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Status Updates posted by Alex

  1. journals done. Didn't put as much work as I thought I was going to put into it, but I needed to get it done. Will probably add more details and pictures eventually. Please approve: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8515-alexander-the-asian-applestatusdone-unapproved/

  2. One more flaw to go until I am finally done with my journal!

  3. I see, Lowenthal, you have voted my journal as a bad one. What is bad about it? Thanks for your response! I just wish to make it the best possible.

    1. Rainia


      Imo, you shouldn't ask for people's opinion on a WIP journal. Also, for the people who did vote, why did you vote on something that wasn't finished?

    2. Alex


      bc most forums make you make the poll when you first create the topic and I didn't know if I had to when I first created the topic sorry.

  4. Agh. I can't come up with an idea for my last virtue. Help possibly? I know what I'm doing with two of my flaws too.

    1. Takao


      You could pick something off this list, maybe?

    2. Alex


      Thanks brah! 

  5. Ugh. I'll try to get my journal done in the morning. I'm gonna go finish Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, then head to bed! Try not to miss meh too hard, ye' hear meh clear? Okay then. Good night!

  6. After swimming for 7 hours and getting severely sunburnt I'm going again... I'll try to get my journal done soon! Ya hear that? Soon! Time itself will stop at the glory of me amazin' journal!

    1. Vasth


      I hope to see ur final works,I have swam for 10 hours before and my back had skin coming off soooooo it was weird :D

    2. Alex


      Lol. That's horrible brah. 

  7. Trying to get my family to come watch the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with me. :)

  8. GTG Going Swimming. By the way, I wont be as active as I will be in the future becuase I am on vacation for another five days. Sorry to all!

  9. ello, Mates! Glad to be here! Now have to decide on my profile pic.... Anyone want to RP once I get my journal done?(Probably 2 days to complete but)

    1. Starrine


      I'd love to RP with you sometime! uvu HMU when your journal's approved! <3

    2. Thorrissia


      Poor Takao! I would rp with you, you are amazing. Golden I would never rp with you, u suck -_- but not really because you don't and we literally spam the forum boards together :p


      Yeah Alex, I'd be up for it. Thorrissia is ready to roll. 

    3. Alex


      I will roleplay with all of you in single threads I guess. But I still have five more days of vacation so....... I'll try to be on but cant gurantee anything


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