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Status Replies posted by Thorrissia

  1. What was the naughtiest thing you did as a kid? I want to know in comparison to everyone else how awful I was :p

  2. What was the naughtiest thing you did as a kid? I want to know in comparison to everyone else how awful I was :p

  3. What was the naughtiest thing you did as a kid? I want to know in comparison to everyone else how awful I was :p

  4. Just a question on the in game marriage system:: if characters get married, do they share their inventory like in the anime?

  5. Just a question on the in game marriage system:: if characters get married, do they share their inventory like in the anime?

  6. Just a question on the in game marriage system:: if characters get married, do they share their inventory like in the anime?

  7. Just a question on the in game marriage system:: if characters get married, do they share their inventory like in the anime?

  8. Just a question on the in game marriage system:: if characters get married, do they share their inventory like in the anime?

  9. Just a question on the in game marriage system:: if characters get married, do they share their inventory like in the anime?

  10. Just a question on the in game marriage system:: if characters get married, do they share their inventory like in the anime?

  11. Just a question on the in game marriage system:: if characters get married, do they share their inventory like in the anime?

  12. Have a soccer game, be back in a few hours.

  13. With the Blades of Dreams quest, do I still have to message Oske? or do i have to upload a sword myself?

  14. With the Blades of Dreams quest, do I still have to message Oske? or do i have to upload a sword myself?

  15. I've just realising how ignorant I am when it comes to music. What are some good bands? I literally know of like three bands. Please enlighten me.

  16. I've just realising how ignorant I am when it comes to music. What are some good bands? I literally know of like three bands. Please enlighten me.

  17. I've just realising how ignorant I am when it comes to music. What are some good bands? I literally know of like three bands. Please enlighten me.

  18. Level 17 has been reached Hwohahaha

  19. I'm in bed, but not tired.

  20. Yeee. I started work on my new character.

  21. Going out for dinner so I won't be on for about 40 minutes to an hour and a half

  22. Wait, so is it ok to have two accounts at the same time to role play different characters?

  23. Does anyone want to Rp? Im really bored .-.

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