair, mussing it slightly but clearing her head at the same time. "Thank you guys. All of you, really. For listening to me an putting up with me tonight."

    @Shield @Anemone @Vigilon

  19. ID: 82333
    CD: 7+1=8 (Uncommon Item)

    EXP: 3
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82334
    CD: 10+1=11 (Rare Item)
    EXP: 5
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82335
    CD: 3+1=4 (Good Item)
    EXP: 2
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82337
    CD: 5+1=6 (Good Item)
    EXP: 2
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82338
    CD: 1+1=2 (Bad Item)
    LD: 3+1=4
    EXP: 1
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82339
    CD: 12+1=13 (Perfect Item)
    EXP: 8
    -1 Tier 2 Mat

    ID: 82340
    CD: 5+1=6 (Good Item)
    EXP: 2
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

    ID: 82341
    CD: 2+1=3 (Bad Item)
    LD: 9+1=10
    EXP: 1
    -1 Tier 1 Mat

  20. Piera watched with an confident smile as Nocturn rushed in...and quickly winced as he was soon knocked aside with relative ease. "Oooo...that looked like it hurt. Hang in there Noct." Rolling her shoulders, the brunette did something that she thought was the best course of action under the circumstances. Gripping her spear tightly, the alchemist lowered her center of gravity before sprinting towards the odd nepent, spear glowing as she began to activate a sword art to try and stab at it's roots, attempting to stun it. Before the first stab connected though, the nepent deftly stretched it's roots so that it avoided the attack much like a matador with Piera being the bull. Not expecting her attack not to hit, the woman stumbled slightly as she skid to a stop on the other side of the nepent. "Together now!" She called out to Nocturn, a determined expression on her face as she spun around.



    ID:  82320
    BD: 2+1=3 (miss)

    Piera-   (Hate-3)
    HP: 337/340 
    NRG: 28/34
    Nocturn- (Hate-4)
    HP: 60/60
    NRG: 5/6

    Nepent 1: 0/7
    Nepent 2: 0/7
    Nepent 3: 0/7
    Nepent 4: 0/7
    Nepent 5: 0/7

    Nepent Variant: 15/15
    MIT: 5



  21. Seeing Lee's unabashed grin at her answer caused hers to grow tenfold. God she loved that smile of his. Whether it was teasing or cocky or just plain overjoyed like it was now. Her heart felt too big for her chest, her entire torso and face feeling nearly overwhelmingly warm and she loved it. Loved him. Which she stated out loud, repeatedly while giggling like the little school girl that she felt like inside.

    As she received a poke on the forehead, Piera pouted. "But whyyy?" Her pout was soon lost as he showed his gentlemanly side as he helped her to her feet so that they were both standing. Head tilting slightly at his question, the alchemist smiled warmly at his consideration before it rapidly turned into a cross frown. Which then even faster turned into a leer. "Mmm, only if I can watch~ Hehehehe." She attempted to cop a feel at her boyf-no, fiance's backside. But it was sadly well armored and immune to groping. "Bah." The brunette exclaimed in disappointment before contenting herself with holding his hand.

    "I'd been hoping to get a few more materials than this, but I'd rather go enjoy your mansion with you. Maybe we can keep our eyes out for some more on our way back? Well you can. My eyes will be elsewhere obviously." Said green eyes raked down her companion's avatar appreciatively. "Have I ever told you how nicely you fill out that armor?" Knowing full well she had numerous times before.

    ID: 82318
    LD: 5+1=6
    [No Materials Found]

    [Total Materials Gathered: 5]

  22. Piera's eyes were drawn to a burlap sack that represented Takao's materials, as it grew larger and larger, so did the eyes behind her glasses. Jeez how many was he putting in there? Blinking as it was set onto the counter, the alchemist refocused her attention on Takao as he spoke. Completely oblivious of Jareth's careful approach to the small dragon. Finally the owl griffin paused on the last step and slowly flapped out his wings in demonstration, his tail flicking upwards as he awaited the other familiar's reaction.

    "Heh. Expiring materials would pretty much single handedly put me out of business. So I'm glad for that." Though when the scout stated that she didn't have to worry about paying him back, she was about to retort, but he continued with his explanation before answering her inquiry about the Extract of Insanity that he'd purchased some time ago. Not able to keep the soft smile from her face, Piera admitted, "Gotta say, it's nice that one of my potions is interesting enough to collect. Even if they're not used. Though uh, if you ever do use that one, I definitely suggest some supervision. Just in case. Better safe than sorry, y'know?" She hadn't actually tested that one out before he had bought it.

    Her head tilted as she watched his captivation with yet another potion. This one much more bland than the last he had chosen. Glancing at the contents, she recognized it immediately before smirking in amusement. But it was quickly traded for one of blank attention at Takao's question. Focusing on the trade menu that popped up, Piera's eyebrows shoot up past the frames of her glasses and were lost somewhere under her bangs. "That's...a lot more than last time. Sure is a decent trade for me at least." The healer stated before clearing her throat and regaining herself. "Uh, but if that's what you want, who am I to argue? Heh." Accepting the trade, Piera then frowned in thought and warned, "Just...make sure to read the label first, okay? I think you'll look awesome by the way." Offering a warm smile to the seldom seen scout. "Thanks Takao. You don't have to do this y'know. I know it's nothing to you. But it....it means a lot, really."

    [+125 Tier 1 Materials]

    [-1 Tier 1 Good Soylent Green Potion]



    Name: Soylent Green Potion

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID: 79529

    Roll: 7

    Item Type: Potion

    Quality: Good

    Enhancements: None

    Description: A clear glass bottle of murky green liquid that smells strongly of freshly cut grass with a hint of...iron? If applied to a player's hair, it absorbs into the hair and permanently turns it green unless dyed again or cleansed. But if consumed, it turns the player's entire avatar green.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=510206



  23. Once again Nocturn amazed her, making short work of both nepents that had been at full health a moment ago. But Piera didn't allow herself to relax, knowing that this only made the appearance of a variant nepent more likely to occur. "Don't celebrate just yet k- Dangit kid!" Sure enough he jinxed them again, this time being the one who was hoisted up by the legs, laughing like a maniac. "I can see that!" The brunette replied with amused incredulity. This guy was crazy. Wincing as he was brutally thrown to the ground, causing his body to bounce several times before sliding at her feet, the alchemist was just about to offer help to get to his feet, but he stood up on his own, showing even more determination.

    Giving the younger player most of her attention as he posed his idea, Piera then stared blankly at him before stating candidly, "That's a terrible idea. I have a better one. How about, I heal you so you have less chance of freaking dying and you go kill it and I'll see if I can stun it for you." Without asking what he thought of the plan, the bespectacled woman leaned her spear against her shoulder, grasping her Healing Heart opal necklace before outstretching her left hand towards Nocturn, causing the necklace and his avatar to glow bright green for a moment before his health bar shot back up to full health once more. Nodding firmly, Piera then gave his back a push towards the nepent. "Go get em tiger." She shook her head slightly. "Sending a support to do a DPS's job... Kids these days." Her smile was lopsidedly amused though, mostly just joking and poking fun at the naive player.



    ID:  82229
    CD: 12+1=13

    Piera-   (Hate-3)
    HP: 337/340 
    NRG: 30/34
    Nocturn- (Hate-4)
    HP: 60/60
    NRG: 5/6

    Nepent 1: 0/7
    Nepent 2: 0/7
    Nepent 3: 0/7
    Nepent 4: 0/7
    Nepent 5: 0/7

    Nepent Variant: 15/15
    MIT: 5



  24. "Hurry!" Piera urged before grunting as she kicked a little more viciously than before, not exactly comfortable with how the stupid mobs were holding her. Now it was all she could do to keep hold of her spear as the second nepent tried to rip it out of her hands. "Stupid...freaking...plants! Leggo!" Either her squirming or whatever Nocturn did, or perhaps their own stupidity caused the main one to suddenly drop the woman...right on top of the other player. Perhaps it was strategic. Clever plants.

    The alchemist landed with a mighty "Oof!" Face down with head between his feet before she awkwardly got up, quickly snatching up her weapon as she did. "Nice landing." She commented half to herself. Grunting in acknowledgement at Nocturn's statement, Piera commented, "I think it has something to do with the more floors that are unlocked or something like that. Let's just get this done." 

    No sooner than she said that while trying to take a stab (literally) at the heart of the matter than the matter swatted roughly at her torso, causing her to skid back a foot. Immediately after, she was hit again, this time across the shoulder that she mostly managed to brace herself for. "Freaking intelligent plants! I hope a vegetarian eats you!" Glaring over at Nocturn, Piera barked, "Okay, try to get em while they're focused on me."



    ID: 82225
    BD: 4+1=5 (miss)
    MD: 7 (hit)

    Piera-   (Hate-3)
    HP: 337/340 (6DMG-21MIT=1DMG)
    NRG: 30/34
    Nocturn- (Hate-2)
    HP: 60/60
    NRG: 6

    Nepent 1: 0/7
    Nepent 2: 0/7
    Nepent 3: 0/7
    Nepent 4: 7/7
    Nepent 5: 7/7



  25. If it was possible, Piera's expression became even more wary and slightly disgusted, imagining all sorts of horrible things he might do to her finger. Perhaps make her give herself a wet willy! Bleugh. That sadist. Before she could protest or comment any further on the matter, Lee knelt down before her on one knee, causing her mind to instantly go blank as her expression.

    Her mind couldn't process anything more than his face and the words coming out of his perfect mouth. She wasn't entirely sure if it was going where she thought it was, but as he picked up a material and presented it to her as if it was a ring made of the finest diamonds, the brunette's hand flew up to cover her mouth, eyes shining behind her glasses. When he stated her full name, said woman huffed a laugh that was full of wonder, incredulity and utter joy. Remembering late nights and long phone calls where they would coo at each other, saying each other's full names like a lullaby, proclaiming their love over the vast distance that separated them.

    But she focused her hardest on the moment here and now, right in front of her. Right hand gripping his tightly to stay grounded as she listened to him continue. It was so hard though. She kept getting distracted by his minute facial expressions, the way he looked at her, the way his mouth moved. But still, her brain was able to absorb what he was saying. And it was honest to god beautiful.

    At the love of her life's heartfelt question, Piera nodded vigorously, inhaling a stuttering breath that she managed to keep from being a sob with sheer willpower, swallowing before offering a wide and slightly watery smile. "Yes. Yes, always, a hundred times, yes!" Grasping the hand that had the material in it, Piera fell to her knees with him, pulling him as close as she could with both of their armor on before pulling him into a passionate kiss, one hand threading through the short hair at the back of his head while the other squeezed his hand tight. Occasionally breaking the kiss to breathe and whisper reverently, "I love you. So much Frank Lee Redir the Third. Always and forever." Before kissing him even deeper, somewhat to her familiar's disgust, flicking his tail one last time before getting up and stalking away. Finally breaking apart, slightly breathless, the alchemist asked coyly, "Wana break in your new mansion?" Her tongue resting between her teeth as she smiled in excitement.

    ID: 82224
    LD: 4+1=5
    [No Materials Found]

    [Total Materials Gathered: 5]

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