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Status Updates posted by Beatbox

  1. To those that I owe posts to: I will get to it in a moment. Sorry for the wait :c

  2. To those I owe posts for, I am so sorry. I have had thing pop up in the last couple of days and I was too tired yesterday to do anything.

    I will be back to posting ;)

  3. It was a good run @Oikawa, hope you'll have a good one ;)

  4. For those that patiently waited for their recent evaluations, they have been checked up on. 

    If there are evaluations I missed please let me know.

  5. Well I'll be darned, Happy Birthday @Baldur!

  6. I don't have food poisoning, but I hope all of you are doing alright out there.

  7. What a sequel to the previous SAO PvP Tournament? 

    Well, its not starting yet, but please let me know what you would all love to see in these tournaments and how the entry fee and prizes should be distributed!

    Link - http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/13850-sao-pvp-tournament/


    Happy fighting everyone. ;)

  8. So uh... Group 1 in the christmas event, you got 24 hours to post.

  9. The Avalanche has reached its Ultimate Form! Are you up to the task?




  11. To any player thats willing to give up one of their stickers:



  12. A quick edit has been made to <<Town Wreckers>> as the building HP values were just too low.

  13. The NPC has arrive, please read my post on the rules for the party placement, if there isn't room after players have placed themselves thats okay, well just make another party. Happy boss hunting!



  14. Attention Players, you have 2 hours to finish your Dance thread posts before the actual boss is up, once it is locked I will tag everyone that participated for rewards.

  15. A new era for Beatbox shall reign.

  16. Lookin' to meet new peeps! PM me if you are interested :P

  17. Want to help make a ALO RP a thing? Applications: Click me!

  18. Yo, Its me, Your Head PST and Game Master hear on SAO- whatever, today, I am in some need of some people. Recently, we've had a PST resign, and one is going to be taking a break, and between 3 people, 2 of which cant be on majority of the time. Evaluations, Locking of Threads, soon would be tedious to do between us three along with the help of Takao every-so-often, this being said... I am hopefully making it clear that we are hiring and we are in need of people soon to not have a slow amount of approvals and locking of threads. Take a look Under "The SAO Staff Team" for whatcha need to apply. Hoping to see applications soon.

    Peace out!

  19. To those that have completed the Town Wreckers quest: the Familiar Reward will be suspended and banned from use until further notice for fixing.


  20. Remember the 24 hour headstart still applies with this floor, players that have not participated in the floor 20 boss raid cannot start or participate in a thread on floor 21 till 24 from now.

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