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Status Replies posted by Thorrissia

  1. Officially pimped out my profile page. Woot woot. *drops dead of exhaustion* I should really go to bed before the haunting hour begins. But first I just gotta-

  2. Going to da beach tomorrow so I probably won't reply as much~

  3. Going to da beach tomorrow so I probably won't reply as much~

  4. Going to da beach tomorrow so I probably won't reply as much~

  5. Officially pimped out my profile page. Woot woot. *drops dead of exhaustion* I should really go to bed before the haunting hour begins. But first I just gotta-

  6. Is anybody up for an rp?

  7. Is anybody up for an rp?

  8. Is anybody up for an rp?

  9. I apologize to any waiting on Replies from me, I have fallen ill and have not had much luck in the creativity department since.

  10. I'm starting to think I'm allergic to chocolate. Please let this not be true.

  11. I'm the mix between darkness and light.

  12. I'm starting to think I'm allergic to chocolate. Please let this not be true.

  13. Question: how long will it take you to regen your HP entirely after a fight? Is there a certain percentage of your HP restored for every post not in combat or...?

  14. Back from Camp

  15. Even though i've barely been here i'm already leaving, my personal life is a complete mess right now, i have no time to be active on this amazing site ;-;, I decided to kill off my character so that my friend can rp, since her character is really close to mine. I'm really sad to leave already and hope to return after a while. Goodbye :c

  16. Foood. Need food. where is foods.

  17. Foood. Need food. where is foods.

  18. I think my dog might be dying :( She's really old now and she keeps coughing and wheezing all the time.

  19. Soooo illl *crawls across floor to laptop and collapses*

  20. Soooo illl *crawls across floor to laptop and collapses*

  21. Who'd like to do some meaningless grinding with me? I'd prefer not to do it SP because I will probably die XD

  22. Who'd like to do some meaningless grinding with me? I'd prefer not to do it SP because I will probably die XD

  23. Who'd like to do some meaningless grinding with me? I'd prefer not to do it SP because I will probably die XD

  24. Going Camping, cya later

  25. Anyone game enough to do long live the queen with me?

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